Set Adrift

By Jezebel

Published on Feb 13, 2003


Title: Set Adrift: Getting Away Author: Jezebel the Temptress Feedback:

Disclaimers: This story is fiction and it is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. If you are underage for your area or if it is illegal for you to look at this why not go somewhere else, if you don't like the thought of two men together in a loving, sexual way this isn't for you either.

Notes: A second interlude in the "Set Adrift" Universe. Season 2 is coming soon, this is part of the build up to that, this is a companion piece to "Nick in New York", It's what Sully and Alex did on their break.

Alex smiled as he looked around the Penthouse apartment that he had booked for them to stay in for the next three days. It was exactly as he had imagined, opulent and flashy to some but just perfect for what he had planned. Three days away from being AJ McLean and the chance to spend some quality time with his lover. He was paying through the nose for this place but he wanted it all to be perfect and if the hotel had done all that they promised then they would have everything that they needed for the perfect break.

Sully took in the place a few moments after Alex, having followed him through the door, and was in awe of the place. This was more lavish than he had expected, it was certainly more than he was used to with the tour that they were on, but then again this was most likely coming out of Alex's own pocket.

The suite had a large lounge room with tasteful decor and oversized couches, a balcony which lead off from that and a large bedroom off to one side. The bathroom was similarly luxurious, with a hot tub and separate shower unit that looked as if you could easily fit three people in it. Of course they would not be trying out that theory but the idea of two of them in it made Sully smile.

"Do you like it?" Alex asked as he watched Sully take in the room. "I wanted something a little special."

"It's great." Sully said. "Which is good, because I have a feeling that we won't be leaving the hotel while we're here."

"You're not angry that I didn't let you go back to New York then?" Alex asked.

Sully had wanted to fly back to NY to check on his business and apartment, he had left both quite quickly and had little time to organise things. Alex had begged him to go away with him instead.

"No." Sully smiled. "I'm not angry at all, and I think that you were right, this was definitely what I needed."

"I'm always right." AJ replied with a smug grin. Sully laughed and Alex joined in. There had been a lot of stress in their lives lately, he was glad that they could just be happy together and that was a good reason for being here. Just some time for themselves and a chance to reaffirm their love.

"So, what do you have planned for this week?" Sully asked later as he unpacked the small bag that he had brought.

Alex had been quite strict on what he could and could not bring, only enough clothes for a few days and at least one smart outfit. The rest of their things had gone on with the tour bus to the next location but they were together and Alex didn't want them to take any baggage on the trip. Sully wondered if that was supposed to mean more than just suitcases.

"It's a surprise." Alex said as he finished off sorting out his own clothes and put them away in the dresser on his side of the four poster bed that stood in the centre of the room. "I can tell you that I plan to make full use of this bed." He continued with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Sully laughed and threw his bag to the floor, moving across the bed and joining Alex there.

"I like the plan so far." Sully replied as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Mmmm." Alex replied. "I could get used to this."

Sully continued the kiss, beginning to unbutton Alex's shirt with his free hand and tugging the wife beater that was beneath out of Alex's pants so that he could get to the bare skin underneath. His hand traced the tattoo that AJ had on his stomach as Sully continued the kiss. AJ chuckled deep in his throat.

"Is that a subconscious suggestion?" He asked as he felt Sully tracing the 69 for the third time in a row.

Sully pulled back slightly, pulling off the sweater that he wore and revealing his own naked chest before leaning down to strip Alex of his too. The two topless men lay on the bed, kissing and touching the new expanses of available skin and building up the sexual tension in the room, just as Alex was about to ask the question again he felt a hand at his zipper and it undid his jeans to find its way to his erection.

"Actually, I thought that you would want to fuck me." Sully replied. "It's been a while, but I think that you might remember how."

As he said the word his hand worked Alex's cock, building up a steady rhythm and tugging AJ to full hardness. The turgid dick pulsed in Sully's hand and Alex groaned when the hand removed itself.

"Sorry love, but I have plans for that." Sully said as he leaned in for a brief kiss and then stood, removing his pants and boxers before leaning over the side of the bed, exposing his muscled ass to Alex. At first Alex wondered if this was some new position that Sully wanted to try, and then he saw his friend return with lube and condoms, obviously retrieved from his discarded bag.

"Where do you want me?" Sully asked as he laid back on his side of the bed. Alex moved, pulling down his already open jeans and with Sully's help removing them completely.

