Serving My College Masters

By Yue Shi

Published on Feb 16, 2019


Serving My College Masters

The following story is a fiction and fantasy. In real life, please be respectful of others. This is my first time writing a story, so please let me know what you think and whether I should continue. I can be reached at Thank you for reading.

Chapter One

I was vacuuming the living room floor when Ryan and Casey entered the front door, carrying their gym bags, back from their weight lifting at the school gym. I shut off the vacuum cleaner and knelt on the floor in front of them. "Good afternoon, Master Ryan. Good afternoon, Master Casey."

Ryan pointed at his feet. I bent over to kiss his gym shoes, one after another; then did the same with Casey's shoes. I could smell the sweat off their feet, even with the shoes still on. It must be a hard session at the gym.

"I'm gonna go chill in my room," Ryan said, "finish cleaning and then come serve me." "I'll be in my room too." Said Casey. They walked upstairs to their rooms.

10 minutes later I was kneeling in front of Ryan in his room. He was wearing nothing but his underwear and sitting on his bed, his size 14 bare feet resting on the carpet. Everyday, I was required to lick completely clean my Masters' feet after they returned home from school or gym.

"May this fag slave clean your feet, Master Ryan?" I said, careful to keep my eyes on his feet. A fag slave's head must always be lowered in respect before a straight alpha and can never look beyond his feet without permission.

"Turn around and hands behind your back." Ryan believed that a fag slave's hands should always be bound unless the slave needed his hands to serve a straight alpha. Cleaning my Master's feet did not require the use of my hands. He quickly tied my hands tightly behind my back with rope. "NOW GET TO IT!"

I bent over and began to lick his feet. Ryan did not have the biggest feet among my 4 Masters but his feet tended to sweat a lot so after the gym they were usually covered in sweat, and thus took quite some time to lick clean. His feet also always had a strong odor no matter how many times I licked them clean every day.

It took me about 30 minutes to clean his feet to his satisfaction. Luckily after that all he wanted was a quick blowjob. He had a huge cock but by now I had a lot of experience sucking my Masters off, even with my hands still tied behind my back. Workouts always made him horny and it only took about 10 minutes for him to shoot a load in my mouth. I was sent off to Casey's room.

Like Ryan, Casey was sitting on his bed in his underwear, playing with his phone. I quickly knelt before his bed, with my head lowered in respect and with my hands still tied behind my back. "How was your day, Master Casey?" I asked.

Among the four of them, Casey was the youngest at 19. He was also the gentlest. When they gave me my many beatings, Casey's blows were always a little less vicious. When it was his turn to get serviced by me, Casey was generally the easiest to please and the most unlikely to punish me for doing a poor job. Compared with my other three Masters, Casey was the only one who saw me remotely as a human being. Don't get me wrong: Casey also believed that fag slaves like me should serve straight alpha males like him, but I always wondered without his three friends, whether he would treat me even better. He certainly was a lot meaner when the other three were around.

"Oh my day was great. Thanks for asking, slave." Casey smiled. "Went to class. Wrestling practice. Then hit the weight room with Ryan. He done with you already?

"Yes, Master Casey."

"Well then. You know what to do."

Casey had size 12 feet, and he usually kept them pretty clean. A young athlete's feet after exercises were always going to stink, but the smell of his sweaty feet were mostly tolerable compared with my other three Masters. I eagerly began to lick his feet. And Casey went back to playing with his phone, ignoring me.

At this point I had been their fag slave for almost a year. I had serviced every inch of their bodies for countless times. Each Master had their preferences, but what they all had in common was the desire for me to service their feet specifically. My Masters believed that for a fag slave to service a straight alpha's feet was the ultimate act of devotion, and should be demanded as often as possible.

In the beginning of my slavery, my Masters would put me in strict bondage and blindfold me. Then they would order me to lick their feet and tell them whose feet I had the privilege of servicing based purely on the taste and smell. Every time I guessed wrong, I would be punished. They would do this for hours at a time and in the end I would be crying and begging and promising to do better next time.

Needless to say, I soon mastered the unique taste and smell of each of my Master's feet. It was during this time when I learned that Casey was a clean guy and his feet were generally less smelly than his buddies'. Now, I could tell whose feet I was servicing with one lick.

