Serving Boys

By jaken

Published on Jun 23, 2023



Author: jaken,

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction! :)

Names are fictional; not everything happened!

I had nothing to eat that day. I don't know how much sleep I'd had. I was also thirsty. These boys did not think of my well being.

`I will have to beg for something to eat and drink when I wake up!'

I still tasted the kid's cum and smelled it too. It was drying in my nose. I was glad I was turned to my stomach but some water leaked. I was tired and slowly fell to sleep.

A hard slap on my feet woke me up. I had no idea of time. I was still tired.

"You thirsty, Sicko?"

I nodded.

"I don't know if you earned a drink. You will work for it anyway."

He removed the gag. I was scared to ask for food. He held my head up by my chin and pushed a bottle to my mouth. It was sort of mineral water.

"Yea, that's it. Drink it all up! That's a good boy!"

I needed to belch. I knew it was Mussim by his voice. He pulled the blindfold down and caressed my face, slapped me a bit then closed my nostrils and smiled. My eyes started getting wet.

`Yes, Master! Play with me. I need to satisfy that urge in you.'

I was so happy being fed the water and seeing him enjoy. I looked into his eyes touching the power he had over me, my mind and also my being. I needed the humiliation. It was a one litter bottle. He took it out a bit when it was half empty. It was DonatMg(natural mineral water that has aperient/purgative effect when drank in high doses, healthy). I did not know if I should cry or thank him for the drink.

"Thank you Master for the drink."

"He he. It is not over yet, Sicko. Now be very good and don't spill any."

I belched a few times then the bottle was up my mouth again.

`Yes, Master. I'll be good and drink it all up. Thank you for feeding me!'

When I drank it all, he smiled. I was so happy to make him feel good. I did not care much for the next moment. Then he put one hand over my mouth and nose. I could not breathe. He scared me and knew that. My eyes were getting wet again I made effort to get out of that bondage but I was tied good. My face was getting red for sure when he took lachrymator out of his pocked and sprayed my eyes. I almost fell down the table.

"Please Master. I'll be good. Please Mussim."

"Oh poor boy. You cry? Don't be such a whimp. Something worse could happen to you anywhere. I am just making you ready being able to stand it. You should thank me, Sicko!"

I was really down. Getting lower and lower. I don't know how far this hypnosis can go.

"Thank you, Master! I'll be good!"

"You will call me by name as much as possible, got that? Only when we are alone you call me Master!"

"Yes, Master Mussim."

"Open your eyes! That's it. We have to wash off the tears. Hold your mouth open, too!"

I did as told when his piss hit my face washing my mouth and eyes. He then put some droplets to my eyes. It felt better. Some cloth was pushed under my crotch. You better not piss yourself. He used a can on my feet a few times then started tickling me. He did not stop. I was getting frustrated. I started crying and smiling. He totally changed my psyche in one day.

He drew me to edges of emotions making me feel both at once in suffering the joy he gave me. Maybe I was to loose my mind, maybe I was just to be.

I wet myself. I lost control of everything in me and he just tickled me more. I still couldn't see, I tasted his cum, I wetted myself `under' this boy.

I wanted to worship his feet, his ass, to be anything he wanted.

`I should not even have a thought that has a conclusion.'

My devotion was complete.

He took the cloth and put it under my head.

"Now sleep well, Sicko. You have been good. Make sure you stay that way."

He slapped me on back of my head making me dig my nose into the cloth.

He then took a rope.

"You almost fell over! I have to tie you down for that so you don't hurt yourself. You can't take care of yourself, you know that. You have to be taught a lot."

He put the rope under between my hands and back and tied it under the table. Then another one at my knees. I was lying on my stomach with hands and feet tied together on my back. Now also with a pissy pillow to hold my head.

"Open up! Here is a sleeping pill for you. You have to be rested in the morning."

He put it in my mouth then opened another bottle of DonatMg and filled me up a bit more. 1/4 litter I think.

"Thank you, Master."

He smiled and left. My piss was very smelly. Probbaly coz I did not have much to drink that day but the kid's piss and mine of course.

I loved when the kid farted in my face. I was still smelling the sweet scent and the taste of the kid's ass. I was so glad it was not clean so I could smell him. He was acting instinctively all the time I think. Really like a game for him whereas Mussim had more to that. He knew he was humiliating me and making me lower and more and more obedient and devoted to satisfy his needs or desires; hopefully both! The kid was probably a great addition to my humiliation and training.

Mussim woke me up slapping my face. I needed to empty myself badly! I nodded to my Master and looked in his eyes submissive and ready for him.

