Serviving Danger MM 5459 word count

Published on Nov 27, 2013




by Bill Moretini

"What do we have here? Aren't you a pretty thing? Got a name? Pussy Boy? Cock Sucker?"

"You've got it wrong, friend. Name's Todd."

"Friend? You call me friend? I don't have fucking friends. Friends are weak, and this ain't no place to be weak! One glance tells me you don't belong here. Nice coat. I could use a coat like that. Slip it off, pretty boy scum."

"Please! It's all I've got against the winter cold!" pleaded Todd.

"Got a hearing problem? No one refuses Star?no one!"

Todd looked past the filthy, un-kept, bearded man who called himself 'Star'. As far as the eye could see, it was more of the same; bums, drug dealers, prostitutes and who knows what, were sitting on whatever they could find including broken down corrugated boxes. Some huddled around a rusty makeshift warming caldron fashioned from a fifty gallon steel barrel that produced more smoke than fire or heat. Newspapers and other trash blew around like confetti in the cold November chill.

"Give me tha fuck'n coat!" demanded the crude man as he crept up to Todd like a stalking panther.

Todd's heart thumped. He was in immediate danger, and he knew it. He gathered as much strength as his body, weak from hunger, could conjure, and made a dash. Fourteen feet is as far as he got before the larger man grabbed hold of his coattail and stopped him cold. It took little for the middle age man to wrestle the eighteen year old to the snow covered alley. They landed together with a thud.

"Please, sir! Can't you see I have nothing else to wear? What you see is all I have. Stop twisting my arm! You're hurting me! Somebody help me!" Todd pleaded as he frantically looked around for help.

No one moved. The three men around the caldron and two others leaning side by side against the brick wall of a building just stared, seemingly disinterested. The assailant grabbed hold of the coat collar and tugged it off of Todd's shoulders and pushed Todd's head toward the cobble stone street, face downward, barely catching himself with his hands. The coat didn't come off completely, and the assailant put his knee in Todd's back and kept tugging at it.

"Get your hands off him, Star!" demanded a deep, masculine voice from a man Todd couldn't see.

"Keep your goddamn nose out of this!" yelled Star.

Todd felt the weight of the assailant lift off of him. He twisted around to see who his helper was. A fist flew through the air and landed on Star's nose. Blood squirted through the air and made red dots in the thin layer of dirty snow. Todd's assailant stumbled backwards, but kept upright.

"I won't forget this, Deacon!" Star said as he stood there brushing blood from his whiskered face with the sleeve of his filthy threadbare denim coat.

"It's wise of you if you don't, you piece of bullying shit!"

"Who in the goddamn hell are you to talk? You ain't no better than me?, else you wouldn't be here!" said the man called Star.

"Want some more, Star?"

Star defensively held his hand up in front of his face as he backed away. The man he called Deacon reached a hand down to Todd. Todd's hand, stiff from the cold, grabbed hold as best he could. Deacon hauled him to his feet, and Todd tugged his coat back over his shoulders.

"You alright?" Deacon asked Todd.

"Yeah, thanks to you. Will you come with me to find a safer place?" asked Todd.

"Around here? That's a joke. You don't look like you belong here, so why are you? Oh, my name is Dan?, Dan Deacon. My street name."

"I'm Todd De Marco. I can't say why I'm here."

"There are a thousand and one stories here. How could yours be any worse? Come now, Todd. I mean you no harm."

"What's your story?" asked Todd. "I mean, you don't look quite as bad as the rest of the bums. I mean, people. Sorry, Dan?sir."

"This is no place to have a loose tongue if you want to keep living, so watch it! These out of their luck men have nothing to loose and everything to gain by striping a man naked and leaving him to freeze to death. So, you didn't tell me why you're here," insisted Dan.

"And have you beat the crap out of me instead of that jerk doing it? No thanks. I haven't eaten in nearly four days, and that was the remains of a burger someone in the fast food place didn't like, that ended up in the dumpster. I'm starved."

"You don't look starved to me. Those are damn nice threads you got on your back. Something doesn't fit," Dan said, and stopped and let Todd walk on ahead.

But Todd stopped and turned to face Dan. Dan had a scowl on his face that would otherwise be quite handsome if it were shaven. As it was, the big man looked intimidating.

"Are you a fucking cop in street cloths looking for drugs among the, as you call us, bums?" Dan asked, frowning. "If not, I want to know exactly who you are right fucking now!"

