Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Oct 29, 2016


Welcome to the next Chapter in the Teacher8714 world we currently have two stories running in it Waynes World and Serving Real Men. The running order if you are new:

SRM 1-17 WW 1 SRM 18-21 WW 2 SRM 22 Jake 1 SRM 23 WW3 SRM 24 WW 4

You do not have to follow all the stories I will keep them seperate but in the same universe, if there may be complete cross over chapters in the future.

Waynes World and Jake are in Celebrity catergory.

Remember NIFTY.ORG need donations.


As you may now realise this part of the story is several years before we currently stand and in 2013.


It had been a while since even the thought of Brinn or getting revenge of Mr. Wayne had really crossed my mind. Falling deep into a depressed state and using all the money I had on gambling and drinking I was a wreck and it was only coming up to Christmas. Having had thousands to spend I was now down to my last couple of hundred my wage was not covering my expenses and the rent was getting on top of me.

It wasn't until the 13th November that I moved to a one bed flat that was down the rougher side of town. The stench of the drains outside would seep through the windows if you dare to leave them open. Having sold most of my belongings I was down to just my clothes a bed a cheap laptop and the cheapest internet I could find.

Going to school was always torture and seeing Mr. Wayne as high as ever on his perch and in control of his life was always a horrible way of showing me how far I had fallen it wasn't until the last day of the term before Christmas that I truly realised how obvious my issues had become.

18th December 2013

As I sat back in the seat in my classroom I looked around as Brinn's class came in and sat around the computers. I looked around the classroom and smiled, "Hey guys, last day of term. The day we usually all lay back and I am going to give you the option." I looked around again then at my draw placing the bottle of vodka and coke I had stored in the bottom draw into my pocket tapping it as I did, "You can search for anything or do your coursework just stay at your computers. Hell just stay in the room. But please don't distract anyone who wants to work."

With that I stood up and walked away from my desk locking my computer before doing so. "Thank you for all your hard work guys ok." I added as I walked into the corridor a second but while the door was open, "Be back in a couple of minutes."

As I went through the corridor and went into the toilet I went to the end cubical and closed the door closing my eyes I took out the bottle of vodka and coke and began to drink it. Pulling down my trousers and sat on the toilet. Swigging away trying to make it look like to the outside world I was using the toilet but this had become common practice since Mr. Wayne had ultimately humiliated me.

I suddenly stopped drinking as I heard the door open and someone walk in to the toilet and start to look under the toilet cubical s. My heart stopped unable to breathe I slowly started closing the top of my bottle as I heard the clatter of the first cubical open and then the second and then the third I stopped seized in position I stood pulled up my trousers and did them up. Glancing down at my watch I unlocked the door and slowly opened the door and there sat on the sink was Brinn.

I stare directly at him as he spoke to me with the up most concern, "What are you doing? Your throwing your career away for what?" I couldn't speak as he jumped down his school shoes softly landing on the toilet floor, "Is it cause you wanted a child? Is it cause you wanted to pretend to live a lie with your ex? Is it cause everytime you look at me you feel dirty about what we did? Or is it that you just want to die? You want to drink yourself to death. I know you have moved into that new flat?"

I stuttered looking at him placing my hand in my pocket feeling the bottle in my pocket, "Look Brinn I don't know what you think you know." I spoke softly scared as I saw him step forward just two meters separated us now.

"No, you need to admit it to yourself. You need to spend this Christmas thinking about what you want and if that means you need a safe place to be my coach has offered the flat he owns for a cheap rate if you want it." Now he stepped within a meter of me my heart fluttered for the first time in a long time.

"I cannot take charity, what do you think it looks like if I am living in one of my students parents houses?" I felt tears building up behind my eyes. "You seem to think I am a puzzle to solve." I step back to the wall of the toilet. "I wish I knew the way out of here."

Brinn grabbed me and slammed me against the wall, "I tell you what. I cannot see you kill yourself. I cannot let you turn down my coaches offer so let me put it this way. If you do not let me help you stop killing yourself I will go to the police so that you cannot kill yourself as you will be in jail. It's your choice but I can no longer watch you fall apart cause I need these results. So take a mint." He demanded holding some mints out in front of me. "Eat the mint while you tip that drink down the toilet." His cold stare was one that occasionally had a flicker of concern. As I took the mint and removed the top from the bottle and began to pour the liquad down the toilet. "Now that is my coaches number now give him a ring and he will text me to tell me you took the place and then I will help you move."

I looked at the floor taking the card before I fell to the floor of the toilet in tears.

