Set Adrift

By Jezebel

Published on Aug 25, 2002


The house was stood on a tree lined avenue with the type of surburban house that you saw in the movies, it was less of the image of New York that Sully had in mind but it seemed to suit the happy family home that Steve had described. There was a porch swing and a garden with a tree that he could picture a younger version of his friend climbing, but that was a false impression. Sully knew enough from the ride over that Steve had not grown up here, this was a house that his parents had settled into after leaving their last place. Sully had not asked too many questions about their reason for leaving, assuming that they had wanted to get out of the city and retire into a nicer neighbourhood, the type of place that it was safe for the Grandchildren to visit in and where they might grow old peacefully.

Of course Sully had no idea if his own mother would do the same, she was living in the retirement capital of the world, or at least of the United States, and yet she had spoken of retiring to a nice cool state, somewhere that had snow and fir trees, maybe she would even have moved back to England where she had spent so many wonderful years.

"You okay?" Steve asked as he watched the cloud that passed over Sully's face. Steve knew that this was probably going to be hard for his friend but the last thing that he wanted was to stop just because of one or two bad thoughts, if anything that was a prompt that Sully needed contact with other people. A stable family environment would do him some good. "We don't have to stay long. Just long enough for me to see every one." Steve added, knowing that once he was there it would take quite a while to see everyone and they would all want to be introduced to Sully.

"Okay." Sully found himself saying despite the fact that he was very nervous about meeting the family of one of his closest friends. It was a testament to just how sad his life was that he had not known Steve for very long and yet the other man was a close friend, everyone else had been Drew's friend first and Steve was the first person that had felt as if he was just there for Sully; he needed that.

Steve smiled and led the way, slightly surprised when Sully reached for his hand. He did not mind the gesture and squeezed the offered appendage reassuringly before completing the short journey to the front door of his parent's house and ringing the buzzer. A few moments later when the door was opened the pair were still holding hands, a fact that Sully realised at the last moment and made even more incriminating by tearing his hand away. Steve did not react and neither did the portly woman that had opened the door.

"Steven, you are late." The woman admonished with mock severity. There was a moment before she held out her arms and engulfed him in a hug. "Still, better late than never I suppose. Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Steve pulled out of the hug and stepped back onto the porch, looking to Sully and smiling.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Alexander Sullivan, Sully this is my Mom."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Sully said, realising that he did not know Steve's last name or if it was the same as his mothers, he never supposed anything thanks to the area he grew up in but he didn't know her name to be polite. "I hope that my being here isn't too much of an imposition."

"Nonsense." She said as if it was the most ludicrous thing he could of said. "Everyone is welcome here, we have an open house policy. I would never begrudge my children the chance to bring new friends over."

Sully took a step into the house when she beckoned and was surprised when Steve followed him, a hand in the small of his back in a comforting gesture, this was the second demonstrative thing that Steve had done to show his support and Sully liked it.

They were half way into the room when Sully paused, feeling his blood run could and the sweat break out as he took in the other occupants of the room, standing by the mantle was a large woman, a little older than Steven but with similar features to his mother and next to her was a man recognisable to Sully only through his few glances of MTV.

The Italian mother turned and saw the shock on Sully's face only a moment before he turned and fled outside, Steve stood for a moment torn with indecision between his family and his friends but then he took the initiative and went outside, glad that instead of running Sully was sitting on the porch swing.

"I went through a Christian Slater phase when I was younger, watching how he sat on the swing in 'Untamed Heart' while the party went on around him, I kind of know how that feels now." Sully mused, not wanting to think that Alex had hated him watching those films, only really settling on 'Heathers' which as a bit of a teenage rebel he had thought was cool.

"I should have told you..." Steve began, thinking that this was all to do with his brother, but Sully shook his head.

"No, it's not that I just can't be here." Sully explained, although he knew that the words were not really articulating what he wanted to say.

Steve smiled, thinking that this was to do with people or crowds or some other anxiety that Sully was going through. He made his way closer, careful not to worry the other man or startle him and then finally took the seat next to him. Steve reached out a hand and cupped Sully's cheek, the most significant move yet that he had made on his friend.

"It's okay." Steve explained with a small smile. "We can stay out here together if you want. I'm sure they won't care, although you would love my Mom's cooking. She makes the best food."

"It's not that." Sully said. "I can't explain it, it's just..."

"If you two lovebirds are finished making out we're waiting for you." A call came from the door way, Steve moved back, blushing a little and saw his brother. Sully looked up and straight into the eyes of Joey Fatone, a man that was associated with the exact people he had been trying to avoid for 5 years. Okay, it was not a direct link but he was affiliated vicariously with the Backstreet Boys via a record company etc and Nsync were on his contract as someone he could not see.

