Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

Published on Jun 4, 2018


Serving Casey

By Ben Coolen

Readers, please keep in mind that this story is 100% fiction. In real life no man is better than the other, and nobody is entitled to treat other people cruelly.

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this great free service running.

Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter 8

I remembered how the soft pouch of his balls was pressed on my nose, and how it smelled like jeans, sweat and boy. I imagined being on my knees in front of him, begging for permission to suck him off.

I scooped some of Austin's spit off my face with my finger and lapped it up with my tongue.

That pushed me over the edge. "Please Austin, please let me do it," I moaned and shot a copious load of cum into my palm.

Will Austin grant Randy his wish?

I dusted off my clothes the best I could and wiped the cum off my hands on the grass. Then I gathered up my stuff from the bushes where Austin had scattered it and put it back into my backpack. I wanted to go home to clean myself up but I still had to do my chores at the gym and since I was already halfway there I decided to head in that direction.

I thought about Austin, of how much I hated him -- and how much I hated myself because deep down I knew I wanted to see him again even if it meant being the object of his merciless bullying. I had started to discover previously hidden sides of myself, and one of them was the desire to be told what to do by other guys. And however painful it was to be humiliated in public by other boys, I tolerated it because of the pleasure I got from it.

I was surprised to hear voices and laughter when I opened the back door of the gym with the key Shane had entrusted me with. I walked to the office and stopped by the open door. A whole bunch of guys were lounging inside: Shane, Casey, Chad, Zeke -- and Austin. I saw red when I saw him sprawled on the couch between his henchmen, laughing, looking handsome, cocky and care-free. Shane looked surprised when he saw me.

"Woah, what happened to you, Wendy? Got run over by a train?"

I glanced at the mirror on the wall. My clothes were dirty from rolling in the grass and my cheeks were red and swollen from being repeatedly slapped by Austin.

Austin, Chad and Zeke snickered. That's when I totally lost it. I screamed, pointing at Austin with a shaky finger:

"No, it was no fucking train! It was your asshole brother, Shane!"

Shane frowned.

"You did that to him, Austin?"

Austin laughed.

"Well, I had a bit fun with him, yeah. No big deal, really!" he said and popped some gum into his mouth.

"He threw me on the ground, he slapped my face and even spat on me. And then he rubbed his ass all over my face!"

Everybody but me found my last accusation hilarious and they laughed at it for a long time. Then Shane got serious.

"Austin, do you admit slapping Wendy in the face?"

"Yeah, sure thing."

We all waited in silence as Shane pondered his verdict. Finally he pointed his finger at his little brother.

"Austin, you have slapped Wendy around without a plausible cause and without my permission. You deserve to be punished."

"Yes!" I thought, elated.

I glanced at Austin. To my disappointment he had that familiar cocky smile on his face.

"But since you're a first-time offender, I'll let you off with a warning."

Austin looked at me with a sneer.

I looked at Shane.

"But what about sitting on my face and spitting on me?"

"Hey! I can't be punished for having some good time!" Austin blurted out.

Shane laughed.

"Yeah, I agree. Austin was just letting off some steam. Live with it, Wendy. Austin's case is closed," Shane said and banged the table with his fist.

I turned away to leave in order not to show the guys the tears of disappointment in my eyes but Shane interrupted me.

"Where do you think you're going, Wendy? I'm not done yet."

I stopped on my tracks and turned around.

"Wendy, you deserve to be punished too, you know?"

I gasped.

"Punished? For what? I'm the victim here, remember?"

Shane looked at me with a straight-face but I could see laughter in his eyes.

"For disrespecting my brother. You called him an asshole."

I saw a shit-eating grin appear on Austin's face. He laughed and Zeke and Chad snickered.

"Apologize to him."

"That's not fair! Everything I said was true," I screamed, but my voice cracked at 'true'.

Austin, Shane, Zeke and Chad cracked up.

I just stood there, trying to force back the tears of frustration that welled up in my eyes, and watched the four guys laugh hysterically at me.

"Apologize to him, so we can get this over with," Shane ordered.

"I apologize," trying to stress every syllable with as much hate as possible.

"Good. Case closed. And Wendy, from now on you'll show Austin proper respect and do what he tells you. Understand?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

Austin raised his hand.

"I got a question, Shane."


