Servicing Brad

By lukex

Published on Feb 8, 2001


Part 4. Brad arranges a special event.

The next day, as I got home from work, Brad was putting stuff into his gym bag and getting ready to head out. He was shirtless and just wearing some loose-fitting gym shorts. I plopped down on the couch and watched him. At this point, I was brazen about looking him over, and I never tired of watching that incredible body. He didn't even acknowledge my staring any more.

As he finished getting his stuff together and started to head out, he asked me about the previous day, if I really liked doing that, having them force me to suck their dicks and swallow their cum. I told him the truth - that nothing got my dick harder than a hunky stud fucking my face and shooting his cum all over me. He asked if it bothered me when they "forced" me, and I explained that the sensation of being forced, or restrained, only heightened the pleasure.

He just sort of shook his head. "Whatever," he said and grabbed his T-shirt and started past me.

"Hang on," I said. "How about a quick blow job?"

"Christ," Brad said back. "You don't let up. When I get home later, I'll dump a load on ya." He smiled and walked out.

I had dinner and watched TV a little. I was reading when Brad came in a couple of hours later. "Hi, Brad," I said.

"Shut up, faggot, and get down on the floor," Brad said roughly as he dropped his gym bag.

"What's wrong with you?" I said back.

Brad quickly replied, "I said shut up and get on the floor, you fucking cocksucker. Now fucking do it."

I knelt down on the floor in front of the couch and Brad walked over. "No, I said down on the floor," he said and he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back. I toppled over onto the floor. "Lie on your back," he said, and I rolled myself onto my back. He stood with his feet on either side of my head and looked down at me. His hair was damp from his shower, and he seemed even more well-muscled than usual, probably because he'd just finished exercising.

"Move over here," he said and pushed against the side of my head with his sneaker, positioning me into the center of the floor. He peeled his T-shirt off over his head, and I watched from down beneath him admiringly as the muscles in his chest and arms became visible as he lifted it over his head. Then he knelt down on me, and pulled my arms from my sides and up above my head. He held them down tightly against the floor and slid his body down until his crotch was above my face. Brad pushed his pelvis down into my face and started grinding his crotch into me. He was wearing jeans, and I could feel the cold from his belt buckle against my forehead as he crushed himself into my face. He did this for a minute or so, and then got back up on his knees. He kept one hand holding my arms down, and with the other he unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans, which he pulled down to about half-way down his thighs.

Then he slid himself forward again and his now uncovered cock and balls were back in my face. His cock was pretty hard, though not fully erect. He had leaned so far over, and my head was so hard against the floor, that I didn't have enough room to move my mouth to get at his cock. The best I could do was lick it a little, and he kept sliding it around towards my mouth, but at that angle, and as hard as he was, there wasn't any way to get it in my mouth.

"Fuck, homo, put my fucking dick in your mouth. What are you waiting for? Start sucking." But I still couldn't get it. Finally, Brad pulled up somewhat and grabbed his dick in his hand (the hand that wasn't holding my arms down). "Jesus Christ, faggot, when I tell you to put my cock in your mouth, you fucking do it," he said, actually sounding kind of angry, and then he pushed his dick deep into my mouth. He kept pushing down until he got it all the way inside and then he leaned all the way forward again. His balls were resting on my chin and my nose was pressed tight into his pubic hair. And his whole body was lying on top of me.

I lay there breathing through my nose as I waited for him to lift off me or start a fucking motion. But he just kept his cock pressed deep down my throat. "Maybe you need to learn what it feels like to have this cock in your mouth so you'll know next time what I mean when I tell you to take my dick," he said. "So let's let your little faggot mouth get totally familiar with it." And he just kept pressing down, and with the angle he was at, it was like he was forcing his cock into my throat with his whole body weight. I started to gasp for air and couldn't breathe. I felt myself close to gagging, and I swallowed to try and head it off. I kept swallowing, which stopped me from gagging, and he just kept his dick in there tight for what seemed like forever. Finally I couldn't hold off and felt myself about to gag. I tried to get my arms free and to pull away but I couldn't. Brad just tightened his hold and said, "You keep that dick there, faggot. Choke on that big dick.! " I kept swallowing whenever I felt myself starting to gag or choke, but eventually I just couldn't help it and started choking and coughing, and Brad pulled up and out. I coughed and caught my breath.

