Serving the Plasterer

By Butt Sniffer

Published on Dec 15, 2017



This fictional story depicts acts of a homosexual nature and includes frank

descriptions of piss, raunch and scat. If you are under age or

offended by this type of behavior, please do not read any further. If you

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Serving the Plasterer

By Butt Sniffer777

Chapter 1

I recently purchased a beautiful, old home with the intent of restoring it to its former glory. I have purchased old homes in the past and have enjoyed rehabilitating them only to have my life take a turn that necessitated my selling the place as soon as it was completed. I was lucky enough to find a spectacular, if a bit careworn, Victorian home in my favorite part of town and was able to purchase it without too much trouble due to its condition. My plan for this place is to make it my home for good, restoring it completely and holding onto the gem once it's done this time. I enjoy doing a great deal of the work myself - I'm at my best when I'm keeping my hands busy, and I take pride in the work I do. But there are certain jobs where I don't feel sufficiently skilled to do the work myself, so I hire tradesmen for those projects so that the work is done perfectly, especially with this beautiful old home.

The walls of my new place are the original lath and plaster, and most of the rooms have cracks in the plaster after years of wear. I decided I'd hire a plasterer to come in and take care of all of the repairs rather than put up drywall over the original walls. A good friend of mine who's a contractor gave me the names of several plasterers who do great work, and I called the first guy and set up an appointment to have him come over and take a look at the job.

Mike knocked on the door right at the appointed time, and as I opened the front door I was greeted by an extremely handsome, burly man in his early 40's by my guess. He flashed me a big smile and shook my hand as I invited him in.

"This place is a real gem, Dave.", exclaimed Mike. "I'm glad you're planning on restoring it the right way. It'll definitely pay off for you in this neighborhood."

"Thanks, Mike - I'm excited to get the old girl back to her former glory. Getting the walls in great shape again will be a good first step."

We walked through the rooms and looked at the condition of all the walls, discussing details here and there so that Mike could put together a bid for the work to be done. I was transfixed by the handsome man, though I did my best to keep things professional. He was just my type - tall and bearded, fit but beefy, with a nice, firm gut and a deep voice. His forearms were beautifully hairy, and I could see a thick tuft of hair coming out of the collar of his shirt. He smelled natural and manly - no scented deodorants for him. The pheromones he was giving off were making my dick chub up in my pants, but I think I managed to hide it from him. In all he seemed friendly and professional. We wrapped things up with an agreement that he would get a bid back to me within the next couple of days, and I told him I had a couple other tradesmen to talk with before I'd make my decision. In truth, I knew that I was going to hire this guy no matter what - I wanted him in my house for as long as I could get him!

Mike got back to me with a bid that was quite reasonable for the week-long job, and after waiting for 24 hours so that he'd think I was comparing other bids, I called him to let him know I wanted him to do the work. He said he'd be ready for me in a week.

I was excited for him to show up, and early on the appointed start day the doorbell rang and I went to let him in. The tall man greeted me with a big smile and a firm handshake and started bringing his equipment in. I could smell his masculine scent immediately, and I was hopeful that it'd be even stronger as soon as he got working. I hadn't moved into the house yet, but I had a few pieces of furniture in the place - fortunately it was mostly empty so that it would be easier to get work done. I'd conveniently arranged to work from home that week so I could be around to answer questions (and ogle Mike's large, sweet ass). I had a table set up for my laptop and work stuff in the living room. He was going to start on the bedrooms, so I hung around for a bit watching him get tarps laid down and all of his gear in order. As he bent over to spread tarps on the floor his t-shirt rode up, exposing his sagging pants and couple inches of beautiful, hairy man crack above the waistband of his white briefs. Jackpot! The top of his ass crack looked to be thick with dark hair, and he had a beautiful triangle of curly hairs in the small of his back right above his big ass. I love it when men have a great patch of hair there - gets me going every time. I wished I could get my face in it to take a huge whiff and see if his ass was giving off shit fumes just like it did in my fantasies. It looked like it was going to be a great week.