"So, I can't slap his face for fun. But what if he disrespects me, or doesn't do what I say? I'm not allowed to slap him in the face, so how am I gonna discipline him?"

Shane gave him a patronizing smile.

"You don't have to slap him. He will do whatever you tell him to do, Austin."

"How come?"

Casey chimed in.

"Because he's a faggot. He just has to recognize that you're a real man."

"Okay then. But how?"

Casey stood up and motioned Austin to get up too. He put his hand on the younger boy's shoulder and walked him in front of me. Then he grabbed Austin's wrist with his left hand and lifted his arm up.

He used his right hand to pull me closer. I realized immediately what he was up to when my head came rapidly closer to Austin's armpit. Then my nose and lips made contact with the warm, moist valley and the curly hair that had grown there since his last shave.

"Take a good whiff, Wendy," Casey ordered.

I obeyed -- I had no options, because it was the only way for me to breathe -- and took a deep breath through my nose. It made a loud snort that sounded a lot like a fart. The guys roared with laughter.

"Again. No farts this time," Casey sneered.

I took another deep whiff through my nose.


The powerful odor of Axe deodorant with a considerable tinge of sweat filled my nostrils.

"Again," Casey said and pushed my face tighter in Austin's armpit. The skin felt warm and moist against my lips.


"Wendy, that's the smell of a man. Austin is younger than you but he's a man and you're not. And whenever a man tells you to do something, you do it, no questions asked. Understood?"

Casey emphasized his question by tightening his grip around my neck.

"Yef," I mumbled into Austin's armpit.

"What? That wasn't too convincing, was it? What do you guys think?"

"I'm not convinced," Austin said.

"He's gotta do better than that. Any ideas, Shane?" Casey asked and let go of my neck.

Shane thought about his answer for a while. Then he smiled and got up. He walked over and placed his hands on my shoulders and added pressure until I sank on my knees in front of his brother.

"Open you pants, lil bro," he said matter-of-factly.

"My pants? What the fuck, man?" Austin laughed, but started to unbuckle his belt. He knew that whatever Shane had in mind it would be about having more fun at my expense.

Chad and Zeke got up too, leaning eagerly over to get a better look.

Austin unzipped his jeans and pulled the flaps wide open, revealing a pair of white Hollister boxer trunks. The considerable bulge inside his underwear made it obvious that a man-size cock and plump balls were hidden inside there.

Shane's hand on the back of my head pushed forward, until my face was pressed against Austin's bulge.

"Take a whiff, Wendy. A big one," he commanded.

"Sniffff!" I got acquainted with a strong concoction of Austin's ball sweat, piss and boy-hormones.

Austin laughed so hard that his bulge was dancing against my nose. Shane removed his hand as Austin used his own to pull my face against his underwear.

"Go on, have a treat, gay-boy."


"Wendy loves my ball sweat. Mmmm..." Austin taunted me.

To my surprise I noticed that Austin's cock felt harder this time. And so did my own, to be honest.

"Keep going, fag."

I felt dizzy from breathing in the hot, sweet smell of the young jock's genitals. The sounds in the room became dim in my head. Again... again... his voice told me, and I obeyed.




Suddenly I came aware of frantic laughter and jeering around me. I realized that Austin's hand was not controlling my head anymore. I had been sniffing and snuffling Austin's sweaty groin of my own will and desire, and my hands were grasping the back of his thighs to pull him closer, and everybody was laughing maniacally at me. I glanced at Austin; his arms were spread out to show he didn't need to control me. Chad was crouched near me with his phone in his hands; he had been filming the whole scene.

The laughter and jeering seemed to go on forever, all the while I stayed on my knees, totally ashamed and humiliated. On the previous occasions I still had been ordered or lured to commit degrading acts, secretly enjoying the experience. But now I had shown the guys that I loved it, and that I was willing to degrade myself voluntarily.

"Well, how do Austin's balls smell, Wendy? I've never sniffed a guy's balls, so tell me," Casey said.

"Umm... intense."

The boys laughed at my description. Then Casey went on.

"Tell me Wendy, what is that smell?"

I knew what he wanted me to say.

"It's the smell of a man," I said, looking down on the floor.

"It's the smell of a man. Good boy, Wendy," Casey congratulated me with the voice people use when speaking to their dog.

"Wendy, from now on, whenever Austin speaks to you, you will remember that smell. Are you ready to give Austin the respect that he deserves as a man and to do what he tells you?"