"Maybe you need a little rest from my cock, huh? Why don't you suck on my balls for a while." And he dropped his crotch back into my face, slipping one of his balls down into my mouth. I sucked and licked it for a while, and Brad again stretched his body all the way back out. This put his raging hard penis in my face, running from just above my mouth to my forehead. It was very slippery from all my saliva, and Brad started moving it back and forth against my face.

"You just keeping sucking on those balls, faggot," Brad said as he began thrusting his cock against my face. The shaft of his penis ran alongside my nose and its head slid against my forehead and into my hair, sometimes dipping down into my eye. I kept tonguing at his juicy balls, licking them all over and sucking them into my mouth one at a time. I could feel the weight of his taut, muscular body on top of me, as his dick kept sliding across my face and his rock-hard stomach just above it. He kept this up for several minutes and then without warning let out a low moan as his cock started to pour semen all over my face and forehead and my hair.

After he'd finished coming, he lay on top of me for several more minutes. I could feel a trail of cum slowly starting to roll down the side of my cheek. Then Brad pulled himself up, and as he was standing he looked down at me and laughed. "Going prematurely gray, roomie," he said and laughed again.

I looked at him, puzzled, and he pointed at my hair. "Looks that way anyway. But I guess a cocksucker like you sometimes just gets lots of cum in his hair." He repackaged his cock into his jeans, wiped his brow, and plopped down on the couch. "D'you eat yet?" he said, as he reached for the remote. "I'm starved."

Two weeks later, and it was a Friday night - my birthday. Brad had suggested we do something for my birthday, and we had made plans to meet at the apartment. We'd had a pretty quiet two weeks, only one early morning blow job when Brad had surprised me as I was heading in to the shower and pushed me down to my knees on the tile in the bathroom and fucked my face hard.

I got back to our place and there was a note taped to the door. I pulled it down and unfolded and read it as I unlocked the door. "Sorry, roomie," it read, "something came up. I'm gonna be a few hours late. We can hang out when I get home. --Brad"

I stepped inside and dropped my bag by the door, disappointed. I kicked off my shoes and headed into the living room. Suddenly without warning I felt someone grab me from behind, wrapping his arms around my torso, imprisoning my arms on either side of me. I started trying to wriggle free, when I felt another pair of hands grab my head.

"What the fuck," I started to shout, when one of them stuffed a rag into my mouth. The one holding me was very strong, and though I struggled I couldn't break free. Then the other one pulled some cloth across my eyes, tying it tightly behind my head and completely blocking my vision.

Once he had blindfolded and gagged me, the other one let me go. I reached up to pull off the blindfold when one of them threw his weight into me, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me down to the floor. We fell to the floor in a tumble, and he piled himself onto me, grabbing my arms and holding them pinned above my head. I felt someone grabbing my feet and pulling them together; I tried to kick them free but I could barely move at all.

He tied some kind of soft rope around my ankles, pulling them close and tying it tight. Then he moved up and wrapped more rope around my thighs, again, tightly restraining them.

I heard an unfamiliar voice say, "Wait, let me turn this cocksucker over," and then the guy on top of me rolled me over onto my stomach, and pulled my arms behind my back. More of the rope was wrapped around my wrists, and they tied them together securely. Lastly, they wrapped one strand of the rope around my torso, binding my arms to my sides.

I could sense them stepping away from me, and I heard a voice, quiet and familiar, say, "I think that's pretty good." I realized it was Marcus, and felt relief. I had been startled and frightened when I walked in and got attacked, though it had happened so fast I hadn't really had much time to think. Hearing Marcus's voice made me realize this wasn't some kind of random act of violence. I still didn't know what was going on, of course, and was more than a little worried about it, but somehow hearing Marcus, who had always seemed like a pretty decent guy, made me feel a little better.

Someone reached down and turned me around, and then maneouvered me into a sitting position. My blindfold was removed.

