Serving My College Masters

By Yue Shi

Published on Mar 4, 2019


Serving My College Masters

By Steve S.

The following story is a fiction and fantasy. In real life, please be respectful of others. This is my first time writing a story, so please let me know what you think and whether I should continue. I can be reached at Thank you for reading.

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Chapter Three

My Masters lived in a 4-bedroom house, with a Master Bedroom on the 1st floor, and three other bedrooms on the 2nd floor. Connor, being the oldest and leader of the pack, occupied the Master Bedroom. My other three Masters each had a bedroom on the 2nd floor. I, as their fag slave, obviously did not have a room.

"My place" was technically the basement, in the sense that I spent the most time down there, definitely not in the sense that I actually controlled the space in any way. The giant basement had been turned into a dungeon, which could be accessed through a steel door toward the back of the house, and the door could be locked from the outside with a key that my Masters had.

The basement had no windows and was not centrally heated or cooled. The big space had been roughly divided into three areas.

The Service Area. This area had a sling hanging from the ceiling, where I could be tied down so that both my mouth and my hole were at the right height for my Masters to fuck. There was also a wooden stock/pillory set installed on an elevated platform, where on a kneeing position, my neck and wrists could be securely locked in, and my ankles tied to the platform. This setup provided another option for my Masters to fuck my mouth or fuck my hole.

The Punishment Area. This area housed all the torture devices my Masters had accumulated since enslaving me, and there were simply too many to name, ranging from whips, floggers, paddles, nipple clamps, CBT devices, anal plugs, etc. There was also all the bondage equipment one could possibly need to keep a slave immobilized, and all kinds of different gags and hoods to keep him quiet. Chains hanging from the ceiling could be used to hang me in the air, either straight up or upside down, with enough clearance off the ground. There was also a St.Andrews Cross in a corner that I could be fastened on, as well as a bondage table where I could be restrained horizontally. If I was in this area, it usually meant that I had fucked up something and thus required corrective punishments, although I was punished often enough for other reasons too, either because my Masters thought a "routine" punishment was in order to keep me in line, or because punishing me brought them pleasure (more often with Connor and Trent). Usually I was brought down here to be officially punished (not counting spontaneous, more minor, punishments delivered throughout the day) at least once a week.

The Confinement Area. This was basically just an open space with two steel cages - one bigger overnight cage, and a small punishment cage. The bigger cage was tall enough for me to sit up in it, and long enough for me to lay down with my legs bent. The small cage was for punishment purposes - it was so small that my body basically needed to be cramped into a tight ball in order to fit in it. This was the cage where I spent the night tied into a cruel hogtie for failing to lick Connor's feet to his satisfaction - I would do anything to avoid this cage. Both cages were locked from the outside with padlocks.

I spent most nights locked in the overnight cage. On a typical night, once all four Masters were done using me, the last Master who used me would take me down to the basement and lock me in for the night. My Masters believed that a slave should not sleep completely unrestrained, so some form of bondage was always applied before I was put in the cage. The Master who took me down that night could choose whatever form of bondage he liked. For Casey, that usually just meant manacles on my neck, wrists, and ankles, connected by steel chains, with or without a gag. When that was the case, I could sleep rather comfortably that night in my cage. Trent and Ryan would at the very least restrain my hands behind my back, tie my feet together, and put a gag in my mouth, before locking me in the cage. Of course Connor, as the bondage Master, would always go the extra length to restrain me - that meant in addition to bound hands and feet, my elbows and knees would also be tied tightly, sometimes in a hogtie, and my mouth and asshole would be plugged. The butt plug he picked was always huge and stretching my hole; as for the gag, I would be lucky if I simply got his dirty socks taped into my mouth - sometimes he would use a big ball gag that would make sure that my jaw hurt for the next day. I almost never slept well when he locked me in.

Sometimes, one of my Masters wanted me to sleep in their room. This usually happened when they would like to use me during the night, or first thing in the morning when they had an early class. When this was the case, I slept bound and gagged on the floor with my neck chained to that Master's bed, ready to be used at any time. I liked those nights the most because 1) my Masters' bedrooms had central air/heating, as well as carpet on the floor, so it was much more comfortable than the cage in the basement; and 2) I got to sleep next to my Masters and be used by them all night. This could mean a few blowjobs in the middle of the night, or in Casey's case, licking his feet until he fell asleep. Then I was to gag myself with his socks, chain my neck to his bed, and finally handcuff my own hands behind my back. Casey slept like a baby and usually would not wake up again until the morning. It brought a smile to my face every time when I lay down at the foot of his bed, knowing that my service had put my Master to sleep. I would fall asleep myself happily savoring Casey's familiar foot odor in my mouth.

