Set Adrift

By Jezebel

Published on Oct 31, 2002


Set Adrift

Disclaimers: This story is fiction and it is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. If you are underage for your area or if it is illegal for you to look at this why not go somewhere else, if you don't like the thought of two men together in a loving, sexual way this isn't for you either.

Now on with the story...

Nick had thought of asking Sully about Ben when he had been talking to the other man, he had asked his questions and seemed to have more questions than answers now that Sully had given him his view. The problem was that now he was thinking a lot Nick couldn't sleep.

He had watched as Alex made his way into Sully's room as soon as he left and a dark cloud fell over Nick. He wanted to have what they had. The couple of friends were obviously about to consumate whatever complex relationship they had between them and that meant that they would be happy and be getting some. Nick wanted that. Not only the sex but the love and the happiness that he was sure would blossom between Alex and Sully.

The trouble was that the man he had chosen to give his heart to was not the type of man that believed in happiness and that may have a knock on effect for Nick. If he couldn't persuade Ben that he was worth a shot then Nick would have risked his heart for nothing.

Maybe Ben was right after all. Maybe people like him, like them, didn't deserve love. Was Nick Carter really the type of person that you wanted to settle down with? Thirteen year old girls seemed to think so but where were the commited men that would want to be with him?

Maybe that was the truth and Ben was right.

Maybe Nick Carter just couldn't be loved.

Sully woke to the familiar feeling of something digging into his back. It wasn't the spring on his old bedframe though, it was the morning erection of his bed partner. Sully looked down at the arm that lay over him and stroked it gently, not quite getting the angle to see the tattoos that appeared down Alex's arm.

Sully's gentle stroking was met with a purr as Alex woke from his dream and realised where he was. It had been a long time since AJ had just shared a bed with someone and even longer since the person sharing his bed had stayed all night. Of course it was not really his bed, it was Sully's but he had not shared his own bed or someone else's for a long time.

Sully felt the stirring of his friend behind him and tensed a little as he wondered what they were going to do now. He had heard of fight or flight syndrome but this was more fuck or run. Sully's first survival instincts told him to run but he didn't want that. Not when it had taken them five years and a whole lot of heartbreak to get back here.

"Morning." AJ drawled in a low, sexual voice. He placed a gentle kiss to the nape of Sully's neck and then began to nuzzle the side of it.

Sully wondered how he was supposed to form conscious thought when Alex was gently nipping and nibbling at the sensitive skin at the pulse point on his neck.

"Mmm...morning..." Sully groaned as he pushed back into the sensation and in doing so inadvertently brushed against AJ's erection. This elicited a groan from his partner.

Sully liked that response. It had been a long time since he had heard the throaty groan but now he had heard it again he wanted more and he began to rub his ass against AJ's cock, allowing the hardness to rub against the cleft of his butt.

"God..." AJ said as he lost concentration on sucking Sully's neck and instead let his head fall back.

Sully took advantage of the momentary weakness and turned over almost completely so that instead of being spooned together he was now lying on top of Alex. He used his own momentum from his turn to put Alex on his back and then he leaned over his lover and lay down over him.

That was the first time that Alex had felt any evidence of Sully's arousal. Their cocks brushed together and caused AJ to groan again. Sully took a chance and leaned down, allowing his lips to find AJ's and kissing him with an openmouthed kiss. AJ introduced his tongue into Sully's mouth, remapping the once familiar territory and again familiarising himself with the cavernous mouth.

Sully fell into the kiss, his eyes half closed with the passion of the moment. Alex too was getting into the kiss and was instinctively rubbing against Sully as he did so.

Sully knew that their first time together after so long should be something more than just this furtive grope but it felt far too good and they were far too gone to stop, so instead he moved a hand down and slid down their boxers as best he could. If it was going to be like this he at least wanted some part in their completion and there was a lot to be said for a handjob if it was done right.

Sully collected a little of the precum on his fingers before rubbing his hand over first AJ's erection and then his own. It did not take long to build up a rhythm that they both seemed happy with and after a moment they were kissing in earnest again while Sully's hand was moving against their members and slowly driving them both insane.

AJ gasped as he felt his balls tighten and shot his load, Sully, who had been watching his friend as he did so came a moment later, just the look of ecstasy on Alex's face was enough to bring out his own climax.

Sully fell exhausted and sated onto his lover and wondered if they could return to sleep. All he wanted was a post coital snuggle and to shut the world out so that they could continue to explore each other for eternity. In the back of his mind he knew that reality would separate them eventually but he didn't think that it would be this soon.

