Serving the Swim Team

By glacierturtle

Published on Feb 18, 2023


Chapter 12

James was startled awake confused. He could sense the springs in his mattress shift. He tried turning his body towards the source of the disturbance, but was easily shoved back in place. His mind rapidly shifted from confused grogginess to complete panic. He froze, terrified as he could feel cold hands on his ass, despite being covered by his pyjama shorts. His waistband was hastily tugged down below his cheeks, with a rigid cock felt between his crack. James tried to once more turn and speak at the same time, horrified at the unannounced, unplanned intrusion into his and Noah's room. He was silenced when a hand covered his mouth muffling his sounds.

"Shh, it's me, Lucas. Sorry! I just wanted a go without all the guys watching..."

James slowly recognised the voice, still unable to speak with the hand tightly gripping his mouth closed. Lucas' warm body was tightly pressed against him on the single bed, with his erect penis threateningly jammed in between his ass cheeks.

Lucas was a year below him. He seemed extremely shy and overwhelmed by everything that was happening around him. He hadn't used James or Noah at all, despite encouragement to do so from the other team members.

Once James was ordered to kneel in front of Lucas and beg to suck his penis at the instruction of another team member.

James kneeled on the carpet of Lucas' room and was about to plead to have his cock in his mouth when the other boy abruptly left red faced. He had to admit, he was disappointed. If anything Lucas was someone that James would happily service over others. James thought the boy was cute, he was taller, more muscular despite being younger, and had kind brown eyes that hid behind his glasses.

He often wondered why he was so shy. Lucas through out James and Noah's recent `house warming' party remained clothed the entire time, idly watching from the corner the numerous sexual activities. He declined all offers to take place either having his cock sucked or an ass to fuck. Instead he watched silently, or fetched items that the team requested.

Lucas would often try and hide his body when the team was changing and showering. Usually either facing a wall or wrapping a towel tightly around his waist. It was James and Noah's obligation to stand stationary, naked, on the hard wet tiles, waiting and watching if the team required anything from towels or an ass to use. This would usually mean being ordered to kneel and have their face fucked or being bent over and fucked. James often caught Lucas looking at them longingly as though he wanted to use them but thought against it. Sometimes in the corridors or classrooms James would catch him absent mindedly rubbing his bulge through his trousers whilst looking at him, only to quickly turn away if he realised James saw him.

For a moment James' panic made him forget to breathe and for a brief period how to do so. James tried his best to relax his muscles and willed himself to breath through his nose. He stopped trying to talk and did his best to go limp.

Ever since moving into the room the pair's new home was without a lock. Both initially thought this was just an oversight, however tonights encounter made it apparent it was deliberate. James could feel Lucas' grip over his mouth slightly loosening. He moved his right hand behind him to tap the boy's thigh and tried speaking, resulting in incomprehensible sounds to Lucas.

He could feel the boys cock awkwardly probing his cheeks, at one point Lucas tried thrusting forward blindly without any lubricant, thankfully missing his target. Panicked now about having his hole rammed raw, James firmly placed his hand on Lucas' thigh, rubbing it vigorously.

"Sorry, I don't know what I'm doing" he heard Lucas whisper into his ear as he persisted in shoving forward.

Slowly, James raised his fingers up to Lucas' hand covering his mouth. He gently placed his fingers over the hand and with a slight grip gently pulled away, pausing for a moment, until he did so again with more pressure.

James swallowed and licked his dry lips as Lucas slowly removed his hand. He was annoyed that he was scared awake by the unannounced visit.

"You can fuck me...but can you please use lube and not scare the shit out of me!" James blurted out quickly, not wanting to be gagged again suddenly.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I don't have lube...and I don't know what I'm doing. Sorry, I'll go" Lucas said as James could feel the bed slightly shifting once more.

Surprised at himself, James' hand reached out and gripped Lucas' wrist, holding him in place.

"Stay" James said delicately, feeling a mixture of guilt, remorse and anger at both the situation and his reaction.

"Next time...just tell me what you want, or try texting me" he added trying to make his tone a jovial one to ease the tension.

James could feel Lucas' warm body pause and remain in place. A long pause went by where he said and did nothing. James wasn't used to this. He didn't know what to do. The other team members just did as they pleased with James and Noah, both boys didn't have to guess their intentions, they made it clear. One moment they could be walking back to their room, only to be suddenly yanked into another room, quickly having their trousers pushed down, stripped to their jockstraps, shoved over a bed or desk, and a hard cock unceremoniously shoved into their ass for all to see.

"There is some lube in the bedside draw there" James said whispering to Lucas, keen not to wake Noah.

Lucas remained still. He didn't reach for the draw or try and fuck James further. He just lay motionless, as though paralysed. Confused about what was happening, James didn't want to hurt Lucas' feelings or scare him off. He slowly turned in an effort not to startle him and rolled over to face his new bed mate. Despite it being dark he could see his large, dilated pupils staring at him, and his lower lip quivering.