"You stink! You will be cleaned! Seems you didn't make a lot of mess."

He slowly untied me tickling me most of the time. I hardly hold everything in me.

"Get up! Stand still." He took a chamber pot under the table and smiled. "Hopefully it will be big enough for all your shit. Get naked and sit down."

The second I sat the shit spurted out of me into the chamber pot. I felt so humiliated having to use it in front of him. I did not dare to look at him.

"Sicko!!! Look at me! I hope I won't have to remind you for the third time!"

The pillow was again under my cock and was now soaking wet. It was a cloth actually but still a pillow.

I was totally empty now. No food no shit inside me.

"You will clean that later." He took me behind the garage. "Doggie style, Sicko!"

I got on all four exposing my ass for him. He used a hose to wash me outside. Then filled my ass to get me totally clean.

"You should be happy. Bark!"

"woof." I did not even realize the humiliation. I was automatic. He just smiled.

"Now put this on." He handed me working overall and just the overall. I got inside it.

"Thank you, Master."

"Now clean the garage of your mess. You have 5 minutes!"

I had luck. There was a small brook. He surely knew it was there it was up to me to find it. I felt proud he did not have to bother explaining me what to do in details. I purred the shit out in the brook and washed everything with water. I cleaned the cloth with water and wiped the table and what else was to do. I hung the clothes over the table.

"Follow Mahed! Do as he say! I will look for you later." Said Mussim to me. The Kid was Mahed.

"Yes, Mussim." He gave me a really nice smile coz it was correct to use his name. I got excited and happy and approached Mahed.


"You will be silent and follow me. You again look like a freak. People will think of me being one, too. Zip up!"

I nodded once and followed.

I was barefeet, light blue overall, dirty and torn on sides and no pockets. The zipper was functional.

We came to some construction site where there were some guys, older, my age. We approached.

"Stand over there!"

I moved to the instructed location. After a few minutes he approached me and grabbed my by the balls. The guys watched.

"You will obey them all. Mussim gave the instructions so you don't have to think. Now go!"

He kicked me in the ass with his foot and I moved faster. He laughed and so did the others.

"Hey guys. Sicko joined us to do the job. Say hello." The guy was about 30 or more. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed a bit forward.

"Hello!" I looked around to see each one of them. They were 5 guys and Mahed. He was talking to this guy that pushed me.

They laughed and said "Yes, let's do it! Hey guys. Come closer. Make a circle round Sicko."

Mahed stood in front of me and looked me in the eyes. He was a bit shorter than me. I knew I had to be good. He stepped on my toes with both sneakers and lifted himself a bit. I was barefoot and it hurt. Guys smiled a bit. I was silent and wanted to please the kid. He started to enjoy as the guys sort of cheered him up. He slapped me then opened the zipper on the overall and pulled all the way down.

Then he stepped behind me. I did not dare to look at my feet. I stood still, exposed to the guys. He grabbed my overall at the back and pulled down then pushed his foot behind my knee.


"Yes Mahed!" I knelt.

"Start jerking! Wait!" He pushed the overall down. First to the sides then down my hands, so I was half naked.

"yeaa. Jerk it! Show us your juice!" came from the guys.

Mahed grabbed me by my neck and help my head nod. The kid was standing on my feet again only on the bottom side now. He squeezed so I breathed heavily. I started jerking. My ass was out as the overall was half way to my knees. I felt helpless and happy seeing Mahed enjoy so much. He released the grip and started smacking me with both hands on each side from behind.

"Yea boy! Show us your cock!"

With right sneaker he slowly kicking my balls. He was giving me more and more pain. With left sneaker he was pressing my toes, kicked and pressed my balls with right and squeezed my neck or pulled on my ear. Tears were coming to my eyes. I was to ashamed to start crying. It was sort of agony what feelings did inside me.

"Yes Sir!" I started cumming.

"Cum in your hand, Sicko!" said Mahed.

Spurt after spurt landed on my hand. First spurt landed on the overall and my leg.

"Yea, Sicko! That's it. Be a man!"

"He fucking enjoys!"

"It's our turn now!

I stopped cumming. I sort of realized what was going on. I felt so humiliated and looked at the ground and my hand holding the juice.

"Greas you hole now with it! Lean forward."

I did and started applying the cum on my hole and inside it. They all laughed. Mahed put his foot on my neck.

"Smell it! Kiss it you pervert!"

"Let's get him inside!"

"Grab him!"

