Servicing the Marines

By scooby doo.

Published on Mar 21, 2017


Servicing the Marines By Scooby

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"Servicing the Marines – Part 1"

I grew up in a Midwestern town. I knew by middle school that I was gay and I enjoyed servicing guys. I am versatile and enjoy fucking as much as being fucked. I like giving blow jobs, especially to straight men who "never knew it could be this good."

Once I graduated from college, I headed out east to North Carolina. My job landed me in a town called Jacksonville. I enjoyed the job and it paid well. Jacksonville just happens to be very close to Camp Lejune Marine base. I noticed quite often, Marines were everywhere. I heard there were quite a few of them on the base. I heard the number was in the tens of thousands. I was always attracted to young men in uniform and with my job landing me here, I was in heaven.

My Grandfather was a Marine and fought in the Second World War. He was a very stern man, but I learned a lot from him. I kept my body in shape and learned respect from him. He didn't take any shit from anyone and if you were out of line, he let you know it.

I moved into my place in the middle of March. It was a nice house located about two miles from work. They had everything I needed. Some nice places to go out to eat. A nice gym to stay fit in and was a fairly nice sized town.

I started to frequent the gym in town and noticed it was mostly guys who went there. Most of them had the looks of the Marines and I knew I was in luck. The locker room was decent sized and was fairly open. The showers were nice and private and the gym had cardio and free weights. They had a nice steam room, Sauna, and hot tub to rest in after a workout. I often found myself just doing cardio some days and watching the men do their routines. I'd laugh as I'd watch some of them goof off, but mostly watched these in shape men working to make their bodies better.

Work is a nice place. I work forty hour weeks with overtime sometimes when needed. It pays very well and I was happy I landed it out of college, thanks to a friend of mine who worked for the same company in Chicago. They needed a couple people down in North Carolina and I was given a moving stipend, first three months rent paid, and given a monthly stipend for the first year. I was able to put a lot of money away and pay off some of the loans I had to take out.

The only thing that sucked was I didn't really know anyone in the area. The nearest person I knew from college was in Washington D.C. I travelled a few times a year to see him and take in the sights. He was getting married to the girl he met in college and was very straight. I had seen him naked a few times and was jealous of his fiancé. He was definitely packing and I could only use my imagination as to what it'd be like to be fucked by him. Sadly, he never accepted any of my advances, but we remained good friends.

In Jacksonville, I found myself mostly as a homebody and a gym body outside of work. This was the same for about two months. When it was nice out, I would go for walks and see the city. I was always distracted though by the number of Marines that frequented this city. I would see them all around and knew I'd be very frustrated if I didn't get some action beside my hand and fantasies of some of them.

On a Thursday night I was at the gym quite late and it was fairly dead. There were only about eight other guys there lifting and the staff. The music was so loud, I could hear it over my own headphones. I was working bench and decided to do decline benches with a decent amount of weight. I walked over to one of the guys that was closest to me. He was working shoulders. When I first laid eyes on him I noticed he had a nice solid build. His shoulders looked like small bowling balls and his chest pushed out against his shirt. I was able to see his nipples pointing through his shirt and his belly button also. I was a little nervous to ask him for help, but I'd seen him before and we had nodded to each other in the past.

After he finished his set, I asked him if he could spot me while I did declines. He agreed and came over to the bench I was preparing to do my lifts on. As I took my spot, my head declined almost to the floor. I had dumbbells and had gotten into the start position. When I was thinking of spotting, I was thinking he'd just stand there and wait til I started to struggle and then help. I was surprised when he bent down to one knee. With him in this position, his crotch was literally right by my head. This was a huge distraction, but I tried to do my best to focus on lifting, rather than his cock being only inches from my face.

I lifted the weights fairly easy at first, but after ten reps, I started to struggle. His hands came to assist and he put them on my wrists to spot me. As he did that, he leaned over a little more and now his crotch was right at eye level. When I looked up, I saw a very impressive bulge and when I breathed in through my nose I got an intoxicating whiff of his smell. I felt my dick twitch and knew I had to get out of this position or I could be in trouble. I finished with fifteen lifts with the last five assisted.

He complimented me for the lift and said he was impressed. Not a lot of people do decline bench lifts. He made talk about how the decline helps form the bottom of your pectoral muscles and gives you a fuller looking chest. As he was saying this, I could only stare at his chest and saw him bump his muscles, causing them to dance a little. I was entrapped already.

He introduced himself as Mike. I told him my name was Scott, most of my friends call me Scooby. He was based out of Lejune and was living off base. He enjoyed living with three other guys and it made it easier than being in the barracks. We talked a little about what made him decide to go into the Marines. He said it was all part of his family legacy. Pretty much out of all his brothers, sisters, and cousins, which there were thirty, eighteen of them went into the service. I was impressed that they all decided to serve.