= = = BRINNS VIEW = = =

As I turned and walked out of the toilet leaving my teacher crying on the floor I felt devastated that I had been forced to behave in such a way

I slumped on to the wall, a few moments later I noticed the classroom opposite their Mr. Wayne was stood at the board laughing and joking with his classroom. "Punk" I said under my breathe before walking back in to the ICT suit and receiving a text message telling me that he had taken the place. I breathed a sigh of relief as I went back to take a seat in front of the computers continuing to complete the last part of my coursework.



As I looked around what was soon to be my old rooms I could not help but feel a slight bit of relief when I noticed my landlord walk through the door he was 6 foot 6 and black in skin tone he spoke in a stern tone, "I hear you are leaving you better be giving me notice."

"Sir, I cann..... please I will get the money, but please I am leaving I had to." I step back falling over my holdall of clothes.

"Looks like you was just going to do a bunk you think I can let you off with that." He pulled off his pulled out a small bottle of gin and poured us both a drink, "Why not have a drink and then we can talk about payment."

"No I promised I wouldn't." I begged crawling back on the floor on my back looking up at the middle aged man with a shiny black head.

"Oh you promised did you, that's not what your bins have been telling me you drunk so drink or else this will be worst for you." He menacing drank his drink over me looking down at me before picking up my drink and drinking it in one. "So tell me how you going to make this up to me. I've been told about those lips of yours and that arse is apparently sweet."

"I am not into that kind of thing any more please." I crawled back as he kicked off his boot and placed it on to my chest pinning me down. "Please no. I've just been checked out."

As he began to laugh at me and demanding, "Strip, whats another check up slut, I have seen your sweet ass winking at me. Why do you think I let you have this place cheap."

"Cheap you have to be joking!" I spat.

"Oh don't worry, it's cheap saying that you will enjoy riding my big hard cock." He removed his top to reveal his heavily tattooed and toned chest. "Oh yes, you look at my chest you dribble." He began to flex his muscles placing his feet towards my mouth, "Take them off with your mouth or else you will regret it." With that he slammed his feet into my mouth. I tried to close my mouth in the same action I trapped his socks in my mouth and as he pulled back the socks came from his feet he did the exact same thing to his other foot and left me spitting out his socks. "I will let you get on your knees if you want to obey me."

I looked up looking at his heavily tattooed body, arms and hands. "Please..."

He just began to undue his trousers and let them fall to his feet as he pulled it off each leg and then pulled off the trousers and stood over me one foot either side of me. "You see my monster it is going to split you in two, it is going to make you scream even more than that's kids cock did to you when you passed out. Had to be my favourite porn I brought."

My memories flashed back to when the young Aaron Moody had fucked me till I passed out while taking an overly large cock in front of Brinn. "Please I will pay you anything just give me time." I paused, "What porn, they sold what happened how I didn't?"

"Oh you little white man you don't think that you cannot get hold of those video's your my favourite star I have a few of you taking cock like a pro. That's the only reason you got this place. I was hoping you would have invited more men back to give me more footage but it seems you lost your appetite for sex. I might have to re-open you love for taking cock." He placed his naked feet at my mouth. "Now strip before I rip your clothes off you and make this harder than it has to be. You know us big black men get whatever we want."

I gulped as I slide my arse further back just wishing I could find a way out I looked over my shoulder and remembered the back window that went out onto a roof as I thought of it I quickly turned and sprinted towards the window. I got to the window and before I could open it he had grabbed me and with little effort ripped off my shirt and then my trousers leaving me stood just in shoes and old sweaty socks.

"So you want to be fucked with everyone watching do you, do you think all the black and foreign men will care about what your English mouth screams as I take your hole. You think they will come and save you?" He laughed holding me by the hair in one hand as he opened the window the full way stepped out. Now this naked hunk of a man pulled me out of the window after him and punched me in the stomach taking all my air out of me.

I began to crawl away from the landlord as he laughed at me I turned getting to the edge of the roof and I looked down and grasped for air, "Please help me, please..."

I noticed more and more people just walking past all coloured and foreign looking at me and then looking away as if they all knew suddenly I felt my landlord grab my foot pulling off my shoes and then my socks. He grabbed my stomach and then he lifted me up placing my sweaty sock in to my mouth, "Don't spit it out bitch." He moved me so my face was looking over the edge of the roof. I looked down and noticed a skip beneath me and wondered why I had not seen it earlier.

As he slammed my arse directly on his cock, "Agghhhhhhhh." I screamed muffled into my filthy sock.

As he began to turn me so that I was side on to the edge of the roof. I spat the sock out into the bin, "I told you not to do that bitch, do we need something that will remain in there." I noticed one of the filthier locals walking past as I looked over my shoulders for the first time since he had started to wreck my arse. "Alexios, come up here!"