It didn't take me very long to completely lick clean Casey's feet. Of course, he also wanted a blowjob afterwards. All my four Masters were on the Wrestling Team, and engaging in such a physical sport on a daily basis made them incredibly horny and needed release all the time. I was there to provide that release. Like Ryan, Casey had a huge cock that was constantly hard. He kept my skillful mouth on his cock for some slow sucking, but couldn't hold for very long and shot a load in my mouth after 15 minutes or so.

Casey untied my hands. "Go get some rest, slave, before Trent and Connor come home." He said. "Those two are in a bad mood because they both lost their practice matches today. Prepare for a rough evening. I'd hate to be you!"

I laid on my stomach on the cold basement floor that evening, wearing nothing but my cock cage, in the most unforgiving hogtie that I knew would cause me excruciating pain after a while. My hands were bound tightly with ropes behind my back, my elbows were also tied together. More ropes crisscrossed my chest and bound my arms to my body, leaving no room for even the slightest movements. My ankles were crossed and bound together, then pulled to my ass and tied to my hands. My bondage was so strict that I could not move any part of my body except for my head.

Pressed down on the back of my head was Trent's size 15 foot in his wrestling boot.

"Tell me slave. Why are you down here?" Trent asked.

"This fag slave is here to be punished, Master Trent!" I squeaked.

"How do you think you're being punished?"

"Master Connor put this fag slave in a hogtie..."

"Did you hear that, Connor?" Trent smirked. "This fag slave thinks you tying him up is a punishment!"

"Stupid fag." I heard Connor say next to me. He then delivered a swift kick to the side of my face under Trent's foot. "I tie you up to do you a favor!"

Trent and Connor were actual brothers with one year apart. Connor was a junior and the oldest among the four, and the biggest, meanest man I had ever met. Trent, the younger brother, was a sophomore like Ryan, but no less muscular or mean-spirited. Casey was a freshman and the most benign in comparison.

Both Trent and Connor were naturally violent and enjoyed inflicting pain. Normally they did that to their opponents on the wrestling mat, but there were many things they could not do on the mat. So they reserved the worst for their fag slave at home. Connor was also the bondage master, having learned the art of Japanese rope bondage from a professional. He made sure that he put that skill to good use by often putting me in strict, uncomfortable bondage.

"We've gone over this, slave." Trent said, pressing down on my head with his foot. "Bondage is NOT a punishment for a fag slave like you. Why do you think a fag slave like yourself should be tied up?"

"This fag slave doesn't know..." I said pathetically, squirming under his foot.

"Oh God." Connor said impatiently. "You can't be any dumber, slave. It's so obvious! A free man has free movement of his body. Are you a free man, fag slave?"

"No, Master Connor. This fag slave is not a free man."

"Then a fag slave shouldn't have free movement of its body. A fag slave's body should be restrained whenever it's not needed for some kind of labor to service its Masters. Every time I tie you up, it's to teach you that your body is not yours to control and only exists to serve us. What do you say?"

"Thank you, Master Connor, for tying this fag slave up and for teaching this fag slave this valuable lesson!" I screamed.

"Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way." Trent smirked again. "From now on, I want you to be appreciative and thank us when we make the effort to tie your pathetic body up!"

"YES Master Trent! This fag slave appreciates being put in bondage by its Masters!"

"But you're right. You ARE here to be punished." Trent said. "Do you know why?"

"This fag slave missed a spot when it was cleaning Master Connor's feet with its tongue." I answered, voice trembling.

"Wow, did it really?" Trent said.

"It sure did." Connor said sarcastically. "I gave this fag an hour to clean my feet and yet it still missed a spot on the heel of my right foot!"

I had tried my best. Casey warned me that Connor and Trent would be in a sour mood when they returned home, and I was being extra careful from the moment I greeted them on my knees at the front door. I had gone to Trent's room first to clean his feet and suck his cock, and everything went relatively smoothly even though he was pretty rough the whole time. But everything went wrong when I got to Connor's room.

