Set Adrift

By Jezebel

Published on Nov 8, 2002


Disclaimers: This story is fiction and it is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. If you are underage for your area or if it is illegal for you to look at this why not go somewhere else, if you don't like the thought of two men together in a loving, sexual way this isn't for you either.

Nick was worried. He had called Ben the night before after he had spoken with Sully and they had talked but now he could not get hold of the other man. Nick had started to look forward to any conversation with Ben, no matter how short or insignificant, and today he actually had something to talk with Ben about. This time he had more than a flimsy excuse to make the call and he couldn't get ahold of Ben.

Nick wanted to talk to him and tell him that he thought that Sully and AJ were back together. Ben knew that Sully was on the tour with them and was often asking how the other man was.

"You okay Frick?" Brian asked.

Nick smiled at the use of the old nickname, they weren't really Frick and Frack anymore, they hadn't been since Leighanne and Brian had wed. It didn't really work as Frick, Frack and Leighann. But Brian still called him by the old name when he was worried about Nick.

"Yeah." Nick sighed as he hung up the phone and turned to pay attention to the photo shoot that he was supposed to be a part of.

"You sure?" Brian asked still concerned about his little brother. "We can call a break if you need to stop or something.

"I'll be fine." Nick answered automatically.

"Okay." Brian responded, he knew that his friend was bothered by something but he wouldn't push it.

Ben Maloney stared up at the looming building ahead of him, hearing even from this distance the screaming fans from outside, and wondered what he was even doing here.

Everyone thought that Ben was a selfish brat. He knew what people said about him and the fact that he was well known on the gay scene in New York but he would not apologise for who he was. Still, it was not easy sometimes to live with people judging him and that was part of why he was here.

Back in the days when he was still a young man on the scene and a popular one at that he had met one man that had not judged him, Drew had been a player all of his life and had understood that Ben was not a slut, he just enjoyed sex. Drew had continued to care for Ben, not in a sexual way, but just as a father might care for a son and Ben had respected Drew.

Sully had never much cared for Ben and he knew that but he was here for that reason. Drew had trusted Ben and knew that he would be the person to entrust with the task that Ben was now carrying out. As a last request Drew had asked Ben to keep an eye on Sully and if he were to move on, or look as if he were about to move on then Ben had a letter from Drew to give to Sully.

Now that he stood outside this hotel though and knew that Sully was inside he didn't know if he could go in.

There was also the added problem of Nick.

For some reason, unknown to Ben, Nick Carter wanted to be his friend. Ben had been dubious of it at first but he had grown used to talking to Nick on an almost daily basis, sometimes more than twice a day, and he had to admit that he liked having a friend again. The last time that he had a friend that had not judged him or wanted him just for his body had been Drew.

Maybe Drew had arranged one last match from beyond the grave or had expected this to happen, because now Ben was here and not only was he able to carry out Drew's last wishes but he would also be able to visit with Nick and maybe in carrying out the wishes of his last friend he might find a new one.

Sully was bored of his room and was already to leave later that day, so he had decided to wander down to get a coffee in the hotel bar. It was only this that meant that he was in the lobby to hear the argument between one of the local security guards and another male.

Thinking that they may need extra security Sully went over to lend a hand only to be shocked to see Ben Maloney was the man that was arguing with security. They were a long way from New York and Nick had not mentioned that his new friend was visiting but Sully knew that like this man or not he would have to speak up for him, just in case he did have a genuine reason to be there.

"I don't care who you say you are friends with or who you say you are here to see, without the relevant security I can't let you in." The guard said, sounding as if he had repeated those words several times. "Now, if you don't leave I will have you escorted outside and if you persist the police will be called.

"But..." Ben began and he too sounded harangued. Sully wondered how long this argument had been taking place.

"Is there a problem here?" Sully asked, directing his question to the guard. Ben actually looked relieved to see him, which was probably a first.

"We're handling it sir, thank you." The guard said.

Sully pulled out his Backstreet Boys pass, the one that allowed him access to all areas of the stage and behind the scenes areas as well as the hotels. The guard looked it over before nodding.

"This is a friend of the group." Sully said. "He hasn't had the correct passes and papers issued yet but I will make sure that he does."

"Sir, I can't..."

"Look, I've travelled from New York to get here, I'm tired and I just want to get some rest." Ben said. "Can't we sort out the bureaucracy later?"