"Do I look like a cop? I'm eighteen years old! I am no physical match for you, and you would beat the shit out of me if I told you the truth. Thanks, and goodbye."

"Not so fast, Todd. You are right, you are no match for me. So why would I hit someone who offers me no threat? I just want to know who I'm standing up for. Okay? What the fuck is your story?"

Todd took pause at the "standing up" comment. He wondered why, in this environment, anyone would stand up for him. He decided that it was worth the chance to admit to the man that he was gay in exchange for the protection he so needed. He readied himself to run if necessary.

"I'm a goddamn fag!" Todd blurted out angrily. "You probably don't want to protect a fag, do you? Just leave me tha fuck alone and go your own way and let me go on mine!"

A small grin on Dan's face morphed into a broad smile. He closed the gap between himself and Todd and put a strong hand on wary Todd's shoulder.

"That's something you should never admit around here. Some of these punks would beat you up just to hear you beg them to stop, or just to see a queer shed blood. But I'm not one of them."

"Why aren't you? I mean, why did you come to my aid back there? What is your story, Dan?"

Dan smirked and rolled his eyes. With the hand that was still on Todd's shoulder, he turned Todd around and urged him forward. Being controlled like that did not set well with Todd.

"Let's get you something to eat," Dan said.

"Out of another dumpster, I suppose," said Todd. "I can do that myself."

"Look, Todd, if you don't trust me, I can't help you!"

"Help me what? And why do you think you can help me? I can't possibly go back home to that hell hole. It's worse than this, even if it is clean!"

"Sounds like the age old story?, Dad finds out that son is queer. He tells son to get out and don't look back. Am I right?"

"Pretty much like that, yes. So you see, you can't really help me. There's a Dunkin Donut dumpster a block from here."

"There's a Steak house two blocks from here. Forget the dumpster, Todd."

"Well why don't we take your Rolls Royce so we won't have to walk in the snow, huh Dan?"

"Don't be such a smart ass. When we sit down to eat, I'll explain everything. So button your lip. How old are you, really?"

"I'm eighteen, you know, the age where a father is no longer responsible for his kid. So if they hate who you are, they just toss you out like spoiled food. Now you know the crux of my story, but I know nothing about you. Are you going to rape me now that you know I'm a queer?" asked Todd.

"Not until you get a good meal down you. Of course I'm not going to rape you! You're a feisty queer if I ever saw one. See if you can keep a civil tongue with less than one more block to go."

"And how do you expect a restaurant to let us in, looking the way shabby way that we, uh?you do?"

"I've got pull. Here we are, so shut up."

Todd expected to see a finger jabbing the air as it pointed on down the street when they tried to enter, but quite the contrary happened. The seater, a hefty finely dressed man, lead them to a secluded corner table. Then a tall, thin young man dressed in a white shirt, a black suit and a bow tie, smiled when he saw Dan, and came to the table.

"Nice to see you again, Andre," said Dan.

"Wee, Mister Connagan, nice to see you too. dinning for two?"

"Yes, Andre. And my usual bottle of white Zinfandel."

Todd was stunned. He looked around. His face had turned crimson.

"This, uh? I've eaten in here with my parents when I was about ten. Damn nice place in a bad neighborhood. This is expensive! What were you thinking, Dan? Can you pay for this? I only have four dollars."

"Relax, Todd. I'll explain things over wine, after we order food."

Todd's head filled with questions. He wanted to hide under the table where he couldn't be seen. The wine came surprisingly fast. Andre saw Todd's tension, and smiled warmly as he opened the bottle and poured the glasses half full.

"I think we'll sip wine and chat a while before ordering," said Dan. Andre nodded and left.

"Are we going to end up washing the damn dishes?" Todd whispered through clenched teeth?

"Do you think you're too precious to wash dishes? No Todd, I have a tab," said Dan.

Todd's jaw dropped and he stared at Dan in disbelief. Then he glanced around to see if people were staring at them. Dan held up his glass for a toast. Todd refused to. Feeling the warmth on his cheeks made his blush deepen. He looked at his napkin while fidgeting with the fork.

Once again, common conversations in the restaurant returned, and people stopped gawking at them. Todd angrily frowned at Dan.

"Don't be like that, Todd," coaxed Dan. "Everything in your life will be okay. Maybe not as plush as you had it at home, but far more real. Now tap your glass on mine and take a sip. If you don't, I won't buy you a meal. Understand?"

