Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Oct 20, 2016


Welcome to the next Chapter in the Teacher8714 world we currently have two stories running in it Waynes World and Serving Real Men. The running order if you are new:

SRM 1-17 WW 1 SRM 18-21 WW 2 SRM 22 Jake 1 SRM 23 SRM 24

You do not have to follow all the stories I will keep them seperate but in the same universe, if there may be complete cross over chapters in the future.

Waynes World and Jake are in Celebrity catergory.

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Serving Real Men 24

= = = BRINNS VIEW = = =

I stared directly at Sebastian and then I turned, "I will see you at the alter, you know that we cannot do this. See you down there. I'm sorry."

I left Sebastian and headed towards the toilet in the church. As I finished cleaning myself up I waited as I heard people walking into the church and sitting down not knowing what was going on behind the scenes. Five minutees after I heard the door open and their stood Sebastian looking a million dollars even now my stomach had butterflies. Wishing less then secretly that this was not happening he walked up to me. He ran the hot water and dabbed down my face, "You sure?"

"It's for the best right?"I looked into the mirror.

I took the lead walking down the aisle in front of him but as we reached the alter we stood as the music rang out and I felt horrible just wishing it was all different. I glanced around the congregation whom was all stood up and I noticed that I could not see my father. I looked over at Sebastian and whispered, "You know where me Dad is?" As Sebastian shook his head. "Must just be in the corner." I said quietly slightly concerned. Still looking round as the very beautiful looking bride walked down the aisle in her beautiful white flowing dress and it was at that moment I thought I noticed someone walking in behind her. As her father walked her all the way to the aisle I noticed Mr. Wayne smile at me.

As I turned and looked at Sebastian and tried to pull his attention to the door where Mr. Wayne was stood his feet wide apart looking at me smirking. As the music stopped and she began to pull the veil from over her head. Mr. Wayne stepped forward and began to applaud.

He took several more steps before he called out loud, "Look at the beautiful bride would you not say she is... Looking full of the joys of spring. Maybe put on a few extra pounds. Maybe..." He stopped and pulled out his phone.

Isebastian turned slowly before I stepped in front of him, "Someone throw him out." I said looking towards the faculty of the school who was sat at the back of the church.

Mr. Wayne tapped in a code in his phone and spoke with ever more conviction, "But then none of you would know the truth about what is going on here. None of you guys would get to know the dirty secrets that need to be displayed for all to see."

I stepped forward to the aisle I looked at the bride and groom and spoke softly to them, "Let me sort him out."

With that the confessional door opened and I noticed a deeply humiliated Winston falling out. Seconds later Ms. Peacock dashed from my father covering him with a coat and taking him to the toilets.

Mr. Wayne smirked, "That's only one of the things people are going to find out today that your father." He said stepping forward to me, "Is a big fat puff who loved me abusing him, covering him in all my juices whether it be spit, piss or cum. He's had it all and you know all about it don't you." He was now just feet away from me as he flashed me a picture of his phone a picture of me sucking cock in the bathroom covered in blood, "Should we show all the guests here how it runs in the family or should we go to the biggest secret in the room."

As he brushed his hand over my shoulder Sebastian run down the aisle throwing a punch directly into Mr. Waynes face as he dropped to the floor, "Everyone out and someone help Brinn's dad get him to a hospital and everyone else just get out!"

I looked at Sebastian and then moved towards the door as I ushered everyone out I noticed the same lad who had abused me just an hour or so before staring at me. I turned and looked away as people streamed out of the church.

I looked over at Sebastian as I noticed Mr. Wayne begin to stir after the earlier punch. As I began to walk back and the only people remaining in the church was myself, Mr. Wayne Sebastian I looked around for the bride who had obviously been ushered out of the church by the vicar in all the anarchy.

Mr Wayne shuffled up so he was sat up against a pew, "You know it wasn't even you two fucking each other that was the big secret." Mr. Wayne stroked his jaw, "Now your interested arn't you. What could possibly be worst well how about you send out your boyfriend and I will tell you man to man." He store a hole directly into Sebastian.