I looked up into one of the most handsome faces I had ever seen. He was looking down at me, with a small smirk. He had longish brown hair, stylishly fashioned, dark captivating eyes, and a pair of luscious barely parted lips. He stepped back slightly, to reveal a hot bod. He was dressed in a tank top that draped over his sturdy pecs and revealed broad shoulders and pleasantly muscular arms; slightly baggy jeans gave good form to athletic legs and an intriguingly profiled package.

As I looked around, I saw Marcus standing to the side. He looked a little sheepish, embarassed maybe. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a tight-fitting T; he looked hotter than ever. I felt my dick harden, as I thought about his delicious cock.

I spit the gag out of my mouth and took a deep breath. The new guy just laughed and said, "That's okay. We won't need that anymore, will we, cocksucker?"

I took a deep breath. "What is this, Marcus? Did Brad put you up to this?"

Marcus started to say Yes and the other guy cut him off. "Never mind, faggot. Don't you worry about what we're doing here. Just think about the thick dick that's gonna be stuffed down your throat in a minute." He started to unbuckle his belt.

I looked up at them, obviously unable to do anything. It occurred to me that Brad must have arranged this, knowing I would be home, expecting him to be there to hang out. I couldn't quite figure out why, though; did he get off somehow by having me service other people? As I watched, the new guy kicked off his tennis shoes, removed his socks, pulled off his jeans and peeled off his tank top, revealing an astonishingly sexy body and a bulging crotch in his boxer briefs. Brad sure knew how to pick them.

He came over next to me and crouched down beside me. He turned my face to look directly into his. "Get ready, cocksucker, because I haven't had my dick sucked in a long, long time." He repositioned himself so his crotch was level with my face and grabbed me by the back of the head. "Just think about what you're gonna get," he said as he rubbed my face into his crotch. I could feel his semi-hard penis underneath the soft cotton material.

"Alright, Doug," Marcus said. He too had taken off his clothes. "Let's get him on his knees."

"Where a cocksucker belongs," Doug muttered, and together they grabbed me and turned me around so that I was kneeling. With my hands tied behind me, my body wavered slightly. Doug put a firm hand on the back of my head, and pulled my face into his crotch again. "Chew on this big dick, you fucking cocksucker," he said as he began to grind his cock into my face. "Marcus, come here."

Marcus walked over and stood beside Doug, who pulled my face from his crotch and drove it into Marcus's bulging crotch. "Do you want to suck his big dick, faggot?"

I didn't say anything, and just let Doug push my head into Marcus, whose cock began to grow under his briefs. "Answer me, you little cocksucker," Doug said sternly, as he slipped his fingers around a lock of my hair and pulled my head back from Marcus's crotch.

"Yes," I said quietly. Doug moved in close and placed his other hand on the back of my neck. "Well, faggot, we got a lot of loads for you. Pull down my underwear so I can stuff my dick down your throat." He positioned my head so I could reach out with my teeth and grab the waistband of his boxer briefs. I tried to keep a tight hold and pull down his underwear, but it was hard to do.

Doug got impatient and after a minute of my fumbling to pull down his shorts, he pushed my head away hard. "Come on, faggot, I want my fucking dick sucked." I fell backwards from the force of his push, and with my arms tied behind my back I had no way of steadying myself and felt down onto the carpet. Doug came and stood next to my head, looking down at me.

"Listen, cocksucker, I asked you if you want to suck dick and you said yes. Didn't you?" I looked up at him, his hunky body clad only in underwear standing over me, and didn't say anything. He lifted his foot and brought it down gently on my face, pushing my head to the side and against the carpet. "Well, didn't you?"

"Yeah," I said back.

"Now are you gonna do it or not?"

"Yeah," I repeated.

He slid his other foot over to my face. "Lick my foot, faggot." I thrust out my tongue and could just reach the arch of his foot. With his other foot holding down my head, I couldn't move my face any closer. "You'll do anything to suck my dick, won't you, queer?"

I didn't say anything, and just kept licking his foot. He lifted up his other foot and stuffed his big toe in my mouth. He rammed it into my face. Finally he said, "alright, faggot, I'm gonna give you another chance to suck this cock."