I left Mike to get going on his plastering while I did some work in the living room. His radio was playing softly in the bedroom and I tried in vain to concentrate on my work. All I could think about was getting my face down that man's ripe shitter and cleaning his hole with my tongue. Finally I got up so I could see what was going on, using my need to take a piss as an excuse to go by the bedroom.

I walked down the hallway quietly and peeked into the bedroom. Mike was starting in on plastering the wall. He had his trowel in one hand and his plastering hawk in the other, applying a thin coat of plaster to the far wall. Since both hands were full with his tools, his pants had drooped dramatically as he bent over and straightened up again applying plaster. As he reached up high his shirt lifted up to expose that beautiful triangle of back hair, and I could just see the curve of his hairy gut disappearing out of sight as he stood at a slight angle to me. He loaded up his trowel from the hawk and brought it down in a long swipe, bending over almost double to reach the bottom part of the wall. His dark ass crack came into view. I could see a good 4-5 inches of man trench that was exposed above the waistband of his tighty-whities, and the waistband of his jeans was another few inches lower than his underwear. It was a wonder that his pants were staying up at all. His underwear looked dingy and old, with small holes here and there. I wasn't sure, but it looked like there was the beginning of a dark brown skid mark just peeping out above the waistband of his jeans. I instantly popped a boner when I saw the hint of skid, and my mind raced at the thought of his ass crack all caked with manshit. I wanted in there so bad.

I must have been lost in nasty thought because I suddenly came to and realized Mike was turning around and had seen me. I quickly looked away from his incredible, hairy ass, hoping he hadn't seen where my eyes had been focused. Trying to sound natural, I said, "The wall is looking so much better already!" I'm sure I was beet red.

Mike appeared pretty neutral as he thanked me, but I would have bet money on the fact that he was thinking a whole bunch that he wasn't letting on. I just hoped that I wasn't busted!

"I'm glad you like what you see so far, Dave.", Mike said.

"Everything looks fantastic." I was feeling the need to get out of there and was going to make my exit for the time being when Mike let out a big fart. It was his turn to turn beet red.

"Shit - sorry, Dave. I had too much of a really hoppy beer last night and I'm totally full of gas.", he said. "I apologize in advance - it's bound to happen again."

"No problem at all - it doesn't bother me in the least. Feel free to let loose if you need to.", I responded.

"Sounds good, Dave.", said Mike as he let rip with another rumbling fart and turned back to his plaster work. I was being dismissed so he could get on with his work.

Before I left the room I quietly filled my lungs a couple times, taking in the pungent smell of beer farts fresh from that hunk's shitty ass. I was hard as a rock as I turned and went back down the hall. Wow - what a scene that was! I wanted nothing more than to get my face down in that filthy ass and lick his shit. I had to see if that was a possibility - it was too good to pass up.

I managed to stay away for the next few hours, supposedly working but really daydreaming about spit-shining Mike's shitty hole. Finally I heard a noise from the hallway over the soft radio noise.

"I'm done with two walls, Dave.", Mike said. "I'm a bit hesitant to start a third wall today because I'm not sure I can finish it, and the wall needs to be done all at one time. If it's fine with you I'll cut off a bit early today and get an early start tomorrow. Or if there's anything else you need from me today..."

With that, Mike released a massive, wet fart as he looked me right in the eye. I stared back, wide-eyed. "I got a pretty good feeling that you liked my gas, didn't you, faggot?" he said, staring me down. He pushed out a second, smaller fart. He didn't need my answer - he knew that I wanted it.

"You're right on the money, man. I want to sniff your hole and eat the shit out of your crack. You have some for me, I bet." I said.

"You'll have to get down there and find out for yourself, fag. Get your head down there and find out whether or not I've got some sludge ready for you.", he returned. "You're not going to go hungry. Now get down there and start sniffing my ass. I've got a ton of it saved up, pig."

I wasted no time in getting us back in the bedroom where I kneeled on the tarp with my face in Mike's half-exposed ass. I took several deep whiffs and was bombarded by the overpowering stench of old shit. I had definitely hit the jackpot, I thought as I dug my nose deep into his trench right where it disappeared from view. As I hoped he would, Mike blasted a huge, wet fart right into my face. I felt the greasy gas of that explosion stick to my nose as I huffed in every particle I could. I couldn't believe how filthy his greasy anus was. I knew just what to do about that.