"Hey..." AJ grunted when he finally remembered how to engage his brain.

It had been a good orgasm but not so completely mind blowing that he could not feel the weight of the man who lay over him.

"You're heavy." Alex protested as he tried to push Sully off him.

After a moment of the shoving the other man rolled off of AJ and lay next to him. Sully moved slightly, sweeping off his own boxers and using it to wipe off the sticky mess that covered both of them before throwing the useless article of clothing to one side and pulling Alex back toward him for the snuggle he wanted.

AJ obliged him and lay in his own post coital bliss.

Both of them knew that there were issues to be resolved but for now they were too blissed out to care. Sully had concluded the night before that 'everything else could wait' and he was sticking with that. At least until he could find another mantra that fitted his life as well.

Howie knew. It didn't take a genius to work out what was the reason for the large grin that was spread across Alex's face. Howie just hoped that Kevin was too wrapped up in his own misgivings about Sully being with them for this to add anything to it. The last thing they needed was another chapter of world war III.

Nick too seemed lost in a world of his own and Howie had to wonder if there was something going on that he had not been privy to. Maybe Sully had been sleeping with more than AJ but he would have been fast to have done both in one night.

Maybe it was time for them to talk about this again. He thought that when he had spoken to AJ they had realised that Sully and Alex would not be together, but it was clear that after less than a week things had changed.

"Are you okay D?" AJ asked him as he pulled him out of his reverie.

"Huh?" Howie asked unintelligibly.

"I asked if you were okay." Alex responded with a slight smirk. "I guess someone didn't get enough sleep last night."

"I don't think it was me." Howie responded in kind.

AJ blushed slightly, not something that they were used to and Howie wished that they were in private so that they could talk about this more. Unfortunately both Kevin and Brian were in the room and Howie was pretty sure that neither of them were ready for the fact that AJ had a boyfriend on tour with them.

Knowing he was gay and knowing that he was in a relationship were two different things. Especially after his last relationship with Amanda had gone so wrong.

"We should get something to eat." Sully told Alex as he witnessed the tension between Howie and AJ.

Sully had hoped that they were not telegraphing too much of what had happened that morning but it was obvious that something was wrong and it didn't take a detective to realise that it had something to do with what had transpired within the last 24 hours. Alex wasn't exactly one to hold a grudge so he didn't think it was what had led up to the kiss the previous day and that meant that Howie knew.

"Are things okay with you and Alex?" He asked Howie when AJ had moved a little way away.

"I could ask you the same." Howie said.

Sully smiled knowingly.

"Everything with us is fine. Or at least it will be."

"Us too." Howie agreed.

"And you and I?" Sully asked, just wanting to check.

"We're fine too."

Breakfast was done, but they had a lot to do that day with a few press items to take care of before they left for the next venue. Howie hoped that the oblivious Kevin would stay that way at least until they were out of this town. Maybe they could even keep him in the dark for the rest of the tour, although that was a little unlikely.

Sully sighed as he returned to his room. He had a lot to think about and he knew that he and Alex had to talk. Things had come close at breakfast with Howie and he was the one that was most likely to be accepting of Alex and Sully being back together. It was clear that Sully and Alex needed to have a conversation and they needed to have it soon and that meant that Sully needed to sort out things in his own head.

He loved Alex. That was never an issue. He had never stopped doing so. However there was the fact that he was not ready to go back into a relationship. Sully had thought that he was ready to move on but there was a difference between being around to date someone and living with them. If he and Alex were together they would almost be co-habiting because that was how a tour would push them together. It was that level of commitment that Sully was not sure he was ready for.

Sully missed Drew a lot. He also felt guilty that he had never been able to love the man in the way he had deserved. Drew had always told him that it was okay and that he understood and yet Sully felt as if he was dirtying what they did have or somehow betraying Drew's memory by being with Alex.

Sully sighed. He lay back on his bed and let the tears fall as he thought about Drew. It hurt to be without him. He had been a constant in Sully's life for nearly five years. That was a long time to spend with someone even if you weren't completely in love with them and he had loved Drew in his own way.

Sully really didn't know what he was going to do about this.

He needed to think about it and then talk to Alex.

To Be Continued

Note: Okay, I chickened out of a full on sex scene, but it's coming, It's really only a matter of time. And there will be more Nick and Ben in the future chapters for those that have asked. :)

Feedback welcomed:

Next: Chapter 18

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