Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 1, 2016


Please remember this is a fictional story and non of the characters are designed to be anyone real also remember that does require donations.

Part 6

Sebastians View

As I climbed into my car cum still dripping out my ass the feeling of been ashamed but loving the suit in the same way came across so conflicted. I started the car and drove the few blocks to the most fancy place in town. Taking the ring and placing it in my pocket I could feel the dog tags. Running the chain through my fingers I thought back to Simon and how he could have exposed me to the other teacher but had protected my identity. With each passing moment he was taking control of my mind even when he was being nice.

As I got out of the car and walked to the door I stopped looked at the door man as he said in a French accent, "We are glad you decided to pop the question here, she is a lucky lady give me the signal, do you have the ring."

I handed it over like it was used cutlery and walked in still playing with the dog tags in my pocket as I looked at my beautiful girlfriend her smile could light up a whole room, he blonde hair shone and if it wasn't for not having blue eyes instead a rather filthy green I would have called her perfect. Throughout the first course I could not take her eyes off of her but the issue of not been able to take my fingers off the dog tags disturbed me more with the main course the waiter whispered into my ear, "We shall be coming in ten minutes."

A lump grew in my throat as I decided to disappear to the toilet I looked down at my phone and then moved into a stall taking the dog tags into my left hand and my phone into the right hand I started to play a video I had just been sent of me taking cock in the ass. I felt my cock begin to stir as I stared at the tags and then at the floor.

Composing myself I glanced one more time at the phone as a text came through wishing me luck. I recognised the number from the one sending me recordings so I swiftly deleted the message. As I sat the music started lowering and the waiter came out as he walked over with champagne then suddenly four more waiters began to sing and my girlfriend screamed, "Yes Yes Yes I will." As the question appeared on the screen behind me at that very time as she lent in to kiss me I took a hold of the dog tags unable to understand why.

The rest of the meal seemed to just disappear unable to think straight, I dont think I took my mind off the dog tags for longer than five minutes so as we stood up to leave I noticed Simon across the room with his father. "How about one more drink to celebrate." I said softly just wanting to get a word with Simon.

By the time I had a few sips I had my chance looking up I noticed Simon slipping off to thr toilet. I gave my fianc?e a quick kiss and scampered off to the toilet as I moved swiftly to the toilet I opened the door in haste to see Simon stood there at a urinal not yet starting to piss. I couldn't help but look at the soft six inch cock on a fourteen year old.

"Do you not remember it making you beg for more, I knew you would follow me in here desperate to see it again even if you don't know why. I know why it's cause you crave my cock." Simon said so matter of fact as I felt my mouth open moving to the next urinal and fishing out my soft three inch cock. "I am sure you will have fun tonight if you can get that up for your fiancee, might need to think of me deep in your ass. Fucking you harder and harder making you moan." As he spoke my cock began to grow harder and harder. "Maybe I should get you on your knees in here I bet you would love that." I then gave a small unintentional groan of lust before looking down and noticing I was at full mast at 6.5 inches. "See you cannot even control it, next time I see you I bet your wearing those tags. Maybe you should volunteer to help out at the summer school I might come than so I can achieve better results." I looked at his cock now unable to take my eyes off it as he continued to talk to me while I was in my trance, "You might not want to admit it but I own you and could have you anywhere I please." He said fishing his cock back in to his trousers.

"No I um, but I'm not like..." I tried to speak as he laughed walking out.

Thank you for reading folks another chapter coming very soon, please feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 7

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