"I'll make sure that it is noted that I was the one that took him up." Sully added.

The guard let out a sigh and relented, the band were moving on today anyway and he would be moving on to something else. He certainly didn't need this hassle.

"Okay, but stay on your floor and leave as soon as the band do." The guard acquiesced.

Sully agreed and then took one of Ben's bags, the guy travelled light if he was going to spend any length of time with them, but then Sully too travelled without the full quota of tour clothes that everyone else seemed to have with them. Ben followed Sully silently and Sully forgot about his need for caffeine in order to deal with this new problem.

Once they were safely in the elevator Sully asked the question that had been bugging him since he had first seen Ben in the hall.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Did Nick invite you up?"

"Not exactly." Ben answered cryptically, "although he did mention that we should get together sometime."

"Then why are you here?" Sully asked.

"I've got something for you..." Ben said, yawning as he finished the first words.

Sully was not a cruel man and although he was worried about the bar he knew that Ben was dead on his feet and at least deserved a nap before the next round of the inquisition. Sully nodded to the security on their floor and showed his papers, not bothering to explain who Ben was.

He let Ben into his room and pushed him toward the bed.

"We should talk." Ben protested.

"Later." Sully responded sympathetically. "You look like crap and you need some sleep."

"You never did like the way I look." Ben said with mock indignation and Sully rolled his eyes. He didn't put up with Ben's brand of bullshit either but he knew that the other man was worn to his last nerve, whatever it was that he had to tell Sully could wait.

Sully was pretty sure that Nick would want Ben to stay at least through till the next day anyway so there was no problem there. Sully went back to his thinking and thought hard on what he was going to tell Alex about their future together. He didn't know that Ben's visit was going to help him along the way with that decision but then he couldn't have known.

AJ almost ran out of their photo session to get back upstairs, it was for two reasons really, for one he hated this type of promotional crap, especially after hours on end of it when he had to plaster on a fake smile. The other reason that he wanted to leave was because Sully was upstairs and he missed the man.

AJ still had doubts at the back of his mind over how long Sully would stay and he wanted to get in as much time as he could before the other guy left him. Alex was pretty sure that there would be no running away again but he wanted to make sure that by the time that the tour was up and Sully had fulfilled his promise to stay for the rest of the tour that Alexander Sullivan wanted to be with AJ as much as AJ wanted him there at his side.

Nick smiled as he saw the enthuasiasm that Alex was showing. It made him wish that he had someone to be excited about. Howie too was smirking with a knowing smile and Nick wondered how much his bus partner knew. They would have a longish trip ahead of them and Nick knew that Alex and Sully was going to be a big topic of conversation.

They lost sight of AJ as he jumped into an elevator car just as the doors shut and made his way up to their floor as if he did not have a second to spare.

They had half an hour before they were due to leave and Howie hoped that his friend would use at least some of that time to gather the rest of his belongings and pack them. They could not afford to wait and if it was AJ that made them wait Howie was pretty sure that Kevin would use it as an excuse to get rid of Sully. Howie was pretty sure that anything would be a good enough reason for Kevin right now, and he didn't even know that AJ and Sully were sleeping together again.

AJ made it to their floor in record time, he was antsy as the elevator approached their floor and straight out the door as soon as they opened. Once in his own room he took a few minutes to check that his stuff was wedged into his cases as best as possible and that his luggage was assembled for transport to the bus and then made his way to Sully's room, pausing only to pick up the spare key from security.

He wanted to surprise his lover with his early presence.

The last thing that AJ had expected to find was another man in Sully's bed.

The way that the room was laid out the first thing that he saw was the bed. It stood in the centre of the room and dominated it and there, in the centre of the bed was a good looking and younger man that was obviously exhausted. A voice in the back of AJ's head screamed that he was exhausted from the good fucking that Sully had given him. He should have known that he was not enough. AJ McLean was never good enough.

"Hey." A kind voice said. How Sully had the nerve to be so caring and sweet after he had just cheated on him was beyond AJ. "I hope you don't mind. Ben completely surprised me when he came here. He said that he needed to speak with me but he'd flown in from New York and he was tired. I let him rest."

"Oh." AJ said as he realised that he had jumped to the wrong conclusions and began to feel guilty. "Okay. No. I don't mind." He added as he still tried to push down his guilt at doubting his friend and would be lover.

