Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 4, 2016


Please remember this is a fictional story and non of the characters are designed to be anyone real also remember that does require donations.

Part 11


This week was dragging my girlfriend was ill and my bitch wasn't in school I had put all my frustrations into my gymnastics training my coach was amazed at how focused I had been up until Friday. On Friday morning I heard the door bell ring while both my mother and father was out running down the stairs in my red boxers I swung the door open my toned chest on display the post man staring right at me, "Most people like what they see." As he stuttered I took the box from him and ran it upstairs opening the box by cutting the tape with the keys.

The first thing I took out and placed into my suitcase was a seven inch dildo, the second was a electric remote controlled butt plug, the third a set of handcuffs and the last item in the package was a chastity belt. I smiled as I placed all of the items into my suitcase and then looked at the time it was only two hours before we would be setting off.


The last few days had been awful I had turned down overtime at the school as I couldn't face it knowing what was coming this weekend I packed my case after planning my wedding for two weeks time. My fianc?e did not seem happy about a shotgun wedding but I promised her a fantastic honeymoon at the next half term break if we got married in the main holiday.

As I had finished packing an hour early I left the house kissing my finacee on the way out, "See you when I get back it wont be long to we are man and wife." As I said this I began to feel my cock growing hard not knowing if it was because I was submitting to Brinn for this to happen or because I was actually happily getting married.

Driving to the school my hard on would not subside in my shorts and as I was pulling in to the street where the school was I saw Brinn with a bottle of water in his hand. As he waved I looked directly at him and then back to the road as I drove into the school all the while wondering what he had in store for this weekend.

As I pulled the car over I looked over at the head teacher who was making his way to the car as I rolled down the window he leaned in and said, "I know we shouldn't but the bus company have sent us a bus thats to small you mind taking a teacher and a couple of students."

I looked at him and then at the teachers who was stood near the bus waiting on the trip, "Yeah I will take...." I said unable to finish.

"Great Mr. Wayne will be coming with you he says he gets travel sick and also Brinn and Josh as again they have mentioned they get travel sick."

The head teacher slapped the top of my car as I stuttered. "W.. W... Would it not be better if I took a female..."

"Brinn get your suitcase in the back of the car lad, Mr.Wayne already has his on the bus but you have room for Josh's carry on don't you he hasn't got much to bring with him." The head teacher said walking away from the car not even waiting for a response.

"But, but..." I said as Brinn smiled at me.

Opening the boot he looked at my small suitcase picked it up and placed it on the ground. He then placed his suitcase in and Josh carry on that was by the wall. I stopped looking at him as he picked up my case placing it on the top of the bags and I closed my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened my eyes Mr. Wayne was stood there and as he smiled at me he said in a calm tone, "Funny this you and your master have to spend time with me, your going to help me to make him submit while we are at the theme park arn't you? You want to serve a real man."

I looked at him realising I didn't know what master would be harsher as I looked over at Brinn who flashed me a smile as I looked at Mr. Wayne, "No, No I won't"

Mr. Wayne smirked, "Your going to regret that decision boy."

I was about to reply as I noticed the head teacher walking over, "Wayne, will you just make sure the school is ready to be locked up and lock it up for me." Wayne gave me an evil smile as the head teacher continued, "Make sure you drive safe and don't let these whipasnappers make you play inappropriate music." I heard the boot slam as I went to turn to look I noticed Brinn walking towards the car for the first time noticing his trousers held up by a massive leather belt. "Oh, it's going to be a good trip!" The head teacher finished with.

As he turned I spoke under my breathe yeah Whippersnappers."

"Shotgun!" I heard shouted out loud realising Brinn had just shouted it while looking over at Wayne and Josh who was walking back to the car.

As he got into the front seat of the car he smiled at me as I said quietly my bulge in my shorts now larger than ever. "Don't you think it is weird when theres another teacher in the car aswell."

The headteacher looked over and said out loud, "Good thinking Josh and Wayne can discuss what he needs to do next term on the trip. Try to take the front seat in turns if anyone begins to feel sick. Wouldn't like to have to pay to have your car cleaned."

Another car pulled up and Ms. Peacock one of the learning support assistance who had always fancied me glanced over and then got out of her car. "I got all you four drinks, for the journey I will see you when we get there." She finished winking at me as Brinn cracked a laugh.

First looking at Brinn in disbelief then at Ms. Peacock, "Im getting married in a couple of weeks."

I looked over at her again as she said, "Still time to change your mind."

Brinn laughed as he looked at her, "Oh I bet you would have plenty to offer him Ms."

I heard the doors open as Ms. Peacock passed over the drinks I passed them onto Brinn as she then passed a bag of sweets and a second bag of sugar and milk for the teas.

Brinn put the drinks on his lap and then looked into the sweets before he grabbed one opened it and fed it directly into my mouth as I turned the key starting the engine as the back doors closed. My hard cock now pumping up and down obvious I was extremely turned on.

I looked over to the head teacher slammed the car in reverse and then before I drove out I smiled and gave the head teacher a wave before pulling out of the school gate. I glanced intot the rear view mirror to see the coldest death stare from Mr. Wayne. Within seconds Mr. Wayne had made Josh pull down his trousers leaving him in his t-shirt and boxers before looking at Brinn and saying, "Pass me my drink." As I looked at the school disappearing in the background.

Thank you for reading folks another chapter coming very soon, please feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 12

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