Service Sex Scenes

By Slow Shark

Published on Sep 23, 2005



If you are under 18 years of age, offended by stories which depict sex between men or consensual violence or live in a jurisdiction where reading/possessing such materials is illegal exit now.

This story is a true account of my first BDSM experience and also my first homosexual encounter. This story is of course told from the author's perspective and, as such, is susceptible to error through the author's memory. Some artistic license has been taken to make the story more readable. However, the story is as accurate as it was possible to be.

Since the account is real, it may not live up to the expectations you may have of a normal story. The author had very real doubts and, for the first day at least, they play a very central role in the author's feelings and reactions to situations.

Service, Sex & Scenes - Day 1 - Beginnings

The door was there. The last chance to back out was right then. As soon as I knocked it would be too late, I would be committed. All of the thoughts from the last minutes, hours and weeks rushed to invade the tranquil emptiness of my mind, leaving me awash in doubts, confusion, hopes, dreams, fantasies and predominantly, worries.

How will I react to being a real slave for the first time? Will it be all I expect? Will I be all that is expected? Will I perform OK? Will it be fun? fulfilling? exciting? a major turn on? How will He handle it?

I had imagined the first meeting a thousand times, every time different. Will He make me strip? Will He find me acceptable? or send me away with a snort of contempt?

Was I meant to have brought a gift? I had thought about that and decided, given that I knew nothing of His preferences or needs, that I should do without. Would I be punished for that presumption?

What happens if I hate it? Could I turn away after a day? I should have asked so many questions, why did I not?

Being late didn't help, no matter that it wasn't my fault, it was, after all, our first face to face meeting and I had no doubt that he must be thinking me a fake not going to show, or else a tardy, untrustworthy slave. I mean I suppose it WAS my fault, I should have allowed more time for possible problems en route. It shouldn't have mattered that the train was cancelled; I should have been prepared. Why didn't I think of it? Oh, please ground, swallow me up.

I reached to knock, but noticed a bell, and pressed it instead... no immediate reply. Should I ring again? Did He hear it? If not, obviously I should ring again, but if he did, will that sound impatient, as if I'm judging Him? I waited and after a minute, rang again... no reply. Was the bell working? I certainly couldn't hear it ringing inside. I waited another minute and decided it would be best if I knocked. But then another thought came to me, my phone! You see I hate phones with a vengeance and mobile phones all the more (perhaps from helping to design them), so I never turn mine on unless absolutely necessary. But I turned it on now and sure enough there was a message from Master; "How are you doing slave". Was that worry for me? Surely not, no it must be anger at my lack of punctuality. Seeing as I was there, I knocked anyway and was stood fiddling with my phone as the door opened and Master, clad only in shorts, opened the door.

"Why wasn't your phone on, boy?"

My phone? Not "why are you late?" but my phone? I stood there open mouthed and stricken for words until Master ushered me in and up the stairs. My mind was still stalled and remained stranded at the door. My usual analytical nature fled and I moved up the stairs in both an emotional flurry and an emotionless state. My stomach was doing somersaults and my mind was blank.

Entering Master's playroom brought my mental faculties back to rights. There was someone else tied up on the table! Master had mentioned having another slave in the next day, but this was now! I thought I'd have a day to get used to my role! How was I meant to react to this? Was I meant to say something? Was I.... I was cut off by Master's next instruction.

"Kneel facing the wall, boy."

I did as instructed, somehow managed to shed my rucksack in the process and was struck by a new problem. What was I meant to do with my hands? Put them on my lap? by my sides? behind my back?

"Hands on your head."

"Yes, sir."

Oh it felt so good to say that out loud for the first time! I was obeying! I was submitting! Feelings both familiar and new to me washed over me, this was heaven!

But the feelings slowly abated as Master turned to play with the other boy. I calmed and listened, what was going on? I wanted to see! I even had my glasses on; all I had to do was turn arou... oh damn! My glasses, I should have taken them off earlier. With my arms held firmly in place behind my head, there was no way I was going to get them off, at least not without disobeying Master's first direct order! I did the only thing I could, tried to think about something else and pretty soon my attention was fixed on my ass. It ached. I had had my butt plug in for over six hours by now, more than twice as long as I ever had before. I shouldn't have, Master had told me to have it in from the time I left London... I'd already had it in for nearly two hours before I even got there. Admittedly I hadn't been planning to come via London and had done my best to interpret His instructions without guidance. However, the cancelling of the Reading-Manchester train had elongated my route by a fair amount and taken me through London. My ass was aching because of my disobedience.

