Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Aug 30, 2016


This is a fictional story and all the characters in it are imaginary.

As I woke up and looked around the room was still spinning, "Oh for how did I." I muttered to myself. I glanced down at my phone to see ten missed calls from my girlfriend before pulling the sheets back over my naked aching body. Rolling over onto my back I began to feel uneasy as the dawnig that I could feel something falling out of my arse. "What the..." I stopped myself and concentrated as I looked into the mirror. Only really able to make out my messed up hair and three large bites on my neck I rolled down the covers to my slim torso where I noticed more massive bites revealing more as I looked into the mirror and now looking down I realised there was at least five more massive bruises for the world to see.

"I have to get out of here.." I moaned to myself slowly climbing out of the bed placing my bare feet on the floor noticing at least three patches of sick on the floor one directly where I had placed my foot.

Precisely at that moment the door opened and I heard a familiar voice call out, "Room service." Placing my hands over my cock I stared towards the door. "Sorry I will clean it up." I apologised looking at the eighteen year old employee of the hotel in front of me. "Fuck" I moan as I realise why I recognised the voice, "Your my neighbour aren't you." As a smirk rises on his face I add, "Please don't tell my girlfriend about this, I have no idea what happened."

My teenage neighbour walked over to me dressed in his smart uniform placed his hand out as to shake mine and then as I tried to continue to keep my modesty I looked at him and added, "I canny, I am kinda covering myself up here."

As he laughed at me he turned back towards the door and then added, "I am sure you will enjoy your breakfast."

I flopped back placing my hands behind my head the roof spinning, feeling sick not knowing what hotel I was even in. My eyes began to close over a period of time before I heard the door squeak realising it was still ajar I jumped to my feet and slammed it close. Looking into the full length mirror feeling more and more naked by the second.

Feeling a wet liquid running down my leg a new feeling for me I started to walk into the shower turning it on and sitting on the floor thinking back to my girlfriend and how I was going to explain not coming home.

I don't know how long had passed but I heard the door open I looked directly at the water and shouted, "Ill be ten minutes and I will be gone if you want to clean the room then."

I felt around for a towel unable to see one I stepped out the shower and walked out looking around the room for my clothes unable to find them. After ten minutes I sat on the bed and looked over towards the cart that had been wheeled in to the room earlier. I walked to it and lifted up the cover and noticed the ring box I planned to propose to my girlfriend with this summer break in Paris. I breathed a sigh of relief as I noticed a note by the side of the box, "Radio Channel 102." Confused I glanced at the television turning it on. Turning the channel over I looked out onto the balcony noticing my jeans half way over the balcony clinging on and my shoes on the floor near the railings.

"Thank god." I said as I walked over opened the door naked, grabbed the jeans and then pulled them on swiftly as the television loaded the channel which was full blast so that everyone in a 100m could hear it.

"Aghhhhhhhhhh oh yeah harder." I heard at top volume it slowly dawning on me that it was my voice I charged up to the tele and slung it to the floor breaking it trying to stop the noise. "Who did this to me" I said for the first time placing my fingers near my ass realising it was wide open.

As I thought back to the previous day placing on my jeans and shoes unable to find my top I staggered out of the door dazed and confused. Placing the ring box in my pocket I walked towards the elevator noticing one of my pupils school ties tied to the steps rail with shreds of my shirt on the floor near it.

Suddenly remembering yesterday had been awards day for all years at the school where I was doing my first year of teaching. As I pressed the elevator button I had a flash back of after the yearly celebrations been in the local with the other teachers before I couldn't remember any more.

I looked at my phone and looked at my last calls four of them I did not recognise the fifth was my girlfriend and the sixth was another teacher. As the lift arrived I placed my phone to my ear and started to ring the teacher.

"Hey, James." I said trying to act like I knew what had happened last night.

"Oh there you piss head" He replied.

"What happened?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Go on."

"Well about seven when the awards finished some of the lads challenged us male teachers to a five a side before we all left as it finished early and they wasn't getting picked up. You remember that?"

"Vaguely" I afforded myself a little smile.

"Ok, well after the game where you played rubbish you hadn't even had a drink by then may I add. We lost and we joined the teachers at the pub within three pints you was playing pool with some of the locals in the other room and we didn't see you again."

"What!" I exclaimed

"We came looking for you but only found your coat and car keys lucky you left them and walked home I guess."

"I stopped in a hotel last night." I spoke gingerly.

"You dirty dog I thought you was gonna propose?"

"I am I don't know what happened."

The elevator went down and opened and it seemed that everyone had there eyes on me, I walked out towards reception handed my neighbour the key and turned to walk away, "We will be charging for that television one way or another."

I turned to him, "How do you know about, I mean. What television."

I felt my phone vibrate as he said out loud, "I know everything, did you just get a text from someone."

I felt myself go flush in just jeans and shoes I glanced at my phone, 'You want your ring back you better come toilet so I can add another load in you.' I went from flush to white in a second.

"You seen a ghost?" He asked

Next: Chapter 2

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