"Good. Look at him in the eyes and tell that to him."

I looked up into Austin's blue eyes and triumphant smile. So much for me getting even with him.

"I'll respect you and do what you say, Austin."

He stared at me, smiling, chewing his cum. Then he zipped up his pants and sat down on the couch, his legs spread wide.


Suddenly he spat out the gum he had been chewing. The yellow gob landed on the floor in front of me.

"Take that to the trash can, Wendy," he ordered.

"Yeah, that's the way," Casey snickered when I picked up the spit-covered gob and carried it to the bin.

"Good boy, Wendy," Austin taunted me.

I walked back and stopped in front of him, not knowing what to do.

Austin watched me for a long while, smirking. Then he looked around to make sure he had everyone's attention and gave me a shit-eating grin.

"Take my fucking shoes off, faggot."

I crouched down at the younger boy's feet and pulled his slip-on Vans off his feet, releasing a considerable odor of teen feet.

"Wendy gives awesome foot rubs, Austin. Just saying..." Shane said.

"Oh yeah? Show me, Wendy."

I started to rub his feet through his moist and somewhat dirty white athletic socks. Austin laughed.

"Look at him. He's rubbing my sweaty feet. Are all fags like him?"

"Nah! Some of them act just like normal guys. But Wendy's something else, Austin. He's a submissive fag."

"Sub... what the fuck does that mean?"

"It means that Wendy wants to be pushed around, and have guys telling him what to do however nasty and degrading it is. It's a turn-on for him to be humiliated by guys."

"Really? Fuck, that's sick. Keep rubbing, boy. How did you find this faggot?"

"Casey sent him to the locker room some time ago. You were friends, right Case?"

"Friends with a fag? Oh no, I'm totally homophobic. Never had a gay friend," Casey hurried to defend his reputation.

The guys kept talking casually about me like I wasn't even there. But I was, and I had to listen to their conversation while I rubbed Austin's feet.

"But yeah, I've known him since we were kids. But for me he's always been just a homo I could use for my benefit. A fag can be useful for a man, you know. He runs errands for me, buys me stuff, does my chores and shit," my ex-best friend lied.

"Useful fag? Yeah, I see one rubbing my fucking feet right there!" Austin laughed.

"Fags can be useful in many ways, Austin," Casey said knowingly.

"Yeah. Like how?"

Casey leaned over to Shane and whispered something in his ear. Shane smiled and nodded. Then he said:

"Okay, Zeke and Chad, we know you're busy, so we won't keep you here any longer."

The two boys looked puzzled.

"What? No, we're not busy Shane, we got all day..." Chad started, but Zeke poked him in the ribs with his elbow when he saw Shane was giving them a hard look.

"Oh yeah, we're real busy, so better get going," he said. They both got up and said their goodbyes.

Casey sat down and wrapped his arm around Austin's shoulder.

"Austin man, your big bro has something important to tell you. But you must swear to keep it to yourself. Never talk about it to Chad and Zeke or anybody else. Okay?"


Shane got up and stretched his taut body, exposing his lower belly for a minute.

"Have you ever had your cock sucked, Austin?"

His little brother looked surprised.

"Yeah, a few times. Why?"

"How was it?"

Austin snickered.

"Well, nothing to write home about to be honest. Anne Baker tried to give me head at a party but she couldn't do it for long. I was afraid she would throw up on my fucking shoes, haha! And the other chicks weren't much better either. Suzie told me my cock stinks. Well, duh! Of course it fucking stinks, it's a fucking cock, it's supposed to stink!"

Casey and Shane laughed at his pun and I had to smile too. Austin looked cute when he was telling a joke.

"Yeah. It stinks and girls don't like that. But you see, he doesn't care," Shane said and pointed hit thumb at me.

"Him? I won't let a guy blow me. Would you guys?"

Shane and Casey snickered.

"What the fuck? You let fags give you head?

Shane let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Remember Anderson? That loser from school?"

Austin laughed.

"The wimp? Yeah I remember! You and Logan were always on his case. The poor son of a bitch always looked like he was about to cry! Hahaha!"

"Yeah. But one day when we were chilling in the school yard, Anderson came over and said he wanted to have a word. We were really surprised because he usually tried to stay away from us. But we asked what he had in mind. He said he wanted to know what we wanted from him so we would leave him alone. He said he would do anything."