Master's hands brought me out of my reflection. Moving them over my shoulders, down my back and across my front seemingly all at once. Oh, so nice, but at the same time, I couldn't let myself go, I was too nervous. It should have been erotic and sensuous, but for some reason I was tensed passed the point of being able to relax. My T-Shirt was drawn up to my head, draped over my arms, revealing my smooth chest.

A pause, short, long, I couldn't tell before His hands were back, touching and slowly calming me. And then they went lower, feeling for my waistband and then the button and fly. He pulled me gently to my feet and touched me. A strange thing was happening to me. At any other time I would have gotten hard from the experience, but here I was holding my hands firmly behind my head allowing another man, the first other man ever, to touch me intimately. My feelings were not ones of lust, or of sexual need, but rang with the rightness of my use. To be sure, my feelings were still awhirl; doubts clouding my pleasure at every turn, nerves making my stomach feel like I'd been punched and my ass giving a constant but subtle reminder of reality. But the predominant feeling was that pure full emptiness of rightness. At some point Master had taken my T-Shirt off, I lost the moment in a daze.

"Take off the rest of your clothes, boy."

"Yes, sir."

I obeyed, finally disposing of my glasses and glad for it. At last I got rid of my shoes and socks and knelt back down, hands on head, albeit now facing the scene. Master continued to play with the other sub, and my thoughts once again drifted. Why was I so not turned on? Was I doing something wrong? Was I just too nervous? Was this really for me? I pondered with my eyes fixed firmly ahead, not even giving into my inquisitive nature to see what was happening with the scene being played out right in front of me.

Master pulled me out of my reverie by returning with a collar. A collar for me! Oh joy of joys, I would actually be wearing a collar! Around my neck it went, I was surprised at its feel, much thicker and stiffer than I had anticipated. It was surprisingly loose fitting, I guess I was expecting an almost constricting feeling, but the reality was far more pleasant. Master drew me up for a kiss then, holding me to his body, asked how long I had been wearing my butt plug for.

"Since 9:20 this morning, sir."

"Go to the bathroom and take it out."

"Yes, sir."

Still in a bit of a daze, I found my way out of the playroom and into the bathroom, where I proceeded to remove the butt plug. Gripping the flange at the base, I gently pulled it out. I took advantage of my location and afterwards, cleaned myself up before returning to the playroom. I had been unsure of whether or not to waste time cleaning the plug and had resolved that I would do it later.

"Have you cleaned your plug, boy?"

"Erm, no, sir."

"Go and clean it then."

I did as ordered and once again returned to the playroom. Master drew me up for another kiss and after an extended period, left me, head spinning, to get a pair of leather shorts. Leaving me to put them on as He ordered, He retrieved a leash. Clipping it on to one of the D-rings, the heavy chain spanning the gap from my neck to the leather held in Master's hand, we moved to the kitchen. The stairs caught me off guard, the sudden tightening of the chain as Master descended ahead of me caused me to bend over. This was the first time that I had seen outside of the playroom, save the bathroom, whilst retaining some of wits.

The house, though not large, was obviously well suited to Master's lifestyle. The playroom took up nearly half of the upstairs, the rest being home to the bedroom and bathroom. Downstairs was split between the living room and kitchen. The overall feel was pleasant, a lived-in air, but not overly messy or dirty. It was thankfully free of that sterile cleanliness that always seems to preside at home. In short, it looked welcoming.

The kitchen, though, was obviously in need of some attention.

"Wash the dishes and pots and pans, boy." Master ordered after checking to see whether I was doing OK.

"Yes, sir." The usual response was coming almost subconsciously now.

I turned to the dishes, leash still dangling from the collar, but Master stopped me for a moment. A quick kiss was promptly followed by the leash's leather handle loop being pushed past the waistband of the shorts, past my balls and then cupping them in the loop as the slack was pulled up.