"I know that we need to talk but I feel a bit weird with him here." Sully said. "And we have the whole time on the bus to talk, right?"

"Yeah." AJ said.

It had not occurred to him really that they had the whole bus ride to the next venue to themselves. It would be good to get some time to themselves again and maybe do a little more than talking.

Their silence was broken by a raucous crowd outside and AJ knew that the rest of the band were on the floor now. He could distinctily hear Kevin's low timbre yelling at Nick for whatever joke or jibe he had pulled this time. The noise did not only disturb them but Ben as well and he woke up, slightly bed rumpled but other than that he was alert and his eyes seemed less tired to Sully.

"Keep the noise down Carter, some of us are trying to sleep." Ben shouted good naturedly.

There was a sudden deafening silence as everyone came to the realisation that this was a new voice that they did not recognise. It was not often that someone could get into the confines of the inner sanctum of Backstreet security so this put everyone on edge.

Sully paused a moment and then burst out laughing. AJ joined him and was soon followed by Ben as they all realised that they had caused the confusion outside.

A moment later there was a loud banging on Sully's door.

"ALEX!!!" Kevin screamed.

Ben looked up confused, looking between Sully and AJ and wondered which one was being yelled at. Both of them were christened as Alexander but neither often went by their given name.

Sully pulled the door open, it was his room after all, and allowed entry to Kevin, Nick, Brian and Howie, all of whom were stood on the other side of the door.

"I didn't realise that you had another visitor." Kevin said strictly and they all knew that the jury was still out on the first guest. It was only Nick that gasped in recognition when he saw who it was.

"Ben?" He asked. Drawing all of the attention onto himself in the process. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought that I would take you up on your invitation." Ben said with a soft smile that shined through his eyes. It was the smile that Nick loved to see but so far had only caught in brief flashes. "Besides, I had a message for Sully and knew that it would never get through all the security you have because you're scared of a few 12 year old girls."

Nick laughed softly at that, it was a private and ongoing joke between the pair and had been part of the reason he had joked about Ben coming out there so that he could see how scary a few 12 year old girls could be.

"He's your friend?" Kevin asked dubiously as he looked at Nick.

It was obvious that Kevin either had a dislike for Sully's friends or for Nick's friends, either way Ben knew that he would have to be the one to deal with it.

"Me and Nicky?" Ben said with a smile. "Yeah, we're old friends. Known each other a long time now." He said.

"Ben, right?" Brian said, a knowing smile on his face as he realised that this was who Nick had been mooning over.

Brian had known Nick longer than most and knew Nick better than most. He could see the look of admiration and love that Nick clearly had for this guy. He wasn't sure if he approved but at least he had the chance to find out if this guy was going to be good enough for his little brother and best friend.

"I'm Brian, pleased to meet you."

"Likewise." Ben said as he slid from his position on the bed and moved over, passing Nick and shaking Brian's hand. He then offered it to AJ, Howie and finally Kevin.

Kevin paused, not shaking it and introducing himself as the others had done. Ben was now certain that Kevin did not trust him.

"So, you must be Kevin." Ben said as he took back his hand. "Nick told me that you were the daddy of the group."

Kevin remained stoic, his expression giving nothing away. What Ben said next though was enough to shock even Kevin out of his curt attitude.

"Look, we both know that you don't want me here, that you still think of Nick as the little boy that you helped to bring up, but he's not and I'm here and Nick and I are friends, whether you like it or not." Ben said. "Now I know that you don't trust me, I haven't earned that trust yet, you don't even have to like me but you could at least be polite and shake my hand."

Kevin eyed him speculatively for a moment and then held out his hand, shaking the one that Ben had offered.

"Hi, Ben, was it?" he asked, knowing that this was his name. "It's good to have you aboard."

And everyone else was pretty sure that the sentiment in Kevin's statement was sincere.

Sully was especially impressed as he saw a little of what Nick loved about this guy. Maybe he had been a little harsh in judging Ben. This would prove to be true in the coming days but Sully had no way of knowing that yet and for the moment it was only Nick that was not surprised to see someone stand up to Kevin. Nick was just in awe about the fact that Ben was there and scared stiff that his new friend would find out how he felt.

Ben's arrival was overshadowed a little by the band's imminent departure. They were due on the buses for the evening, arriving in the next town at 4 am the next morning.