"Joe..." Steve warned but Sully was already preparing to leave, the last thing he needed was to break his contract and get found out. He had done this to help Alex, had come so far since the scared little boy that had left all those years ago and he was not about to change that because of one mistake.

"I've got to go." Sully said.

Standing and looking down at Steve for a moment as if studying the features of his friend to learn them before looking away and then starting to head down the street. As he walked away he could not help but feel the heavy heart of loneliness settling back in his chest, maybe he was just going to have to get used to the fact that he was supposed to be alone. Everything he touched turned to crap and he could not risk that anymore.

To say that Steve Fatone was irritated by his little brother's behaviour was an understatement, in fact angered would be a better word. Steve had expected Sully to be skittish, anyone would be around new people and yet Joey had waltzed in and made the crack about lovebirds without even pausing to think that they might not be together. Steve had not even told Sully that he was bisexual, just that his last relationship had ended badly. He cared for the other man deeply but he could see that Sully was still upset about Drew and he would not make a move unless Sully did first. Steve knew that there were a few men and plenty of women out there who would sleep with him, some of them just because he was famous by proxy, but he had thought he had a connection to Sully and friendships were so hard to form.

Joey for the most part was more annoyed at the friend of his brother's than with Steve, his brother might be older but he was too trusting and this guy was obviously taking him for a ride. Joey had always looked out for his big brother, just as he looked out for the other boys on tour and he knew that he had to look in to this 'Alexander Sullivan' to see if he was going to be trouble. He could use the man that Jive used to investigate threats and say that he was worried about the affect this new man could have on the band. Deciding that it was for the best he called Lance and got the number of the man that he was assured was reputable and would deal with the case in a sensitive and professional manner.

Half an hour later John Jennings was being briefed on the case of the man that was in Joey's opinion trying to date Steve and use him. As Joey told him the story the investigator could hardly believe his ears.

Nick Carter sat in his hotel room idly flicking the channels on his television in the desperate attempt to find something that would numb his boredom or at least pass the time until something came up. He had admitted to himself that he was in way over his head and that wherever Sully was he was being protected, but returning to Florida would be like admitting defeat and he was not fully ready to do that; was not ready to admit that he had completely ruined AJ's life as well as Sully's and quite possibly his own.

When the phone rang Nick almost didn't answer it, he didn't want another confrontation with Howie or a call from Brian to tell him that they were worried, even Jane, his own mother, had called to tell him that they were all disappointed that he was not with Alex. She didn't know why he was not there, none of them had told her that he was gay or that he had tried to steal Sully, but she was able to lay on the guilt about abandoning a friend at a time in need. Pressing mute Nick supposed that even another reaming from Howie would be better than the inactivity of watching the home shopping network or re- runs of MASH*.

"Hello?" He asked, hoping that it was Ben, he had not given up that the younger man would find something.

"Mr. Carter?" The voice asked seriously. It had to be the investigator, he was the only person that would call him that without laughing. Even Bob, his dad, didn't use the name 'Mr. Carter' very often. "This is John Jennings. I know that I told you that I had reached the end of my enquiries however something has been brought to my attention that I thought you might be interested in."

"Sully?" Nick asked, his tone wavering between relief and disbelief.

"Another client had asked me to look into Mr. Sullivan's background in order to ascertain if he were a threat to them or their family. When he mentioned the name and answered a few brief questions I was able to discover that it was indeed the same Alexander Sullivan. I do not have an address but it is a positive confirmation that he is still in the city."

"Who asked the questions?" Nick asked urgently. "Who was it that was investigating him?" Maybe if he could find out who it was that was looking for Sully he could get some clue as to where the man was staying.

"I can't disclose that information." The investigator told him, Nick sighed, he hated privacy laws sometimes but it would be detramental to him if they were retracted. "My client wishes to remain anonymous and I am bound to a contract to keep his identity private."

"Thanks anyway." Nick said, pushing himself up off the couch and heading to the bedroom, armed with this information he would go back to "Home" and look for Sully. It was a long shot but he knew that he was still in the city.

As Nick hung up the phone and started to choose an outfit he could not help but think that he might be close and that made him feel the anticipation of winning, at least he could try to talk with Sully and then head back to Florida with a clear conscience. Of course he still held out hope that he would convince Sully to return with him but even if he could get a message for AJ from the other man it would make his life easier and maybe his friend would forgive him.

Joey could hardly believe that it was so easy to find the man that he wanted to talk to again. He had not really thought that the investigator would get to it so quickly but the fact that he had said he had the info on hand made Joey suspicious, almost as if Sully was already being investigated by Jive or was a criminal of some sort.