"I remember me and Logie looking at each other. 'Anything?' We asked in chorus. 'Anything', he said."

"So, we told him to come back in five minutes and we'd let him know. Now, of course we wanted to come up with something so fucking nasty and degrading that he would never do it. You know, just to see the look on his face when we told him!"

"Anyways, Anderson came back and we told him to follow us. He did, even though he was so fucking scared he was about to wet his pants. We took him behind the old tool shed. Then we told him right in his fucking face that we would let him off the hook if he sucked us off, both of us, right there and then. Poor Anderson looked shocked. But guess what he said?"

"He said yes!" Austin laughed.

"That's right. We were totally stunned but decided to see how far he was willing to go. You all know Logie-man, he's got balls! He just unzipped his pants and told Anderson to get down on his knees on the fucking ground, and he did just that. Logie took out his dong and told the fag to open up. Then he shoved his stinking fucking dick into Anderson's mouth and the fag sucked it like his fucking life depended on it -- well it kinda did, haha! And Logie skull-fucked the faggot's head for a few minutes and shot his load in his mouth, and that little queer swallowed his fucking jizz while I watched. And then it was my turn."

I noticed that Austin was rubbing his crotch absent-mindedly.

"So, Anderson sucked me off and swallowed my fucking load -- well, almost all of it, because I splashed my cum all over the fag's fucking face and shirt -- on purpose, of course."

Everybody but me laughed for a good while to Anderson's misery. Then Shane went on.

"And guys -- you won't believe what happened next!

"Come on, tell us man!" Austin yelled.

Shane held a pause to stress the importance of his next words.

"That stupid faggot thanked us! And then he asked if we would let him do it again sometime!"

Austin, Casey and Shane all howled at the grand finale of the story. I, on the other hand, knew exactly how Anderson had felt in that situation.

"Logie and I had our cocks serviced regularly until Anderson moved to another school the following year. Very convenient, I can tell you that!"

"Yeah, that's what this is all about man," Casey said and wrapped his arm around Austin's shoulder.

"A fag will suck you off, whenever and wherever you want. Fags give awesome head because they love to suck cock and they've got no shame. No matter how bad your dick and balls stink a homo can't resist to open his mouth and taste your junk! Then he thanks you for it and you can tell him to get lost! You can use him for as long as you want, and when you get tired of it, you just tell the cocksucker that you don't wanna see his fag-face ever again. Does that hurt the fag's feelings? Of course it fucking does! Totally breaks his heart! But who cares?"

Austin and Shane rewarded his words with laughter.

"Nobody!" They yelled in unison.

"You mean I can just tell him to suck me off and he'll do it, right?"

"Right," Shane confirmed.

"But you should tease him a bit first. That makes it more fun," Casey said.

"Tease him?"

"Yeah. You know, the fag can't wait to get his lips on your cock. His tiny little homo weenie is probably already hard from the thought of getting to suck you off! So you can have some fun with him before giving him permission."

Austin laughed and looked at me, pondering his next move. Then he gave me the come-here sign with his finger.

"Wendy, come to daddy."

Casey and Shane laughed.

I stopped rubbing his foot and moved closer on my knees. He spread his legs and hooked his finger again. I moved over until I was kneeling between his legs. He leaned over and took hold of my neck, pulling my head towards him. He unbuckled his belt with his free hand.

"Come and see what I've got for you, Wendy. Daddy's got a nice tasty treat for you," he teased and unzipped his jeans.

He pulled my head on the bulge of his underwear again. I instinctively took a breath in.

He laughed.

"Yeah, that's it. You'd love to suck on daddy's treat, wouldn't you, faggot?"

"He can't speak, he's in fag heaven," Casey snickered.

Austin grabbed my hair and pulled my head back.

"I asked you a question, homo! Answer me! You'd love to have your lips on daddy's treat, wouldn't you, boy?"

"Yes," I answered sincerely.

"Good boy, Wendy. Daddy's gonna give you a little taste of your treat. Give it a nice welcome kiss and tell me what you wanna do with it," he said, tapping the shaft of his cock that was now stretching the front of his underwear.

I leaned down and kissed the bulge, only the thin fabric separating my lips from his manhood. The cotton tasted like sweat and piss, but I didn't care. I kissed it again, this time really sucking in and feeling the rod with my tongue.