He reached down and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up to my knees. I fell forwards against his legs, and my head landed in his crotch. Marcus came over and stood beside him, and then Doug pulled down the waistband of his boxer briefs and again pulled my head over so I could grasp them in my teeth. This time he held onto my head and pulled down his shorts a little with his other hand, so that eventually I got them down just past his crotch. He pushed my head down between his legs just above his partially-removed underwear, and then had me use my whole head to pull them down his legs. Along the way I reached out and licked at his strong muscular legs, which were covered by a thin layer of light brown hair.

By now my head was near the ground, and he stepped out of his shorts, again sticking his foot inside my mouth for just a minute. "Okay, cocksucker, it's time to taste some dick," he said as he pulled my head back up. His semi-hard cock was right before my face. I looked up the length of him - a flat stomach, smooth protuding pecs, perfectly round nipples, and a face of rugged beauty. He was an unbelievable hunk.

Doug took hold of his cock in one hand and the back of my head in the other. "Open up, cocksucker," he said as he pulled my face towards him. I obeyed, opening my mouth wide and looking straight into his dick. He placed the head of his dick just on top of my tongue, just inside my mouth, and slapped it there a couple of times. "Lick that cock, faggot," he said, and I licked it all over, getting it nice and moist. He pulled it back out, and turned my face upwards to look at him, and them placed his now fully erect and very long cock against my face, so it ran from base to head from my chin to my forehead.

I looked up at his face, with his thick cock giant just before my eyes. He was looking down at me, smirking. "I am gonna fuck your faggot cocksucker face like never before, homo. And when I'm done, I'm gonna cover you with cum." He pulled back his dick and in one sweeping motion thrust it into my mouth. It went deep but not quite all the way, and he began to pull it out. His other hand went to the back of my head, and his two-handed grasp on my head was firm like a vise.

Holding my head in place, he began to fuck his dick into my throat. He started slowly at first, pushing it far down my mouth and pulling almost all the way out each time. Once he had built up a steady rhythm, he began to thrust deeper and deeper each time, until he was finally pushing his cock completely down my throat. With each thrust his pelvis would bang against my face, and my nose would become buried in his pubic hair. I couldn't move my head at all, it was so tightly held, that I had no control over the rhythm of the fucking my face was getting.

He muttered quietly to himself, moaning occasionally. "Fucking cocksucker getting his faggot face fucked. Take that big dick, you queer little cocksucker." After a few minutes of this, he started to pick up speed. He began shoving his dick down my throat faster and faster, thrusting his cock into me at an unbelievable speed. My face banged against his body repeatedly as his dick pushed all the way down my throat. "Oh, yeah, faggot, take that dick," he shouted, "choke on that fucking dick" as he pushed it all the way in and held my head tight against him. I couldn't breathe and feared I would start to choke and just then he pulled all the way out and grabbed his dick as it started to spray cum all over my face. "I'm shooting on your cocksucker face," he shouted, as his cock shot load after load of sticky hot jism all over my face. "Take that, faggot." He kept shooting until eventually he was spent, and he released my head. My body went limp from the intense fucking ! I'd just had and I relaxed back on my calves.

Before barely a minute had passed, Doug was back. "What the fuck are you doing, faggot?" he said, as he grabbed for my head again and pulled me back up to my knees. "You got another fucking cock to suck, homo. Get over here Marcus and fuck this little faggot's cocksucker face."

Marcus came and stood before me. He began jerking his cock, and placed it just inside my mouth. I sucked on the head while he jerked it, his hand banging up against my mouth as he jerked himself. Doug moved around behind me and started pushing my head from the back into Marcus's crotch. As before, Marcus was pretty sedate, as I sucked him further and further into my mouth. "Come on, Marcus, fuck the little cocksucker's face," Doug said, pushing my head down hard on Marcus's dick. "The queer needs a good face-fucking."

Marcus spread his legs slightly, settling into a firmer stance and began to thrust his cock into my mouth. It didn't take him very long to come, and after a minute or two of solid face-fucking, he pulled out his dick and held it as it shot all over my face. Doug pushed my face right into Marcus's crotch as Marcus started to shoot, so his cum mostly went into my hair and on my forehead and cheeks.

