Serving Boys

By jaken

Published on Aug 8, 2023



Author: jaken,

Story involves sex among males, domination,

humiliation, joy and satisfaction!

Tolt kissed me passionately. Our tongues touched and tasted each other's saliva. I wanted to hug him, run my hands over his body but could not. I was totally his, for his delight and under his mercy. I wanted to satisfy him and give him all the fun I could.

He stopped kissing and slapped my face on each side then held my head and spitted in my face.

"Thank You, Master! Thank You for serving You. Teach me to please You."

I did not know if I was allowed to talk. But the words just came out of me. I was not thinking of punishment. I did not mind if I did something wrong. I was ready to take any punishment. His spit was on my nose and in my eyes and I did not dare to blink. I was giving all my will to him in my look and accepting his total superiority.

"You will have to earn everything you receive. You can not earn as much as you owe me. You need as much physical training as psychical. Now get up!"

He stood over me and started kicking me in my crotch. I sort of crawled on my back under him and he smiled. I wanted to get up. I looked into his eyes the whole time.

"Zip up the overall. Don't stand up. Just follow me."

I crawled after him and looked at his nice ass and legs. I wanted to lick his sweat, lick his crack and run my tongue deep inside that hole.

He took a whip that was hanging on a wall and hit me on my back.


He started whipping my back.

"Faster, you jerk!"

I was crawling as fast as I could and he just played with the whip.

"That's it, jerk! Crawl in circle round me! Good boy."

He kicked me in the ass with his foot.

"Stop! Start digging a hole. Use your hands! That's it."

I was digging with bare hands like a dog. Tolt yelled for Greg to come.

"Sico has been good. Help him with the digging."

Greg moved one step towards me.

"No no. Just piss where he digs and refresh him a bit. Take that cock out. That's it."

I did not look at Greg. I just digged. I felt the piss hit my head and run down my back then my forehead and it started dripping on my hands then he aimed the piss in the ground and the soil started spurting in my face. I must have looked like a pig. Greg laughed.

"Yea, Greg. You are doing good. Dig, Sicko! Come Greg, let's have something to drink."

Both went away. I felt so humiliated. Greg was not round 17 I guess. He looked younger but he seemed that age to me. I was not sure.

I was being shown where I belonged and was learning how low I was. I dig in the mud and the scent of Greg's piss was all over me. Mud was all over my hands and arms as well as legs as I threw the dirt out like a dog and hit my overall.

I wanted to satisfy my Master and was glad He humiliated me in front of Greg in that way. Greg was more than me and I needed to obey them all.

"Get naked and stand on all four."

The voice came from a loudspeaker. It was Tolt. I was alone in the middle of a yard where he took me after kissing, alone and got orders by voice of my master.

It made me feel even lower knowing they did not even `bother' to come close to me. Did they have cameras?

I undressed and got on all four.

"Roll over! No no, over the mud you just digged! That's right."

I was a pig; rolling in the mud.

`Where is my master?'

It was very humiliating for me. I felt like a pig at that moment. I was all muddy and some piss-smell was still there.

"Lick your fingers. That's right, sicko. Lick them clean."

Mank came from behind and started rinsing me with cold water from a hose.

"Stay still, jerk!"

It was difficult. The water pressure was very high and the hose was wide, too. My body was shaking from cold.

"Spread your cheeks."

Mank aimed the jet into my hole and it got some water inside. I tried to push it out and he filled me more.

"Yea sicko. Push that shit out of your ass!"

`What? Am I to shit myself?'

"SICO! Shit!" came from the loudspeaker and I started pushing. I wanted to cry. I was so low. Mussim made me low in a few days but Tolt was making me lower and lower every next moment. Destroying my will and pride by humiliating me like no one ever before.

Two pieces of shit came out of my ass and fell to the ground.

"Good boi! I guess you know what the hole is for. We don't need any shit round the house."

I put the shit in the hole and wanted to fill it with the soil but much of it was gone as the water splashed it away. I tired to get as much soil but effort was of no use.

"he he, sicko. Crawl to that brook and bring the soil in your mouth."

I looked round me wanted to see my master to beg him but he was somewhere. Mank was also gone and I had to dig my shit in the hole.