"No! Andrea called you Connagan. Star called you Deacon! What the hell is your real name?"

"Daniel Connagan. Like I said, Deacon is my street name. Sounds authoritative. Anything helps in that environment."

"Got it. But why are you doing this! What do I mean to you?" asked Todd.

"Are you hungry?"

"Alright! Alright! I give up. Here's to you?us! Whatever! Can we eat now? ?please?" pleaded Todd.

"That's more like it," Dan said. He looked at Andre and motioned for him to come over. "We're ready to order, Andre. Porterhouse steaks for both. Mine, medium rare. Todd, how would you like yours?"

"I'm good with that," Todd said without looking at Andre or Dan.

"Would you like an appetizer, gentlemen?"

"We'll pass," said Dan.

Andre nodded and left to put in the orders. Dan took a sip of wine and stared at Todd while softly smirking and looking totally confident.

"Once more, why are you doing this?" asked Todd. "I have nothing to give back. Just what are your intentions with me?"

"We'll not talk about that here. Don't worry. You're lucky that I came along when I did. That's all I'll say about that for now." Dan leaned over the table and quietly said? "When we are through eating, you can either trust me, or you can go back to the alley and fin for yourself. Believe me, you won't last long on you own. Trust me, Todd."

"I guess I'd rather trust the devil I know?somewhat, than the devil I don't know at all. So I have no choice, do I?"

"I don't think you'll regret your choice," said Dan. "You haven't touched your wine."

Todd lifted his glass and sipped once, and then began to gulp it down. Dan poured more wine.

"If you haven't eaten in days, Todd, drinking wine down like that on an empty stomach might cause you to upchuck your meal after you eat. Don't embarrass both of us."

"Don't worry, I won't do that. This is all too much. I have nothing more to say till we are finished and back on the street. Nothing!"

"As you wish," said Dan.

When back on the sidewalk, gunfire competed with the overhead sound of the elevated train and car's horns. Dan urged Todd to come with him. As they walked briskly in the direction that Dan dictated, Todd belched from eating his meal too fast.

"Thanks for that nice meal, Dan," said Todd. "You said you would explain your interest in me after we left the restaurant. I'm all ears."

"Okay. I've been working that area for about four months now, and I pretty much know a person in trouble who won't be able to handle what goes on amongst the bums and ruthless drug dealers. You, in your still nice cloths, stood out like a sore thumb. So you became my project, so to speak. You'll just have to trust that I have your best interest at heart."

"Your project? I don't like the sound of that! Just what is your intent?"

"To keep you safe until you find work and become self reliant. Is that so bad?" asked Dan.

"Too damn good to be true. But what do you get out of it?" Todd asked, looking at Dan with suspicion. "Everyone has an axe to grind."

"Let's just say that I know where you're coming from. I've been there myself and want to help others like I was and you are."

"How do you know where the fuck I came from? Just because I still have some nice threads. You look like a bum, so how could you identify with who you think that I am?"

"I had nice cloths. I got kicked out too?, and for the same reason, if you're telling the truth, that is. Are you, Todd?"

"You? Queer? I'd never have guessed. But that doesn't explain much."

"We turn here. Now keep your cool. We're about to enter my building. It ain't as bad in my apartment as it appears outside."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Todd.

"You sound like a spoiled brat. Maybe I should just dump you now and let you learn the hard way."

A chill made Todd shudder. The thought of living dangerously like he had been doing for the last few days was frightening. He said nothing more.

The building was barely a wrung above the warehouses in the area where Dan had found Todd. Paper and trash was strewn and tossed by the breeze around the steps that led to a heavy front door. The hall was very little cleaner. Todd had twice slept in such a hall as a poor defense against the outside cold.

Instead of entering an apartment on the main floor, they took the clunky freight elevator to the basement. There were two doors down there. Dan explained that one went to the boiler room. He put a key in the other door and entered first.

"Welcome to paradise lost," Dan said, and managed a chuckle. "Ain't much, but it's warm and better than the street."

"It doesn't look bad to me, Dan. Lots of books is not a sign of a bum. The furnishings are decent too. I still don't get it. I don't know what you do for a living. I don't know why you took up with me. I may be crazy to just be here with you. Would you please finally explain some things?"

"Take your coat off and relax," said Dan as he took off his own coat.