Master left to go back upstairs, whilst I turned to the dishes. There were a fair few, but I had done more in one go before, it would just take a while. As I began, my mind wandered off, although occasionally grounded by the requirements of actually washing the dishes.

The time alone passed with my thoughts calming and ordering themselves. The slow drudgery and solitude guaranteed a temporary respite from the recent influx of new emotions, experiences and thoughts. Was this what I wanted? Yes, definitely, the feeling of being controlled, being used, was just what I needed to sate my desires. My nervousness lessened and finally receded to a dull ache just as the boy who had previously been tied to the cage entered the room. He was bearing gifts... the type that requires hot soapy water.

"He asked me to bring these down."

"Thanks." I responded, wondering to myself how I was meant to refer to him. He was wearing a dressing gown and certainly didn't seem to be behaving slavishly. Was he here just for play? Apparently so. Was I meant to defer to him? No, I decided, I only defer to Master; I would just be polite to others. Apparently the pause as I considered this was misinterpreted, and was cause for possible concern.

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah, fine, thanks."

He looked on for a moment, as if evaluating my answer, before leaving.

I turned back to the washing up, but before long Master was back. I kept doing the washing up even as he came up behind me, saying nothing. Master reached down to the shorts to take a grip on the leash handle. As Master slipped a hand below the waistband, I turned my head for a kiss, the washing implements hanging forgotten in my hands. We remained in this position for a while longer, before Master quietly instructed me to remove the shorts. I turned to see Master holding a ball parachute connected to a used Diet Coke bottle partially filled with water. After I had completely removed the shorts, Master used one hand to grip my balls, so that He could attach the parachute easily. I spread my legs slightly so that He could more easily fasten the parachute's three poppers.

"How does that feel, boy? On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does that hurt?"

"Umm... I don't really have anything to compare it with, sir, I guess it doesn't hurt that much, about a 3 or so, sir." I replied as honestly as I could, but the pain was very hard to quantify.

"What I'm asking," He enquired gently, "is whether you can stand it, or if it is too much?"

"It's OK, sir," I assured Him and quickly added, "but I don't think I could take any more weight."

He left, once again leaving me with the washing up. This time, my thoughts did not drift to my emotions, but stayed riveted on my groin. It certainly wasn't pain, well, not acute pain anyway, but after washing the first dish, I leant on the edge of the sink to breath heavily for a few moments. With each dish I washed, the feeling changed, from feeling like my stomach was being lightly battered to a light pulling on the skin around my groin. I seemed to be able to affect the feeling by leaning slightly forwards or back. Putting the dishes away was the worst part though, not because of the feeling, but more because I had to walk with a slightly waddling gait with my legs apart in order not to knock the bottle between my legs. It was inconvenient, but that feeling was cancelled by way of its reminder of my position.

Before I finished, Master returned to remove the parachute. By this time, the actual parachute had worked it way down my sack and the edges of the leather were starting to chafe. I assumed, therefore, that removing the parachute would be an amazing relief, but instead the area tingled slightly and made me very light-headed, which although nice, in a strange way, was not at all what I was expecting. That tingling caused me to breath heavily as it almost burned for a few seconds, but thereafter the imagined bliss set in.

"How was your trip here, boy?" Master asked, as if I had just arrived.

"Long, sir, I had to take a different route than I had planned. I'm sorry I arrived late, but they cancelled the train to Manchester, sir." Now why had I said that? I didn't want to make excuses; doing so would sound defensive; it was my fault after all.

"That's OK, boy, but I was concerned, you didn't have your phone on."

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't often use my phone."

"Well, you're going to have it on more in future. Did you have lunch, boy?"

"Uhh... no, sir, I was on the train at the time and hadn't thought of it before getting on."

"Well, I'm going out to get some things, so come here. Where's the lead, boy?"

I handed it to Him as I had looped it behind me, so that it didn't fall into the washing up. Master guided me up the stairs on the leash, which was much easier than going down, and into the playroom. I was surprised; there were TWO other people there. Where had the second come from? I didn't have much time to take them in before Master showed me to a door that I previously not noticed. This might have had something to do with the fact that it was barely more than a foot in height and situated at ground level.

