Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Oct 10, 2016


Welcome to the next Chapter in the Teacher8714 world we currently have two stories running in it Waynes World and Serving Real Men. The running order if you are new:

SRM 1-17 WW 1 SRM 18-21 WW 2 SRM 22 Jake 1 SRM 23

You do not have to follow all the stories I will keep them seperate but in the same universe, if there may be complete cross over chapters in the future.

Remember NIFTY.ORG need donations.


Serving Real Men 23


All we did till the morning of the wedding had been snuggling up in the hotel, after we heard Nile had been arrested for starting a bar brawl it seemed better to keep a low profile. It wasn't till the morning of the wedding that the doubts really kicked in to such a degree I was about to phone my wife to be to cancel the wedding. The only thing that stopped me was Brinn waking as I placed my phone to the side of the bed and kissed him on his cheek, "Morning sweetie."

"Morning." He replied as he lay there his hands relaxed behind his head. "I can't believe this will be the last morning we do this, it seems so perfect but sometimes the right situation comes at the wrong time."

"I know sucks right." I nestled my head into his pecks, "Not in a good way." I looked up at Brinn smiling. "You think if the situation was different..." I tailed off before leaning in and kissing him on his lips.

Brinn smiled before closing his eyes while looking up to the roof and laying there blissful and waiting for the day ahead.

= = = BRINNS VIEW = = =

I lay looking at the ceiling my eyes mostly closed, fighting a tear from my own eyes. He was right when he had said if it had come at a different time it may have worked. I knew I had to concentrate on my gymnastics, I had come to far to throw it away for whatever this was becoming.

"Right." I shouted nudging Sebastian off me and climbing out of bed naked and walking to the shower, "Best get ready." I opened the bathroom door turned and looked at Seb as I winked at him, "Todays going to be an awesome day."

Leaving him on the bed I climbed into the shower and quickly washed myself down, I heard the door open behind me and Seb call out, "You headed to the gym before dinner and the service at two?"

"Yeah, I will meet you somewhere for dinner about twelve make sure your all ready I have your rings and everything ready to go." I called back massaging my stomach muscles.


I went back out of the bathroom and noticed Brinns phone flashing, glancing down I noticed it was from his Dad. "Your Dads text he says Nile was released without charge. Seems the other guy dropped the charges when he was found naked in a gay cruising place. He admitted to gay beating but apparently some guys got the better of him."

I placed the phone down and then I popped on a pair of shorts and t-shirt and sat on the bed while waiting for Brinn to have his shower and head to training. As I flicked through the channels on the tele I smiled to myself a wry smile while looking on the floor at a pair of Brinns boxers. I stood picked them up gave them a quick sniff and folded them neatly placing them in his suitcase. I glanced round the room which was generally clean and tidy and smiled to myself before turning the tele off again and picking up my keys and phone, "I will be back in a bit see you at The Rose Bush in town for dinner at one. If you need anything I have my phone beautiful okay."

With that I headed out the door straight to the lift and down the lift, firstly headed to reception I asked, "Any parcel arrive for me."

The young female replied in a strong Scottish accent, "Aye, it arrived for you late last night the flowers are a beaut."

Taking the box I opened it feeling a tinge of guilt I closed it before heading into the bar, "When do you start serving?" I placed the box next to me and sat at the bar.

"For you I serve now." Spoke a man in his early thirties in very broken English. "A pint of our finest for a man about to throw his life away."

"Yeah make it two, you know I'm not sure I want to go threw with this." I opened the box again taking out of the flowers.

"Yes, this is something I hear more than I should. Mistress on the side maybe. Mistress make all happy marriages." Placing my first drink on the bar.

"If only you knew!" I took a giant swig of my drink.

"That young lad not your brother than?" With him completing that I spat my drink out over the bar.

"Clothe let me clean that up." I said embarrassed.

"Did you rent him or you plan on keeping him. I no judge." He continued passing me a clothe.

"No, yeah, but, no, I mean I love my misses." I said argueing in my own head as he turned and walked to the door on the far side of the bar. Was I really that obvious I cursed myself.

After I finished my first drink I saw Brinn headed out the hotel I glanced around the bar and then at the bar man whoi was glaring at Brinns ass. "You leave him alone."