While still keeping my nose firmly planted in his shitter, I reached up and pulled his underwear and sagging pants down so that I could bury my face as far as possible in his shitty trench, rubbing his stench all over my face. Mike leaned forward against a wall, opening his ass more. He then reached behind him to grab the back of my head and force my face into his crappy trench.

The hunky man's shitter was a filthy, greasy mess. As I had expected, his crack was incredibly hairy. It smelled like the plasterer hadn't used toilet paper in days. There was so much shit that matted his ass hairs, creating a filthy brown halo around his anus. I was in heaven with my face being forcibly smashed into his turd-caked shithole. I breathed in deep lungfuls of Mike's incredible stench as he pushed me deeper. Occasionally another wet fart would blast me in the face, hurled at me by the strength of his diaphragm forcing massive clouds fumes out of his filthy hole. I felt like I was being suffocated for lack of oxygen, but my cock was painfully erect - I knew I was loving every shitty huff. Finally, my tongue came out and I started to take long, deep swipes of his crappy trench. Mike's shit was pungent and intense - flavorful and with a course texture. I took as much as I could onto my tongue, working it around and feeling all of the particles - trying to figure out what I was eating from his shithole. Mike's ass was as hairy, and it seemed like every hair was mired in layers of stale ass sludge.

"Fuck, faggot.", Mike exclaimed. "You have a tongue that's just made for eating my shit. Here's what I have to say about that", he grunted, pushing out a massive, greasy fart with all of his might.

My face was immediately pummeled by flecks of the plasterer's turd, mixed into the noxious gas that I huffed down over and over, not wanting to miss a single bit of the stud's shit fumes. I moaned in delight as I breathed in the hot tradesman's blast again and again as Mike kept the farts coming. In between farts I continued to clean out Mike's filthy trench, working methodically to soften the shit in a clump of hair, work the crap free and onto my tongue where I swallowed it down, then moving on to the next clump and repeating the shit-eating process.

Mike was loving how it was feeling. "Shit, fag - clean my shitty hole up with your faggot tongue. Get it nice and clean and then I'll think about feeding you my big load of crap.", He said to me. I groaned audibly, and of course redoubled my efforts to get his shitter cleaned up. I was aching to get fed a hot meal. It had been too long since I'd had a chance to chow down on some stud's Grade-A Prime turds. I was in for the duration with the handsome plasterer - I was not about to miss out on a feast.

I lost myself in his crap factory, working my tongue over each surface again and again to nab every particle of his shit. I swallowed down the brown slurry, feeling little chunks of shit in the cracks of my teeth. I could tell Mike was a meat eater, at least last night when he was downing hoppy beer. I could taste fibrous chunks that were clearly meat. I loved how spongy and strong the morsels still were, though they now had a strong taste of shit after being digested and converted to perfect man mud in the hairy man's gut.

At last it seemed that the handsome man's ass was as clean as I was going to get it. I wiped the inside of my mouth with my tongue, took a final swallow and said, "I think I've got you cleaned up, sir. I'm hungry for your turds, sir."

"Now that's more like it, pussy - you gotta show me respect if you think you're going to get the honor of eating my man crap. You did a fine job getting my ass cleaned, bitch. What makes you so sure you deserve my shit?", Mike asked menacingly.

"I'm addicted to your perfect shit, sir.", I pleaded. I would do anything to get his feces. "I want to eat every bite of your turds so that you can mark me inside and out as your personal toilet. I'm hungry to eat it all, sir."

"Hmmmmm, cunt.... You man enough to take it all? You get one chance to keep up with me - and I'm going to be pushing crap out fast. It all goes down your pussy throat or else." Mike turned to fix me in his gaze, letting me know that I had no choice but to comply.

"Yes sir!", I nodded vigorously, opening my mouth to show him I was ready.

"Lie down on the floor, bitch. You're going to lie there with your mouth open just like a fucking toilet bowl. I'm going to give it to you hard, faggot. Time to eat my shit, cunt."