By this point I had a huge amount of cum all over me, in my face and my hair, some dripping down my neck and onto my shoulders. Marcus started to get dressed, and said, "alright, Doug, let's untie him and head out."

But Doug was holding onto his cock and starting to stroke it. "Not just yet, Marcus, I think I got another load for this cocksucker." He moved in and stood before me; I was looking straight ahead at his dick at my eye-level. He held it firm in his hand and shook it in front of my face. "You ready for this hard cock to get stuffed down your throat again, faggot?" he asked.

I said nothing, and then Doug reached out with his cock and slapped it hard against my face. "Look up at me when I'm talking to you, cocksucker," he commanded as he slapped his dick against my cheek a second time. I looked up the length of his body to his face. His long hair fell around his broad, muscular shoulders, and he was smiling down at me. "Can you take getting your throat fucked again?"

When I still didn't reply, he stepped forward and placed his dick against my lips. "Open up, homo," he said, and I opened my mouth wide. He placed his other hand on the back of my head and kept his cock just at the edge of my mouth. He was obviously relishing the fact that all he needed to do was pull my head forward to get me to suck his dick, and with me all tied up and kneeling before him, there was obviously no way I could resist.

"Good cocksucker," he said, and he forcibly pulled my face in to meet his thrusting dick. "Take that dick, suck on it, faggot," he said and began fucking my mouth with his dick. I could still taste cum on him, and the smell from the two loads all over my face was still strong. It was overwhelming.

Doug pulled out and rested his penis against my face. His balls were hanging just before my mouth, so he grabbed his dick and wagged his testicles in my face. "Suck on my balls," he demanded. I pulled first one then the other big juicy ball into my mouth, and sucked them softly while he jerked himself.

"Go down all the way and kiss my feet." I hesitated for a second, and he pushed hard against me, causing me to lose my balance and topple over onto my side. In a second, he was next to me, pushing his foot into my face. "Lick that foot, queer," he said sternly, holding his foot over my face. I stretched out my tongue and licked around his foot, pulling his toes into my mouth.

He got down onto the floor in a sitting position, with his legs outstretched to meet my head and leaning back on his hands. "This cocksucker will put anything in that greedy mouth of his, eh, Marcus? Little faggot's always gotta have him mouth filled," he said over his shoulder to Marcus, who was sitting on the couch, now fully dressed. I just kept licking and caressing his foot with my tongue. He pulled himself closer to me, and rested on his knees. He grabbed me just under the arms and pulled me up so I was on my knees too, and then pushed my face into his chest, holding out his beautiful nipple for me to suck.

I took hold and licked it, sucked it, and gently bit it. This drove him crazy, and he started muttering, "oh, yeah" and moaning. With one hand he held my head firm against his muscular chest and with the other he started jerking himself. He moved me from one nipple to the other and back, moaning as I sucked his nipples and licked his firm pecs.

After a few minutes he pushed me off and then pushed my body back so that I again lost my balance and fell to a lying position on the floor. "On the floor, homo," he said sharply and stood up. I was on my side, and he placed a big foot on my face again and said, "Get on your back," as he rolled me over with his foot. "Now get ready for a real face-fucking, cocksucker."

Doug knelt over me, his crotch in my face. He slapped his dick against my cheeks a couple of times, and then slid down and again cradled my head while thrusting his nipple in my face. I sucked it a little more until he finally pulled up, practically shouting, "Oh, yeah, faggot, now suck that big dick," and then pushed his hard cock into my mouth. He kept jerking it wildly with one hand while I sucked on it, and his hand banged hard against my lips.

"Oh yeah suck that dick you fucking cocksucker. You take that fucking dick all the way down your faggot throat." He pulled out again and lifted his whole body, stretching forward and supporting himself on his hands, with his dick dangling above my face. "Get ready, cocksucker. You take it all now, you choke on your stud's dick." And with that he brought his whole body down and forced his cock all the way into my mouth, pressing his pelvis against my face as his cockhead pushed past my tonsils and deep into my throat.

