Service Series

By moc.loa@ignivorA

Published on Jul 14, 2004


I knocked on the door with trepidation. I was told to show up at 6, clean, with no deodorant or cologne. There was no answer and I did not know whether to leave, as my instincts told me, to or wait. I tried knocking again and, almost instantaneously, heard the unlocking of the door. When we spoke on the phone after having chatted on-line for a month, I was told only to address him as "Sir" and that there would be no chatting or small talk. I was told to wear only jeans and a tee shirt. No underwear as I would be naked once I walked in the door. In fact, I was given prior instructions to undress as soon as I entered the door and get on my knees.

When I entered I saw that Sir was already upset with something. He said, "I heard you the first time you knocked you piece of shit. I did not move fast enough for you?" I did not know how to respond and found myself a bit overwhelmed by Sir's looks. I saw the picture he had sent in an email early in our discussion, but it did not do justice. Sir was jet black with a shaved head, goatee, and beautiful full lips. His anger only increased the intensity of his dark eyes. He was dressed only in gym shorts and the outline of his cock was evident. "I'm sorry Sir," was all I could stammer.

He looked at me disapprovingly, "And didn't I tell you to undress as soon as you entered and get down on the floor". I realized that I had failed in the very first instruction. I stupidly replied, "I am sorry Sir". He frowned and said, "I do not want to hear 'I'm sorry' again. Next time, I just send you home."

I immediately pulled off my jeans and tee shirt and saw what I already knew, I had a full erection. I got on my knees and put my head down. I heard Sir walking around me. I felt an harsh sting on my ass and the sound on his slapping me there almost echoed. Sir then placed a hood over me and I was passed into almost comforting darkness. "You're a fucking slug, aren't you?" he asked sternly. "Yes, Sir, I am", I agreed. "Then that is what I will call you," he informed me. He then attached a collar around my neck and I heard the click of a leash. With a snap, he began to pull me in a direction but, on my knees, I could not move quickly enough and fell. I felt another jerk on my collar which forced me up. "Move faster, you fucking slug", he hissed. He pulled again and I was able to move forward.

We passed into another darker room and Sir ordered me to stand up. I felt Sir's hands running over my body. Feeling my nipples, ass, cock and balls. I then heard sink water run and realized I was in the bathroom. I heard the clicking of scissors and felt that Sir was clipping my pubic hair. "So you are prepared to spend the weekend with me, slug" I heard. I could only nod. "Even a slug like you will learn something after a weekend with me." I nodded again.

"We will start with your cunt hair', he announced. "Next, after this weekend if I decide to continue with you, we will shave all of your hair. That is one of your many tributes to me". I then felt a razor shaving my balls and all hair anywhere near my cock. "Much better", I heard him mutter. I felt his cool hand running along my obviously hairless balls. He then began to squeeze my balls and I felt my knees give slightly. "Take my shorts off, slug", he commanded. I felt for the waistband and removed them. "Now, adore my cock like it is everything important in your life". I dropped to my knees and felt for his cock. Even with my hood on, I tell his cock would be the largest I had ever had. I put his semi-flaccid cock in my mouth and felt it begin to grow as I kissed it, licked it and sucked it. I did begin to feel a pride in Sir's cock being in my mouth. Sir said, "Get to know my smell, taste and feel. You will come to love it. Now stand up." I did as I was told still relishing the taste of Sir in my mouth.

I could not tell exactly what it was, but Sir put a device on my cock. He then put nipple clamps on each of my nipples at a fierce tension. He then connected them to the cock device causing me to have to bow slightly in order to reduce the pressure. He pushed me back onto the floor again and said, "Now finish what you began, slug". Sir was now fully erect and I knew that I was going to have trouble taking him all in my mouth. I used my hands and began to stroke him while taking as much of him in my mouth as I was able. Sir began to pulse deeper into my mouth then I could handle and I felt myself gagging. I concentrated on controlling my gagging and, fortunately, Sir pulled out. I then heard him say, "Now lick my hand, slug," I began licking and realized that he had cum into his hand. I lapped at his hand until the puddle in it was cleaned away.

"That was not bad, slug", he said almost with praise, "but next time your going to take more of me. No cheating next time. Now you will put my shorts on me again." I felt around the floor until I found his shorts and held them while Sir got into them.

"Are you hungry, slug," Sir asked me. I was afraid to say "no", so I nodded. "Good", he said, "I made dinner". Sir then took my hood off and there was a flood of light. My eyes adjusted while I now saw the bathroom with the scissors, razor and my hair on the floor. Sir pulled me by the leash into the kitchen. There, I saw the table set for only one. Sir sat down and said, the food is on the stove, serve me. On the stove I saw pasta with a perfect smelling clam sauce. I put the pasta in a bowl and added the sauce carrying it over to Sir. There was an opened bottle of wine and a wine glass so I poured him the wine and took it to him as well. I stood next to Sir, still slightly bowed. "I'm sorry." he mockingly said, "You said you were hungry." He picked up a bowl from the floor. He then began chewing the pasta and then spitting it into the bowl. After it accumulated, he placed it on the floor next to another bowl and said, "Eat it all, slug. I want it all gone". As there were no utensils, I knew I was supposed to eat it directly from the bowl and I began to lap it up. Sir then said, "Your drink is in the next bowl, I want that gone too. It is a cocktail that you will relish" I began to lick my drink and knew immediately that it was Sir's piss and could see that it had streams of cum in it too. I slurped it up exchanging between Sir's piss concoction and the regurgitated pasta. Sir asked me, "Do you like it all?" and I replied " I do Sir". "I'm glad", he said, "because I froze the drink too and you can have it as a popsicle treat later if you continue to do well." I actually found myself thankful of the thought of pleasing Sir and then getting his treat.

There was a knock on the door and Sir looked at me and said, "Oh, that must be the first guest. You had better get the door".

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