I was carried inside where they changed the clothes and ate by hands and legs. They put me on a table so my legs were on the floor, tied spread and hands forward also spread. My cock was hanging down. I was naked.

"Yes, guys! Who's first?"

Mahed put some old dirty underwear on my head so I could not see. It smelled shitty. The back side was under my nose.

Then I felt first one pressing on my hole, slowly. He fucked me just with the head. Then he used a finger, then two.

"Guys! He is totally clean! Hole washed out!" He smacked my ass a few times then his cock was inside. Someone climbed on the table. It was Mahed.

"Open up!"

He lifted my head by holding my tongue out then grabbed my lower jaw with his thumb inside my mouth.

"Good boy! You like being fucked!" He again nodded with my head! "Yes you do!"

He opened his zipper and held his cock out. It was semi hard. He put it inside my mouth just leaving it touching my tongue.

"Hey, give me his overall!"

He put it under my head then held my ears and started pissing. I don't know if anyone else actually saw what he was doing coz there was no change in the behavior. It was Mahed showing me his power over me and giving me very private humiliation.

The fucking was hard. He spanked my ass every now and then. The next one started fucking. He was scratching(?) me very hard with his fingernails on my back. Mahed stopped pissing. His piss was quite bitter. Maybe the first one after the morning piss. He sort of caressed my chick and gave me gentle smacks.

"Good boy. Open your ass for those cocks!"

Some piss spilled on the overall he put under it. He wiped my mouth with the underwear on my head and put it aside.

I looked into his eyes.

"Thank you, Sir!" `I am a lower being. Am Happy to satisfy.'

He gave me a smile. I was so happy when the third guy started fucking. Mahed started jerking in front of my face hitting it with his cock then fucking my mouth all the way. I choked and he laughed.

"Don't vomit you jerk! I don't want that pissy mixture on my cock!"

He fucked me hard in the face. The forth guy fucked me. He was huge and big.

"AAaaa" then Mahed pushed the cock inside.

"Be silent!" He held his cock all the way inside holding my head. I was sweating. The guy fucked my ass hard. The table was moving.

"Yea, fuck that ass! Rip him apart."

The fifth guy was also big. Mahed untied my hands. Someone did the feet and I was turned on my back. They tied a rope over my legs at knees. Legs were spread. I was ready for the second round.

Mahed sat on my face turned forward so I could see him under his cock and balls. I looked up when he pushed his hole open.

"Lick it real good!" I tasted the boy shit. He was full. When I pushed my tongue all the way I could feel the tip of his thurd. I don't know if it made me hornier but my cock was hard from fucking and humiliation. The first guy came on me. The kid started tickling me and riding my face by supporting himself on my legs. He spited on my eyes.

"Open them!"

Guys fucked me hard. Some jerked my cock. Each one came on my stomach. It started dripping on sides. The Kid's balls smelled great. I recalled him cumming up my nose. He held me by the head and rode.

"Yea, lick it!"

"Mussim did a good job preparing the freak."

"Nice ass he got!"

Cum was all over my body. This one came on my legs. The guy with big cock started fucking. He pushed it a few times then exploded covering me with his juice. I wanted him to fuck me more.

The kid sat on my mouth and held my nostrils together so I couldn't breath. He jerked my cock and I came within seconds.

"Good boy."

He held my head up and started fucking my mouth. He came fast giving me something to eat.

"Swallow your meal, boy!"

They untied me. Mahed got off the table.

"Get up! Stand still. Now get the overall and wipe the table clean."

The cum was leaking down my legs. I wiped the table.

"Dress! Leave the zipper open."

The guys sat by the table and started eating their meals. I was so hungry but did not dare to beg for food. I looked submissively at Mahed. He took a piece of bread and came to me. He wiped the cum of my stomach and fed me. The kid was really humiliating me in front of the guys. I was kneeling at a wall.

"Yea, feed him our cum." They laughed...

Mahed just smiled and wiped it off with every bit. He smiled at me and I was so thankful for the food.

"Yea, chew on it! That's it! Hey guys, don't throw away the leftovers!"

"Thank you, Sir" was all I could say. He knew I was a lower being. He had the instinct for it and I was his toy.

The guys left. Mahed put the leftovers on a plate and put it beside me on the ground. Then he tied my hands and feet together on the back. I was kneeling.

"Mussim will pick you up! You may eat this." He pushed the plate away from me with his sneaker. He left and the door was locked.

If You want to write me:

There when the moment finds no star to fall we shall kiss forever in an infinite time where souls meet the eternity. Everything is a dream only we stay awake.

Next: Chapter 4

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