Servitude in a Straightjacket

By moc.oohay@400277gj

Published on May 24, 2008


This story is not fiction. It is a true story and the names have been changed to keep the peoples' identity secret.

Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of extreme sexual and bondage activity between two college roommates. The acts are consensual and very graphic and are a result of their growing relationship for one another. Please write: JG at, I would love to hear if you like my story.

Chapter 2

All I could think about for the rest of the day was that contract I signed. After me and Aaron got our room all set up, we went on our seperate ways for the rest of the day. We introduced ourselves to numerous people living on our floor in our dorm with us, we went to the introductory meeting in our dorm that explained the rules and regulations to follow while you live on campus. After that was done, I went to the cafeteria and went and got something to eat. It was about 6:30 at night so I figured I should fill up my stomach before I begin my "training" as Aaron put it. With each passing minute, I just got more and more nervous, but at the same time, more and more anxious. I was still sitting in the cafeteria when my cell phone went off, and I saw that the number was Aaron's cell number. We did swap cell phone numbers when we met. So I picked up my phone and I answered it.

"Yes master?" I answered with a soft tone so no one could hear me close by.

"It is almost 7. Where are you right now?" he replied.

"I'm eating at the cafeteria, and I'm just about done sir. I am heading over right now so you don't have to wait." I replied back.

" me, you dont want to be late on your first day with me." he replied with a small chuckle, then he hung up the phone.

I decided then to get moving. I returned my tray to the counter, picked up my wind breaker jacket, put it on and walked out, beginning to walk back to my dorm. It was about 6:55, when I reached my dorm, got in the elevator, and rode it up to my floor. With each passing step, I got more and more nervous and anxious. What was he gonna have me do? I could not believe this was all happening on the first day of my college career. I walked to my room door, and I opened it up. When I walked inside, there was Aaron...sitting on the futon in nothing but tight white see-through boxer briefs watching TV and drinking water from a water bottle. He looked absolutely amazing. His abs were chisled to perfection, he had very muscular arms and legs, and he hardly had any body hair. His thighs were thick and muscular all the way down to his feet. His legs were a little bit hairy, but all in all, I could tell he likes to keep in shape just like I do. He turned and looked at me.

"Shut the door and lock it." he said very sternly.

I turned around and closed the door and locked it with my key so no one could come in. I then turned around and faced him, looking all innocent, but then he got right to the point. I saw him walk over to his closet, open it up, and there it was. He pulled out the same straitjacket he showed me earlier. That tight black latex straitjacket. Long straps on each sleeve, the back of the jacket had five straps, and there was also two crotch straps that go from up under the crotch to the back of the jacket. Each strap goes to a respective buckle to latch on the jacket, so Aaron could make this as tight as he wants when he puts it on me. After showing me the jacket. He laid down the rules.

"As long as you are in this room with me, this is what you will be wearing and nothing else. When I want to be served, you will be serving me while in this. Is that understood?" he said.

I replied, "Yes Sir."

"If you and I are in this room, and I decide to invite one or two friends over here, you will remain in this jacket no matter what, and if I want you to serve my friends as well, you are going to do it without fuss. Is that understood?" he said.

I answered, "Yes Sir."

I began to get even more and more nervous, but slowly but surely, my cock began to throb a little bit in my pants because I could not help but get excited. I just stood there and awaited his commands, until he gave me his first one.

"Ok...its time to get this on you. Strip down completely. I want to see you wear absolutely nothing." he said.

"Yes Master." I replied. I then slid off my sandles, and unbuttoned my jean shorts and slid them down and kicked them off. My boner getting larger and larger in my briefs painfully. I then lifted my red muscle shirt over my head and tossed that aside, hoping Aaron would be impressed with the way I kept in shape...which he was as I caught him smiling out of the corner of his mouth. I also took a sneak down at his crotch since all he was wearing was his see-through boxer briefs, and I could tell he was getting excited to. After my jacket, shirt, and shorts were off, I then reached into my tight boxer briefs and slid them down as well, revealing my hard 7 inch boner as it popped out, and stood straight out proudly. I was a little embarassed, but I stood proudly.

"Hmmmmm. I little excited are we?" Aaron asked. He then took the jacket and held it up for me. "Its time to bundle you up in this thing. Slide your arms in the sleeves and I will do the rest."

I took my arms, and slowly slid them as far as I could in the sleeves of the jacket. Aaron then got behind me and strap by strap, slowly began tightening the jacket on me. With each strap going into the buckle, I could feel the jacket pressing more and more tightly against my back. I grinded my teeth a little bit as Aaron tightened it on me. Once the back of the jacket was secure, he asked for my arms, so I crossed my arms in front of me.