He tried to find his voice but his mouth was dry at the vision of a naked Sully in his bed. On tour they didn't get time for much, when they did it was usually hurried, but now he had a veritable feast laid out for him and as much time as he wanted to enjoy it. Alex licked his lips.

"On your side." He said softly. "It's easier that way."

"You don't want it face to face?" Sully asked, slightly surprised at the suggestion.

"It lasts longer this way." Alex said as he lay down beside Sully who had pulled one knee forward and gotten into a usual position for sex. Alex moved closer and kissed Sully's shoulder and neck as he prepared his lover.

They took it slowly, it had been a while and Alex knew that he had to stretch Sully so that they would both enjoy this. He started with a well lubed thumb, gently pushing his way in and soothing his lover as he met a little resistance, then he continued with two fingers. Sully was panting softly, a light sheen of sweat covering him as he got used to the intrusion again, it was not completely alien to him but it had been a while. He wanted Alex in there though so he began to push back on the fingers, one more maybe and then he could have Alex in there.

Alex pulled out and went back in with three, not that he was that big but he wanted to make sure that Sully was ready for him. When he was almost certain that Sully was ready he prepped himself, rolling the condom on with practised ease and using a little more lube to make sure that he was ready. He lined himself up, pushing in slightly and then easing his way in.

Sully gasped as he felt Alex do this, he had known that this was coming but still each time it was a little like the first, reminding him of that first special night he had spent with Alex.

"Okay?" Alex asked, a little worried that he was hurting his lover. He wanted this to be something that they could both enjoy.

"Yeah, just... " Sully paused as he took a breath. "Okay."

Alex took this, and the forced relaxation as a sign to continue and began to move. It was exquisite, just as he had remembered, hot and tight and special. It literally felt as if Sully was pulling him inside him, begging him to enter his body until their two souls merged as one and Alex felt that. This was more than just sex.

As he moved in and out Alex took advantage of the exposed back and neck and kissed and sucked on the skin, tasting Sully and savouring the flavour that was purely him.

The slow, intentional thrusts were not what Sully had expected but were more than welcomed, most times it was a fast, hard fuck or a blow job or something, there had been less time for lovemaking that was slow and deliberate while on the road. Now that they were in the middle of it Sully knew that they would have to make more time for this. He was missing out on something otherwise. This was amazing. Alex was moving in and out of him, but more than that he was kissing him, touching him, whispering words of love and passion in his ear as he nibbled on the lobe or breathlessly told Sully that he was wanted. This was what it was supposed to be like.

Alex brushed Sully's prostate again and this one drove him beyond thought, he couldn't focus on anything else now other than the passion that flowed through him and as he reached down to bring himself over he felt a second hand, one that was not his reach for his cock.

"Leave that to me." Alex chided softly as he began to stroke Sully, matching the pace of his strokes with his thrusts.

"That's it, right there, oh yeah, keep that up..." Sully babbled as he felt the stimulus from two ports, he knew that he would not last long but there was no way to stop the inevitable and he would not want to even if he could.

Alex thrust in hard as he felt Sully tense, the orgasm hit them almost simultaneously as Sully spilled his seed over Alex's pumping hand and Alex came inside the sheath that covered him. Both lay panting in the post coital moment as they tried to overcome the climax and return to the real world.

Alex stayed as long as he could before his flaccid member began to slide back out of his lover. He pulled out and cleaned up as best he could after the exhaustive sex that they had shared. Sully rolled over, half to help Alex clean up and also so that they could snuggle closer.

The unpacking forgotten the pair shared a few lazy kisses and then fell into a light sleep in their new room, and it didn't matter that they were in another hotel room in yet another city because this one was permeated with the smells of sweat and sex and they had marked it as theirs. For the next three days at least this would be their home and something told them that it was going to be a good time away.

"So what did you really plan for us to do?" Sully asked later as they were cuddled up in bed, neither really wanting to get up or do anything. "I mean, I know that there is a lot of hot things that we can do over three days but you must have planned something beyond this bed."

"You mean that you want me for something other than my hot body and popstar looks?" Alex teased.

"You know it." Sully replied seriously. "There is your millions as well."

AJ turned so that he could look at his bed partner, thinking for a moment that Sully might be serious, when he saw the smile on his lover's face he reached for the pillow that he had been leaning on and hit him with it.


"Idiot." Sully replied, still smiling despite the faceful of pillow that he had just received.

"To be honest I don't really have any plans." Alex replied as he collapsed back on the bed. "There are a few things that we can do, but nothing is concrete."

"Cool." Sully replied. "So, what did you want to do tonight." He felt a hand snake down and wrap around his flaccid cock. "Other than that." He laughed.

