Serving a Younger Master

By Michael Smith

Published on Nov 5, 2020


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This is a story about what I would like my experience with my new Master to be like. Feel free to comment.

After Master left, I sat naked in my living room for a good 10 minutes. I was worn out but my little dick remained hard. And of course my face was still covered in Master's cum.

But I couldn't just sit there forever. Master had left me with instructions. So I crawled to my bedroom and pulled out a pair of tight gray sweatpants. They were really too small for me, but I knew they were just what Master would want me to put on. Then I grabbed a pink t-shirt, also way too small for me. I carried both of them and crawled to my apartment door.

Once at the door, I felt it was safe to get dressed, so I tugged the t-shirt over my head, careful not to wipe Master's cum from my face in the process. Then I pulled up the sweat pants over my legs and up over my ass. They were so tight and small that they would not come completely to the top of my ass. Because the shirt was also small, a part of my stomach hung out in the front, and the top of my butt and the start of my ass crack showed in the back. I would have loved to have something on my feet, but Master said no. Being barefoot made me feel almost like I was completely naked.

I opened my apartment door and peeked down the hallway. Fortunately there was no one there. I moved as quickly and quietly as I could to the elevators. This would be tricky, but hopefully I would get lucky. Because I was near the top of the building, there wasn't often anyone already on the elevator when I would go down. But there were 34 floors below me.

I hit the button for the first floor and began the descent, praying that no one would get on. But of course that was not meant to be as the elevator slowed and stopped on the 23rd floor. I pushed myself into the corner of the elevator and kept my eyes down as the doors opened and an older lady entered. She seemed startled for a moment, and I mumbled a greeting. I didn't look up. I tried to hide my bare feet, but the sweatpants were short and they were obvious. I could feel the disgust coming from her as we continued down.

Fortunately, the elevator didn't stop again until we reached the first floor. She got off and I followed her toward the mail room. I stayed behind her so I would not have to look at her face, but we passed a couple of guys heading to the elevators. I know I heard one of them mutter "faggot" as I walked by, my bare feet slapping the floor. I know I looked and smelled horrible, but I made it to the mail room and checked my mail, quickly turning to head back to the elevator. As I did so, one of the building's maintenance workers, Jorge, walked up beside me.

I could barely breathe as I felt him looking me up and down. As I reached for the button to call for the elevator, Jorge grabbed my arm and stopped me. He looked me in the eye and said "I think someone in your condition should probably take the service elevator, don't you?"

I hesitated, but then dropped my eyes and whispered "Yes Sir." I don't think he was expecting to hear me call him Sir, but it only confirmed what he must have been suspecting. The service elevators were through a door and down the hall to the other end of the building. I made my way in that direction, barefoot, face slimed with Master's cum, and smelling of piss. I could feel Jorge following behind me.

As the service elevator arrives, I enter and Jorge follows me. I step aside to give Jorge room, but he makes no move to push a button. As the elevator begins to climb, Jorge moves closer to me, stepping on my bare toes with his heavy work boots. I only whimper. When we reach 35 and door opens, Jorge steps back to let me exit, and he follows me. Not far from the elevator, we are walking past the trash chute. Jorge says "stop."

I halt and look at him. He says "give me your keys." I hand them to him.

He looks at me and then down the hall, confirming that there is no one else out in the hallway, at least for now. "Everything else down the chute."

I stared at him. "What...?"

"You heard me. You like prancing around the building dripping cum and whatever else so everyone can see that you are a slut. Well don't just go half way bitch. Be the slut you obviously are. Throw. Your. Clothes. Down. The. Chute -- Now!"

I was shaking and I still couldn't believe what I heard, but I knew I had no choice. I pulled the t-shirt off and opened the trash chute and dropped it. I hated showing off my body, but that was nothing compared to the dread I felt about taking off my sweatpants. I looked at Jorge and whispered "please..."

Jorge didn't say anything, but simply backhanded me across my face, almost knocking me to the floor. As I felt the burn in my face, I began to push my sweatpants down my legs and off my feet, keeping my back to Jorge. Once they were off, I reached out and opened the trash chute and dropped them, knowing that I was now completely at his mercy and fully on display.

"Turn around bitch. Hands to your sides."

I slowly turned,and dropped my hands. Jorge let out a loud laugh. "What the fuck is that? You call that a cock? Damn, it's hard and you can barely see it under that fat gut. You're pathetic." It was true. My hard 3 inches stood out, increasing my shame and humiliation.