"No. No. No. This is a special straitjacket. I need you to put your arms behind you." he said.

At that moment, I got extremely nervous, cause he is going make me feel more helpless than I already am. I thought straitjackets cross your arms in front of you. I guess this jacket could do both. But I did was I was told, and put my arms behind me. He bent my arms upward by the elbows, crossing each other, almost as if each elbow was under my opposite hand. Once he had my arms in position, he wrapped each sleeve strap around my torso once and buckled it tightly in its respective buckle on the side of the jacket as tight as he could. The jacket was constricting pretty good around my body as it got tighter and tighter. He then took one final back strap and wrapped it around my horizontal arms in a vertical way. My arms were now as secure as they possibly could be behind me. I could not move my arms at all. The jacket was almost completely on me. Last was the two crotch straps. He gently moved my hard boner and reached under and grabbed the two crotch straps, and pulled them up under my crotch, one on each side, almost as if my cock and balls are sticking out of a hole. He tightened the final two straps, which I felt a little pain in my crotch area as he tightened them, and strapped them in its respective buckles. Once he had it on me to completion, he stepped away and looked at me.

"Hows it feel?", he asked as he went to sit down on the futon, and pulled out another bottled water and began drinking it. "Try and get out of it. I bet you can't" he laughed. "Go ahead, struggle in it for me."

There I was, half naked, my cock throbbing in his hardness, and I'm standing helpless in a straitjacket with my arms strapped cleverly behind me. So I did what he was told. I began shaking and writhing in my straitjacket. Trying to move my arms. My hands curled up in fists inside the jacket as I could not budge the jacket at all. As a matter of fact, the more I struggled, the tighter the jacket seemed to get. Trapped in Aaron's tight confining bondage drove me nuts in a way as I continued to struggle in my bounds. Desperately movng around, my thick, hard, boner slapping my thighs with each thrust I try to make, as Aaron is just sitting there enjoying the show, drinking his water. The jacket was just so unbelievably tight, I could hardly move in it. But at the same time, it was kinda cool to wear

"I can not get out sir. This jacket is secure on me pretty good. I can hardly move at all." I said as I stood there helpless. My boner popping up proudly as he watched me intently. I asked, "How long are you gonna keep me in this jacket sir?"

He replied, "As long as you are in this room, that is all your gonna wear...and nothing else. So you better get use to wearing that jacket, because that is your new uniform." He then pulled out a duffle bag, and pulled out a spiked dog collar with a long attached chain leash on it. After taking another sip from his bottled water, he got up and walked towards me, and held the collar up to my neck and latched it on me.

"Hmmmm...Perfect fit." he replied with a smile.

All I could do is stand there. My arms were so secure behind me, I could barely move. I was so nervous out of my mind, but excited as well. What did he have planned for me? I hope he remembered my limits. Plus with the way he was built with his rock hard abs, his sexy hairless body, and his strong thighs, I'm gonna make the best of this situation and serve him to the best of my ability. Every once in a while, I could not but help but thrive and shake in my jacket, but the more I did, the tighter it felt. My cock was as hard as it ever been, but I had the feeling that I was not gonna cum for a while. I couldn't even stroke myself if I wanted to. Now he latched this collar on me with a long leash, and that only confirmed I was his and his alone.

He reached back down into his dufflebag and then pulled out a bizarre looking gag. It was black, made of hard plastic and rubber, and looked to have a funnel attached to it.

I asked, "What is that sir?" as I stood there helpless with my hard on.

"This is called a funnelgag. It is used for forced drinking. This is gonna be your first test, and you may not like it, but you did not place it on the contract as one of your limits. Now I am gonna put this gag on you, and I dont want to hear any fuss, is that understood?"

I nodded, "Yes Sir."

"Alright then...Open wide." Aaron said.

Standing there, still hard and helpless as I could, I opened my mouth wide. He then stuck the nozzle in my mouth, took the straps and wrapped it around my head, and tightened the funnelgag as tight as he could. I couldn't help but moan and groan while I shook in my jacket. The more I shook in my jacket, the more Aaron loved it because he knew I couldn't get out. He then latched the funnelgag nice and tight on my face, then I heard a small click. He put a small mini padlock on the back of the gag so its nice and secure in my mouth. What was he gonna make me drink? Alcohol? Water? Is he gonna try and drown me? He took another sip of water and emptyed his bottle. He then opened up another wattle bottle and began downing that bottle as fast as he could. All I could do was watch and listen for his command. Still in this jacket, as I am slowly becoming comfortable in it, but with this gag in my mouth, that renders me from speaking, and with the nozzle tightly in my mouth, he can put anything in the funnel and I'll be forced to drink it. I thought to myself, things are looking bleak. After he downed another bottle, he gave his next command.