"Um...just...okay" James said not sure what to do or say.

He leant forward and slowly placed his lips on Lucas'. He wasn't sure if the boy wanted to kiss or not, but his trembling lip made him want to try and soothe him. James continued, sealing both his lips around Lucas', feeling his soft, warm lips against his own. His kisses were quickly reciprocated with the eager, obviously inexperienced boy pushing his head forward clumsily, planting his lips on and around James'.

James slightly pulled back and placed a hand on Lucas' chest. After waiting a few moments, he resumed kissing the boy but at a slower pace, wanting to stop his wet sloppy kisses. James could feel Lucas had matched his slower pace, as a result he began to slowly push his tongue forward into the eager mouth. James could tell how excited Lucas became as he once more tried pushing forward with his mouth, trying to shove his tongue aggressively into James' mouth. A sense of power he had not felt before washed over James. He once more pressed his hand into the hairless muscular chest to keep Lucas in place as he pulled back, non-verbally indicating not to kiss like that.

After James felt the other boy realised his blunder he slowly crept forward to resume planting his lips on Lucas', tenderly pressing against his, slowly advancing his tongue into Lucas' mouth. James felt even more confident and powerful realising he could in a way control the pace and way of things with a stronger team member.

Embolden, James quickly decided he would be the one to continue guide Lucas, who seemed to be happy at what was transpiring. James let his hands continue to roam across Lucas' chest.    He felt the hard muscles across his chest, slightly pinching them as though testing their resilience. A small gasp escaped from Lucas' mouth as James' fingers found their way to his nipples, which were already standing erect. James in response more forcefully, yet delicately sealed his lips further against Lucas' to hush him. James could tell Lucas was trying not to override his instincts to haphazardly and aggressively in turn kiss him back.

Smiling to himself and wanting to reinforce the learnt behaviour, James slowly ran his finger across the nipple and circled around the areola, slightly hovering above the skin slowly, almost trying to tickle him. Lucas let out more groans as James felt the sudden desire the begin to lick and suck at the nipples. He broke from their embrace, lowering his head to his chest, using his fingers as a guide in the dark. James stuck his tongue out as he proceeded to tease Lucas, with excruciatingly slow lapping motions at the engorged nipple, happy to make him learn patience. He ran his fingers sensually across the boys left nipple as his tongue continued to lap at his right.

James failed at fighting the urge to nip at the nipple with his front teeth, eliciting a yelp from Lucas. Feeling slightly guilty at his actions and the smile it placed on his face, James placed a single finger at the boy's lips wordlessly telling him to hush. Spurred on, James began to suck at the nipple as he flicked his tongue around it, causing more groaning and squirming from Lucas.

James didn't know what came over him. He was enjoying himself and his new found position. He reasoned it may have been the weeks of being used as others wished without concern for his own well being or he was simply annoyed at being awoken unannounced. Either way if he acted this way with anyone else he doubted it would be tolerated nor he would enjoy it.

Lucas let out a small sound of disappointment as James removed his mouth and fingers from his chest. He pushed Lucas' left shoulder down until he was flat on his back. Quickly shuffling his pyjama's off, James straddled the boy's chest. He could see his precum gleaming in the dark room, illuminated by the moon light seeping through the curtains. Curious how far he could push things James gripped his cock and slowly lowered it to Lucas' lips. The boy beneath him kept his lips sealed shut until James gently pressed forward until he relented, opening his mouth.

James had to admit, he wanted to be the one to suck Lucas' cock. He was fighting the urge not to wrap his fingers around or almost inhale Lucas' member through his mouth. He wanted to know why the boy was so shy and secretive about showing his body to the otherwise confident team who had no qualms about being naked. For now however, he loved the warm sensation of his cock in the mouth.

"Use your tongue and lick around my head, with a little bit of suction" James whispered to Lucas, with one hand on his cock and the other reassuringly rubbing the boy's shoulder.

James realised he didn't mind having his cock licked and sucked, even though it was from someone inexperienced who kept getting his teeth in the way. He could feel the tongue slowly explore his head and lick on and around his foreskin. James, however, still greatly preferred being the one who serviced others. Although he could do without the forced gagging from the throat fuckings. Sensing that Lucas wasn't objecting, James began to pivot his pelvis in and out of the open mouth ever so slightly. He was surprised when Lucas began to gag slightly and    withdrew entirely.

"You okay?" James asked concerned, worried he'd pushed things too far.

"Yeah...sorry, um, you taste really sweet" Lucas commented almost giddy.

James smiled, bending forward at the waist, placing his lips on Lucas' once more embracing. "Mm, yeah I guess I do."

James leant over and reached for his draw handle tried to slightly open it, only to have its contents clang against its walls. Frozen, hoping not to wake Noah, James waited until he couldn't sense any movement from Noah's bed and retrieved a bottle of lube.