I wanted to get up but then started crawling. At the brook I started filling my mouth with the dirt. First time I spat everything out trying to show I did not want to do it. I was in agony. I was to obey and did not have a chance to beg. I wanted to get angry but then Tolt came to my mind and I saw myself crawling after him. I started filling my mouth and tried to get as much in as possible.

I spited it on my shit and had to repeat the same 4 more times to get the hole filled. I did not want to see myself. I felt being watched bud did not know in what direction to turn to hide myself.

I knelt in shame. Put my head down all the way to the ground and put my hands behind the head. I don't know what was happening to me. I wanted to beg my Master to give me some kind of a reward as I felt totally deteriorated. Tears were coming from my eyes. My body started shaking a bit and I wanted to be more than I was.

No voice came from anywhere and I remained in my position crying in humiliation. I received no pain and felt broken. It was like that moment with Mussim when I felt he was destroying me. And yes, they both destroyed and prepared me psychically for servitude.

"Follow me."

I looked up at Tolt admiring him and got to my feet then stood still for a moment and followed him as he started walking. He put his hand round my neck and I felt his very firm hug that sort of eased the tension in me and increased the devotion as I was very thankful for his attention.

"Sit here."

I was not thinking of anything just enjoyed the feeling of my inferiority. I enjoyed his presence and control. I was following his every order as fast as I understood it.

I was put on a wooden chair. It was quite massive. I felt my ankles being cuffed then my wrists and finally neck. Iron manacles(?) were on my hands and ankles and round my neck round 3 cm wide iron collar that kept my neck in place. I could not move as a leather strap was tied over my chest. I was hard seeing my master tie me. I admired his body, his movements, his soft skin, touch of his fingers. He did not look at me and we were both silent.

Light was coming through the open door. It was inside the cottage where I was whipped at arrival then down some wooden stairs in a cellar. I had no idea how big the room was. I felt a bit cold as I was naked and the wood was cold under my ass. I could move my hands and feet some.

"You look funny. I must keep you like this so you do not hurt yourself. You will be fed soon."

Tolt left. Greg came to feed me. He wore only shorts and was barefoot.

"hey, sicko. Cant' move, ha?"

He came to me and stepped on my toes.

"yea, open up. That's a good boy. I recorded you earlier! Here, let's get this inside your mouth."

He pushed a whole egg inside my mouth. He took a picture of me like that then hit my jaw some so the egg broke. He laughed and took more pics.

"Did you swallow yet? I do not have much time. If you are not fast enough you won't get much to eat. Open up. Here's a cucumber for you."

He pushed it inside and fucked my mouth some. It was not very big. Like a cock and peeled.

"That's a boy. Enjoy. Now bite it. Yea. Chew on it. Here some more."

My mouth was full and he kept pushing more inside. I did my best to swallow and keep up with the boy's game. He liked to play with me as I was some sort of machine.

"That was all fresh till now. We have some leftovers for you. You should be glad something is left for you."

"Thank you, Sir."

He fed me some macaronis and who knows what else pushing it into my mouth making me gag. I almost threw up few times. Food was all over me. I had some yolk and sauce round my mouth and on my cock as it dripped down.

"You dirty yourself like a pig. You should be kept in a pigsty not in this chair. Never mind. I will wash your face."

He stepped on a table that was in front of me and started jerking his cock a bit the hot stream of piss hit my face.

"Open that mouth. That's right. Thank me for the shower, sicko!"

"Thank you, Sir!" That was difficult to say as he was pissing in my mouth. He laughed at me and I was totally helpless. I felt being trained like a horse that can not move but has to learn to listen and obey and to get the confidence to his master.

I was soaked from his piss and then he left calling for Mank. I smelled the boy piss all over me and licked my lips and catched every drop that came down my nose.

The chair was made so that the fluid did not flow off the chair but I sat in it.

I really felt like a pig when this boy played with me. I was nothing compared to him. I have nothing but the overall that is not even mine. The boy seemed to do what he wanted and enjoyed and he looked good and I was happy to satisfy him.

Please write to me:

Hope You enjoyed.

I was told I was born alive.

Next: Chapter 7

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