Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Oct 9, 2016


Welcome to the next Chapter in the Teacher8714 world we currently have two stories running in it Waynes World and Serving Real Men. The running order if you are new:

SRM 1-17 WW 1 SRM 18-21 WW 2 SRM 22

You do not have to follow all the stories I will keep them seperate but in the same universe, if there may be complete cross over chapters in the future.

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Serving Real Men 22


Gasping and panting for air I made it to the park I hadn't seen Brinn since he had told me that he would meet me here about twenty minutes ago when he sprinted off. I collapsed onto the grass to get a brief rest bite before I thought to look around. As I slowly crawled to my feet I saw Nile and Brinn over by the picnic benches just doing some exercises as they span around on the top of them and flung there legs in the air.

I stood still out of breathe and plodded towards them exausted, "Not much further I hope." I gasped for air.

"Na, we will go for dinner. As I had to come save your life last night I think you owe me a meal and I am sure Nile can pay out the extra's he got from us." Brinn said smiling at Nile.

"Was a nice pay day." Nile added.

"Glad you enjoyed the pay day." Brinn retorted.

"Come on a couple of grand wasn't the worst pay day for you lads either. You going to training today or..." Nile stopped as he looked at me.

"Or what Brinn?" I asked

"I'm feeling fine, but gonna take a few days out work on my cardio." Brinn replied looking directly at Nile.

"Prove it." Nile replied.

With that Brinn ran leapt into the air corkscrewed three times and landed doing one press up, "See, lets just eat."

Nile looked over at Brinn and nodded to him, "Can I have a word."

I smiled, "I will go ahead, we going to The Dragon. Yeah."

Brinn winked at me and smiled. That was all I needed to know.

As I walked there quiet a way in front of them I cleaned up in the toilet and ordered a coke. Leaving my debit card behind the counter to start a tab to pay for the food. I must have been waiting about fifteen minutes before they arrived.

The first time I was aware that Brinn had entered was when I felt a hand run across my shoulder blade from left to right, a cold shiver shot down my back and I smiled. "Hey, hows you?" I said tipping my head back to look at him.

Nile popped down his drink on the table and smiled at me, "We are going to give you the greatest stag do ever, we want you to have the most amazing time so we have three activities to go to."

Brinn yelled across, "You best not ruin the surprises."

Nile looked at me and then at Brinn, "The first was my idea cause I know you want Brinn to keep up with his training so..." He paused looked at Brinn and then at me, "Your test driving a Ferrai for three hours while he goes and does his training after breakfast..." He looked back at Brinn, "Sorry had to. It was my idea."

"But my head is killing." I moan gutted to waste such an opportunity.

Nile smirked, "Don't worry its on a private race track a friend of a friend owns it just for fuck sake don't crash. Oh and don't tell his Dad you got in a car. You wasn't meant to get wrecked before today."

Brinn got back with the drinks as a waitress followed him, "Three breakfasts?" She asked.

We all agreed and she headed back to the bar to take our order and get everything prepared.

"Thanks guys, I am so sorry Brinn for last night my heads just everywhere I am guessing you told Nile about it." I asked as I looked at them both.

"Yeah but he's not gonna say anything, we was talking about how Mr. Wayne had put his tongue up a old fat smelly mans ass crack mainly." Brinn smirked.

"What!" I said spitting some of my drink out.

"Yeah he thought the key was lodged in the guys ass." Nile added.

"Sucks to be him!!" Placing my drink down.

"He did that to." Nile winked at me.

We made more small talk until the food arrived and we ate. It wasn't till after I had been left alone to take the car for a spin that I really thought about how this marriage was going to effect Brinn. He had seemed to be changing and softening up. I would never want to hurt someone so that they developed like Mr. Wayne so I took the time just before I was due to finish and meet up with Brinn and Nile again to give Mr. Wayne a call.