"Brinn do me a favor I will give you a ring later." I pointed using my head to the door. As Brinn left I couldn't help but look at his arse as he walked out, "So whats this secret?"

"Your free, you can be with your fella might wanna wait but there's no need to rush might end yourself in jail." I stared at him and then he continued, "You know that she is pregnant right?"

"Yes, what about it? You dare say anything more and you will be picking your teeth up." I stepped directly above him.

"It's my kid you fool, I have been fucking..." I felt his foot swiftly land in my bollocks, "her for over a year and I thought I would wait till you thought you was going to be happy because you remember back when we first met all those years ago in uni. When you slept with my girlfriend in freshers week?" He started to climb to his feet. "Well you didn't know Amanda was my girlfriend at the time but we call this revenge."

Tears streamed out my eyes the agony running through my body was horrendeous he had hit me sweet in the balls and I was unable to talk as he walked out.

He hucked back a spit and spat on my face, "I know you are going to find this hard but I am leaving now and I know you, your going to hit to bottle and end up making decisions you regret. You always do? Your more predictable then the average fag."

As he walked out I looked down at the engagement ring that I still had on my finger and took it off before slowly making my way to my feet.


As I propped up the biggest gay bar in Nottingham, "One more drink I need it just one more."

The bar lady looked at me, "Have you not had enough?"

"No I have not, all you women are the same you cheat on men and leave them broken." I continued to slur as I fiddled around in my pocket for my phone to call Brinn.

"I think it's time you went home." The bar lady popped a glass of water in front of me.

"You mean you think I am to drunk where's my phone?" I fell to the floor, I looked up and continued to slur, "You bitch I bet you helped him pull my wife."

Suddenly I felt two large bouncers grab me and pull me into the back and throw me on to a back alley, "You never speak to our team like that. Do it again if you dare."

With that I had passed out, it wasn't till all the street lights had turned off that I felt even remotely human in the back alley.

It must have been four in the morning when I noticed a a familiar voice, "I'm gonna take you back home."

I looked up at his police uniform and asked, "Stripper?"

As he picked me up, "No we met at the Pent house my names Jake."

The Morning After The Night Before

As I woke looking around the room, I looked around stunned dazed and lost. I looked around the massive room and the king size bed and lay star fish as I came to. I slowly climbed out of the bed and looked down at my naked body. I slowly moved around the room looking for my clothes as the door opened and an overly camp man burst in, "So you are alive than, me and my fella wanted to offer you a place to stay last night but if you want us to help you out today we expect you to do something for us. Your clothes are in the cupboard over there but if you would like to earn access to a new home you can stay with us for a month." He minced up to me, "I know you would like your own house anywhere in the world. We will also double your working wage."

"Where am I?" I asked holding on to my head.

"Oh sorry babe for not introducing myself I am Olly, my partner you met in the penthouse he says you would be perfect to stay with us for a month. Especially after what has happened to you. We also have lots of other possibilities for you to earn some money if you do not mind us releasing some films and footage of you."

"What are you saying?" I paused, "You wanna make me a porn star while I am a teacher?"

"Well basically babe yeah." I felt him touch my ass. He then swept his hand around to my stomach and then added, "All you have to know is you don't wear any clothes inside the house and you will earn double your wage, a hundred thousand and takings from your porn films."

Gob smacked I stared in to a mirror I closed my eyes and imagined Brinn, "What if..."

"If its a yes, you come out of this room naked on your knees and you ask us for mercy. If not the porn films are still open and there is a business card in your pockets. Put your clothes on and leave through the door to the left.

Walking to my clothes I looked down and feeling unable to look at myself in the mirror I decided to put on my clothes and head to leave with my with my dignity no more degraded.

As I walked out the room fully dressed I looked at the couple as they shook there head at me, turned and walked away.

As I walked away and the memories of the previous night came flashing back I began my walk into town and to find somewhere to stay.

Coming Soon: Sebastians first lesson with Brinn in the classroom. How will Sebastian cope with his cravings for Brinn? How will Brinn cope with his feelings?

Waynes World and Jake are in Celebrity catergory.

Next: Chapter 25

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