The club that he had been directed to was one that he had heard a lot about, the truth was though that he had never been inside. "Home" was not so much a gay club as one that allowed anything and it was decided by their management that in a bar like that they were more likely to get into trouble, therefore they were off limits. Joey had decided that it would be fine as long as his management never found out. He waited in the queue for a moment before he was spotted by a girl who was walking in and pulled him out.

"It's Joey isn't it?" She asked, with no real hint of the squealing fannish behaviour that he was used to. "I can get you in at the front."

Joey paused for only a second before accompanying her in and being glad that he had when he saw just how long the queue was. The bouncer smiled at her as she went in and did not bat an eyelid at Joey, she dumped him at the door, having enjoyed being seen on his arm and as he was about to offer her a drink to say thank you she disappeared off with another girl that he assumed was her girlfriend. It was the first time that he had been dumped for another woman.

Joey made his way to the bar, walking as if he had a purpose so that no one would interupt him or ask him for an autograph or a dance. At least if they thought he was there to meet someone they might have the good grace to leave him alone. That is if they even recognised him in the dark surroundings of the club.

The bar stood to one side with a few people mingling in front of it and a steady flow of patrons buying drinks. Joey wondered if this was a lucrative business, it certainly seemed as if the place was popular and with the cover charge and price of drinks he was pretty sure that the club was packed to the rafters most nights. That had to be a pretty profitable way to make a living.

The barman spotted him almost immediately, smiling as he indicated for Joey to take a seat.

"What can I get you?" He asked politely, although there was a hint of obstinance in the tone.

"A beer." Joey said, taking out a larger bill and handing it to him. "And maybe some information."

The barman raised an eyebrow but did not respond verbally, as if he wanted Joey to continue before he would speak. The fifty dollar bill stayed in his hand.

"I'm looking for Sully." Joey said, the barman did not even flinch at the name. "Alex Sullivan, he's a friend of the family, I wanted to buy him a drink."

The barman paused for a moment and Joey wondered if he was going to have to say something else but then the guy nodded in the direction of a dark corner that housed a door, Joey assumed that it led to an office. He took his beer bottle and headed for the corner, leaving behind the barman and his fifty dollars, if it got this guy out of Steve's life or bought him a few answers then it would be worth every penny.

The door was shut tight but Joey could not help but wonder what Sully would do if he would knock, it was only when he opened the door to find an empty room that he knew he had been taken for a ride. Either Sully was not there or he was elsewhere in the club. Joey took a long swallow of his beer and then decided to look around, if nothing else he might find someone else with the information he wanted.

Nick entered the club with ease, he was beginning to be a regular face around here and there was no shrotage of men that would want to fuck him given half the chance but he was not here for that, at least not at the moment. Nick was here to find Sully and armed with the information that he was not the only one looking for him he knew that the other man had to be in the city.

As Nick headed to the bar he came across a familiar face, a little surprised at first he moved closer to get a better look and was confronted by a raised eyebrow from Joey Fatone.

"What are you doing out here?" The other man asked. "I thought you guys were on tour."

"Something like that." Nick said as he fingered the piece of paper he held in his hand. Should he ask Joey about Alexander Sullivan or should he just ask another patron, surely this was not one of Joey's regular hang outs.

"What's that?" Joey asked, indicating the piece of paper in Nick's hand. Nick knew that it was too late to hide the piece of paper so he held it out to Joey.

"He's a friend of Alex's, I'm looking for him." Nick said. Joey held up the xeroxed copy of the photograph as if he wanted to get a better look, then without warning he grabbed Nick by the collar and threw him against the wall.

"I don't know what sort of sick game you're playing here Carter but it won't work..." Joey threatened. Nick was flabberghasted, he didn't know what was going on and he certainly had no idea what game he was supposed to be playing, he had come here to look for Sully.

"It's just a friend of AJ's..." Nick said, choking where Joey still had him by the throat. "He went missing, I swear I don't know..."

Joey eyed him for a moment and then an idea struck the Nsyncer.

"Did you hire John Jennings as your investigator? He works for Jive..." Joey prompted, relaxing his grip a little.

"No way! You're the other 'client'?" Nick asked, catching on almost immediately. Joey nodded, letting Nick go and brushing him down slightly as if he had dirtied him and not nearly killed him.

"So, why are you looking for him?" Joey asked. "Is he really a friend of AJ's?"

"Yeah, his best friend from childhood. You know what AJ is going through right now, I thought...I thought that if he had a friend at his side it would make it easier for him to get through it." Nick paused after his explanation, thinking over what he had said. "Why are you looking for him?"

"He hurt a friend of mine, I thought that I would look him up so that we could talk about it, maybe sort something out." Joey said, but it was clear that any talking that went on would probably involve fists or kicking. Nick didn't like the thought of Joey killing Sully before he had a chance to see him.