"This is the box where slaves stay, whilst their Master is out." He gave me time for that to sink in before opening the door. "Get in, boy."

I did as I was told and took in my new surroundings as the door was shut and bolted. The inside of the door was rough wood, but the floor was covered. As darkness closed in, I could hear Master talking to the two in the room. Apparently Master was going to the shops. The relationship was obviously not one of submission outside a scene.

Master went out, leaving me with my own thoughts. I tried to get comfortable, which was not too difficult, although the space was a bit cramped. The calm solitude suited my emotions to calmness, but after a time the close darkness made staying awake harder and harder... and harder....


A loud bang startled me out of my semi-conscious state, as Master closed the front door directly below. I turned back to face the door to the box, now eagerly waiting to serve Master. A solid thump-thump as Master came up the stairs let that feeling turn to anticipation. Finally, the bolts were slid back with a solid clack. The door opened and light flooded in.

"Get out here, boy," Master commanded.

I crawled from the box and stood blinking in the relative brightness. The two other young guys were engrossed in something on the computer, so I turned my full attention to Master. His commanding face considered me for a moment before ordering me to the bedroom.

"Get onto the bed, boy," Master clarified.

Leaving behind the black playroom and red anteroom, I moved along the short upstairs landing, to the bedroom next door. I walked between the large double bed that took up most of the room and the bookshelf. Sitting on the edge of the bed, naked save for my collar, I tried to make out some of the titles on the shelf, but without my glasses the effort was futile. Instead I let my mind wander and sank back onto the bed.

Master entered the room and, after shedding His clothes, climbed on to the bed next to me. I slid over to accept his embrace and found myself kissing Master passionately. His hands slid across my body, lingering on my nipples, gently massaging them. As Master continued to play with my nipples, I lost myself in the kiss' flood of passion centred on tongues and lips.

Swiftly my attention was drawn back to my nipples as Master's gentle massage turned to a tight grip. The sudden electric thrill on my chest intensified with the force of Master's grasp. Suddenly Master stopped gripping with His fingers and turned His hands so He was holding my chest with his thumbs directly over my nipples. He pressed down on my nipples hard. The sensation shot through my body and my back arched involuntarily. The feeling was all consuming, burning like twin fires in my chest and rendering thought of anything else impossible.

"Lick my nipples, boy."

The instruction came as Master released my chest. As I moved my head down to one side of Master's chest, I let my hand slide down the other, caressing Master's skin. My tongue made contact with His chest and spiralled in to the nipple. As my light touch began to spiral out, my lips closed around the darker skin and I began to suck gently. I let my free hand caress His chest and begin to focus on the other nipple as my tongue sped over the now firm bump of the first. I sucked harder and lost myself in the motion of my tongue. For minutes, I let simply sucked and caressed with my tongue.

Swiping my tongue around one more time, I sucked hard and pulled my mouth away, breaking contact with the skin. My tongue swirled around the skin now open to the air before I moved my focus to the other side of His body to repeat the process.

Any remaining thoughts fled and all that remained was Master. As I ended my contact to swap back I let my technique grow stronger, so that I used my tongue to press the stiff protrusion against my teeth. Several more times I swapped sides, and on each, I increased slightly the strength of my attentions.

Eventually Master indicated that I should attend to the rest of his body. My kisses trailed down His torso, stopping briefly at His navel, before continuing down to His thighs. Kissing first down one thigh and then back up the other brought me to my eventual goal. I started by licking up over Master's balls and along the underside of His cock. I slid my head down to continue my ministrations, but Master had other ideas.

Turning over, He commanded a similar worship of His back. My kisses trailed His back and slowly crept to His ass. As they drew towards the centre, homing in on the cleft between His buttocks, Master adjusted His position to give me better access to His hole. I licked the new area, savouring the unfamiliar tastes and striving to do the best I could to pleasure Master. As I let myself close in on His hole, I used my hands to pull His cheeks apart slightly. My tongue ran in a circle around the edge, causing me to first taste the newness and then for my saliva to neutralise it. My first impression of the taste was a strange dulling blandness, rather than the acute taste I was expecting. I did my best, by first letting my tongue glide around the edge of His hole, before tentatively pushing my tongue in harder.