Mike was quite friendly and said he was from Nebraska. He had served overseas and came back to Lejune about seven months ago. I told him my story, where I was from, and that my job had brought me out here.

"Welcome to Hell!" was his response.

I told him I didn't think it was all bad. I actually liked having warmer temps and being able to enjoy walking around without having to bundle up about eight months out of the year.

"Like I said, Welcome to Hell." He just started to laugh and I finally got the joke he was making.

We finished up our respective workouts almost at the same time. I usually didn't shower at the gym because it was fairly close to home. I saw Mike head to the locker room and I decided to wait a couple minutes until I made my way into the locker room to grab a towel and head to the hot tub. My muscles were aching and a nice sit in the hot tub would help.

I sat down in the tub, which was close to the showers, and just laid my head back and rested. I didn't hear any showers or any other noise in the locker room so I thought I must have missed Mike leaving. I closed my eyes and just let the hot water soothe my aching body. Then all of a sudden, I heard the water splash. I quickly opened my eyes to see Mike standing there with just his compression shorts on. I about sprung a hard on right away. The shorts did little to hide Mike's equipment. He had to be about five inches soft and it hung to the left. I drifted my eyes back up to Mike and noticed he had a smirk on his face.

He made his way into the tub and sat a little ways away from me. We made some more small talk about home and sports we played, etc. Mike was an athlete. He played football, wrestled, and ran track in high school. He talked about his glory days of playing and said his football team won state his senior year. I told him he should have pursued going to college to play. He told me he had already committed to the Marines in his Junior year, and there was no way he wanted to spend time in a boring school.

He is twenty one and enjoying life. He said, yes, sometimes the Marines gets tough, but that's part of being in the Corp. You learn to just take things as they come. I was amazed at his determination and drive to succeed as a Marine. He told me things he wanted to do, which included moving up in rank.

As I was sitting there listening to him, I was watching the water move over his hot body. I was in lust with him. He had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. No facial hair and had a small amount of hair around his nipples and middle of his chest. A very thin trail led down to his navel and into his shorts.

"Well, I think I am about hot tubbed out." He said as he started to get up. When he did, I was in for the surprise of my life. His cock had snaked down the leg of his shorts and he was about half hard. As he got up, my eyes went right to it and I couldn't look away. I heard him start to snicker and he stated, "I thought so."

I looked up at him and he had a big grin on his face. "I had a hunch you were one of them." He said as he reached his hand down and grabbed his cock. "I could tell when you were getting a little hard when my crotch was near your head. It was pointing out and I knew that you were a little turned on."

He continued to stroke his cock a little and it was obvious he was getting harder. I guess I licked my lips as I looked down at it. From what I could see in the shorts, his cock matched his body. Big and solid. I looked back up at him with a little fear. I was scared he was gonna beat the shit out of me. Instead, the smile never left his face.

"Come join me in the Sauna. No one else ever goes in there. We got some space." He said as he got up and grabbed his towel next to the hot tub and made his way down the hall to the Sauna. I knew I had two choices. I could follow him and see where this led, or run like hell out of the gym, hoping to never run into him again. I decided.

I got out of the tub and looked down the hall where the sauna was. I knew there weren't very many people in the gym and the staff all were up at the front desk talking and playing on their phones. The odds of us being caught were slim. The sauna was at the end of a hall, and it had a window so you could see if anyone was coming towards it. I decided to follow Mike in.

I got into the sauna and saw Mike sprawled out on his towel, buck naked. His cock was standing firm as he was slowly stroking it. It stood out proud at about seven and a half inches and had a nice thickness to it. I closed the door and looked at Mike. He still had that smile on his face.

"It's been a while since he's seen some action. What do you say? Wanna come over here and make him feel good?" Mike asked with a bigger smile than he had before.

How could I say no to such an invitation?

I made my way over to the bench beside him and lowered my head down to his cock. The scent coming from him was very manly and turned me on greatly. My cock hadn't gone down since I saw his hard cock coming out of the tub. I proceeded to grab onto the firm shaft and licked his head. I swirled it around the head and he proceeded to let out a long moan.

"Oh God, this is gonna be good." Mike said.

I played with the tip of his cock with my tongue for a while and pumped the shaft with my hand. As I was teasing him a little, he continued to groan. I knew he was going to enjoy this and I was going to enjoy the reward I was going to receive.

All at once, he grabbed onto the back of my head and pumped his cock into my mouth. I was taken aback at first, but allowed him to push his cock into my hot wet mouth. I knew this is what he wanted and knew I wanted it too. As he started to force my head down further to take more of him in, I released my grip on the shaft and started to play with his big, low hanging balls. This caused him to moan more and even take in some quick breaths.