"You don't want your secret to be out, you need me to be quiet." He said licking his lips, "I was sent images of what he went through for you." He returned to the bar and handed me some pictures and there I saw on the first one Brinn getting pummelled by two whips on his back only then did I think about how he had been sitting so tentatively. "Maybe you suck me off and he doesn't get that bum raped again." I glanced and saw more images of Brinn been totally abused with spew all around him from where they had forced him to deep throat. "Maybe you do me and my friends." I looked at the last image in disgust as it was of Brinns crying face laid next to me. "Come on he did this for you."

Feeling outraged I tipped the ale over the bar tenders head, "You go to hell, he is worth ten times the man you are and if you touch him then you will be the one in trouble."

"Calm down, it looks like you should call off the wedding if you feel that strongly." The bar tender collected a suitcase from the other side of the bar and placed it on the bar near my one remaining drink.

"Whats this, call it a erm well done." He said placing a hand on my shoulder before leaving.

He left the photos in my hand and the suitcase next to me, as I opened the suitcase I read the note, 'Here's the 10k you needed to start fresh. Theres more if you ever need it.'

Confused I closed the suitcase and placed the pictures in my pocket I headed up stairs.

= = = BRINNS VIEW = = =


I was starving from my training this morning when I arrived before Sebastian, wearing the suit I had for the wedding I sat down and text him to tell him I was here before ordering a fruit smoothie. Sebastian walked in fifteen minutes late and as he sat down he looked deep into my eyes, pearcing my soul before pushing a briefcase near my leg.

"Why was I given a suitcase full of money today?" His eyes looked saddened as he completed the question.

"My plan was to use this to help fund my gymnastics but then I found out your misses is pregnant so consider it a gift for your baby. I wasn't supposed to tell you but I didn't want you to only go through with the wedding because of a baby." I hung my head in shame.

"So you let them beat you, abuse you and your giving up the money." He said slightly pissed off before continuing shoving the suitcase towards me, "Yes I have to marry her now if she is pregnant. I almost called it off but keep the money cause I love you, you make me feel so good. You make me feel whole like she never will." He stood and stormed towards the door leaving the suitcase by my legs before turning, "Just come to the wedding be the best man and... I don't know anymore!"

I was shocked as he stormed out and in to the distance. I placed my hand on the suitcase as I dropped my head to the table where tears began to flow out my eyes. Suddenly I felt someone grab me and the suitcase pulling me into the pubs toilet.

As I first managed to clasp eyes on him I had a basic recollection that it was the gentleman who Nile had smashed over the head for making comments as he said in his distinctive accent, "You best get on your knees cause faggots like you don't deserve real control." With that I felt a strong fist smash me to the floor as I fell to the floor I looked around pulling myself up by the urinals. "That is one sweet ass beg for me to fuck it."

"Never." I got back to my knees about to get to my feet.

"Looks like I'm going to have to ruin that pretty face." He said placing his hand behind my head driving in to the wall where I fell into a puddle of piss. "Now suck me off like a good queer." My blood pouring from my nose. Admitting defeat I fished out his cock and started sucking him off unable to take the whole seven inches with adding my own sick to the blood and piss.

"Please stop." I begged taking half the cock in my mouth all the while just wishing I was safe and the dream that was this morning and last night never had to end.

"Oh no but I am close you cock sucker, I love it when they struggle and bleed." He shoved me off his cock as he shot his cum onto my face and hair before pushing me back into the puddle of piss, blood and now cum.

He ran his foot over my groin and my semi hard cock giving away that something was triggered in me, "Don't be telling me you didn't enjoy it. Did you imagine it was your man doing it to you. Here have a tenner for your time."


I felt sick arriving at the church, my head was doing summersaults. My heart was a flutter and I couldn't help but feel I was making a mistake.

Half hour later a slightly battered Brinn arrived blood held into his nose by a tissue his face freshly washed and a brand new shirt on. "Are you okay?" I asked in total shock and devastation. "I don't want to marry her I want you..." I blurted out.

Brinn smiled, "I wish it was that easy as the thug jumped me all I could think about was you but I am off after the service and I will see you around in school, we really can't continue like this. Just remember your having a baby. Like you said if it was another time maybe we would have worked."

Next: Chapter 24

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