I quickly lay down on my back, looking up at the ceiling. Mike looked me briefly in the eye, spat in my open mouth and then turned around so I was looking at his huge, magnificent ass and beefy legs. He bent over to get one boot off so he could take his pants and underwear off of that leg. He took his time, making sure I had a perfect view of his ass, watching it hungrily in anticipation, knowing that I was about to receive what was going to be the feeding of a lifetime.

Mike finally stood up, stepped across my head so that he was straddling me, facing away. "I don't want to have to look at you, bitch.", he said as he slowly lowered his ass over my face. "You're nothing but my toilet and you'd damn well better be a good one, twat." His hairy anus approached bit by bit, a pink, wet ring in a sea of dark ass pelt. He finally came in for a landing on my face, squatting and grinding himself into my mouth. I was having trouble breathing, but I managed to catch a bit of air as the big man leaned forward onto his arms, knuckles to the ground like a big ape about to take a shit.

My tongue was in overdrive forcing its way into Mike's shit hole, digging deep and looking for pieces of crap. And there was plenty to be found - pieces of lettuce or some leafy green along with the spongy chewiness of the particles of meat. I couldn't move my head to lap his anus like toilet paper, one of my favorite techniques. He had me pinned under his massive ass so I contented myself with forcing my tongue into his gut as far as I possibly could. Initially there was some resistance, but soon enough his hole was wide open. The plasterer made some very soft moaning sounds deep in his chest. With each moan, his ass ring loosened up and got puffier, until after half a dozen stabs of my tongue it was a huge mound of stud hole, blossoming open around my tongue. Suddenly I felt the tip of a fat, hard turd hit my tongue.

I barely had time to register the flavor and texture with my tongue when he said, "I'm ready to blast you, pussy. Take a couple big breaths - you're gonna need them." I breathed deeply a couple of times, then I heard him grunt loudly and bear down on his rectum. My tongue was forced back into my mouth as the fat turd bullied its way in. It hit the back of my throat and I bit hard, separating a big chunk as I tried to tilt my head back to straighten out my throat. I took a big, gulping swallow and the crap slid into my stomach. I barely had time to get my mouth open again as the next big log of filthy shit came battering its way into my mouth. Mike groaned with pleasure as a big fart seeped wetly out of his ass while the log continued to force its way into my mouth. I bit and swallowed a couple more times, barely staying ahead of the onslaught. The guy's turd wouldn't quit, and I struggled to gag the crap down fast enough. I started to tire and was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up just as I sensed him slowing down. He was breathing heavily, groaning as he pushed his shitty gut into my mouth, straining to feed me more. I licked his fat rosebud and swallowed everything down as he continued to flex his shitter into my mouth. I burped up huge clouds of shitty gas while the action slowed for a bit. Every time I burped it tasted like I was eating his shit all over again. And the release of built up crap fumes definitely helped all the pressure I had inside of me. I groaned in ecstasy as I licked, ate and swallowed. I could finally think about the taste and texture of his logs as I chewed. They were magnificent - huge and knobby with a strong, dank flavor, becoming softer and softer with each deposit into my hungry toilet mouth.

Nothing much was coming into my mouth anymore, but I was experienced enough to know to stay at the ready if he was still straining into my face. Sure enough, I heard a gurgle deep in his gut as his mancunt flexed wide one more time and a large gush of soft serve was blasted into my gaping mouth. I opened wide and swallowed continuously to stay ahead of it. The hunk gave one last, mighty groan as he opened his shitmouth as wide as it had gone to that point, pushing the last few drops of soft shit onto my tongue.

I knew he was totally empty now. I spent a few more minutes licking all the surfaces of his shit factory as he leaned farther forward onto his knuckles, breathing heavily.

Mike got up and stepped over my head. He made no eye contact. "Cunt - you got the job. You're my new toilet. Be ready to take all my waste tomorrow." With that he looked down to start putting on his pants and boot, dismissing me with a wave of his forehead. He didn't look up. I left the room and heard the front door close a few minutes later. The second he left I pulled my pants down and jacked off, savoring the lingering flavor of shit in my mouth. I came in great heaves, harder than I have ever cum. I was nothing but a fucking toilet. And I loved it.

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