"You're not up for it?" Alex pouted.

"Baby, I'm not as young as I used to be, I need a little time to recover after mind- blowing sex."

Alex didn't like to think why it was that they were both older, he didn't want to think about anything to do with the reason that they had spent time apart and he wanted to forget about all of their other troubles while they were on holiday.

"We could watch a movie." Alex said, "I'm sure that we could find something on."

"I don't know if I can even move from this bed." Sully replied smugly.

"That's okay." Alex replied as he leaned over and reached for a handset that was on the bedside table. Sully watched as the panels above the bed opened up to reveal a TV screen which Alex managed to flick onto a movie channel.

"Wow." Sully replied. "Is there anything that this bed doesn't have?"

"Well, I think that we have to get up for the bathroom, but other than that I'm pretty sure that we could spend the whole vacation here."

Sully smiled, leaned over to kiss Alex and then settled in to watch the film that Alex had chosen.

It wouldn't be so bad to spend the whole holiday here after all.

Later that night, after another bout of bedroom athletics and after they had finished watching their film the pair of them were relaxing in the bathroom. Alex had tried to initiate sex in the hot tub style bath but Sully had drawn the line at that, even though it was definitely big enough. There was something odd about sex in water, not to mention the fact that it was a waste of water and likely to be very messy. Instead they were relaxing in the warm water and allowing the aches and pains of their exertions from earlier to be eased by the gentle jets of water.

"I have to admit this isn't really what I expected." Sully said after they had been silent for a while. "I would have thought that you were more into the all action kind of break."

"Hey, if it were up to me we'd be getting a little action right now." AJ replied. Sully rolled his eyes and Alex continued. "To be honest, I just wanted us to have some time away before the rest of the tour. It's all a little hectic."

"But it's okay." Sully said. "You're okay?"

"Yeah, we're good, the tour is good, to be honest, I can't remember a time when we've been more together as a group and when the future has looked brighter."

"That's good." Sully replied. He had wondered if all was going well, he could see that things were getting stressful on the tour but having this time away might help him get some answers on how Alex felt about it. No one could deny that Alex had a problem and he didn't want that to be forgotten.

"Sully, if there is something that you want to know you can just ask me." Alex said with a sigh. "It's obvious that you're fishing for something."

"I just... I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything." Sully said. "Anything at all."

"I already know that." Alex replied. He knew that there was more to it than that, most likely that Sully worried about him hitting the bottle again or something but he didn't want to spoil there week and he knew that Sully trusted him.

The pair settled back into their silence, each lost in their thoughts of each other and of their lives together for the next couple of days. They did not want the outside world to infringe on their sanctuary and that meant putting aside these issues, at least until they were back in the real world. This was their time away and they were hoping to spend it together.

"Oh god. Do that again." Alex breathed sexily as he felt Sully's tongue glide over his collar bone. They had been making out for a while but then Sully had moved things on a little and now they were doing more than that. Currently both were shirtless, pantless and Alex was pretty sure that the underwear would go soon too.

"What?" Sully asked mischievously. He licked him again. "This?"

"Yes." Alex replied heatedly.

"Oh. Okay, but I was thinking that I could do a little of this." Sully said as he took Alex's left nipple between his teeth, grazing it gently with his teeth and then licking over the area that he had scuffed.

"God, just do anything." Alex replied.

The foreplay was good, great even, but he wanted more and he didn't know how much more of this he could take. Sully sensed the urgent tone in Alex's voice and moved his hand down, still suckling at the nub that was in his mouth and using the hand that was working it's way down Alex's body to cup his erection. Sully gave it a quick squeeze, a promise of things to come, before moving his hand and using both of them to strip off his underpants. Alex wriggled from underneath him, silently signalling that he too wanted to be naked.

Sully reached down, helping Alex remove the boxers that he wore and then moved off him for a moment so that Alex could kick them away completely. Finally they were both naked, both hard and aching and ready for whatever it was that was going to happen.

"I want you." Sully said seductively as he leaned in for a kiss. "I want you to fuck me."

"No." Alex replied, returning the kiss. "I'll make love to you instead."

Sully started to roll his eyes, but stopped when Alex kissed him. He couldn't feel cynical when Alex was doing that with his lips.

Alex rolled them over, pushing Sully onto his back and then taking over. Alex had been driven crazy by Sully and now he was going to act his revenge, slowly and torturously if he could, he was going to take it hard and slow. By the time that he was finished Sully would be able to feel his love for him.