Doug started to do push-ups, deep and fast. He would come down hard and fast, and his low-hanging balls banged against my chin as his dick forced itself all the way into me. Up and down he did push-ups, talking nonstop - "suck that dick, faggot, oh yeah take that hard cock down your throat like the faggot cocksucker you are." Finally he let out a loud moan and as he pulled up out of my mouth I felt the first shot explode, and he grabbed his dick and sprayed another load of cum all over my face and hair. He held his dick just above my face as it shot out its hot sticky juice and when he was finished shooting, he banged it a couple more times against my cheek for good measure. And, then, he sat back, sweaty and exhausted.

I just lay there, my arms and legs tightly bound, and three loads of semen on my face. Marcus got up and said to Doug, "come on, get dressed, we gotta go." He reached over to turn me sideways to reach the rope tying my hands, and then untied my hands.

"Hey, maybe he wants to shoot a load too. Why don't you undo your pants?" I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled out my cock. I was so horny from the blow jobs that I started to stroke it right then, but then Doug grabbed my hand suddenly.

"Uh-uh," he said. He quickly pulled my arms back behind my back again, and pressing his knees against me for leverage held me firm while he retied my hands behind my back. "I've changed my mind. Let's leave this little faggot tied up. Let him lie here covered with cum like the cocksucker he is." Doug was reaching for his clothes, and Marcus just shrugged and walked over to the door.

Doug came and stood next to me; he looked down into my face as I looked up at his naked body. He pulled on his tank top and was holding his underwear when he got a wicked little smile on his face. "I got a present for you, cocksucker," he said, and he wiped his still wet and dripping cock with his boxer briefs. Then he knelt down and reached for another of the soft ropes they had used to tie me. "Seeing as how you loved having my dick down your throat so much, I'll leave you something else to choke on," he said, and he stuffed his cum-covered boxer briefs into my mouth. I could taste the cum on them against my tongue, and before I could even try to spit them back out, he wrapped the rope around them and around the back of my head, and tied them tightly in place, completely filling my mouth with the taste of his cum.

"Very good," he said as he stood up again. "Got to keep the cocksucker's mouth full." Then he slipped on his jeans, socks, and shoes. "see ya later, cocksucker," he said as he and Marcus walked out, leaving me unable to move, with my legs tied tightly together and my hands tied behind my back, Doug's cum-soaked underwear gagging me, and the fresh cum from three big loads covering my face.

My dick was really starting to ache, and I desperately wanted to come, but with my hands tied behind me I just lay on my side and waited. I figured they would come back soon or Brad would get home and release me. As it turned out, I waited for what seemed like a half-hour before the door finally opened.

It was Brad. He walked over and stood next to me. I looked up at him; he was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, with sandals. He smirked and said, "hey cocksucker. looks like you've been sucking some dick; you're all covered with cum."

Brad kicked off his sandals and stepped right next to my head. "Do you want me to untie you?" he asked.

I grunted in reply, obviously unable to answer with Doug's cum-soaked underwear in my mouth. "I guess not," Brad said and he brought his foot up and placed it over my face. "Ugh," he said as he lifted up his foot. "your faggot face is all sticky. how many loads of cum you got on there?" He wiped his foot in my hair, wiping off the cum.

I just looked at him, unsure what he was planning to do. My arms were starting to hurt from being tied behind me for so long. "I'll untie you, homo. but first I want you to get on your knees, your usual cocksucker position. then I'll untie you."

I looked up at him, wondering how the hell I was supposed to do that all tied up. I rolled over on to my side and tried to lift myself up. When that didn't work, I got on my stomach and pulled up my knees and tried to pull back my torso. But of course that didn't work either. Brad laughed and plopped himself down on the couch. He picked up a magazine and said, "I'll just hang out until you get into the position."

There was no way I was going to do it. I wriggled over to a spot near a chair and tried to use the chair for balance so I could pull myself up, but I was too tired and couldn't do it. Brad really seemed to be ignoring me, and I was getting irritated. I stopped and just laid on the floor.

Brad walked out, saying, "later, faggot." I started to feel really anxious, wondering how far he was going to take this, but just a couple of minutes later he came back in.

He had shucked his jeans and underwear and was wearing just his T-shirt. I looked up at him, and his pecs made his T-shirt hang loosely around his stomach, whose taut definition I could see from my position on the floor. His cock was soft, resting atop his thick bush. My own cock, which had gone soft from so long just lying there, started to stir.