Todd could see the stress on Dan's face. Dan motioned for Todd to take a seat on the couch, and Dan sat in an armchair across from him. Todd scanned the apartment while he waited for Dan to say something.

"Todd?, you might as well know that I can't tell you everything. But I can tell you that I am working for the city. And I can tell you that I try to save guys like you who have fallen on hard times. I hate to see good guys sink to the depths of hell through no fault of their own. Why should I care? I've been there myself. I was taken in by?, well, someone like myself. I can't say who. And through him, I got this special job that allows me to do the same for others?like yourself now, and I once was then."

"You're only making yourself more mysterious," said Todd. "So what the hell is going to happen to me? Dan, I need to know!"

"To tell the truth, I don't know yet. Okay, that sounds stupid. You know our waiter? Andrea? I was able to get him that job because of my connections. I expect to do the same for you. By the way, in case your gadar didn't kick in, Andrea is gay too. In fact he lived here with me as I hope you will. Actually, I liked him a lot, but he found love after he got on his feet, and moved out with his lover."

"You loved him?" asked Todd.

"No, not really. He isn't quite my type. You would be more my type. Maybe we should get off that subject. How about some coffee. It'll only take a few minutes to brew."

"That sounds real good, Dan. So, Andrea lived here? Where did he sleep?" asked Todd.

"That's a roll-out couch your sitting on. Nothing special, but damn comfortable sleeping."

"Does that mean that I'll be sleeping on it? With you?"

"Would you rather sleep in a dumpster in the cold? I won't bite."

"Are you, uh?are we going to?"

"Have sex? Do I look that unattractive? Forget you!"

"I didn't say that, Dan! In fact, if you didn't have that ten o'clock shadow and wore some nice cloths, you'd probably be darn good looking."

"Gee! Would I meet your fucking approval then?" snapped Dan.

"Now that's not fair. I really did mean it that way," Todd said apologetically. "But since you have a job with the city, why don't you live in a nice place, and why do you wear such?ratty cloths? And shave?"

"I don't have too! You just don't get the picture, do you? It's all my freakin disguise! Saving guys like you is not my fucking job! I rat out drug dealers to my fellow?I mean? I?, I've nearly said too much. Damn! I'll make that goddamn coffee now."

Todd stared warily at Dan's back as he stood at the small kitchenette and fixed coffee. The broad shoulders and narrow hips were the hallmark of masculinity. Todd's head swam with questions about Dan; About what was going to happen next; About what his relationship with Dan would come to; About how he would make a living. Fear was creeping back in. He wondered if he should run out of there right then and take his chances on his own.

"What kind of work would you like to do, Todd?" Dan asked without turning to face the young man.

"Uh?don't really know. With your connections, maybe something with the city."

"When I know you better, I can help you better too. Think about it. This shit is instant coffee, so it's almost done. Sugar? I don't have cream."

"Sugar. One rounded spoonful, please. Can we watch TV?"

"I wish. It's on the blink. Just how plush did you have it? Was your father rich?" Dan asked as he turned around with two coffees.

"Buick Car dealership. Upper middle class, I guess you'd say. What about you, or is your entire life a mystery?"

"Cut the sarcasm. My parents split when I was seven. Dad couldn't deal with my alcoholic mom, and he just fucking disappeared without a trace. My mother really loved me, sort of, at least. But she had no coping skills. I ran wild. Into trouble most of the time. I got caught stealing at age thirteen and was sent to juvenile. Eighteen months I wasted away, learning how to get into more trouble than I already knew about. Scoot over."

Dan set the two coffees on the mosaic coffee table in front of the couch and sat down, almost touching knees with Todd. That did not go unnoticed by Todd, and he moved his knee a couple of inches away.

"I'll drink coffee with you, but then I'll have to leave," said Dan. "It'll soon be dark, and I have some things to check out?business, you know. I got a lead on some shit that's going down?incoming coke."

"Is that dangerous, Dan?"

"Damn right it is! You stay your ass indoors after dark, understand?"

"I suppose," said Todd.

"You suppose hell! I won't be around to rescue you. I'll try to make it back by two AM. Is that clear?"

"Fuck! I had a curfew when I lived at home! You're not my parent! How old are you?" Todd asked, looking Dan square on.

"Twenty-eight?only ten years your senior."

"Say, back there this afternoon when you rescued me, you asked me if I was a cop. If you are an undercover cop, you would have known that I wasn't one too. Explain that, Dan."