It was hoped that the early arrival would mean that there were fewer fans around, although mostly they would be staying in the hotel or out all night anyway. Such was the dedication, or stupidity, of some people.

Ben had not expected to be moving on so soon, but at least it gave him a little time to prepare what he would say to Alex and Sully. Nick had insisted that he travel on his bus with he and Howie so Ben would not see the other couple for at least another day. He would figure out how to give them the missives from Drew the following day.

For now he was content to sit with Nick and talk. It was refreshing to have a friend that didn't want anything other than friendship. Despite the fact that there was the sexual tension between them that there always was with any of his past conquests, Ben knew that Nick was a like minded individual with ideas similar to his own. Ben also knew that Nick understood that Ben didn't do second visits or relationships. Nick was the same, or at least Ben thought so. And he felt relaxed while just playing video games or chatting with Nick.

It was nothing like the tension on the other buses.

Sully and Alex were both extremely apprehensive about the conversation that they needed to have about the future of their relationship. The tension in their bus could have been cut with a knife and there was none of the promise of passion that Alex had hoped for.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked as they say quietly together on the bus. Neither of them had said anything to each other in the half hour that they had been travelling.

Sully looked up from the book that he was reading, or at least pretending to read, as soon as he saw the worried look on AJ's face he put it aside.

"Yeah." Sully said quietly. "You?" Sully asked. It was a weak response but he needed time to think.

"I'm okay." Alex replied immediately.

"Alex, about last night and this morning..." Sully began.

AJ suddenly felt the bottom fall out of his world as he realised that the start of this conversation was the sort that would precede a rejection.

"Alex..." Sully pushed, sensing that his friend was not listening. "I've been thinking about it a lot, I mean I haven't thought of much else, and, I want you to know something..."

"Sully, get to the point..." AJ said harshly, it was bad enough that he had to listen to this without listening to Sully rambling on through it all.

"Alex, baby, I love you but..." Sully said. AJ took a breath sharply and waited. "but I don't think that I can take this moving too quickly."

"You want me?" A dumbstruck Alex felt himself asking Sully.

Sully moved from his side of the bus in an instant and was next to Alex pulling the other man into his arms. Sully felt guilty because he had caused this level of insecurity and he was the one that had to deal with the consequences.

"I love you." Sully said.

AJ nodded wordlessly.

"Listen to me. I. LOVE. YOU." Sully said. "I know that you doubt some other stuff but always remember that."

Sully pulled Alex around and kissed him hard on the mouth, for a moment he wondered if he was doing the wrong thing but then Alex started to respond.

There was something to be said for the exchange of saliva in this raw, animal way. Letting passion and not purpose rule their minds.

Alex let out a low groan as Sully pushed him back down on the built couch and lay down over Alex. Sully heard another groan and knew that this time it was him. Something in his brain switched however and he pulled off, earning him a groan not of pleasure but of disappointment from Alex.

"I'm sorry." Sully said embarrassed at his own actions.

He had just been talking about them taking it slow and now he was the one that was initiating the fervent sexual advances. There was something to be said for self- constraint but he had forgotten that and that would send out mixed messages. He didn't want to hurt Alex anymore than he already had.

"It's okay." Alex said, displaying the will power of a god in doing so.

He didn't want to lose Sully and it was clear that whatever they had done had made his friend uncomfortable. As much as his cock was aching in his pants the heart that was aching in his chest held more sway and it was telling him that Sully was right. They should wait.

"Did you want to watch a video?" Sully asked after a moment's pause. He felt a little uncomfortable still and wanted to change the subject.

Alex shook his head, placing a calming hand on Sully's thigh. It didn't help Sully's aching erection to feel the burn of his lover's hand on his leg.

"Talk to me." Alex said softly. "I know that we said we'd take it slow but there is something else that is troubling you. Something more than just wanting to make sure we don't rush into anything."

"It's nothing." Sully said self conciously and it was really nothing that he wanted to talk about.

"Is it Drew?" Alex asked.

It felt alien to AJ to say that name, but he knew that he would have to accept that Sully had been with someone else. In the same way that Sully would have to accept that he had been with Amanda and a few other girls while they had been apart. It was unrealistic to think that in five years, with no real hope of a reunion between them, that they would have stayed celibate.

Sully said nothing but his silence spoke volumes and Alex knew that he was in the right ball park with this one.