My tongue is, to be honest, neither long nor strong and it showed. Getting my tongue to penetrate any distance seemed futile. Shortly Master tired of my ineffective attempts and turned the tables for a demonstration. Swapping positions, Master got behind my slightly parted legs, and with His formidable tongue, started to lick my virgin hole. I had never felt anything like it before, the strange sense of vulnerability at having that area touched vanished quickly to be replaced by ecstasy. Waves of pleasure washed over my body, as Master's expertise showed itself. I could now see the difference in technique. Whilst I had been fairly gentle, Master used his full strength to advantage, both for holding my butt cheeks apart for better access and with his strong, long tongue.

"Do you understand now?"

"Yes, sir, " I gasped, dragging myself out of the sea of pleasure.

Swapping back, I delved into my task with renewed gusto. My grip firmed to provide better access making it much easier for my tongue to gain access. The taste was now normal to me and, with my renewed concentration on technique, there was no room in my head for the exploration of emotions. MY whole world became that hole. Licking around, spiralling in, thrusting with my tongue, I varied my pace to gain some rest for my tongue. As I thrust, I pushed my face closer and harder, making it necessary to break for air regularly.

Master must have noticed my slowly tiring tongue, as He turned over, allowing me to go back to work on His nipples for a short period, before returning to his cock. By now Master was much more ready and responded to my touch. Letting my tongue glide over His balls and up His shaft, pressing hard along the underside, I brought my hand up to stroke the underside of His balls. I drew my fingers lightly from between His legs, up the back of His balls, over to the front to the base of His cock, and repeated the process. My other hand gently held His cock, so that I could lick His cock head before taking it into my mouth.

As He hardened, I tried to take more of Him into my mouth, but soon found that I had to deal with my gag reflex, something that I was expecting, but it still took me by surprise. I bobbed on the head for a few minutes, sucking strongly, and as Master dropped a hand to the base of His cock, returned to licking the head.

Presently, Master's other hand found its way to my head and pressed down lightly. I dropped my head to resume sucking and a few seconds later, was rewarded with a salty taste. I swallowed and continued to suck, before slowly licking the head one last time.

I finally raised my head to see Master awaiting me in His arms. I moved up along side and let my body become engulfed in His arms. With my arms lying loosely across Him, He kissed me and I returned it thankfully. My body, feeling drained of energy, was forgotten as something like sleep, without any loss in awareness, draped over me like a cloth. My kiss went slightly slack, and Master just held me...

I was still in that dreamlike trance as Master whispered to me.

"How do you feel?"

"Uhh... fine, sir," I said in a sleepy voice.

"But, what do you feel about what you just did?"

"Umm, I don't know, sir, a bit confused," I replied, still both aware and as if on another planet.

"I know, boy, you feel that what you did was right, but your mind is telling you it was wrong and you can't see why."

"Yes, sir."

We lapsed into silence and just lay there...


After what seemed hours, but was probably mere minutes, Master released me. I was feeling tired, but calm and ready. As Master climbed out of bed and put on some clothes, I wondered whether to follow him from the room, but resolved that He would tell me if He wished me to move. He left the room without comment and I sank back onto the bed.

For several minutes I rested, but soon enough Master was back.

"Are you hungry, boy?"

"Yes, sir."

"Come downstairs, boy, I bought you a pizza."

"Thank you, sir"

Master came around the bed with the leash, and I moved my head to provide better access to the collar around my neck. After clipping it on, Master led me out of bed and downstairs to the kitchen, where he gave me the pizza.

My cooking skills are somewhere between atrocious and horrendous. I can, at my best, cook a packaged meal without burning it in an oven I know well. Luckily this was a packaged meal, but unfortunately not an oven I knew well. Although I had explained this to Master before our meeting, I think it readily became apparent to Master that I was more hopeless than He had feared. Seeing my confusion over the controls on the oven, Master quickly took control. After starting the pizza, Master left me, leash still dangling to fix myself some toast.

Master returned to find me just finishing my toast and the pizza finishing its time in the oven.

