Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 29, 2016


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Serving Real Men 21


As I came back round I looked around the room where Brinn was sat fully dressed, us both still in the penthouse sweet. "What happened?" I asked as I went to sit up my arse in agony like it had been ripped in two.

"They have gone, we better head out soon, they gave me a couple of grand and paid the bill for us." Brinn looked over at me as he gingerly placed his back against the chair. "You can have the money call it a wedding gift and a thank you."

As I got to my feet off the bed I looked around and went to pick up my clothes and slowly placed them on, "It's like your trying to say we wont do anything again, you are still my best man right."

Brinn looked towards the floor as I dressed, "I think it's best if you concentrate on married life, I mean you just took that monster cock for me like it was nothing... Well you did pass out from the pain but."

Pulling on my shoes as I walked over to him, "Look I would do it again in a heartbeat." As I reached him I sat next to him, "Just lets go have a good time with this money and when the dust settles we will see where we are. It's been a mad few weeks and..." I stopped as I looked deep into his eyes learning in placing my lips on his as we shared a long almost loving kiss.

As he lent back on the couch he yelped before pushing me off, "Let's go I'm not a fag." He stood tentitively as he walked towards the exit, "Let's just go home."

As we got into the lift I looked at him again just willing him to tell me what was going on but not wanting to face more rejection I looked into the mirror as the lift started to go towards the ground floor. On the forth floor it stopped and a young man got in the lift in a Swindon Town tracksuit on, holding a boot bag and a set of car keys.

I looked aver at him, "Have I seen you somewhere before?"

He looked over at me looking me up and down and placed out his hand, "I'm Aaron I play football you might have seen me on the highlights or something."

"Sebastian." I said extending my hand to meet his.

"You follow football then?" He asked with a firm hand shake.

"Yeah, used to play a bit at school but grew to fond of a beer. Brinn meet Aaron, Aaron meet Brinn." I introduced.

"Hi." Brinn said looking down at the floor as the lift door opened on the ground floor as Aaron smirked and left the lift.

I looked at Brinn and then towards Aaron, "Am I missing something?"

Brinn shook his head, "No let's just go home. Everyone on the trips already headed back yesterday night."

Brinn didn't say another word all the way home, even while taking his stuff out the car and upon him walking from the car he only looked over his shoulder for a brief second placing his hand into his pocket before turning back to the car placing his hand through the window and simply said, "Thanks teach, don't forget these remember your too good to be someones bitch." With that he had turned and gone.

As I began to drive home I pulled into my local bar and left my car before walking around the hills before returning to my car where I looked at my dog tags that I had left on the seat. Placing my key and turning it I left for home. As I got in there was a note on the side, 'Gone to my sisters will be back in the morning.'

Alone and for the first time in a long time missing someone near me I slunk to the fridge taking out a beer I then fell on to the sofa where I opened the beer. I flicked down my phone at all my contacts stopping at Brinn staring and then slowly going past him. I don't know how long I had been staring at my phone but by the time I had realised there was seven empty bottles of beer next to me.

I started flicking round on the play store and searching through the apps before downloading a gay app. I put in all me details and set my tag line as 'Confused'. Then I went up to the bathroom with my phone stripped and added a picture of me from my neck down in just a towel before I slipped in the shower quickly.

By the time I got out I had seven messages most of them appeared to be from fifty plus year old men but two caught my eye there was one from, 'NOW!' and another from a completely blank profile. I opened the message from, 'NOW!' and read it, 'You wasn't confused last night. If you fancy earning some cash tonight why not invite me over.' I deleted the message and blocked him immediately feeling sick I don't know whether it was the beer or the message.

The blank profile had just sent, 'You shouldn't be on here.' The app said the guy was 2 miles away and the individual was 18 so I replied, 'What do you mean.'

Waiting what felt like an eternity I collected a beer and was half way through it as a reply finally came through, 'If the school finds out your looking for cock you think you will have any respect left.'

'Who is this?' I responded taking another drink and waiting again for a response.

'Just say a friend.' Was all the reply said.

Putting my phone down I went to get another beer and checked my messages again this time the blank profile had responded with, 'Please just delete this app.'

Ignoring it I checked the other messages that had arrived one just said, 'Suck now' while the other said, 'You free.'

I shook my head and slung my head back confused by what I had seen on the app before switching on the television and started writing a message to Brinn in my tipsy state, "Come oevr spent night hom alone.' I sent the message before immediately regretting it feeling like a love sick pup. If someone had told me a few weeks ago I would be begging a minor to come round my house where I lived with the women who I was engaged to be married to then I would have laughed at them. The alcohol swilling in my head unable to stop myself I text again, 'Ill pick u up.'

I stared at my phone willing it to go off, nothing came through so I checked the app upset that I could not see Brinn. I looked at a few of the profiles as I had not received any more messages and noticing the image of a 19 year old in just his boxers I oggled at it and then flicked down a few more scrolling past chest photos, a few face pictures before my phone vibrated and another message came through the app. 'You blocked me do you not enjoy sucking cock Sebastian.'

Shocked I blocked the profile again before finishing off yet another beer, I picked up my phone and stumbled to the toilet sitting down I text Brinn yet again, 'Please I need you.'

With that Brinn called me I stared at it and then picked it up excitedly while weeing into the toilet, "Brinn I miss you." I slurred.

