Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Aug 30, 2016


This is a fictional story and all the characters in it are imaginary.

------ SIMONS VIEW -------

The ploy had been simple and yet so affective here I was at the age of 14 with a teacher under my complete control so scared of jail and even more scared that his girlfriend would find out. As I looked down at his face covered in Connors cum I could not help but give a smile. "Connor leave us I have to tell him his ground rules." I stared at Connor ensuring he understood that I was in complete control of the situation.

As Connor fished his cock back into his clothes and walked out I looked down at my pathetic looking IT teacher. "Only me Connor and James know about everything that happened, we made sure we kept you quiet and we will keep doing that if you promise that you will give it your all and be honest this week that we own you. You will follow all of the rules not breaking one. For your first punishment if you do is we will leak to your girlfriend CCTV images of you been raped by a black man and you won't press charges unless you want more footage to go out with you with your students. Do you understand?" Looking down at the pathetic sight in front of him he knew he has total agreement. "Get dressed we don't want to be late for your first afternoon games.

I stepped out the toilet leaving my extremely submissive piece of meat to dress taking a swig of a bottle of coke I had left just outside of the toilet I smiled as the door opened and my semi dressed teacher walked out of the toilet looking to the floor. "James is having a game of poker with some of the locals at his Dad's club your coming along, its the first time I have had what I need to buy in to the game so you better be good." I said looking at him, oh Seb" Simon said smiling at his teacher, "I know everything about you remember at the end of the week you get all your personal documents back."

As the train stopped and the doors opened I smiled at the guard and walked off my teacher three or four steps behind, I could tell all he wanted was a way out of this but he was stuck with no where to go my first stop on the way to club was a pet shop as we arrived I turned and there was my teacher in tow. I walked in grabbed a lead and a collar and smiled at the cashier, "I got a new puppy, got to make sure he's well catered for." The cashier non the wiser smiles at me and Sebastian my teacher and then turned his back and began to fill up a shelf.

I smirked walking out the shop rubbing my hand over my bitches bum as I just whispered in his ear, "Your gonna want me to own that forever before the end of the week." The look on his face made me think he was going to cry yet again in the middle of the streets as I walked swiftly to the club. Looking over my shoulder occasionally. Reaching the deserted club I noticed my teachers face drop as he realised it was a lap dancing club. "Did you not know what kind of club his Dad run?"

"I came here for Mr Williams stag do!" My teacher said surprised to all degrees. "The women was very accommodating." Sebastian seemed a little more at ease remembering back to the events of the stag do.

Not wanting him to settle to much I swung the door open as three men inside all shouted out, "About time is he ready."

I smiled not quiet yet give me two minutes, "Strip now and put this collar on, do not show me up and you won't be punished. We are going in here and I am going to win five grand today but if you show me up and make me lose you will be the very accommodating one to the punters tonight. You help me win you will be behind the bar.

I fished the lead out the bag and attached it to his collar, "On all fours you moron, do I have to tell you everything!


I couldn't believe it less than 24 hours ago I was thinking about proposing to my girlfriend now I was clambering on to my knees for a minor to watch him drink and play poker. Getting on to my knees I looked up at him as he led me to the table I glanced around first at the players sat around the table the first young man on the furthest left was staring at me like a piece of meat he was chubby and holding a lead to a small teen who could barely of been over 18. "He calls me sir and when I win you for the night so will you." He said licking his lips his slave was eighteen and skinny he looked like he could do with a good meal and he seemed extremely timid with belt marks all over his torso.

The second sat opposite was a younger man and he looked at me like he recognise me, "Is that your teacher?" He asked Simon who just gave him a knowing smile. "I thought I had seen him about. He came for an interview at my pops school when I was doing work experience apparently he was reluctant to get his hands dirty." He winked directly at me and then smiled, "If you go out first I think I should have first crack at that ass."

I looked up to Simon as he replied, "Already bred him but if you beat me you can have his ass anyway you please but if I beat you I want three grand from that trust fund."

The last person already there was a toned guy he looked amazing and if I was gay I would be dribbling over him, his tight slim body was that of a fully trained gymnast without saying a word he smiled before I heard the door open, "Heres last years winner hide all your bitches."

All of the subs crawled under the table as I did the same not seeing the new entrant into the equation. I remained still as some music began to pound around the club the final sub joined us under the dark table. There was just enough light to see two of the submissives kissing before they stopped feeling increasingly uncomfy one leaned towards me and planted there lips on mine as I viciously pushed him off me I was unable to stop a flash back of last night.

==== FLASH BACK ====

As I racked the pool table up I smiled glancing at my phone. "One more game than I am going home to smash my beautiful misses who wants to play me!!" No one offered until I heard in the background Simon and James. "Simon, James you might beat me on a football field but how about this." Slurring my words I smiled at them before laughing, "If your to scared, no ones beat me today you know that right."

Simon stood forward and smirked, "So if I beat you what do I win, you seem to cocky to play for nothing."

"I will get you a crate and you can get a room at Aidens folks hotel I'll even take the beers in so no one knows they are yours." I sniggered knowing I wouldn't lose.

"Deal but to be fair you stay and have one with us."

"No can do kid drinking with minors I would lose my job, I also have a beautiful misses to get home to."

"So you don't think your gonna win and you think that buying us alcohol isn't bad enough."

"I take your point ok I will stop and have the one with you. I'm proud of how you have improved this year kid. Keep up the hard work and you can be in control of a classroom full of over enthusiastic sex driven kids in your own right." Realising I shouldn't have said that I popped my pint on the side and went to the toilet quickly.

When I reached the toilet James followed me in, "Nice bum, I hear Aidens Dad gives discounts."

"What!" I said not knowing if I had misheard my student. As he left I quickly finished and followed him.

Simon looked across smiled at James and then said in a suttle tone, "It is done, I will break." Within a flash he had cleared all of the yellows other than without me getting a shot in. Missing and leaving his last yellow over a pocket he smiled at me.

As I bent down to take an easy red to the middle nicely setting me up for what earlier would have been an easy clearance I heard in my ear as I bent over in front of James, "I would give a discount to fuck that ass." I turned knocking the white ball with the cue.

"Did you just say?"

James smiled, "No bud, you must be hearing things you best be able to get served."

I shook my head as the final two balls dropped. I walked up to the bar and downed my drink. "Time to get these some drink and then get home.

If you should have any questions or theories please feel free to contact me on

Next: Chapter 5

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