Brad walked over and stood next to me. He grabbed his dick in his hand and pointed it down towards me. "Don't you want this? Don't you want my cock in your faggot mouth?" He was stroking himself as he said this. "I'm all ready to blow my wad down your throat. But I don't see how you're going to reach it from down there. You need to be on your knees to service me. And I swear that I will not untie you until you get into your faggot cocksucker position."

I looked up at him; he was smiling down at me. I grunted through Doug's cum-soaked underwear in my mouth, frustrated. I couldn't say anything, and my arms were sore, and I wanted his dick too. Then Brad crouched down next to me and got close to my face, and then held his dick and balls out in front of me, putting them right up under my nose where my mouth was gagged. I could smell that great Brad scent, clean and masculine, an aphrodisiac if there ever was one. "Now if you want this dick, cocksucker, you will get up on your knees. I know you can do it." And he stood back up and stepped back and then waited.

With new-found determination, I rolled myself over and tried again. It was especially hard because not only were my hands tied behind my back and my ankles tied tight, but because of the extra rope that held my thighs tightly together and the rope that crossed my chest and laced my arms to my sides. I had so little play in either my legs or arms that it was really hard to maneouver. I was on my side and kept trying to push up off my side, but that didn't work. I spun myself around and pushed my legs out in front of me so that I was sitting. I was breathing hard, from the exertion and being tired, plus with Doug's underwear stuffed down my throat it was hard to breathe. I rested for a minute.

"Don't give up now, roomie," Brad said, grinning. "Wouldn't you rather have this cock in your mouth instead of some cumrag?" He pulled on his dick for emphasis.

I scooted over to the couch, propelling myself with my hands pushing off the floor. I leaned up against the base of the couch, and pulled my legs out from in front of me and onto the side. I was getting close; all I had to do next was push myself up and forward. But when I tried to push my torso forward so I could shift my weight up onto my knees, I couldn't. Brad came over and stood next to me. "Hey, faggot, you're almost there!" he said. "Maybe I can help," and he lifted his foot and started rubbing it against my face. "Yuck, you're still all sticky," he said, and then he wiped his foot on my chest. He gave it a firm push, and I fell backwards onto the floor.

"Oops, sorry about that," he said and he laughed.

I ignored him and just repeated the moves that got me into a sitting position, and then pulled my legs out to the side like before. This time I pushed hard with my hands against the floor at the same time I tried to lift up with the tops of me feel, which were against the floor. And I was able to push myself into the couch; my head landed just on the sofa cushion, and then I pulled myself the rest of the way into a kneeling position.

"Excellent!" Brad shouted. "I knew my cocksucker could do it." I turned myself to the right so instead of facing the couch I was facing him. At last, I was on my knees before him, his cock hanging loosely in front of me. But he took several steps back and moved into the center of the room.

"Come now, roomie. I think I feel like standing over here. But you may taste my dick if you crawl your way over." I moved myself slowly towards him, inching myself forward on my knees until I was again just in front of him.

"I never would have imagined a guy would suck cock the way you do. That there could be such a lowly cocksucker whose only purpose was to eat men's dicks and who could be used like you were today." He dangled his cock in my face while he spoke. "I could bring in a dozen guys, the whole soccer team, to fuck your face and you would just take it. Just take it like a cocksucking faggot. Wouldn't you? Tell me." He had his dick in his hand and was slapping it against my face as he talked.

I grunted and looked into his eyes. "Do you want me to take off that gag?" he asked. "and fill up that throat with this big cock?" He hit my cheek hard, and some pre-cum dribbled onto my face.

I nodded. "Yeah, that's what the faggot wants, isn't it," he said and kicked at my own cock, which was still hanging out of my jeans and was now rock hard. He reached down behind my head as his T-shirt hung over my face. I felt the rope around my mouth loosen and fall away and then he started to pull Doug's shorts from my mouth.

Just as the last piece of fabric fell from my lips and I went to take a deep breath, he pushed his cock, now fully erect, into my mouth. My mouth was dry, but slightly moistened by his pre-cum. I held him there for a moment and then he began to piston in and out.