"Sebastian your getting married, face facts your not a bad person."

"But I I I please just till then than never again, just till before the wedding I mean I'm all home alone and..." With that I fell off the toilet covering the toilet floor in piss and dropping my phone where I just remained there.

I don't know how long had passed before I woke in a very cold shower with Brinn holding me while his dad washed me down in freezing cold water. I could even feel Brinn shaking as I came to.

I tried to focus on what Winston was saying, "He's a mess we might need to take him to a hospital."

Brinn looked at his dad and I think I made out, "We can't if they have to look his body over the police will be round him like a shot, he took some major abuse."

"Lay him in the shower son and go get some kip, take his bed he won't mind just dry off first." Dazed I looked at Winston who was still holding the shower head talking and Brinn who was walking away.

"Brinn." I called out noticing a mark on his back.

Suddenly I fell conscience again.

= = = BRINNS VIEW = = =

As I went into his room I looked around at his pictures, feeling I was responsible for what had become of him I felt deeply ashamed in myself. In just my boxers I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling flicking through my own phone I re-read the messages before getting up and walking back to the bathroom in just my boxers where my father was still there looking over my teacher.

"Is he ok." I asked

"He will be son, he is just in a confused state, I remember when I was in that position when I tried to protect my boys from someone." Winston said while turning Sebastian onto his side.

"Do you want a cup of tea Dad?" My dad just nodded as I turned I picked up Sebastians phone and took it with me into the kitchen where I turned on the kettle as I waited for the kettle to boil I deleted all the messages he had sent and then I looked through the app where another message from a profile had appeared, 'Block me again and I will rape your arse like I've done before.'

Seething with anger replied, 'Stop texting my boyfriend he was with me last night.' Before I sent a picture of him with his fianc?e to the individual.

As I popped the tea bag in the phone vibrated a reply and an image of Sebastian passed out with a cock in his ass with the hare flexing his muscles behind him.

Pouring the water in it went off again, 'My friend enjoyed your boyfriends ass.'

Still pretending to be the fianc?e I replied, 'That couldn't have been last night, and he that doesn't look consensual so I think you should delete that before I call the police.'

As I turned to the fridge I heard my phone buzz and the messages disappear with the profile vanishing from the screen. I swiftly deleted the app and turned the phone off placing it on the side before taking the cup of tea to my father. "You want me to stay with him for a bit so you can get some rest." I looked at my father who looked shattered.

"Will you son, he needs you right now. Not in the sexual way but pass me the trash by the side of the toilet to take out." My father spoke softly pulling the soaking Sebastian out the shower on his side.

"Is that a.." I said in shock.

"Pregnancy Test son, yes it is. I don't know if thats what made him hit the bottle but just help him to the alter so his then wife can pass on the good news and he can get on with his life." I passed the bag that was in the bin to my father.

Sitting against the wall I craddled his head into my chest my boxers getting drenched yet again as I began to stroke the side of his face softly speaking to myself, "You will be ok."

By the time I realised anything the sun was coming up and my father had asked a few times if I wanted to get some rest but I could not leave him in such a state so I slept between fleeting moments where Sebastian tried to speak.

My father came through with some toast which I ate quickly and asked, "Help me get him into bed now, I don't think he's gonna be sick now." My father helped as I carried him into bed before I lay next to him and began to fall to sleep cradling him in my arms.


"Fuckkkk" I groan as I opened my eyes before turning looking at Brinn who was in a restful sleep, I looked up at the door to my bedroom and then seeing a sillouette of Winston, "How did you two get here?"

Winston smiled at me, "What do you remember?"

"Well not much I came in had a few beers than it's all a blur." I said confused.

"Good now wake up my son, walk him into town get him some breakfast to say thank you and take him to the gym, maybe even work out a bit yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself." He stared at me, "Remember I have had to get over falling into been a slave and feeling like you need it, but you don't. Theres nothing else you know about your wife at the minute is there."

I groaned moving more, "She isn't my wife yet." I try to say with a smile. Winston looked at me trying to figure out if I knew something but clueless I asked, "What is it?"

He just smiled a strange proud smile before shouting, "Brinn, get up your gymnast kits in the car, take drunk over there with you into town and get one of your mates to make him use the equipment while he waits for you to keep him out of mischief..." He then added quietly, "And the pub."

"Thanks." I said rubbing my head sitting up.

"Oh, and I will clean up after your mess this time but you owe me ok. Might need a favor from you one day... No only joking I'm doing this cause your a good man you just need help to get back on to the straight and narrow."

Brinn looked at me and smiled an adorable smile as I felt the urge to lean in to kiss him I remembered his dad stood in the door. So all I could do was look at his smile as he said, "What you look like death."

I turned away and pulled on some trackies and a t-shirt before popping on a pair of trainers. Popping into the toilet to throw up and then coming out to see Brinn stood near the door with his rucksack on his back, "You ready we are jogging into town."

I stared at him, "You what I will drive it's fine."

With that I felt the wind of a hand then Winstons hand smack me in the back of the head, "You are not driving!"

My head already pounding I held on to the back where he had slapped me, "Okay Dad." I laughed as I walked towards Brinn who had opened the door before I could reach him he had turned to start jogging down the street with me lagging to keep up. But I had to admit the view of his arse was worth chasing him.

Next: Chapter 22

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