"Yeah, that's the way Wendy. Now tell me what you'd like to do with daddy's treat."

I kissed it again before answering. My lust had drowned all my inhibitions and shame, and I answered:

"I'd like to take it out and suck it."

"Say please."


"Please what?"

"May I please suck your cock, Austin?"

"Not polite enough."

"May I please suck your cock... Sir?"

"Haha, did you hear that guys? He called me Sir!"

"The homo has finally learned some manners! Good work, Austin!" Casey said.

After the laughter had died, Austin sneered at me and said.

"If I let you give me head, are you gonna thank me afterwards?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well suck me off then, faggot."

At this point Shane got up and said to Casey:

"Maybe we should give Austin some privacy, Case."

"Right. Enjoy your cocksucker, Austin."

"Yeah. Thanks guys."

When Casey and Shane had left, the room fell silent for a moment. It seemed that Austin was unsure of what to do, looking at me like he was expecting me to take the initiative. For a brief moment he looked insecure, unlike his usual cocky self. He was cute as hell.

I probably could have left at that point, and he would have been too embarrassed to admit he hadn't done anything. But my servility kicked in.

"Want me to suggest something?" I asked.

He seemed relieved.


"I'll try to make you feel as good as possible. Whatever way you wanna do this, it's okay with me. But maybe we should start with you just sitting there, and I'll find out what you like. Okay?"


"Maybe you should take your shirt off. You don't want it to get stained."

He stood up and stripped his tank-top off with that certain movement that a young guy uses when he is totally at ease with showing off his body. And Austin had definitely nothing to be ashamed of. He dropped the shirt on the couch and grinned when he saw me licking him with my eyes. He had already regained his arrogance.

"Like what you see?"

"Yeah. I do."

I really did. Now that I saw him shirtless, I understood that I hadn't had a chance of winning while I was wrestling against him in the park. His body was slim but muscular in a wiry way, not an ounce of fat visible. His shoulders and pecs looked boyish but powerful and on his flat stomach a nicely formed six-pack told me that he had spent his share of time at the gym.

"You ready to make me feel good?"


"That's good, because I'm horny as fuck. You're gonna give me head, and it better be good. Got it, faggot?"


I stepped closer and reached down to unbuckle his belt. Then I popped the top button of his jeans and pulled the zipper down, revealing the underwear I had been snuffling just a few minutes earlier.

"Just sit back and relax. I'll do all the work."

I pulled his jeans down to his knees and took hold of the waistband of his underwear. I inched the white Hollisters down, revealing his flat lower abdomen. I was surprised at the sight. Although his torso was totally hairless, he had a nice bush of blond hair around his crotch. He had trimmed it some time ago, but he had done a sloppy job, and it had already grown back since then.

I continued to pull his underwear down to his hips, but this time he didn't lift his butt to make my job easier. Instead, he just smiled and watched me struggle to free his boxers from the pressure of his buttocks. I managed to yank them down to his knees and worked with some difficulty to pull the skinny jeans off his legs. Now he was wearing just the boxers halfway down his slim legs and the white ankle socks. I was just about to grab the waistband of his underwear, when he instructed me:

"Use your teeth."

The waistband of his underwear was hanging down between his legs and out of reach for my teeth, so I just bit on the white cotton of the pouch and started to pull them down. My saliva dissolved his dried crotch sweat and piss in the fabric and gave me a strong foretaste of what he was soon going to feed me.

I pulled and yanked his Hollisters until I got them down to his ankles and off his feet. I glanced up with his dirty underwear still in my mouth and saw him laughing silently at my pathetic struggle.

"Good boy. Now, time to get your lips on my cock. Open up, Anderson," he quoted the juicy story Shane had told us, and got up.

Now that he was standing right in front of me, I could really inspect his cock. For such a young guy, it was a considerable man-pole, at least as long as Casey's and as thick as Logan's. I would really have to work hard to service it properly.

I opened up and let him push his already hard rod into my mouth. As he had said, he was horny, and wasted no time in starting to fuck my face. He turned out to be a leaker, and my lips and chin were soon covered with his precum and my spit. His thrusts made a loud, lewd slushing sound that reminded him of something pleasant.

"Yeah, this is awesome. Your mouth is just like a pussy. No wonder they call you Wendy," he panted.