"I used to work in catering, boy, " Master answered by perplexed look after removing and cutting the pizza with a decidedly expert air.

"Thank you, sir, " I said as Master handed me the plate.

"You can go next door and sit down you know," Master admonished when it became apparent that I was going to stand there to eat it.

"Thank you, sir."

I went next door and sat on the edge of the sofa next to a veritable mountain of Diet Coke, in which Master indicated I was welcome to indulge. Master went upstairs, leaving me perched naked on the edge of the sofa, holding a plate in one hand and leant slightly forward so that the cold chain of the leash stayed clear of my groin. Although slightly cold, I was intent enough on my first food since breakfast not to notice at first. In fact, as I ate, I was growing full, leaving needing breaks between fits of eating. I began to realise that I could hear snatches of Master's conversation upstairs.

"... going out... eating... washing up... in box... no play whilst I'm out..."

The thump-thump of Master's shoes on the stairs caused my eyes to swivel to the doorway involuntarily. He appeared in the portal, obviously dressed for going out of the house.

"I always go out on Mondays, boy. You can finish your meal and do the washing up. Then go up and get in the box."

"OK, sir," I said for variation.

"I'll be back in an hour, slave," Master said as He left.

I finished my pizza and washed it down with a gulp or two of Diet Coke before starting the washing up. First I cleared what I had not had time to finish earlier, placing all of the clean and dried items on the kitchen table. After I had finished up with the evening's washing up, I began on the task of putting the clean dishes away. I always dislike doing this in an unfamiliar kitchen. The problem is that I am never sure whether I'm putting the dishes away in the correct places. When I'm not sure, which is usual when putting away pots and pans, I always end up in a conundrum -- do I stuff it into a possible space or just leave it out? I usually end up leaving it out, as I did now.

It was during this time that I had visitors. Visitors of the feline variety. Apparently Master had cats, something that didn't bother me (although I sometimes worry -- my dad is allergic to them), but also something I was unused to. However, the first, a wonderful black cat with occasional white spots was certainly inquisitive and friendly, even if its whiter companion was not. I felt a strange affinity for the two cats, after all, we all wore collars and had the same Master.

After doing as much of the putting away as I could, I cleaned the surfaces and left the area tidy before turning to go upstairs. I walked, leash chain still swaying away in front of me, into the playroom and as I was feeling slightly nervous again, barely glanced at the two others in the room. I did the usual gymnastics to get into the box -- lying down on my side and doing a sort of semi-sideways- crawl into the box -- before turning over to pull the door shut. Apparently though, Master had left instructions with the other two, for even as I moved to touch the door, it was closed from outside and I heard the bolts being slid shut.

I got myself as comfortable as was possible in the confined space by curling up slightly. It seemed impossible to stretch out fully with the rolls of I-don't-know-what at either end. After I pooled the cold links of the leash chain just in front of me and out of the way, I let myself relax. I was contentedly full, somewhat tired and now lying down; relaxing was easy.

After a while, with the coarse carpet digging into my side and my legs cramping slightly from the lack of movement, I just had to stretch out. I wasn't sure whether the soft rolls in the box were intended as head supports or simply a symptom of the box being used for storage. I certainly wouldn't want to use them as a pillow without permission. Well, I'd just have to ask before the next time. With myself stretched out as best I could around the rolls, I began to relax again.

I spent the next hour or so in a sort of stupor, rousing occasionally as sudden waves of nervousness suddenly washed over my body at every loud noise. The gentle murmur of the two in the room around me, always let my consciousness slide away, but every time a bang from downstairs startled me, a fresh nervousness of rewoken worries wracked my body.


I lost track of time, all sense of its passage cloaked from me in my dark enclosure. The bangs and murmurs slid by until broken, an unknown time later, by the metallic clang of the bolts being slid back in their slots. By now I was back to my curled up position, ready for the moment when Master opened the door. The light flooded in and my eyes snapped shut with its sudden onslaught. My eyes flickered open, slowly coming to terms with the brightness as Master picked up the end of the leash, indicating that I should get out and stand.