"On your knees, and stay there. Don't even think about getting back up." he said very sternly, as he opened up another bottle and began downing that bottle as well. So I listened to him. "MMMHMMMMM" I said as I nodded, then I dropped to my knees. He told me to spread my legs as far out as I could on my knees, which I did and I sat back on my knees, with my cock straight up, still hard as a rock, as I looked up at him. He then took out a digital camera from his bag, and began taking pictures of me. My eyes widen. "MMMMMMM MMMAT MMMAARR MMMUUU MMOINNN MMIIRRR??" as i tried to ask "What are you doing sir?"

"These are blackmale photos. If you don't do as your told, I will post these pics all over campus, and everyone will see what kind of a gay whore you are." He continued to walk all around me and take pics of me, on my knees, in this jacket, funnelgag, and collar with leash. My eyes widened and I began to get scared. I kept thinking to myself..."Just do what he says. Just do what he says and everything will be alright." Little did I know what he had planned for me first. He grabbed a pair of belts and began wrapping each belt around my thighs and my calves, and strapped them tightly so I remain on my knees, and unable to get up. I thought to myself, "It is unbelieveable how he planned all this." Here Aaron is strapping me up, putting me in my place in nothing but his tight underwear, and all I could do is watch. Once he had each belt wrapped around my thighs and calves keeping me helplessly on my knees unable to get up, I knew right then, I was completely at his mercy. All I c

ould do was struggle in my jacket, my mouth had a nozzle strapped and secure, and all I could do was plead with my eyes. I was completely at Aaron's wim.

He took another gulp from his water bottle, and downed it pretty quickly, then he began talking to me while I was on my knees.

"As long as your going to be my slave," he looked down at me, "you will experience everything that comes out of my cock." He then looks over and picks up the contract and reads over my limits. "Now I see that you did not add piss to your list of limits." he said looking down at me with a smile. My eyes widened with horror. I never drank piss in my life. Now I understood why he drank all those water bottles. To start off, he turned me into his personal urinal. "MMMOOO MMMMOOOO MMMLLLZZZ" as I tried to say "No Please" through the gag. I couldn't believe it. I was trapped in his tight confining bondage as his urinal. I thought "Oh fuck!! It can't really be happening, he's made me into some kinda human urinal or something!" I began shaking and thriving even more in the jacket, but I couldn't budge it one inch. He then reached down and gently and began running his hands through my black spikey hair, trying to relax me.

"I'm sorry...its too late. You better get used to it, because you'll be doing this alot." he said as he looked me dead in the eyes. "I know you want to suck me off and enjoy my cock, but if you even want to come close to sucking me off, you have to do this. Are you ready?" he said as he gulped another chug of water.

Like he gave me much of a choice. All I could do is nod my head, struggle in my confines and look up at him. "MMEESS MIR!" as I said "Yes Sir" as I nodded. Aaron then reached down in his tight white boxer briefs and pulled them down. His cock was gorgeous. It was semi-hard at about 8 inches it looked like and it was completley shaved. I wanted it in my mouth so bad, but I knew I would be tasting what was coming out of it...and it wasn't cum...yet. He slid his semi-hard inside the funnel and just stood there, as he picked up another water bottle and began downing it. It was like his 6th water bottle.

"MMMMPPPHHHHHH", I cry out panicking, my sides twisting in the straight jacket and my hard boner bobs with my balls as I watched him downing the water. I breathed through the funnel and it made like a hollow noise almost like Vader in Star Wars but more broken up of a breath from fear. I pull hard, the muscles and veins in my neck very evident that I'm trying my hardest to get out of his tight confining bondage, but it's of no use. "MMMPPPHHH MMPPPHHH" I moaned as I looked at him pleadingly, almost begging with my eyes to be set free.

"MMMPPPHHHH MRRRRPHHHHHHHH" I start to thrash in my bondage, my boner slapping my thighs hard from the thrashing, but eventually I tired myself out. "Ok Jeremy...its time to clean out my system in my new toilet. I hope your ready for your fluids." he said with the widest grin I have ever saw in my life. I closed my eyes, and kept thinking to myself, "Its only lemonade. Its only lemonade."