My experience as a cocksucker was paying off and I was able to take him in completely, my nose meeting with the blond growth of his crotch. A few drops of sweat oozed out of his navel, running down on my nose.

I took hold of his buttocks to keep my sucking in pace with his thrusts, and he let me do it.

Yes, Austin's buttocks. I remembered staring at them when he walked away from me in the park, laughing with his friends. They swayed inside his snug jeans like a pair of live honeydew melons, taut and compact, sexy and youthful.

Now that I was holding his ass, I was able to caress and squeeze those two warm, tight bundles of muscle that were covered with smooth and flawless skin. His buttocks had small shallow spots in the sides as there was no body fat to fill the natural notch in the middle of the muscles.

And feeling them with my hands felt heavenly. His buttocks were alive, working relentlessly to fuck his cocksucker's mouth. I cupped them with my hands and touched every inch with my eager fingers. There were no soft spots, and the elastic tissue gave only slightly in to the pressure of my fingers.

"Squeeze your lips tighter," he ordered, and I puffed my slimy lips to satisfy my young client better. His abundant slime and my spit made his cock extremely slippery, and it pumped in and out of my mouth smoothly. The slimy organ worked like a well-oiled piston, pumping and squelching rhythmically.

Having Austin's cock pounding my mouth made all my hatred and loathing towards him disappear. I looked up and watched his ripped body and his handsome young face that expressed ultimate pleasure. I felt pride for the fact that I, his sexual servant, could provide him with that enjoyment, my only reward being the honor to serve such an exceptional specimen of man.

He had surprising stamina and he kept fucking and fucking my face until my lips were numb and my knees ached. But I was not going to let him down, I would help him reach his climax and deposit his precious seed into my welcoming mouth.

And then my lips sensed his cock was starting to pulse. He grabbed my hair with both his fists and held my head tight in place when he prepared to unload his cum into his cocksucker's warm and eager mouth. I squeezed his buttocks harder to pull him closer still so that my lips closed in on the root of his cock and my nose was pressed against his pubic hairs and the rock-hard abdomen under them. My fingertips reached the edge of his crack and I could feel the hot sweat oozing from the forbidden valley.

Then Austin pulled out once more to make the final push in and shot a puddle of teen jizz into my mouth. But he wanted to follow his brother's example and pulled out before the end of his orgasm, so that the following two spurts landed on my face. He laughed breathlessly at the sight and squeezed out some final drops of cum, shaking his dick so that the slime splashed all over my shirt and shorts.

"Well, Wendy," he panted. "Did you forget something?"

It took my dizzy head a moment to understand what he meant by that. Then I remembered what I had promised.

"Thanks Austin."

He laughed, splashing a couple more drops of cum on my shirt.

"You're welcome, gay-boy. Now you really look like a faggot."

I stayed on my knees, trying to recover from my hard cocksucking efforts. Austin picked up his boxers but grimaced when he remembered they had been in my mouth. He threw them on the floor in front of me.

"You can keep them," he said, and went to the bathroom.

I watched through the open doorway as he washed his spent dick in the basin. Then he started to fix his hair in front of the mirror and caught me staring.

"I got an idea," he said, still arranging his blond tufts.


"Yeah. My room needs cleaning real bad. My mom's been bitching about it for a long time. You could help me with that."


"Yeah, nothing special. Just give my bedroom a nice scrub. And bathroom, of course."

"Austin, no! I'm already cleaning this office twice a week. I got school and stuff."

"You can do it, I know you can. I've seen you clean this place, you're good at it."

Suddenly I hated him again.

"Man, why would I help you after what you did to me today?"

He smiled, turned around and walked to the office and picked up his jeans. He pulled them on without underwear, zipped up and buckled the belt. Then he swaggered towards me and stopped very close. I had to look up to meet his cocky smile and scornful eyes.

"Because I just might let you suck me off when you're done. If I feel like it," he said.

I stared at the guy that had tormented and bullied me repeatedly. He had pinned me on the ground, slapped me in the face over and over again, spat on me and humiliated me in front of his friends. I hated his guts. And I hated to hear my own voice say:

"Yeah, okay. When?"

He laughed and patted my cheek. That brought his hand in contact with the cum and spit on my face and he wiped his fingers on the shoulder of my shirt.

"I'll let you know. Seeya, faggot."

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