Passing the keys back to Niles friend I started walking back taking the phone out it started to ring. In the near distance I could see Brinn smiling with Nile. When Mr. Waynes voice appeared on the other end of the phone, "Oh you have a nerve. I hear you was treating those lads to a meal to celebrate what happened to me. You will not get away with this. I swear that I will destroy you, him, your wife and anyone I want...." With that I put the phone down and turned it off.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Brinn and even Nile I had began to warm to as I was now seeing a far nicer side to him and that he was only doing what he thought was right while maintaining social standing.

Nile walked over to me and asked, "Where would you like to go for dinner then?"

"Dinner already!" I exclaimed while scratching my neck.

Nile pulled out his phone, "Who was you on phone to anyway?"

"You don't even need to guess that do you, might have to rename him Mr. Bumlicker, you know talking just like his breathe smells. Something about revenge." I said as I placed my hands together and in a high pitched voice called out, Revenge will be mine mwhuhuhu."

A moment later Brinn tapped me on my back as I turned he pretended he had done nothing, "Your gonna get your revenge against who?"

"No one for you to worry your pretty little head about." I said walking back towards The Dragon, "May aswell go Dragon we are near here anyway after that what you got planned.

= = = Niles View = = =

As much as those two would hate to admit it they had bonded extremely close over the issues they had faced and everyone knows it will always end in hurt, I remember studying Romeo and Juliet and that was never going to end nicely this seemed to have the same feeling I was thinking throughout having dinner, "Bowling next, so I was thinking whose Romeo and Whose Juliet between you to?"

Brinn looked at me in shock, "Shut up."

Sebastian looked at me and then looked at Brinn whose face was going redder and redder, "Seriously we aint attracted to each other this is just to say thank you."

I couldn't help but smile as I stood up, "Why Romeo, why Romeo..." I said dramatically as I stood up and walked passed them to go to the toilet. "No seriously my lips are sealed tho." I said as I walked past them pretending to zip my own mouth up.

I headed over to the toilet looking back at them as they was in deep conversation. As I opened the door and walked into the toilet I went into the first cubical before taking a seat and getting my phone out. I was suddenly disturbed by hearing a guy walking in on the phone speaking loudly, "Yeah looks like we got two fags here. I'm gonna go eat somewhere else don't wanna catch it."

I couldn't believe my ears I felt myself growing angry as he spoke placing the phone in my pocket it wasn't till I opened the cubical door that he had left the toilet.

I walked out of the toilet and motioned Brinn and Sebastian to pay and get out the pub.

As I moved outside I looked around and saw a twenty to twenty five year old lad on his phone on the other side of the street walking towards a group of other lads all around the same size as him.

It was a half hour walk to bowling much of the walk I decided to lag behind as Brinn and Sebastian walked off in front It wasn't till they got there that they really noticed I had left them to talk out front. When I overheard Brinn ask, "Is Nile even still with us."

"Yeah, I'm ok." I said as I caught up with them. "Bowling or Pool?"

Sebastian looked at Brinn, "Let him decide I'll beat him at any."

"I don't mind, I think it would be nice to chill out more than play a game but a quick game of bowling will be good if you wanna."

With that I heard something in the arcade. "Wait there." I said as I left them suddenly I heard that very distinctive voice again.

= = = Brinns View = = =

I could not take another set of three hours in the gym all my joints hurt and the heat was getting to me. My head was all over from last night not even I was sure that I wanted him to get married now, this morning waking up next to Sebastian felt right. "Can we talk." I said softly.

"Cause we can is it about last night I am sorry you know." Sebastian replied while looking deep into my eyes.

"No it's... like I don't kinda know if I am been selfish but... It's just that I think I just wanna..." With that I leaned in placing my lips on Sebastians, "Just one more night let's just go to a hotel. I don't care who see's us."

Suddenly with that I heard a loud shout across the building from near where Nile had gone, "Oh queers theres no room..." With that there was a loud snapping sound as Nile smashed a cue around the back of his head. He then continued to beat his back with the cue before been pulled off.

Nile spat on the guy who was holding his ribs on the floor, "They are my friends I suggest you shut up."

The manager walked over to us and as he asked me and Sebastian to leave I shook my head as I walked out quickly followed by Sebastian as the manager called the police.

Next: Chapter 23

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