"Part of the disguise. I didn't want you to know I was at that time. Can't be too careful, doing what I do."

"Do you carry a gun?" asked Todd.

"Drink your coffee before it gets cold," said Dan. "I'm leaving. I'm taking a chance with you. You'd better not steal from me while I'm gone."

"You've done good by me. Of course I won't!"

Dan stood and looked down at Todd. Todd returned the look warily. Then Dan bent over, put a hand on Todd's shoulder, and kissed the side of Todd's neck. With Dan's soft lips sensually brushing the side of Todd's neck, a highly erotic sensation raced down Todd's spine, suddenly changing the dynamics of their short relationship from incidental to emotional, personal and sexually arousing. Todd was taken back. He wanted an explanation, but Dan quickly left his apartment, closing the door softly behind him. He opened it again and told Todd to lock it behind him. Todd did, and then sat down again.

"What tha fuck?" Todd said to the air.

Okay?so he's gay, and I'm gay, thought Todd. Is he really interested in me for sex? he wondered. Then he realized fully that he was sitting alone in a stranger's apartment with nothing to do and no direction. He sipped some coffee and began looking around. Some movement caught his eye. He looked up to see a shoe disappear past the small basement window which was heavily barred, making him feel imprisoned.

He had to pee, so he looked around for a bathroom door. He saw two doors and rose and headed for them. One had a heavy combination lock on it, and the other was part way open. He pushed it open and felt for a light switch. The bare overhead bulb glared and disclosed the condition of the small room. A plain semi-transparent shower curtain was pulled across a porcelain tub. He stepped up to the stool and started peeing. The odder reminded him that he badly needed a shower.

When Todd finished, he turned around and saw a huge, life-size colored poster of a strikingly well built naked man, taped to the inside of the door. The image was sporting an exceptionally large erection. Todd now thought that Dan truly was gay. He decided to undress and shower.

As he showered, the poster image was arousing him. He lathered good and began a slow, methodical ejaculation. He imagined Dan standing and looking at the poster while jacking his meat. Todd was getting close to climaxing when he heard a thumping noise. He turned off the shower and listened. The noise was muffled, and Todd finally realized that someone might be trying to get into the apartment.

Todd's heartbeat rocketed. Fear rushed over him. He yanked back the shower curtain and stepped out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and started rapidly drying himself while the banging kept getting louder. He wrapped the towel around himself and rushed to the kitchen, looking for a large knife to defend himself with. Then he heard groaning and less banging. It was then that he thought it might be Dan at the door. But why didn't he just come in? Was he in some kind of trouble? What if it wasn't Dan? What if it was a break-in? He timidly went to the door and listened.

"Todd. If you're?in there?please?open the door. Todd? Todd! Help me, Todd!"

There was no doubt now that it was Dan's voice. Todd quickly unlocked the door and stepped back as he opened it. Dan was slumped over and his face was a bloody mess. He laboriously staggered a few steps in, and Todd slammed the door shut.

"Dan! Jesus! What happened?"

"Help me to?the couch. Can barely?walk," Dan pleaded in a strained voice.

Todd gasped, and shock raced through him when he got a glimpse of a knife handle protruding from Dan's back.

"Oh fuck," Todd said, his words stumbling out of his lips. "Here?let me help you. What should I do? Easy now. Oh shit! That's it. A little more. Just a few more feet, Dan. I'll call the police. Okay, now ease on down on the couch."

"Not the?police?Todd. An ambulance? Fast."

"Oh shit. Oh shit. The phone. Yes, there it is. An ambulance," Todd mumbled frantically. "Nine one, one. Hello. Hello! Answer the fucking ph?hello? Yes. I need an ambulance?now! Fast! Huh? Oh! The address. The address." Todd turned to Dan. "Dan! What's the fucking address?!"

Dan was glassy eyed and slumped over. He looked like he might pass out any moment. Todd would not get an address from him.

"Trace the call! Gotta go. Gotta help my friend. Hurry! Please hurry!"

"Mister Daniel Connagan? Yes, he's able to have guests now," said the receptionist. "I'll have a vase with water sent to his room for those roses. He's in room three eighteen."

"Thanks, miss," Todd said, and headed for the elevators.