"Did John tell you anything about where he might be?" Nick asked, hoping that the change of subject would stop Joey's murderous intent. Joey shook his head and turned, continuing to scour the club as they spoke. He stopped on one area of the dance floor and then turned to Nick.

"I think I see him." Joey said, Nick looked over and saw Sully, a little older than he had remembered but nonetheless the same guy. He looked up from his conversation and spotted the pair, knowing that he had been found out Sully supposed that it was time to face the music, at least this way he would only have to go through the painful story once.

Making his way over Sully waved off two or three people that were enquiring after him and then paused in front of Nick and Joey.

"I need to talk to you." Nick said, pulling away from Joey and placing himself between the two of them.

Sully smiled wanly and nodded.

"Why don't the pair of you come to my office. I've got a story to tell you that might explain some things." Sully said. "Maybe it will explain why I didn't want to be found," this was directed at Nick.

As they followed him into the office Nick and Joey were both wondering what excuses the other would concoct for his selfishness. Neither one was expecting the story that they would hear.

Sully had seen Nick and Joey across the floor and known that his time was up. Nick had been closing in on him for a while now, he had heard from a few different sources that someone was asking awkward questions about him and he was surprised when no one answered them but when he had seen the pair together he had known that the time for answers was here and the time for running was over. His deception of Steve had been unintentional, he hoped that Joey would see it that way and maybe if he told them both the story he would get Nick to accept it straight away. He did not want to see the other man again, blaming him to some extent for the changes in his life, but with Joey there it might be easier.

And so he found himself in the office of his own club, with two popstars there, retelling the story of the last five years. From the kiss, to the capture, to the contract and everything beyond that point. He told them of Drew's death, of his inheritance, and finally of the chance meeting on a street corner with a man he had wanted as a friend. By the end of it Joey was stunned, Nick was shocked and Sully was wondering if he had done the right thing.

"Do you have a copy of the contract?" Joey asked, wondering for a moment if this was real.

Maybe it was some elaborate set up by the Backstreet Boys to get one over on Nsync, the days of the war was over but the pranks had kept on coming, of course this was not on the level of pizza deliveries or fake phone calls but it would be the sort of thing that one of them might come up with. He would not put anything past them.

Sully paused for a moment, thinking it over, then he stood and moved to a safe in the wall where he took out a folder and handed it to Joey. As he opened the folder he was surprised to see a ten or twelve page document that looked very official. If it was a prank a lot of work had certainly gone into it, if not then he had a whole new level of hatred for the rat that was Lou Pearlman.

Nick looked it over too and frowned as he read part of it.

"Has a lawyer looked this over?" Nick asked.

Sully looked confused, wondering what Nick meant, he looked at the same place and could not see anything out of place. Nick wasn't known for being the brightest crayon in the pack though so he pushed it aside.

"Drew said it was binding. He even had a friend look over it. There wasn't any way around it as far as we could see." Sully said sadly.

He had wanted to see his friends, or at the least speak to his mother again, but even that was forbidden in the small print that he had only read later. He was to leave the state of Florida it said, and not return - at least not while the Backstreet Boys or any associated acts were still performing.

"I think we need our legal team to look at it." Joey said. Sully looked up, confusion knitting his brow.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, not understanding what was going on.

"Well, for one thing they are building a case against Lou, one outside the already settled lawsuits. This would show his deception and trickery on more than just us." Joey said with a smile. Sully was not convinced. "Secondly there might be some loophole to get around this so that you can still see Stevey, I know that he would want that."

Joey seemed to have lost his anger and was just looking for a way to reunite his brother and his new found friend.

"What about this?" Nick asked, pointing at the first paragraph. "I may not be too clever but this is a contract for Sully forbidding us to see him or viceversa, right?"

"Yes?" Joey said patiently.

"Well, it says there that it is binding for the Backstreet Boys and all other Transcontinental artists. We're not Transcon artists anymore, nor are we associated with Lou Pearlman."

"Then..." Sully looked up, a little shocked, confused and angry that he had not seen that.

"You're coming home." Nick enthuased with a smile, not one shared by Joey.

"We still ought to get this checked out." Joey stated cautiously. "They may have written in a clause against that eventuality."

"Well, you worry about that while we celebrate." Nick said, still smiling at the fact that it was him that had realised this and not anyone else. He was the one that had made it possible for Sully to come back with them.

"I think Joey is right, we ought to check this out first."

Nick humphed but knew deep down that they were right, his only hope was that it was all true and that he could finally reunite Alex and Sully. At least that way his mission would have been a success.

To Be Continued Soon.

Author's Note: Well, they found him. Surprise visit from Joey too, gotta love those Nsync boys.

Where do you think this should go?

Should Sully realise his love for Steve? Go home to AJ and live happily ever after? Kick Nick's cute butt and then kiss it better?

Let me know...

Next: Chapter 8

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