My throat and jaw were sore from the face-fucking I'd gotten earlier, but Brad was taking it nice and slow. He would pull almost all the way out of my mouth, so I could lick the juicy head of his dick as it nearly exited, and then he would force it back down, deep into my mouth and banging against the back of my throat.

He peeled off his shirt over his head, and I loved watching the muscles of his arms and shoulders and chest as he did so. Then he started massaging his chest with one hand. (The other hand, as usual, was firmly against the back of my head.) I looked up at him rubbing his gorgeous pecs while he stared down at me lustily, taking in the sight of his thick cock fucking my face. My own cock was ready to burst; I loved his beautiful body and the feel of him down my throat.

Then he pulled out and rested his cock against my face for a minute. He was breathing heavy. "Get down on the floor," he said, and lifted his hand from my head. I leaned forward until I was low to the ground and let myself fall to the floor. I was lying there on my side when he put his foot on my face and said, "on your back," rolling me over.

"I think you should demonstrate that you are worthy enough to suck my dick by licking my feet before we continue, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"What should you do then?"

"Please let me kiss your feet and slobber all over your foot."

"Very well," Brad said, and he lifted up one foot and placed it down on my face. I licked it all over while he rubbed his foot back and forth across my face. "This is disgusting. I am getting cum from all those dicks you sucked on me. That's gross. Lick it off immediately." And Brad held his foot in the air above me. I reached up with my tongue and licked his foot all over, pulling the little bits of cum that hadn't dried yet into my mouth. Brad kept this up for several minutes, switching feet from time to time, until he finally said, "Already, homo. Let's get back to this dick."

Then Brad knelt down over me. He slapped my face with his cock a couple of times and then slipped it in. He put both hands on the back of my head and pulled my face over his cock. He built up speed, and even though it was tough to get it all the way in at this angle, he pushed it as far down as he could. After a few minutes he lifted up off me and got onto his knees just to the side of my face. With my head on the floor I couldn't reach his cock, but he leaned over me so that his cock was hanging above my face and then started stroking it with his left hand. A trail of precum dripped down and slowly fell onto my lips. I could hear his breathing get heavier as he got close.

He started jerking himself faster and faster, and then, I felt his other hand on my dick. I couldn't believe it; it felt fantastic as he started to jerk me. I knew I would come in seconds, and just then his own cock exploded, pouring semen onto my face. That was enough to make me shoot like crazy, and my own cum started spouting out, while his continued to cover my cheeks, nose, lips, and hair.

After both he and I were spent, he let go of my dick and leaned way close to my face, whispering into my ear, "Happy birthday, roomie."

I looked into his eyes; he was smiling at me with an expression I couldn't quite figure out. He sat back and after a half-minute of us sitting together quietly, he leaned forward. "Did you like your birthday present," he asked.

He pushed me over to my side and reached to untie the ropes around my arms and wrists. "I sure did," I said. "I didn't expect that end part."

He chuckled. "Well, that was a one-time extra. You know, just for your birthday. See, I'm not such a bad guy."

I rubbed my now freed wrists. "No, you're not. that was a pretty special present."

He started to stand. "Don't get the wrong idea, roomie, I'm not turning queer or anything. I figured for once you'd like to come while you were still sucking cock instead of after it's all over."

I nodded. "well, having Marcus and that other stud tie me up like that was pretty special."

"Did you like Doug? I thought you would."

"Uh-huh. Where did you find that guy? He's not shy, is he?"

Brad laughed. "No, I guess not. He's a friend of a friend. One night we were out drinking and everybody left until just us was left. I told him about my cocksucker roommate, and you should have heard him talk about what he would do if he had a roommate like that. I suppose he gave you quite a workout."

"He sure did," I said.

Brad pulled on his T-shirt and started to head out, while I untied the ropes around my legs and ankles and then buttoned my jeans. "See ya later, cocksucker," he said and walked out.

And Brad was right; he never did touch my dick again. In fact, that was the first and only time I even came in his presence. But it was a day I would remember for a really long time. For the rest of the time Brad and I lived together there was never another blow job session quite like that.

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