Sessions with Masseur Named Mikey

By Dave Krenshaw

Published on Nov 7, 2013


Sessions With A Masseur Named Mikey: Installment 1

by Dave Krenshaw:

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I look through the peephole; and see this: A man in his mid- to late-fities dressed in denim shorts and a casual-style navy-blue polo shirt with dark hair tinged with gray, a somewhat lanky but average build, and a somewhat-serious facial expression. For a moment, I hesitate as to actually opening the front door to my residence, thinking that this particular client-to-be looks more nervous than I usually feel on the inside.

Ultimately, I do indeed open the door, thinking to myself as I do that, as usual, this: I must follow through for the sake of the business; and always do my best to not let my fears control me and interfere with business.

"I hope I am not too early.," the man stammers while smiling nervously.

"Not at all, in fact, your timing is just pefect."

"You must, of course, be Mikey, right?"

Before responding, I immediately close the door, so that we have full privacy. I am extremely scantily-clad, wearing nothing but magenta-colored silk bikini briefs and white thong sandals. I am looking at him as we stand in the entranceway foyer downstairs, but there is very little in terms of any eye contact: He, quite frankly, seems to be staring at my modest pecs.

"Yes, THAT indeed I am. Please follow me."

I hastily lock the door; and quickly lead the way upstairs and into the modernly-mica-furniture-furnished master bedroom of my condo residence in Boca Raton, Florida.

"Please leave your things on the chairs. When you are ready, please lie on your belly in the center of the bed. I usually use a non-greasy formula body lotion to keep the massage as comfortable as possible. I greatly appreciate you using me, by the way."

He nods in assent, grinning a bit. I for one am feeling now much more-at-ease as I discreetly watch him undress while repositioning my pump-bottle of store-bought lotion so that it is closer to the nearest edge of the nightstand table. I can see that he is extremely hairy all over; and that he has a bit of a paunch.

"Frank, no need to be concerned at all, I assure you that I am extremely experienced; and, besides, all of my clients to date always get completely nude."

I notice that he hesitates a moment, but, then, he pulls down his boxers and scampers onto the bed in almost one fluid movement. It is all happening a bit fast for me, but I do take in that he is average-sized, not hung by any means, but, for me, anyway, NICE, and, certainly, nice enough.

I surmise that he must have read one of my on-line customer reviews, as he has positioned himeself with his arms and legs stretched out wide without being prompted by me to direct him to do so. I nonchalantly get on the bed; and move into a comfortable-enough and for me pretty-much routine kneeling position between his legs.

I look up into the mirror hanging above the headboard; and think to myself: Not half-bad for thirty-seven: nice wavy dark brown hair, warm light-brown eyes, and a hairless, for the most part anyhow, body, with baby-soft porcelain-tone skin all over, and a sexy innocent-like smile with iviting thin lips.

I grab the bottle of massage lotion from the night-stand.

"A lot of stress of late?"

"You would not believe it, Mikey: Meetings, business trips, tons of paperwork, ridiculous deadlines to meet, absolute insanity virtually the entire week."

"Oh, well, then, this should help relieve ALL of your...uhm...tensions."

I pump out a small bit of the lotion into my hands; and gently rub the same with my fingertips primarily into the shoulders, neck, and upper back.

I work my way down to the lower back and begin to rub a bit more of the lotion into the same with my fingertips and the palms of my hands. I am gazing at Frank's manly and a bit oval and plump buttocks. I pump out a couple of dabs of lotion on each of them; and slowly massage the lotion all over them with my fingertips in a relaxed circular-motion style. I am very much enjoying the sensuality of this; and I sort of sense that Frank is enjoying everything thus far, especially since the part of his cock that is visible looks considerably thicker than when I first began the massage.

"Oh, yes, that feels really nice."

"I am glad you are enjoying everything. I do my very best to please.," I reply in a sexy voice.

I worry, for a moment, that perhaps I have said too much. I become quiet, as I gently massage more of the lotion into the upper back and also all along each arm. Then, I crouch down; and, in between the massaging, intentionally but extremely casually alternately touch a part of Frank's upper back with each of my soft but pretty small nipples as well as a part of my pecs, of course.

Frank moves his legs in a bit so that they press gently against the sides of my lower legs. I pause for a moment; and then lighly caress the underside of the head of his cock with my right index finger.

I pull down my bikini briefs; and, in a matter of sheer seconds, have the same pulled off from my ankles and tossed onto the nearby window sill.

"It's fine to turn over now. Just get into a comfortable positon once again, staying as much as possible in the center of the bed."

I slowly begin to caress Frank's manly chest, making sure I give equal attention to each of the pecs. I also gently touch each of the nipples with the center of my palms.

Frank is, at this point, and to my delight already at a bit more than half-mast.

In all honesty, though I have had many clients over the years, for some reason, and, especially so, for sessions like this with first-time clients, everything has a way of feeling different and brand-new while spending time together so intimately and like this.

Curling my thumb and two middle fingers of my right hand, which is still pretty-well-lubed from the lotion, I begin to gently slide my hand up and down the full length of the shaft of Frank's cock. I cup Frank's hairy balls in my left hand; and start to tenderly caress them with my fingertips.

Frank begins to moan; and his chest is now heaving a bit. He grips my hips firmly. I pause a moment, remembering the qualms I felt while he was outside and before I had let him in. I snap out of it, realizing that I am simply doing what I usually do; and, besides, if I want a decent tip, or, for that matter, any tip, I better provide the release I am advertised for and that this gentleman obviously expects.

In general, many clients like to interact with me, the ones that do especially like to touch or have some kind of body contact. I decide to look as relaxed and at ease as possible; and continue on with things.

"Mikey, don't stop now, I have to cum so very much."

I increase the speed of my stroking. I hear Frank panting, as I notice a tiny bit of precum ooze out of the slit of the mushroom head of his beautiful but average-sized cock. Frank moves his hands onto my buns; and begins to caress them. I am becoming aroused by the caressing as well as by all of the panting: I see that my six-inch moderately-thick uncut cock is now very close to seven inches.

My increased pace in stimulating Frank is about to pay off big-time, I can feel it. Frank's hips lift off the bed. I quickly grab a sheet of toweling from the night-stand; and wrap it gingerly around the head of Frank's cock: Just a moment after I do this, gushes and gushes of thick cum spurt out.

I am quite a bit taken aback by this gusher of sorts. As it turns out, Frank is indeed a heavy cummer.

Within fifteen minutes, Frank is dressed and en route home. I breathe a sigh of relief, though I must admit that for reasons unknown I was quite a bit titillated by the element of potential danger. I have my usual ninety-dollars, my discounted-rate fee, as well as a twenty-dollar gratuity, safely in hand. I have a feeling Frank will be a return client, as he made it a point just before he departed to specifically ask about my availability the day after Thanksgiving Day. The holidays are coming up not too long from now; and I always make it a point to be available for sessions with clients on the same and on the days immediately preceding and subsequent to the holidays. In fact, I have many regulars who book me well-in advance for sessions while they are on vacation. I truly do enjoy pleasing others through the work I do; and I very much look forward to my upcoming scheduled sessions, including those at clients' locations in and throughout South Florida.

Next: Chapter 2

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