Connor, being the bondage master, obviously wasn't going to let me serve him unrestrained. My hands were quickly tied behind my back, so were my feet, crossed at the ankles and tied together, which I was used to at this point. However, this time, Connor also tied my bound hands to my neck, pulling my hands up toward my shoulders, which created considerable discomfort because every time I tried to lower my hands to relieve pressure on my arms, I ended up choking myself. After he's done tying me up, Connor relaxed on his bed and stuck out his bare feet for me to clean.

Connor had enormous, size 16 feet, the biggest among my four Masters. Before I met him I didn't even know that they made shoes that big. Those feet were not only long, but also wide, which created a lot of surface area to lick clean. Connor also didn't have the best hygiene habits, sometimes wearing the same pair of socks for days, though I didn't know whether he did that intentionally to make the task of cleaning his feet more challenging for me. He also liked to walk around barefooted. As a result the bottom of his feet was always almost black.

All that made his feet extremely difficult to lick clean. Sometimes my tongue got so dry from licking the dirt off his feet that I had to pause and wait for saliva to build up again. It always took me at least twice as long to clean his feet than my other Masters'.

It turned out that trying to clean his feet with my hands tied to my neck made that task almost impossible to accomplish. Since I couldn't really stick my neck out without choking myself on the rope, and I also couldn't effectively maneuver my position with my hands and feet tied, I had a hard time reaching the entirety of his enormous feet with my tongue. I managed to clean his left foot to his satisfaction, but I simply couldn't reach the heel of his right foot. When the one hour he gave me was up, a spot on his foot remained uncleaned.

Connor exploded and I knew I was in for it. Failing to lick clean a Master's feet to his satisfaction was a grave sin for a fag slave on any given day, not to mention when the Master was already in a bad mood. My Masters firmly believed that when a fag slave failed to please its Masters, the punishment should be fast and severe so that the unacceptable behavior would be corrected immediately.

Even Casey, who was usually the nice one and did not normally punish me for sport, would not hesitate to give me a beating if I failed to perform my duties. One time I didn't iron his dress shirt perfectly and it still had some wrinkles when he had to wear it. For my mistake, Casey took me to the basement, stripped me naked, hung me up upside-down with my hands tied behind my back, and gave me 50 lashes with the whip. After the beating, I was left bound and gagged in a small cage for the whole night to think about what I did wrong. The next morning, I knelt before Casey and told him how sorry I was and promised to never repeat my mistake ever again. He gave me another beating anyway just to reinforce the lesson.

So here I was, lying on the basement floor naked, in a severe hogtie, with Trent's foot on my head, pathetically waiting for my punishment. Trent and Connor were the only ones there; Ryan and Casey were nowhere to be found.

"So here is what is going to happen." Connor said. "You're going to remain in this position until tomorrow morning. Your muscles are probably going to cramp like a son of a bitch - well too fucking bad, you brought this on yourself. In the morning the four of us are going to come down here, and you're going to be given one more chance to clean our feet until our feet are fucking spotless. If you manage to do that, you get released. If you couldn't, you remain in this position for another 12 hours. IS THAT FUCKING CLEAR?"

I Shuttered. "Yes Master Connor! This fag slave understands! Thank you for giving this fag slave the punishment it deserves! And thank you for giving this fag slave another chance to serve!" What other choice do I have?

"Alrighty, let's get you ready for the night!" Trent finally lifted his foot from my head and stood before me. I quickly kissed his wrestling boots in a show of gratitude. Connor stepped over and I kissed his bare feet as well.

"So, what else does this fag slave need for a good night's sleep? We want you to be comfortable!" Trent said mockingly.

I knew what they wanted to hear. "Masters! Please gag and blindfold this fag slave for the night! This fag slave does not deserve to see or speak! Please also put this fag slave in the cage! This fag slave does not deserve any freedom! Please plug this fag slave's ass with the biggest butt plug! This fag slave should be plugged on both ends!"

"Good answer." Connor smirked. "Maybe there is some hope in you after all!"

What happened next was fast and routine. Connor's dirty athletic socks went into my mouth and were securely kept inside with duck tape. My eyes were also taped shut. A black leather hood went over my head and secured from behind. A big butt plug was pushed deeply inside my ass. A set of steel shackles was fastened on my already tightly bound body to add some additional security, with steel rings for my neck, wrists, and ankles. At last, my thoroughly restrained body was pushed into a small cage. I heard the cage door slammed shut and locked with a padlock.