"You don't have to talk to me, but it might help." Alex said. "Is there anything that you want to talk about? Not just Drew - anything."

Sully was quiet for a brief moment, as if gathering his thoughts but then he began to speak.

"He was a big part of my life for five years. It feels weird somehow to be moving on. I want you - I love you - I always have, and Drew knew that. But I never really saw you back in my life and I somehow thought that Drew and I would stay together. Even if we had broken up we would have stayed in each other's lives."

"Do you regret being back in my life?" Alex asked, there was no sense of the former insecurity in his voice though and Sully knew that all Alex felt was concern over the matter. Sully was pretty sure that Alex would accept whatever answer he gave, even if it was a bad one.

"No." Sully answered honestly. "I don't regret it. I wish that Drew was still in my life, and I feel strange without him but I don't regret coming back into your life, or picking up where we left off."

"What would Drew have said to that?" AJ asked, he regretted the question as soon as it came out of his mouth but Sully merely smiled.

"He told me once that he would do anything, fight anyone to keep me." Sully said. "Anyone except you."

"You told him about me, about us?" AJ asked.

Sully knew that there was still an element of selfprotection in AJ, that he didn't have the luxury of being out of the closet. Being a Backstreet Boy and being gay were not something that could be mutually exclusive but to the press they were. Entertainers who spent the majority of their time with young girl just didn't do that, they weren't gay and they weren't allowed to be. It was part of the prejudice that society had ingrained.

"Drew knew everything there was to know about me, about you, about Nick. Everything. And he told me that no matter what he would look after me." Sully responded. "That's why I feel like this, us, is betraying his memory somehow."

"Why? Because he promised he would look after you?" AJ asked, confused at this. He would look after his friend too, emotionally, financially and any other way that he could. Wasn't that just what love was about?

"No." Sully said. "Because he accepted me and loved me unconditionally."

"And I don't." Alex added, it wasn't an accusation so much as a statement. He had wanted to put his career before Sully the last time but now he was of a different mind. "Sully, tell me what you want and I'll do it. I won't lose you again."

"That's just it." Sully replied softly. "You'll never lose me, you never did. I never loved Drew the way that I loved you and that is what hurts the most. Because even Drew knew that we were meant to be together but he loved me anyway, and I feel like being with you is rubbing his face in it."

Sully wasn't sure if he was explaining this right, it was so confusing, all the guilt and pain that was inside him. He let the tears fall freely when they threatened to and cried for his lovers old and new. He wanted to be with Alex, wanted to be able to commit to him and fulfill what had been his life's wish but there was still something in the way.

AJ took Sully in his arms and comforted him, doing all that he could to try and alleviate the pain that was raging in his lover. Part of him wanted to rip Drew to pieces for making his baby feel his way, but other parts of him wanted to thank the man for allowing Sully to continue loving him while they were apart. If it had not been for Drew maybe Sully would have been more closed to the idea of a relationship or a lover after the number that had been done on him.

Alex held Sully for nearly an hour before the other man ceased crying. The initial wracks of painful sobs subsided after a few minutes, but the silent tears continued to fall unobstructed. It was only when exhaustion overtook him that Sully stopped.

"We should get some sleep." AJ said as he lightly petted the man that lay in his lap.

"I don't know if I can be alone tonight." Sully said.

AJ laid a gentle kiss on the forehead that lay in his lap and then straightened. Reaching down to pull Sully up as he did so.

"It might be a squeeze but I think that we'll get the two of us in one bunk." AJ said.

"I don't want to lead you on." Sully said, sounding more like something out of a Jane Austen novel than the confident man that AJ was used to. AJ laughed softly and then answered him.

"Just being able to hold you is a dream that I never thought would come true." AJ said with a smile.

Sully laughed.

"That's almost cheesy enough to be a line in one of your songs." Sully told his friend as he made his way to his own bunk and began to undress, he paused at his boxers and T-shirt and slid into the bed.

Alex followed him, mimicking his movements and choosing to ignore the comment.

If Sully was smiling then half the battle was won, there was a long way to go but he could win it and would let that joke slide. There was plenty of ways that he could get his own back.

They had been playing video games for most of the evening, pausing only to snack on the potato chips that Ben had snuck aboard and the chocolate that Nick kept hidden in his bunk.