Todd felt awkward and out of place. He wondered if family members would be in Dan's room. If so, how would he explain his interest in Dan. The elevator stopped and he got off. The room was easily found. When he entered he saw Dan lying in a bed that was ramped up. Dan's eyes were closed. Todd stood by the bed, wondering if he should wake Dan. His eye caught someone entering the room.

"A vase with water, sir, for those lovely flowers," said a young man in hospital scrubs.

Todd thanked him, and he left. When Todd turned back around, Dan was looking at him and smiling.

"Flowers for me? No one has ever done that before," said Dan.

"I ordered poison ivy and thistles, but they sent roses," joked Todd. "I hope you feel better than you look."

"Good enough to beat the crap out of you. How are you, Todd?"

"Still upset. I'll never forget the sight of you staggering through the door, your face looking like hamburger? and that damn knife in your back. Do you know when they'll release you?"

"In two days, they think. Where did you get the money for the roses?"

"I'll never tell. Do you like them?"

"I want to know where you got the money!"

"If you must know, my ass bought them for you. Seems I'm worth one hundred from just one? person."

"You crazy fool! Did you use protection?"

"I'm not stupid. Of course I did!"

"That's a relief. I remember seeing you standing in only that towel, your hair still wet, when I staggered through the door. I wanted you then."

"Only then, Dan?"

"Do I look like I can handle it now? Can you hold off for a week?"

"I'm a uh? you know, a factory. Twice a day is not enough. I can assure you I'll be ready when you are. Who did this to you, Dan?"

"He had a woven ski mask on, but I'm thinking it was Star, the one who tried to steal your coat. I'll get him for this."

"I hope so. What did they say about your face?"

"Just surface abrasions," said Dan. "I'll be as good as new in about two weeks. The stitches in my back will take a little longer. There is food in the frig and canned food on the shelf. Are you eating good?"

"Sure. Don't worry about me. Just get well soon."

"Sir?, our patient needs to rest now," said a short Latino nurse.

"Okay. I'll only be a minute or two more."

The nurse nodded and left. Todd quickly stepped up against he bed and bent forward to kiss Dan.

"Save that for later, Todd. My lips still feel like chopped liver."

"Sorry, Dan. I'll make up for it when you're out of here. I think that needs no explanation. See ya soon."

Not a day passed without Todd visiting Dan. Through all of it, Dan managed to maintain relatively good spirits when Todd came to visit. And now, with little more than half an hour before Dan's release, Todd was impatiently waiting for Dan to arrive home.

"I hope he likes the beef stew I made," Todd mumbled to himself. Todd heard a key turning the front door lock. He bolted to attention. He's not due home yet! Todd thought with alarm. Did the creeps find out where he lives? Todd went near to the door and stopped. "Who is it?" the door opened and in stepped Dan.

"Who were you expecting?" asked Dan. "Shall I go away? Is your hot secret lover coming? It's me, Todd. I got released an hour early.

"That's great! I guess my hot lover has arrived. I've been expecting to have dinner ready when you walked in the door. Give it another twenty minutes."

"Turn the stove off, Todd. I see my dinner standing right before me. Come here, you beautiful man. Just go easy on my back where I was stitched up."

The two embraced. They kissed long and wet. Both quickly became aroused and stone hard. Todd broke free and undid the waist of Dan's jeans and frantically lowered the zipper. Dan had prepared for fast sex by going commando. With no underwear, his thick eight inches sprung to attention with a vengeance. Todd stared wide-eyed at the throbbing cock while getting his own jeans off down to his ankles.

"I really want this!" said Todd.

"Me too, Todd. But let's get our cloths off and hit the couch now. Oh?, I see you've already made it into a bed! Great!"

Cloths flew through the air in any direction. Lube was on the floor beside the bed. They hopped in bed and soon were a tangle of arms and legs. In heated lust, they ground their bodies together until they were wet with sweat.

"Aw fuck, man. Take me!" Todd demanded. "This body is yours to do with whatever in the hell pleases you. Suck me dry. Fuck me raw!" Todd was trembling with desire. "Shove your big club dick down my throat and up my ass. I'm your fuck bitch. Breed me, Dan! Sow your seeds deep in my gut. Show my ass who's boss!"

"Your wish will be granted, my pretty slut lover. Start with my nipples and work your way down to my cock and balls and around to my hairy, sweaty asshole. I want to be rimmed good too. Now, Todd! Do it!"

"Yes sir! Whatever you say, sir! Whatever you want. Make me obey!"


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