Even as I was stood, still blinking and shaking off the shroud of drowsiness clutching at me, Master was readying for the next adventure of the day. I was led, stumbling, around the chairs and people cluttering the near end of the room to the far corner. Master indicated that I should sit on the nearest available object, which happened to be the spanking horse, and hung the other end of the leash to the nearest eyelet in the horse.

Having dealt with me for the moment, His attention slid to the taller of the other two young guys in the room. As His attention left me, the last vestiges of my oscitancy left, leaving only the nervousness and physical feeling behind. Although the room was warm enough to allow nudity without discomfort, it was cool compared to the box. I shivered, not just from the cold but more from nerves. It continued, rising and falling in strength, now strong enough to rattle my teeth, now a barely noticeable tremor.

"Remove your clothes," the tall one was instructed.

Master returned to me to remove my collar, but noticed my leaf-like trembling.

"Are you cold, boy? The room can seem cold after the box." I shook my head in the negative before Master continued. "Are you thirsty? Do you want something to drink, boy?"

"Yes, please, sir," I got out not much more strongly than a whisper.

Master retrieved a bottle of Diet Coke and I took the proffered drink, thanking Him before placing it down. It was a mistake, the gas in my stomach seemed to ignite my stomach's dormant butterflies to renewed activity, making my shaking ten times worse.

"Come and stand here, back to back," Master said to us both.

We both complied wordlessly, leaving the two of us standing there, him firm and seemingly in control, me trembling like a leaf. Master selected some rope from the hooks on the walls and, after running it through His fingers to remove the storage knotting, turned His attention to our hands. I barely noticed the rope being coiled around my wrists before being tied off, or the point at which my hands and those of the tall sub were drawn together. I did notice, however, the reassuring touch that the passed between us and responded by unclenching hands that I had never noticed clenching. We clasped our bound hands as best we could and I let his strength and calm seep into me. Before long, although I was still shaking slightly, he moved one hand to touch the top of my buttocks, which, felt like a continuation of the comforting contact of seconds before.

Despite the efforts of my taller companion, I was still nervous inside, and displaying it openly on the outside. Master seemed to notice that my trembling was from more than the cold and was not lessening, as He removed His most recently added bond and continued removing others until He could separate His two subs. I felt, at the same time, guilty and glad, guilty for destroying Master's plan for a scene and glad that he noticed my nervousness and changed his plan to suit circumstance.

Master moved to the cage and reaching the "front", opened the door before ushering me inside. I completed the operation with an inelegant flop, due to the restriction in the motion of my hands by my bonds.

I lay there on the well-padded cushion in the base of the cage, recovering from my bout of nervousness as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. Master finished untying the sub's wrists, but quickly He instructed him to get up on the cage, above me. Facing down with his head half on and half off the cage, the sub was quickly restrained with leather cuffs attached to some of the many eyelets on it. A hood augmented his attire, preventing him from seeing me, which actually comforted me greatly.

Out of my line of vision, Master retrieved something; I strained to see what it was, but failed. I didn't have to wait long for my curiosity to be sated though, as a sudden thwap of something gently hitting skin sounded in the air. More followed it, getting louder and, I supposed, harder. The sounds stopped for a few moments, before Master turned to the last sub, who had been tied up earlier that day.

"Do you want to try with this one?" Master asked.

"Umm, OK," a hesitant reply came.

"Come on."

"I don't think I can use this one."

"Of course you can, you just..." Master's voice trailed off as He demonstrated.

A short moment later, a hesitant slap sounded from above, before a more confident second and third.

"I don't want to, I don't get any pleasure from this one," the short one said before returning to the other end of the room.

My thoughts during the exchange were mostly of interest and a bit of surprise. I had assumed that the shorter person was a sub, but apparently he was a switch, albeit one not in a mood for domming perhaps? Whatever the case, it was a conundrum that filled my mind for a few seconds before Master turned His attentions back to the sub above me. As he did so, he slipped a foot inside the cage, obviously for my attentions.

I wriggled myself to the edge of the cage in a snake-like fashion, before beginning to lick, kiss and suck the top of His foot. I licked and kissed to top of His foot up to as close to the bars as I could get before running the kisses back down His feet to suck on His toes. Around and around I went, lost in the bliss of my act, savouring every taste, delighting at every new part of his foot that I could worship with the touch of my mouth and tongue. Now he swapped feet and the whole enrapturing experience could begin anew. I lost myself in it, never once noticing what Master might have been doing to the other sub above.