He reached down and grabbed a fist full of my hair and held me in place. I tried to relax my breathing, knowing I have to chug, because it was gonna be a relentless flow entering my mouth. And for some reason, I was still rock hard between my legs. I never was force fed piss in my life, and here it was gonna happen. I thought to myself, "Do I like this? Do I like being controlled, bundled up in a straitjacket and turned into some piss pig?" I hear Aaron's moans of relaxation, and then he said "Here it comes Jeremy...Get Ready!"

I closed my eyes trying to relax....I hear Aaron let out a loud "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and then it hits my mouth. I feel it, the first taste of piss. When it hit my mouth, my eyes just jolted open. It's salty, warm, very rank, and very strong. My first reaction is to spit it out, but I couldn't. I try to but it only flows down my throat and makes me gag very loudly. "MMMMPPHHHHHH MMMPPHHHHHH" I try to block the opening of the spout with my tounge, but when I couldn't anymore, I just let go. "GULP! GULP! GULP! GULP!" I continued to gulp down his strong piss, retching before I start having to swallow and chug it. I heard his "ahhh's" of release and pleasure from the relief of emptying the pressure from his very full bladder. I continued to chug and my eyes are a mixture of emotions. I was begging him with them and at the same time, there was disgust, not for Aaron but for myself for thinking that I might somehow like swallowing his piss, and being tied and forced to swallow with this gag like some slut from those porn sites on the net. I thought to myself as I chugged "Am I like that?" The throb between my legs as I continued to chug his musky strong piss, as it slides down my throat answers my question. As I chugged, I was still struggling in my jacket, because Aaron wanted to see that. As I was helplessly chugging his warm urine, "GULP! GULP! GULP! GULP!", I was still thriving in this tight straitjacket. Slowly but surely, my arms were getting numb behind me and I could not feel them, but it didn't hurt.

"Thats it...Swallow it all...Feels so good to clean out my system into such a great toilet" he said has he continued to shoot his hot, fresh, urine in my mouth.

When Aaron said that, something came over me and I began to feel proud of what I was doing. It gave me some weird sense of pride to want to be that good boy for him and do as I'm told, feeling a new found feeling from all this, being proud of myself and proud to please you. I even loved that he called me a great toilet. I looked up at him this time with eyes of satisfaction and submissiveness. It was such a large load of piss, even I began to feel my blatter expand just a little bit. A couple of times I had to hold it and take a few breathes through my nose, but all I could do was chug. "GULP! GULP! GULP! GULP! GULP! GULP!" My eyes were rolling in the back of my head from being force fed so much of his urine, that my eyes were beginning to turn bloodshot, and tear up. My mouth slowly becoming used to the strong, overly salty man piss of my new master. My cock starts to throb harder and I think to myself "FUCK why am I getting so into this?!" It's getting a bit harder to breathe but I'm managing so far, I've always been good at chugging and holding my breath. "GULP! GULP! GULP! GULP!" Unable to move my arms, as my hands clinched in fists in the jacket, my toes curled up, and my cock throbbing harder than ever. I continued to chug as I began to feel his piss subsiding as he was almost done.

"aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Oh man, that felt great" Aaron said as he shot his last remaining bits of piss in the funnel for me to swallow. I chugged the rest of what was left in the funnel, and when i was finally done chugging it all, I let out a large sigh of relief through the gag while I looked up at him. My mouth had the stinging taste of urine in it. Aaron then looked at me, and lifted his boxer briefs back on. He then put on a pair of shorts, a white polo shirt, and sandles and grabbed his room key.

"I hope you enjoyed your first test as much as I have." he said with a smile while he reached down and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Mmmmpppphhh" I said and nodded after he finished pissing. Ackowledging how much I liked doing it, and then closed my eyes as he ran his strong fingers through my hair. "Mmmm, mmmm" I groan, incredibly turned on by what happened, made into a piss pig, urinal slut for him...feeling so proud I pleased my new master.

"But for now, its time for me to go to a party now that I got my system cleaned out. You stay here just like that and I will be back in a couple of hours...understand?"

I looked up at him and replied, "MMEESS MIR!" as I said "Yes Sir" through the gag. He then turned off all the lights, except for the black light we had hooked up, walked out of the room, and relocked it.

I could not believe what had just happened. He turned me into a urinal, and now he left me here, still in the jacket, still wearing the gag, still wearing the spiked collar and leash, still tied on my knees. And worst of all, my cock was still as hard as ever. I just sat there, helpless on my knees, as I collected my thoughts...wondering what else he could possibly have in store for me. If this was the beginning of my servitude for him, then I thought to myself, "I am in for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong pleasurable year."

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