"I would get as much sleep as possible if I were you." Trent warned. "Remember your test in the morning. Sweet dreams!"

Of course I barely got any sleep at all. At this point I had a lot of experience sleeping bound and gagged, but this was simply too extreme. I think I dozed off initially from sheer exhaustion, but was soon woken up by muscle cramps resulting from the severe hogtie - the human body simply was not designed to be in this position for too long. My shoulders, my lower back, my thighs and my calves were all cramping at the same time - my whole body felt like it was on fire. There was absolutely nothing I could do to relieve the pain. Connor had tied me up so well that the only body parts I could move was my head. I guess I could technically move my fingers and toes as well, but my hands and feet had become completely numb that I lost any feelings in them. This was the worst punishment I had ever had, worse than anything my Masters had done to me in the past. I spent the night crying and screaming in pain, or tried to scream with my mouth fully stuffed with Connor's dirty socks. I swore to myself that once this ordeal was over, I would do everything in my power to not to be in this position again.

Finally morning came and I heard the basement door unlock, and I almost cried out in joy. Multiple bare feet descended the stairs and came over to the cage. Next thing I knew the cage was unlocked and my tortured body was pulled out of the cage and dragged over to the center of the basement. The hood was pulled off my head and the tape over my eyes was removed as well. At this point I had pretty much lost all feelings below my neck and the only thing I could move was my head, which I eagerly raised to look up.

Standing before me were all four of my Masters in all their muscular glory. Connor, Trent, Ryan and Casey all had perfect wrestler's bodies that radiated strength and power, with bulging muscles in all the right places. Their bodies screamed "alpha male" that would make any lesser men tremble in fear and awe. I had no doubt in my mind that if I ever got into a real fight with any of them, each could easily kill me with one hand. They all had incredibly handsome faces as well that would make any girls fall for them. The brothers Connor and Trent had attractive darker Italian features, while Ryan and Casey both looked like a blond-haired, blue-eyed Adonis. If these four were born in the Roman Empire, they would no doubt be royalties with slaves serving their every need.

My Masters all had only their underwear on and were barefooted. Connor and Trent looked down at me with glee; Ryan just smirked; Casey was the only one with some pity in his eyes.

The duck tape over my mouth was peeled off and Connor pulled his now completely spit-soaked socks out of my mouth. "Good morning, slave!"

"Good morning, Master Connor!" I cried. "Thank you again for punishing this fag slave!" I kissed his bare feet. "Please allow this fag slave to clean your feet with its fag tongue! Please allow this fag slave to clean the feet of Master Trent, Master Ryan, and Master Casey too!"

"What do you think, guys?" Connor asked. "Should we let it? Or should we put it back into the cage?"

"Let's just do this." Casey said. "My feet can really use a cleaning before I go to class." I looked up at him in gratitude. I had never been so happy that another man offered to let me lick his feet clean.

"Alright. Remember the rules, slave." Connor said. "You're given one last chance to perform one of your most basic slave duties - licking our feet clean. You're going to do it one at a time. If anyone of us is not satisfied with the job you do, you're going back into the cage until after dinner. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master Connor! This fag slave will not disappoint you again!"

I was still in a cruel hogtie, with steel shackles and a giant butt plug adding to my discomfort. But I was also VERY MOTIVATED to be released. I could honestly say I had never put so much effort into a task as I did licking my Masters' feet that morning. I licked the bottom of their feet, sucked their toes into my mouth, stuck my tongue out to reach in between their toes to clean the toe jam, basically tried every trick I knew from having cleaned their feet hundreds of times in the past. As far as being a slave went, licking an alpha male's feet clean had always been my strength. By some miracle, this morning everything went smoothly and all four Masters had no complaint about the job I did.

"Let this be a lesson, slave." Connor said sternly while he released me from my bondage. "You won't get off this easy next time!"

Once again moaning in pain as circulation came back to my muscles, I crawled over to my Masters and kissed their feet to thank them for their kindness.

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Next: Chapter 2

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