Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Aug 31, 2016


Please remember this is a fictional story and non of the characters are designed to be anyone real also remember that does require donations.

Part 5

As I remained under the table unable to hear myself think just wishing I was free from my tormentors grip I felt the tears begin to roll out of my eyes in the darkness the music still blarring out. Several dozen songs later some of the feet and the slaves left the table my lead still held tight with just two people remaining at the table. Simon held onto my leash tight as the other slave whom it was to dark to really work out lay quietly on the floor. A flash of light shone onto the shoes of the second person still playing and immediately I knew those shoes to be one of the other teachers in the school, he wore them to the stag party here I only remembered because he had been continually slated for wearing them. Now I held my breathe the collar tightening or was that only in my head I now could make out his voice in the music. I stared long and hard at his bitch that was under the table.

Another five base filled songs played before I heard Simon say out loud, "All in, I will put my bitch on the line but if I win I take all your chips." He sounded confident He knew that if he won he would be taking home a good prize pot and as I breathed a sigh of relief feeling the confidence flow out of him.

"Show us your bitch then, I don't know if he is truly worth it yet do I?"

"You best decide than if you lose your leaving before he comes out so I can keep him safe, my protection you see."

Hearing Simon say this made me feel safe subconsciously I nestled my head against his leg and for a minute forgot about everything that was going on feeling safe from the danger I for the briefest of moments wanted to be there.

I suddenly snapped out of it when I heard the teacher shout, "Fuck you I will find out who that bitch of yours is." As he slammed the chair under the table pulling his bitch out and towards the door, "You know I have all the bitches by the end of the year when I put my mind to it."

I gulped unable to do much else more. I remember seeing his eleven inch nob when we had a football match against the kids at the end of my first term. I didn't look on purpose but it was really a monster. Breathing a sigh of relief Simon pulled me out from under the table, he looked at me and smiled knowing his plan was coming together.

He picked up a couple of envelopes of cash and said, "He wont be working here tonight I want him to ask to work here, I want him to want to please me in that way. Get dressed I have something to show you. I might even give you a chance to win your freedom maybe another game of pool to decide. First tho we have arranged a meal for you and your girlfriend in a nice fancy place." He looked at me taking off my collar as he whispered, "I know you will be begging for me, I already know you want to serve me now but go on try and propose to your girlfriend but before you do we have to get you ready."

I went over to pick my clothes up but there was a suit in it's place. "This mine." I asked in astonishment.

Simon smiled at me, "I like my bitches to feel like they are special, I will be in room 224 tonight you know the hotel but before you leave to see your wife I want you to let me have that ass one more time for your freedom there's a sling in the back room take your new suit, pop your jacket and shirt on and go wait for me, then after that you will be free."

Shocked at the prospect of been free I through on the shirt and jacket and ran to the sling, I jumped in there looked at a mirror at the massive bruises and as I heard Simon walk in I was glad it was soon to be over.

---- SIMONS VIEW -----

I knew he was mine as I fished out dog tags from my pocket with Sebastians name on. I always prefered them to come back to me wanting or even begging to serve. His true nature had been revealed when he snuggled his head against my leg during the end of the poker game. It was only a matter of time before he would completely be owned by me but until then I knew he would keep coming back for one off's I had two years to make him mine. "I got you these from the shop, they have your name and date of birth on them. If you decide to surrender yourself to any master you will provide them with these. At that point they will own you, they will have full choice of your decisions.

I stripped naked running my hand over my smooth torso as my teacher looked at me in what can only be classed as awe my nine inch boy cock. I could have been the son of a horse. "You remember this do you now?" I ask knowing he would most likely not remember most of the night. I placed my hand into his and handed him the dog tags before pushing my cock slowly into him looking into his eyes. The pain on display seemed to override everything so at first I went slow before slowly speeding up. His grip on the sling increasing his eyes completely glazed over my balls now touching his ass. Slowly picking up his other hand and rubbing my slightly toned belly I smiled down at him before speeding up, "Oh yes." I moaned in pleasure.

"Mphhhhhhhh" He moaned back not knowing what he meant as he gripped the dog tags I slammed in him this time harder and harder.

"Oh yes, when you see your misses your gonna have a fourteen year olds cum in you, your not gonna be able to get your mind off this and your gonna be begging me to take those tags before the end of next term. Begging I." I speak louder as I slam in him making every effort to make him love it knowing occasionally I was hitting the magic spot as he gave a slight moan in pleasure. Knowing it wasn't gonna last much longer I felt my cum flooding into his ass. I looked down and smiled giving him a little kiss before whispering in his ear. "I will own you. Now go propose to that girlfriend of yours."

Thank you for reading folks another chapter coming very soon, please feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 6

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