However there was only so much playstation that one person could play before the tiredness set in and you wanted to do something else. Ben had gotten to that stage about thirty minutes before but didn't want to tell Nick that when he was enjoying the enthuasiasm that was spread across the other man's face.

Instead Ben had sat through another two games of Tekken that he had lost abismally and then a couple of bouts of some other fighting game. Nick seemed to have a penchant for the extreme and violent, although there were a few racing games and strategy games in the pile too.

Nick threw down the controller and let out a whoop that indicated that he had won again and Ben smiled tiredly.

"You want to play again?" Nick asked, turning to look at his games partner.

It was rare that he could get someone to play them with him these days and he enjoyed having someone to share even the simplest of things with.

"Actually I thought that we should get some sleep." Ben said. He could barely believe that the words were coming from his mouth. "Didn't Kevin say that we would be at the hotel at 4am?"

"I thought that you were the all night party animal." Nick accused sarcastically, remembering some of their conversations at strange times of the day and night. Ben had boasted that he didn't need as much sleep as the average human being.

"That's usually on days when I haven't had to deal with a cross country flight." Ben said with a smile. Nick's own smile fell at that comment.

"Oh shit." Nick swore. "I'm so sorry, I forgot about that..."

Nick seemed to be going over the edge into extreme panic and Ben was glad that the hand that he placed on Nick's shoulder was enough to still him. He had worried that he might have to resort to something a little more aggressive.

"It's okay." Ben said. "I'm not that tired, at least I wasn't till a minute ago, it just came over me. If you want to stay up just point me in the direction of where I can get some sleep."

"No, I'll come too." Nick added, hoping that his voice didn't sound too urgent.

"Are we sharing?" Ben asked as he took in the two bunks, one on either side of the aisle. Nick looked at them then at the couch.

"I'll sleep out here." Nick said gallantly. "You can take my bunk."

Ben remembered how hard those couchs were, they were okay for sitting on but he couldn't see anyone sleeping on one of them. Especially not someone as tall as Nick. The buses were narrow but the bunk could fit two in a tight squeeze.

"It's okay." Ben said. "We can share. It's not like it would be the first time either."

Nick tried to hide the blush that crept up his neck and took residence in his face, it was clear that he had been thinking something along the lines of them being in close quarters again but Ben was not paying close attention to Nick. Nick was grateful that the other man had not seen his predicament.

They moved down the bus towards the bunks and then Ben realised there were in fact four bunks, two on the bottom and two on the top. It made more sense that way. But the top bunk was filled with Nick's case and his own bag. There was no way that he felt like he could move them tonight.

"You coming?" Nick asked as he slid into bed.

"Why, Mr. Carter, Are you propositioning me?" Ben said in his best Dustin Hoffman voice.

Nick blushed again and this time Ben did notice. He slipped out of his jeans, pulled off his T-shirt and then slid into the bed next to Nick, pushing the other man against the side of the bunk as he did so.

"Besides, if you have to ask if I'm coming then I guess I'm not doing it right." Ben said with a fake frown.

Nick smiled at that.

Nick shut his eyes to go to sleep and tried desperately to keep his dick soft in his pants despite the fact that his hormones were raging over the fact that the object of his affections was next to him in bed. As Nick began to feel himself relax he felt a gentle kiss on his mouth, the lips barely grazing his own, but giving him a tentative but warm caress.

"Goodnight Nicky, sweet dreams." Ben said before leaning back down and resting his head on the pillow next to Nick's.

Nick felt his heart expanding and almost exploding from the simple touch.

Maybe Sully had been just as wrong about Ben as Ben had been about Nick. Maybe there was someone else out there that was like Nick and that didn't want to be a player their whole life and perhaps that person was lying next to him.

Ben had said that people like them didn't get love, didn't deserve it, but Nick knew that was wrong. That kiss had given him a belief that maybe there was more to Ben than just a hedonistic player, and that was something to work with. Because if he could get Ben to believe in love he would be one step closer to getting Ben to return his feelings.

The zing of that possibility put a smile on Nick's face as he went to sleep.

It would be a slow journey perhaps, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step but Nick felt he had made progress tonight and that he was one step closer to his goal of falling in love.

To Be Continued.

Notes: Sorry the updates have been less frequent, I'm not really sure where this is going at the moment so I'm going to try and regroup. There will probably be five or six more chapters then I'll take a little bit of time to work on what will eventually be season 2. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Next: Chapter 19

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