Sully handed Alex a pillow from behind him before raising his legs and back. Alex moved him a little, placing the pillow under Sully's hips for better leverage and comfort. He lubed his fingers carefully, first slipping one in and then when he met only a little resistance increasing his pressure with two.

Sully gasped as he felt Alex's fingers inside him, it had been too long. Each time he felt this he knew that it was where he was meant to be and each time it was over he felt the loss of it, still he was in the middle of it and this was no time for thinking. Alex's skilled fingers soon found his prostate and Sully felt the shock of pleasure move through him as Alex rubbed against his sensitive button.

"Now." He panted as he fought the urge to come, he had never had a problem with premature ejaculation and he didn't want to start now. He wanted to come with Alex inside him and not before.

Alex seemed to sense his need because soon the two fingers were gone, he only felt the loss for a moment because then he felt the blunt head of Alex's cock at his puckered aperture and then he felt the wonder of being filled once again.

Alex's cock was bigger than he remembered but he didn't mind, it felt good and he could see Alex looking down at him, his face a picture of lust and love. This was what they had missed out on tour, but now that he had it again he would not give anything for that feeling.

Alex moved inside him until he was all the way in, pausing a moment to check on Sully before he began to move. With each inward thrust Sully felt himself getting closer and closer to climax, Alex smiled down at him, slowing his pace slightly and angle so that he could hold out just a little longer.

Sully was breathing heavily, panting for breath as if there was something stopping him from getting enough oxygen or something, he was in the middle of the best sex he had ever had and part of him just wanted to come while the rest of him just wanted this feeling of being filled to last forever.

"I love you." Alex said as he moved in and out. "Love you so much."

The thrusts were faster now as even Alex was beginning to fight with the urge to push in hard and fast and fuck Sully through the mattress. It felt as if Sully was wrapped around him, drawing his orgasm out with the muscles of his ass and Alex didn't think that he could fight it much longer.

Sully felt Alex's cock brush his prostate and this was too much for him to fight off, he tensed, his balls tightening and his back arching up towards Alex as he sprayed his jism between them. Alex felt the tension from inside, tightening on his cock and literally pulling his own climax from him.

When it was done they both lay panting on the bed in the post coitus.

"I love you too." Sully breathed softly as he moved his legs down and rolled on to his stomach.

Alex smiled, reaching over and wiping Sully's chest with no help from his lover, knowing that he would thank him for this in the morning when he was not stuck to the sheets. Then he wiped himself off as best he could before settling in with his love.

There was a lot more that they should have done with their break but right now he could not bring himself to regret what they had done. Sully and he were closer than ever, they were making love and spending time together in ways that he had never thought that they would. A few months before he would not even have dreamed of this happening and now he had it all. And what he had with Sully was better than any drug he could have.

The evening of their final day together as just a couple the pair were going out for a romantic dinner. Alex had said that there was no point being in a city if they did not see at least some of it and no point in having time to themselves if they didn't do everything that they could to fill it. Sully had protested, he was fine with staying in again he had said, but Alex disagreed. Alex didn't think that they had anything to hide and he didn't want to hush up anything that they didn't have to. They would be discreet but they didn't have to remain too far in the closet.

Sully had on his best suit, it was a bit of a sore point for two reasons, a) because Drew had made him buy it and b) because Alex had wanted him to wear the leather pants, but Sully would not relent. They were going to a posh restaurant and he didn't want to show Alex or himself up.

"Are you about ready to go?" Alex asked him, Sully turned away from the mirror and smiled as he saw that Alex was in a charcoal grey suit, his hair freshly cut and brushed flat and no sunglasses in sight. This was about as understated as he could get and Sully was pleasantly surprised. He was ending their vacation as he had spent most of it, with Alex and not AJ.

"Yes." Sully replied. "Although you still haven't told me where we are going."

"It's a surprise." Alex replied tactfully. Sully didn't try to ask again.

There was a car waiting for them downstairs, a dark windowed foreign car but not the limo that they would usually travel in as a band. There was a chauffeur, but that was mainly so that they would not have to navigate the strange city streets, after all it was not as if either of them would be drinking.

The resteraunt that Alex had picked made Sully smile, it was small, unassuming and discreet. It was the exact opposite of the sort of place that AJ might chose and exactly what the old Alex, the one that Sully had first fallen in love with, would have chosen.

"Do you like it?" Alex asked self-conciously. He wanted this evening to be perfect, for more than the fact that it was there last together.

"It's perfect." Sully replied.