Connor and Trent believed in formalities and protocols. They were both in the Army ROTC program and came from a military family. They were both going to commission as 2nd Lieutenants upon graduation from college. Like most military men, the brothers believed that formalities and protocols reinforced good habits, which in turn helped build character. In order to build my "slave character", Connor and Trent imposed a set of slave protocols on me early on in my slavery to them - these protocols were strictly enforced and any violations on my part would be severely punished.

  1. Language. I would refer to my Masters as "Master" at all times. I would refer to my Masters' friends and teammates as "Sir" at all times. I would refer to myself as "fag slave." I would not speak unless spoken to by a superior man, or unless I had permission to do so. When I did speak, my language was to be respectful and concise. "Yes Master" and "No Master" were default answers. 2. Clothing. I was not allowed any clothing when I was inside the house - all I was allowed to wear indoors were my collar and my chastity cage, which were both locked on 24/7. My outdoor clothing was to be determined by my Masters on a individual basis. 3. Posture. I would assume the "Default Position" anytime when I was not performing a task or being used by a Master: on my knees with legs wide apart, hands clapped behind my back, my head bowed and my eyes downcast - I was never to look beyond a Master's feet without permission. The standing version of the "Default Position" was pretty much the same thing, except I was to stand with my legs apart instead of kneeing. The "Present Position" called for me to knee up straight, with my fingers interlocked behind my head, eyes straight ahead. Finally, the "Worship Position" required me to be on my knees, hands behind my back, then bend forward until my forehead rested on the floor - my forehead could never lose contact with the floor in this position. 4. Greetings. Greeting my Masters with courtesy and respect was crucial for a fag slave like me. Every time a Master entered a room I was in, I was to immediately drop to my knees, crawl over to him, kiss both feet, and stay in the "Worship Position" until I was relieved from that position. I was also required to give the greeting of the day such as "Good Morning, Master," or "Good Evening, Master." If more than one Master walked in at the same time, I was to repeat the greeting with each Master. Every time I entered a room a Master was in, I was to drop to my knees at the door, crawl over to the Master, kiss both feet, and stay in the "Worship Position" until told otherwise. Again if there were multiple Masters in the room, I would repeat the greeting with each Master by crawling to them one by one. When a Master was about to leave a room, I was to go kneel by the door, and kiss his feet as he walked out the door. When Masters' friends and teammates visited the house, I would greet them in the exact same way in order to show proper submission. 5. Furniture. I was not allowed to use any furniture without permission from a Master. My place was always on the floor. I ate and drank from a dog bowl placed on the kitchen floor, on my hands and knees. When I used the bathroom, I was not allowed to use the toilet seat and was required to sit directly on the rim of the bowl. 6. Walking. I was not allowed to walk on my feet in the house unless I was given permission, or unless my task required me to do so in order to complete the task efficiently. Generally, I would move around the house by crawling on my hands and knees. While crawling, I was to keep my body low to the ground and no part of my body could be higher than a Master's cock. 7. Service. I was to volunteer my service to my Masters whenever it was appropriate. If a Master was in a position to receive service, for example, sitting on the couch watching TV or sitting by his desk studying, I should respectfully ask the Master if he wanted his fag slave to serve him in any way. The same courtesy was to be extended to Masters' friends and teammates - if those men were unfamiliar with being served by a fag slave, I was to offer suggestions such as sucking their cocks and licking their feet. My goal should be to serve every guest who visited Masters' house. 8. Violations. Any violations of the protocols would be severely punished, with proper punishments determined by the Masters.

Initially it was difficult for me to memorize all these protocols, but after quite a few trips to the punishment area, they soon became almost muscle memory to me and felt like second nature. I was so used to basically living my life on my knees, that I felt weird when I had to stand at the same height with a another man outside the house. Every time when I saw an alpha man in public, I had to fight the urge to drop to my knees and kiss his feet. Connor and Trent were definitely more strict about the protocols and would take time to make sure that I was complying with all of them. Ryan and Casey, on the other hand, would sometimes get impatient with them and let some slide. Their wrestling buddies, when visiting, seemed to get the most fun out of the protocols: those guys would come in and out of a room just to see me kiss their feet repeatedly; and even the straightest guys who didn't let me suck their cocks would at least say yes to a foot massage or feet licking. Even with the threat of punishment hanging over me, I think the slave protocols did in fact make me a better slave for my Masters.

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Next: Chapter 4

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