Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 27, 2016


Please remember this is a fictional story and non of the characters are designed to be anyone real also remember that does require donations.

Part 19


As the old women looked back I smiled at Sebastian, "Ill have Ms. Peacock and you can have her after your stag do."

I got no reply as he scampered up the steps and finally started banging on the door, "It's open come in." Came the shout from indoors.

"This room has three bedrooms!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, now teach go jump in the shower we will be in to see to you in a bit. Brinn we need to talk about Friday." I looked at Nile who looked rather serious at me.

"Whats up, it's not serious is it?" I asked.

Nile looked over and threw me a pair of shorts, "We need to change venues for the stag due, that or share it with some regulars who rent out the space they have been known to leave the place in a state and can be quiet rough with there... toys!" Nile said looking at me, "I don't want to damage Sebastian and I know you don't either. He is a good teacher and it's all good fun and I am sure he is enjoying it but... the regular in question is really important and I'm not sure he can be trusted with the secret."

I looked at Nile, "Thanks, I'll try to find another venue."

I stood up and began to walk towards the shower, "Where do you think your going dressed?" Nile said loudly.

"I was just going to tell him not to worry and..."

Nile interupted me, "Oh we are still going to fuck you both, I know your nervous but I will make sure we warm you up. You owe us!"

"I owe you? You double crossed me." I replied slightly put out.

"I'll prove it go shower up, pop some clothes on pop downstairs and have a drink with your brother you can even take Sebastian as I am sure he will get you your drinks. When you come back up you will come in make sure you take the key, strip naked and get into bed."

I turned my head looking at Nile, "What you done to my..."

Nile smirked a dirty smile, "Don't worry just say you owe me at least a few favors you will even be happy for me to loan his ass on his wedding day morning but." Nile turned walked towards the dressing table picked up a drink took a swig and said, "He is only walking down nthe aisle with one load of cum in him, it's only right that it's yours." He took another sip, "Honour among us all."

"Thanks." I replied unsure.

"Don't thank me we still have to sell your twos arses to pay for all the costs we have had to use to make all this work, but unless you get downstairs you won't realise how much we have done for you."

As I picked up some neatly folded clean clothes I turned to Nile one more time before going into the bathroom, "Clean clothes, whats the catch?"

Nile placed down the glass again, "Remember you guys are earning me the money back I spent on this, so don't thank me for those clothes.... Oh and I spent top dollar so you have even more to earn back."

As I turned I noticed he winked as I stuck my middle finger up, "Thanks."

"Hey Teach, I just wanna tell you that.. Are you ok?" I had to ask as I walked up tp the shower and Sebastian was staring at the wall playing with his ring.

Sebastian startled called out, "Yeah, I hear you was talking about the stag due and the wedding and everything I hope everythings ok."

"Everythings fine now move over slightly." I said pulling off my shorts and getting in the shower.

Sebastian smiled as he looked at me he began to soap up his hands and then asked, "You want me to give your back a wee clean."

"Sounds nice." I say as I look at the wall noticing a mirror and I was looking directly at myself, "They have a mirror in a shower why?" I asked out loud not really expecting or wanting a response as he rubbed the soap into my back.

"Could be for hot people like you who only needs to look at themselves to realise how lucky they are." He spoke softly as he did by both my sides.

"Shhh you." I moaned softly, "Just soap me up so we can have a drink my Dads downstairs or something!"

"I canny meet your Dad he will think I am a..." Sebastian panicked.

"No, he won't just get him a drink and we will talk normally try not to keep the conversation on how much you want to help him free himself and he will love you." As he finished soaping me up I turned once in the shower then getting out bending over naked in front of Sebastian then pulling on a pair of expensive boxers, and then trousers and socks before Sebastian finally got out of the shower. As he oggled my toned body I had to add, "Stop drooling and don't make it obvious you want me to fuck you ."

"WHAT!?! I only..."

"Stop pretending teach I know you want me, the lads know you want me, I even believe you know it now I think when I walked in you was considering the wedding and thinking of calling it off. You wanted to ask me if we had a chance and I can tell you know we do not I am not gay." I looked at Sebastian as I said these words and the disappointment on his face was massive, "You do have a sweet arse tho. If I was a girl... Wait!!!" I said with a smile pulling on a lush t-shirt. Before walking out the bathroom and looking at Nile as he opened another bottle from the mini bar, "How much did these clothes cost?"

Nile looked at the bottle in his hand on the mini bar and poured it into a glass before pouring some energy drink in with it, "This bottle here is ?20 give or take a fiver, your trousers are ?149.99, the shirt seventy the boxers twenty..." Nile looked over at me as my jaw dropped.

"How much do me and him owe you and we have to earn." I said not really wanting to know the answer.

"I was going to tell you after you spoke to your Dad but you and teach owe me one and a half k. But don't worry with the meals and drinks and bar tab it might be two grand but it won't go over that I promise and I have sold your arse for half of that to a local MP. I was gonna sell his but he said he would prefer yours." Nile looked at Sebastian and added, "Go on you make a cute couple well you better in those clothes they cost more than your wardrobe."

I looked at the door then at him and shouted, "Prick." Before leaving out the door and heading for a drink with my father.

As we walked back to the steps and I ran down the steps in all the new clothes I had been brought feeling a million dollars I swung the door open and let through the elderly lady from earlier she smiled, "I was telling my husband how your getting married to that..."

"No I'm not getting married he is marrying his misses, I'm just the best man." I said smiling at her shaking my head.

"Oh dear you are the best man arn't you." She said placing her hand on my toned stomach.

The man she was with gave a all to knowing look at me and was like, "She hasn't grown old gracefully."

Her sharp reply made me laugh as Sebastian caught up, "Who are you calling old, I could still teach this young man a thing or two."

Sebastian giggled with us as the man took his wife by the arm and led her away, as she was about to climb the first steps I shouted up to her, "If you was single I would marry you tomorrow. Oh and if I was marrying someone and I was you know... Id have you as my bridesmaid as they are always the most beautiful ladies at the wedding."

Sebastian just shook his head while walking past me, "You flirt." He declared.

As I let the door go following him I noticed remains of smashed glass and a covered floor with a wet floor sign around it, "Dad, did you see that looks spectacular."

Winston looked at his son, "We need champagne I hear theres a tab for us down here I will go get it."

I felt like stopping him knowing every penny he spent would be taken out on me or Sebastian but I did not have the heart as I sat down.

We all sat in silence until my father returned he looked me and Sebastian over as he poured the drinks, "I would like you all to raise your glasses, to our freedom, your marriage..."

He paused and then terry interupted, "Isn't that the reverse of freedom."

Winston continued ignoring his older son, "and to the future, a future where we will all be able to move forward without having to look over our shoulders."

As he swigged his drink and I had a short bit of mine I asked, "Your free... Does that mean Nile managed to..."

Winston looked at me and then my teacher and then finally at his son, "Yes looks like Mr. Wilson screamed the safe word while I shot volts up his ass, made him beg. Apparently using the safe word was better than the fact that if I kept it up he was going to wet himself."

I smiled at my father and then at Terry, "I have to go and everything but you guys head home I'll be back tomorrow make sure you come to the wedding they can do can't they teach."

"Yea...." Sebastian replied adding, "Best go see whats so urgent." as he followed me into the lift.

As I pressed the button on the lift and Sebastian was stood there as the door shut and the lift started moving up I pushed Sebastian against the wall forcing my lips on his his hands run all over my body as the lift stopped as I shoved him off and the doors opened as we went to pay Nile back.

If you should have any questions or theories please feel free to contact me on

Next: Chapter 20

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