Alex smiled. He was definitely looking for the perfect evening to cap off the perfect vacation and if he had his way there was still one more thing that he could do to make it the most perfect ever.

The resteraunt was empty, just them and a few waiters, Sully was surprised by the show of wealth but had to admit that he was enjoying the intimacy of it. In some ways it was like having their own dining room but they also got the pleasure of great food and a good atmosphere. This was exactly what they needed.

After a first course of prawn cocktails they were enjoying their main meal, pasta for him and chicken for Alex. Halfway through Alex put his fork down and dabbed his mouth with his napkin as if he was about to speak. They had been eating in relative silence until that moment and so Sully looked up. Whatever it was that Alex had to say it must be important.

"Baby, I've been thinking a lot about us recently..." Alex began and Sully felt a feeling in the pit of his stomach that was akin to nerves as he wondered where this was leading. "I want you to know that I don't think that I would have gotten through the last few months if it wasn't for you..."

"Alex, I..." Sully began but was cut off by Alex who held up a hand to hush him, he had not finished yet and he didn't think that he ever would if he allowed the interuption.

"I don't want to ever have to face another time of my life without you in it, and I know that we might be apart sometimes with my touring and your business but I want to know that I always have you to come home to." Alex said.

Sully wanted to tell him that he would always be there but he had a feeling that there was still more to come. His stomach came into his throat when he saw the small box that Alex produced from his pocket.

"Alexander Sullivan, Will you do me the honour of being my..."

"No." Sully said before Alex could finish.

Alex's face fell.

"I can't." Sully added. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that, not yet."

There was a desperation in Sully's voice as he realised that he had just refused Alex and that he could have pushed him over the very edge that he was supposed to haul him back from but he had put himself first and he couldn't marry Alex. He didn't want to do that and it seemed too soon to do anything that permanent. It would almost be a smack in the face to Drew if he went off with someone else while his lover was barely cold in the ground.

Alex registered the panic on Sully's face and swallowed his pride, as much as his own heart was breaking he knew that Sully was worried about what he had done, he had meant it when he had said that Sully had saved him and he wondered if now was the time for him to save Sully right back.

"Baby, it's okay." Alex said. "I love you, and I know that you love me, I guess that is enough for now." He tried not to sound too disappointed as he spoke the words, he had not meant to make Sully feel guilty, he had just truly thought that this was the next logical step.

"I do love you." Sully said emphatically. "Now is just not the right time."

Alex didn't want to ask when there would be a right time, he didn't think that he had that right to ask, but part of him wondered what was holding Sully back. It was obvious that Sully felt the need to explain it too because that was what he said next.

"You're still in recovery, the tour is causing more stress than we need and there is a lot of unresolved issues between us that we need to work on." Sully said. "I've just lost Drew and I'm not completely over that either. We just need some time."

"I know." Alex said, he had just hoped that they could resolve those issues after they were married. He knew that it wouldn't hold up in any court of law but he wanted that bond between them, he had hoped that it would help them sort things out and that it would bring them closer together.

"There is also the issue of publicity, your job, the band..." Sully said, trailing off before he got to the thoughts that he didn't want to voice.

"There is something else." Alex prompted.

"Lou." Sully said, his voice hollow and empty. He hated that the man could still affect him from afar. "If he found out about this then he would be baying for blood, I know that the contract he had with me is rubbished but I feel as if we haven't heard the last of it. I don't know why, I just know."

"We'll face it together." Alex said. He had not thought of that fat toad in a while, he had barely thought of the fact that Lou was still anything in their lives. But Sully was right it was an ever present threat and while it was not a clear and present danger it was still one that they had to watch out for.

Sully reached out and took Alex's hand. It was the hand that still held the ring box that he had rejected. Sully squeezed his hand and smiled softly.

"I'm not saying never, I'm just asking for a little more time." Sully repeated.

"I know." Alex replied again, but inside his insecurities were already asking if there would ever be a right time. He supposed that he would just have to wait and see.

Eventually the evening came to a close, they returned to the car and headed to the hotel where they just had time to change before getting the car to the airport. Changing back into their everyday clothes and heading out to the airport both were thinking about what the rest of the tour and the upcoming months would have in store for them, Alex was hoping that he would get that right time and that eventually Sully would say yes, and Sully was hoping that they could continue to build on their now solid foundations. They would just have to wait and see.


Note: Season 2 is coming soon, do let me know if you want to see anything in particular, or similarly if there is anything that you definitely don't want to see.

Next: Chapter 22: Second Chances 1

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