"Let's go bitch." Jorge turned and started walking down the hall. I followed behind him, praying that none of my neighbors would see me. Why was my apartment so far down the hall, and why was Jorge walking so slowly, prolonging my exposure?

Finally we made it to my door. Jorge still had my keys, so I had to wait for him to unlock the door. After what seemed like 5 minutes but in reality was much less, Jorge turned the lock and opened the door. He holds it open, and turns to look at me. "What are you waiting for, bitch? Get down and crawl in."

I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled through the doorway. As I passed Jorge, I felt the sting of his hand slapping my ass -- once, twice, and a third time. Fuck that hurt, and the sound echoed down the hallway, adding to the humiliation.

Jorge followed me into the apartment. He pulled his radio from his belt and called the office. "This is Jorge. I'm in unit 3512. He has a problem with his drain and thinks there may be a leak. I'm gonna help him get it plugged up. Shouldn't be too long."

With that, Jorge turned to me. "Okay bitch. We don't have all day." Jorge grabbed me by the ear and effectively dragged me to the bedroom. As we enter the bedroom, Jorge stops, noticing the smell of piss from where Master had soaked my bed.

"You really are a disgusting pig, aren't you bitch."

Despite the smell and the condition of the bed, Jorge forces me onto the bed on my back with my head hanging over the edge. He then reaches to his pants and pulls down the zipper and reaches in to pull out his 7 inch, thick cock, already hard.

"Time to get it ready, bitch. Open up."

I opened my mouth and felt Jorge drive is big cock deep into my mouth and down my throat. He gave me no time to get used to the invasion of his cock, but just kept pushing until it was fully buried in me, and then he held it there.

With his cock buried in me, Jorge reached down and started twisting my nipples as I started choking and trying to push him away. I could feel the piss in the bed all around me as I squirmed on the bed. Finally, Jorge pulled back and I was able to gasp for breath before he all too quickly pushed his monster cock back down my throat.

"Get it ready bitch. It's going to your ass next and you will want it good and wet."

This continued for only a couple of minutes before Jorge pulled out and, using my nipples as handles, flipped me around until my ass was facing him and I was on my knees. Jorge pushed my face down into the piss soaked bed as I felt his thick cock at my hole.

I wasn't ready. Not nearly ready. But it didn't matter to Jorge. He just pushed and pushed until my hole finally gave way and he slid inside. Giving no time for me to adjust, Jorge just rammed his cock deep into my hole, pushing until I could feel his balls slap against my ass.

"Mmmmmmm yeah. Tight faggot hole." With that, Jorge began to fuck, and fuck with force, slamming his cock in and pulling almost alway the out before slamming in again. Over and over as I grunted under the force of his fuck. I could feel Jorge speeding up his fuck and I knew it was not going to take him long to nut. Apparently he needed to get back to work and he wasn't wasting any time being gentle.

After only about 5 minutes of pounding my hole, he began to really slam me hard and fast. "Get ready bitch. I'm about to seed that hole. Take my cum bitch!!"

And with that, he slammed into me and held his cock deep in me. I felt shot after shot of his hot cum filling my insides. There must have been at least 8 shots. Still in his work clothes, Jorge was careful not to get let my body rub against him, but slowly withdrew his cock from my hole.

"Get over here bitch and clean up my cock."

In pain and feeling dirty, I turned back around and saw Jorge's thick deflating cock glistening with his leftover cum and slime from my ass. Fighting the urge to get sick from the gross taste, I took his cock in my mouth and licked and sucked it clean. I then moved down to clean his balls and crotch of the slime that had leaked there.

Once I had cleaned him, Jorge slapped my face and pushed me back on the bed. I waited for him to put away his cock, but he didn't. Instead, he took it and aimed it at me and started to piss. His heavy flow covered me and my bed. I was now wallowing in both my Master's piss and Jorge's. How did I get so low.

After he finished pissing, Jorge put his cock back in his pants. "Bitch, I'll be back later this week. You better answer the door naked whenever I show up or you'll be sorry."

As he left, I rolled over. My ass was so sore. My entire room smelled of piss. And Master had said I couldn't get cleaned up. Master - oh fuck. I knew I would need to tell him about Jorge. I hoped he would not be mad at me.

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