He began to slide down against the smooth, trim torso until he could feel the hard cock poking into his back. Pivoting slightly, James picked up the waist band on both sides of Lucas' hips and tried sliding them down, only to be stopped by the erect cock. He could sense the boy's hands moving down to help move his cock out of the way, shaking as they did so.

James paused after completely removing Lucas' underwear. He placed his hands on Lucas', which still trembled in the dark.

"Everything okay?" James enquired.

"I...I just thought I'd be the one fucking you, not you fucking me" Lucas said disappointed, almost sadly.

For the first time James was glad it was dark as he couldn't suppress a grin and had to fight the urge not to laugh.

James bent down, to get closer and reached out to explore the hard cock. His hand found an enormous mushroom sized head that James quickly found tapered down to a thinner shaft. His hands gripped the shaft of the hard cock exploring all the way down to his hairless base. The large size of his cock alone made James realise Lucas was likely just shy about being naked.

James continued to grip the cock with one hand and with the other slid Lucas' foreskin completely down. He slowly and delicately ran the tip of his tongue from the base up, feeling along the shaft a prominent vein, until he came to the ridge of the large glans. James opened his mouth wide and sealed his lips around the head of his cock. Out of habit he looked up in the dark to try and find the approving eyes. He could feel the large glans cause him to puff his cheeks out in an effort to accommodate it into his mouth. Pausing, James slowly accepted more and more of the cock into his mouth. He paused temporarily to fight his gag reflex until he could feel the entire penis in his mouth and throat.

Lucas loudly groaned above him. He could taste squirts of precum across his tongue as he came back up. Not wanting for Lucas to be pushed to climax too soon James removed his mouth and began to slather a generous amount of lube along the cock.

James could see the glimmer of light from Lucas' dilated pupils as he once more straddled the boy and using one hand behind him, guided the cock head to his hole. He could feel the pressure of the enormous head at his entrance as he slowed his breathing and tried relaxing himself as much as possible.

Letting out a slight gasp, James could feel the bulbous head slipping through his tight sphincter. Normally James would have to lay back and let whoever was fucking him completely ram in and out, causing significant pain he'd just have to take. Instead, he felt only initial discomfort, easing into pleasure that he was now able to control the pace of thrusts.

Worrying once more about Noah waking due to Lucas' loud groans of pleasure, but also wanting to pleasure Lucas, James bent down and resumed kissing Lucas, this time more forcefully and aggressively, which was eagerly met in return by the boy.

James slowly lifted his pelvis, as he squatted up and down on his knees slowly riding the cock. Feelings of inadequacy swirled in his mind due to his limited experience riding cock. Fumbling initially and feeling more confident that his actions couldn't be seen in the dark, James quickly adapted and continued to slide his ass completely down to the base, and up again until he could almost feel the cock leave his hole. He rested one hand on his hip and the other slowly stroked his own head and hair as became more and more lost to lust, he moving up and down on the hard penis.

James could feel Lucas shift, tightly gripping his hips in an urgent manner, pushing him up and down in sync with his movements. Lucas' wandering hands alternated from gripping his hips to playing with James' ass as he rode the hard cock.

He could sense Lucas was close to orgasm as the boy panted heavily and soon prevented James from riding his cock, completely taking over in their positions, now firmly holding James' hips, fucking his hole as he lay on his back. Forced forward, James continued to kiss Lucas as the boy completely spread his laying knees to more freely pivot his pelvis back and forth out of the tight hole.

Loud slapping echoed in the room as James gave up trying to be quiet for his room mate as the sound and smell of sex filled the room. Grunting, Lucas with one hand gripped James's hip so tight he was almost pinching him and with the other firmly held the back of his head in place as he mashed his lips against James', lost in lust.

James winced as a loud, yet muffled groan of pleasure filled the room, suppressed by Lucas' mouth. He could feel the grip of his head and hip ease as the boy flopped back down on his back in the bed. James hole ached as he gingerly slid his ass off the softening cock. He was about to slide Lucas' underwear back up, but hesitated, instead shocked at himself for feeling obligated to clean the cock with his mouth like he so often had been taught by being forced to do. Without being asked, James gently lifted the cock to his mouth, licking and applying light suction to clean Lucas.

He watched as Lucas silently panted on his back with James taking position to his side, resting his head on the large chest. For a few minutes the pair silently lay together.

"Is it okay if I go back to my room?" Lucas asked, his tone indicating he was worried about what James would say.

Surprised at the question, as normally others would just do as they wished, James reassured him, "yeah, it's cool."

James felt a soft peck at his cheek, and Lucas move, proceeding to quietly stand. A sudden eruption of blinding light flooded the room from the open door to the corridor, causing him to shield his eyes. Left alone, James worried if he had pushed things too far with Lucas or if it was faux pas for him to take control like that, even if Lucas was inexperienced.

Startled yet again tonight, James jumped when he heard a monotone, annoyed Noah ask from the other side of his room, "you going to sleep now, or you want to ride my cock too, now that you've woken me?"

Next: Chapter 13

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