I looked at Alexios who was now glaring up and me stroking his cock outside of his shorts. "Please no."

Alexios spoke in a strong polish accent, "English bitch to use, hey."

I was been pulled on and off half of my landlords cock as he shouted down, "Yeah it's a leaving present."

Within seconds Alexios who I had been made aware was one of the biggest guys in the area after having heard stories from a few of the locals the occasional times I went to the bar. Within three more thrusts I could hear his voice again climbing out the window, "What about his stuff. We disposing." With that he threw all my clothes and laptop down into the skip. "Open wide faggot." He fished out what could only be described as an eye watering monstrosity.

He had only fished out his cock when I started to beg quietly to him still unsure for complete honesty but in the back of my head knowing the monster in my cock was not using all his weapon. "Please aghhhhh... Just let me go please... I can't take something that big I just..." With that my landlord slammed all the way in, "Fuccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk pllllleeeeaaaghhhhhhhhhsssseee." I screamed out loud. Suddenly feeling a cock entering my mouth.

He slid half of it in lifting his top up and rubbing his six pack. "See he screamed fuck please for my cock he wants it." He was sliding in enjoying giving everyone a show. I could not look down at the gathering crowd but could hear the pipping of horns and cheering of people. The searing pain in my ass continued as my landlord was sliding more and more in.

For a brief second about five minutes into this demolishion exercise of my body Alexio pulled back from face fucking me and I looked over the side as I noticed people waving my clothes about. I heard a voice from behind me saying, "Beg for more cock before we let them take your clothes and laptop bitch."

I paused not knowing even if they would listen, "Please sir fuck both my ends just get them to lead me with a shred of clothing."

He smirked as he rammed his whole monster in, "Louder!"

I looked at him again after screaming at the top of my lungs, "Please sir fuck me hard, just make them leave me with a shred of clothing."

He rammed in far harder than last time as I had a Polish cock slap me around the face. "I said louder I want them all to hear you."

I screamed louder with the thrust unable to really say much. When he finally had drove in me deep and incited two more screams of absolute agony I surrended and screamed at the top of my voice, "Please sir... Please fuck my holes... Just please make sure they leave me with a shred of clothing..." I screamed again as he drove in me. "Please fuck me." I finished.

A few seconds later I looked up and Alexio had removed his top to show off some true jail house tattoos on his chest. He slowly slide his cock in my mouth and made me chock on it before folding his t-shirt into a blindfold and placing it over my head.

Now all I could feel was balls slapping my ass and the urge to scream and cry and balls slapping my chin and the vomit coming out after and the chocking on the cock all the time he was giving me enough time to get the vomit out my mouth. Suddenly I felt the whistle of air as I felt a whip slap into my back repeatedly. Over and over again hitting the exact same spot. The tears I could feel was now more than I could ever have imagined.

"This bitch suck good." I heard Alexio say as he then continued, "He swallow my load."

The lashings could only be described as terrible as my hands slipped into what was now a massive puddle of vomit from been made to deep throat my throat now sore as my ass I was relieved when I heared them high five over me and they sprayed there loads in me. As they dropped me I turned onto my back as Alexio took off his shirt from my eyes. I rolled over slightly looking at the marks on my back in true anguish. I then looked around the roof and then my big black ex-landlord placed his foot on my side and rolled me through a large puddle of my own cum which I had not even realised I had released in the pain and my own vomit making me fall naked into the skip.

"Come back if you want that again." He called out walking from the roof and back into my old room with Alexio.

I looked around to see my clothes in shreds it was then I remembered the exact wording I had used and they had obviously taken the word shred literally I remained in the fetal position in the bin unable to move in years covered in cum and puke and could only wait for it to become dark and try to find help.

A few hours must have passed and I had woken in the hospital on a bed unable to really recall or wanting to speak about what had happened.

An elderly copper spoke, "We received reports of people having sex on a roof and one of them been placed in the skip after. We would like to know if you was attacked bearing in mind there is a video of you begging for it would you like to drop the charges."

I looked at him groggily, "Yes, just leave I need to get out of here."

He smiled at me, "I called Mr. Wayne he said he was taking you to Brinns coaches place he was the one who found you. You should thank him." He smirked down at me and than added, "You know begging for cock the way you are there is no wonder your landlord fucked you, I hear you was quiet the show and Mr. Wayne wanted you to have this picture."

As he threw the picture at me there was a picture of Mr. Wayne stood there with my ex-landlord playing darts. With that I waited for the police officer to leave and left in just my gown arriving a few hours later at Brinns feeling battered and bruised but extremely grateful.

Next: Chapter 26

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