Apparently content with his work above and ready for a change of task for myself, Master went to the cage door and opened it, indicating that I should exit. I did this with some difficulty, still having my arms in that wonderfully secure and reassuring position behind my back. Once I was standing, Master got me to the side of the cage next to the sub's legs. Putting a little pressure on my back, Master bent me forwards over the cage and the sub's legs.

The cage was slightly too tall for me, making me stand on tiptoes to hold the required position. I was no longer very nervous, for it had been replaced by a strange alertness, leaving me to hear every breath of the sub below me, every scuff of feet on the floor, to feel every little movement in the air around me.

A small rattling sound, as if made by metal in contact with plastic, was the sound I heard moments before the first blow landed. I involuntarily grunted from the surprise, before remembering to breathe again. The feeling on my skin was certainly surprising, the initial sting dissipating to a dullness that was almost soothing. I didn't have long to experience it though, as the next blow landed, starting the feelings off again. Before long, the impacts were coming regularly and my breathing was changing, becoming shallow, as I lost myself in the feelings coursing through my body from my backside. It was a strange ecstasy that overcame me, not the erotic passion of heated and desperate lovemaking but the wondrous feelings of vulnerability and surrender.

I was starting to shake at about the same time as it was becoming difficult to remain holding myself up, since my legs were tiring. Just at this point, Master obviously felt that that was enough for me that evening, as He stopped and waited for a bit.

"Boy! Aren't you going to say thank you? You must remember to say thank you when I spank you. Next time you forget I'll have to start again."

"Err, I'm sorry, sir."

"It's OK this time, boy, but remember in future," He let it pass and retrieved a camera, "hold still, boy."

I did my best to hold my shaking in check, as He took several pictures. After He finished with the camera, He went to work on releasing the ropes encircling my wrists before getting me to stand up. I stood there still shaking slightly for a moment as Master disposed of the rope. When He returned, He held me tightly and we kissed, a long, soothing kiss, which relaxed me more then I would have expected.

"Have you felt your bottom, boy?" Master said quietly in my ear.

"No, sir."

We disengaged and, still feeling slightly giddy, I placed my hands over my ass cheeks. They were warm! Really warm! Master smiled at my apparent surprise and gathered me up for another short hug and kiss.

"Are you tired?"

"Yes, sir, I've been up for a while."

"Go next door to the bedroom."

"Yes, sir," I said as I complied.

Once I was next door, I couldn't help but feel my ass again, the feeling was still surprising. It didn't hurt or even ache but the warmth was like a strange badge of pride to myself now. I sat and then lay down on top of the bed, my exhausted body curled up somewhat.

A few minutes later, Master entered.

"You can get in the bed you know."

"Thank you, sir."

I quickly scrambled under the covers as Master got in Himself. I moved over to accept Master's embrace and gave a slow, tired kiss before simply pressing myself against Him gently. We lay there for a while before he talked softly to me.

"You know why I spanked you, don't you, boy? You know what it was that you did wrong?"

"I, uh, I did quite a few small things wrong today, sir."

"Which one was the big one though, boy?"

"I-I... I don't know, sir."

"It was not having your phone switched on, wasn't it, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I said in an uncertain voice barely above a whisper.

"Did you want me to do it, boy?"

"I, uhh, it's your choice to make, sir."

He suddenly moved His hand behind me and spanked me hard.

"I know that but when I ask you for your opinion, boy, I want to hear it."

"Yes, sir, I erm, I guess I did want it but I was very nervous."

"Yes you were. I think we need two new rules after today. You're to keep your phone on all the time and you have to answer my questions when I ask for your opinion."

"Yes, sir."

"You go to sleep now."

"Yes, sir, thank you," I replied sleepily.

Master disentangled Himself from me and got out of bed to leave the room, turning the light off and closing the door behind Him as He went. I moved back to the side of the bed and got comfortable before drifting off into a deep sleep, content with my day and myself.

My Master would like to hear any comments you may have. His email address is

If you wish to contact me, you may email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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