I sucked on his cock in this position for about four minutes and then he stopped. I looked up at his face. It had a look of ecstasy and I knew I was doing a good job. I played with his balls and continued to suck on his cock on my own. He threw his head back several times saying it was so good. He then pushed my head away and told me he wanted to fuck my mouth. He stood up and positioned himself so he could till see out the door and had me on my knees. He again grabbed my head and started to fuck my mouth good and hard.

I reached around and grabbed onto his ass. His cheeks were hard as a rock and I could feel them flex every time he'd push into my mouth. I was overcome with lust and just wanted him to fuck me. I let my hands roam around his ass and a couple times my finger touched his hole. When it did, he'd buck forward and grunt.

I took this as a sign that he might like his hole played with. I pulled my mouth off his cock and wet my fingers before allowing him to reinsert his cock into my mouth. I pushed my wet fingers towards the ring of his hole and circled around it. As I did, his hips started to thrust faster and his moans and groans started to pick up their pace. I knew it was now or never. I pushed my middle finger into his hole and it was gripped quickly. He gasped as I got it into the second knuckle. I could feel his body tense and I knew what was coming. About ten seconds later, I pushed in a little further and was rewarded with a mouthful of cum. He shot hard and plenty. The first two shots went right down my throat with force, I thought I was going to gag. I held it off. The load filled my mouth and I was able to taste his seed on my tongue. It tasted good and I knew I'd want more of it.

After his pumps slowed down, he finally pulled his cock out of my mouth. My finger was still in his ass and he pushed back against it couple of times. When he did, his body shuddered and another small amount of cum came out of his slit. I quickly licked it off. I took my finger out and collapsed against onto the bench by the wall. I finished wiping the remaining cum dripping from my mouth, and licked it off my hands.

"That was probably the most intense blowjob I've ever had." He said as he was trying to catch his breath. I saw there was another drop of cum leaking from the head and quickly leaned over and licked it up. His body jumped as I did. He was sensitive after cumming and I just laughed a little.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I replied to him.

"Enjoyed it? Jesus, that was intense. I don't think I've cum that much in a very long time. I wasn't expecting you to put your finger in my ass. I've never had anyone do that before, but damn, it was crazy. It just added to the enjoyment. No wonder gay guys like that shit." He said with a laugh.

Well, that just told me too things. He liked it, but he was straight. Damn it. I was hoping for more.

His breathing calmed down and so did his cock. We both sat in a small break of silence after. Mike's body looked amazing now that I was sitting by him. His chest was full and he had dime sized nipples. He had the showing of a six pack, but it wasn't fully defined. He had the cuts down by his groin and the way the sweat emphasized his muscles, I could feel my cock straining at my shorts. I grabbed onto it and started to stroke it a little.

"Ha! That really turned you on, hey `scooby'?" he asked.

"More than you know. You have a killer body and a nice cock. I'd love to do that for you again, anytime." I replied.

"Well, who knows? It may just happen again. Getting pussy around this town isn't the easiest, unless you want a slut and possible diseases. My girl decided she couldn't date a Marine who was serving overseas. She said it was too much for her. So my nine month deployment was just masturbation city. I knew a girl from school and she flew out here after I came back stateside. We fucked like rabbits for two days when I got home, but I haven't had any sex since then. I may just have to take you up on your offer." He said. I laughed and said he probably wouldn't.

We got out of the sauna and quickly took a shower. The whole time I spent looking at his body. My cock still hadn't gone down much. He giggled and pointed at it and told me I needed to take care of that thing. I just pulled it out and started to stroke it. Mike just laughed, but I was focused on his body in front of me as I pulled on my cock with a fever speed. About a couple minutes later, I sprayed my load into the middle of the shower so it could flow with the water.

"NICE!" was all Mike said. He grabbed his towel and headed out of the shower.

I made my way to my locker and dried off with a gym towel, which was about four sizes too small for me. It barely went around my waist. I got dressed after putting on deodorant and such. I heard Mike in his locker and knew he was still here. I just knew I had to see him again. I was scared this was a one-time thing.

As I was gathering my stuff, Mike showed up next to me with his phone in his hand. He took a picture of me and asked me for my number. I asked him what the picture was about, he said he has them for all of the people in his phone. Helps him remember who is who as he has several friends that are the same name.

I gave him my number and asked for his. I grabbed my phone.

"I'll text you later. You'll get it then." He said.

He turned to start walking away but then stopped. "By the way, there are plenty of guys on the base that would love to meet you and your.. talents. I may just have to give them your number. You don't mind do you?" He said as he exited the locker room.

"Holy Shit!" I thought, "What have I gotten myself into?" I made my way out of the locker room and the gym. Two Marines were working out by the benches and a few were by the cardio machines. All were hot as hell. My cock jumped again at the thought. "This could get interesting."

Next: Chapter 2

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