Serve Together

Published on Nov 22, 2022


Serve Together

Mister J - Flaky Grindr Boy and 176 Serve Together

How to read this story        2

Background        2

Author        2

Characters        2

176        2

Grindr boy        2

Mister J        2

Before they meet        3

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        3

176’s first-person perspective        6

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        10

The arrival        14

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        14

176’s first-person perspective        23

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        25

The boys meet        32

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        32

176’s first-person perspective        39

Mister J’s first-person perspective        43

Wearing the boys out        49

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        49

176’s first-person perspective        56

Mister J’s first-person perspective        62

Finishing up        69

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        70

176’s first-person perspective        72

Mister J’s first-person perspective        74

How to read this story

While I may get into some detail about what happens, I have specifically omitted any physical description of the characters. Use your imagination and decide how you want to picture them.

I will occasionally dive into an unnecessary level of detail around how to do something. The detail is to emphasize how to do it safely. This is particularly important for things that people often do wrong.

This is the same story from 3 separate perspectives; it will be repetitive if you read all 3 parts, one after the other. I suggest reading the character whose perspective you want to experience and if you want more, then read snippets from the other perspectives. You can use the table of contents on the left to quickly navigate.



Mister J, you can contact me on my twitter 



A boy I have trained on and off, about 6 training sessions over the last year or so. This character is inspired by a mix of personality traits that various subs of mine share, this character and this situation is complete fiction.

Grindr boy

A boy who has had horny chats with me on Grindr but never followed through to actually meet. Based on the personalities of several people who I chatted with quite a bit before meeting and were extremely nervous before their first time coming over.

Mister J

This character is based on myself. 

Before they meet

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective

3:00 in the morning and I’m still up and horny. “Wtf is wrong with me” I asked myself as I scrolled through grindr, ugh. Capitol Ts and masc4masc bullshit everywhere. I check my favorites and he’s online.

“I wonder if he’ll remember me” I ask myself as I open his profile. The last couple of times I jerked off was to the thought of meeting him and to the pics he sent me on my old account. My dick started to get hard at the thought of meeting him. I wonder…

I sent him a message “Hi, Mister J. idk if you remember me?”

I really hope he remembers me, I’ve been crushing on him so hard. The videos he shared with me of the boys he’s used and the crazy things he does to them. I don’t know if I can handle it but I certainly have jerked off to the thought of it a few times.

I haven’t done too much before. Mostly vanilla stuff. Got fucked, sucked dick, ate ass, and got tied up with some guys belt while he held me down during sex. There was one time that I thought I was going to get kinky but the guy didn’t stop when it was too much and I’ve been a bit freaked out about actually meeting since then. I really want to do this stuff for real but I’m too scared.

I flip through the pics I got last time I chatted with Mister J and my dick keeps twitching as my mind wanders at the thoughts streaming through my head. Being tied up, kissed, helpless but safe. I want him to own me.

Fuck. I had 1 hand on my dick, just holding it. I wasn’t even stroking it. But somehow I came. I didn’t even know I could do that. What the fuck just happened though. My dick was twitching while I was fantasizing a bit but can that really make you cum by itself? I guess it must be able to since it happened but it didn’t even feel like an orgasm. It just leaked out cum. I feel even hornier now than before.

The horniness is too much for me to bear and I start stroking but no matter how close I feel I can’t get over the edge. I’m sweating, it's hot out, I don’t have AC, I’m horny, my arm is tired, and I need to cum but I have 0 energy.

I give in and wipe myself up. Cleaned up the little squirts of cum and tried to get to bed.

My dick disagrees and stays solid as I toss and turn. Eventually I passed out though.

7 hours or so later my phone buzzes and I start to wake up. It’s about 11 in the morning.

The sheet I had over me is wet with sweat and sticking to me so I hop out of bed. As I’m getting up I realize it wasn’t just sweat. There’s a sticky puddle where my morning wood is. Idk if it's just precum or if I had a wet dream but it’s a mess.

I half-assed wipe my dick and stomach, cleaning up with my bed sheet. Today will be laundry day I guess.

I look over to my phone and see I got a message on grindr. And it’s him!

“Barely, we never met so idk. Remind me what you’re into” Mister J replied

I don’t want to sound too eager but I feel pretty pathetic. I literally came to the thought of him. What’s he going to think of me if I tell him that? I guess I could bend the truth a bit.

“I’ve been looking at the pics you sent last time and haven’t been able to get them out of my head. I know you told me not to touch myself to your pics without permission but I couldn’t help myself. It’s all that I’ve been jerking off to” I told  Mister J.

“So you both disobeyed my order and didn’t answer my question” Mister J quickly replied.

FUCK. I already fucked up. What is wrong with me? “😳 you’re right, I’m sorry. I just really want to serve you” I pleaded.

“You’ve said that before and yet you’ve never followed through” Mister J rightfully pointed out.

“I’m free today Sir” I told him. I’m probably not, now that I made a mess in my sheets I need to go wash them but I really don’t want to let him think I’m not serious. He’s probably not free anyway so it can’t hurt.

A few minutes go by without an answer. I really fucked it up this time. I sent a followup “Please Sir”. I guess if he is free I could just do laundry later. Why am I so obsessed with him? We never even met, what if he's psycho?

I’m starting to lose hope after a few minutes of no reply. Whatever, he doesn’t remember our chat, so I’ll just start from scratch next time. It can't count against me if he doesn’t remember my mistake.

“Fine, but this is your last shot. 15:00, you should still have my address from the last time you flaked on me” he ordered.

Fuck!!! My dick twitches. Does this mean we’ll actually meet this time? Can I even go through with it? I can’t back out now, I just begged him to let me come over. Ugh “Yes Sir, I’ll be there this time!” I hope he doesn’t have much in mind, I don’t think I can really handle much. I ask “What can we do?”

“Send me the pics you jerked off to the most. I’ll figure out something you’ll like” he said.

It didn’t really answer my question. Should I be honest and send him the pics that I came to or lie and send him the tamer pics?

I start to select the screenshots of the tamer pics on my phone to send to him. As I click send I realize I sent 8 pics, I selected 2 tame pics and got the 6 in between them too. Really hot pics but I didn’t want him to know I was into that level of intensity yet. Those 6 pics were all pretty intense scenes, full body bondage, throat fucking, and hoods.

I really hope he doesn’t try to make me do that. I definitely can’t handle that right now. I’ll probably end up panicking and breaking down if he did that stuff to me. I start to write up text to say I didn't mean to send those pics but then I get his message.

“I’m heading offline, text me when you start to get ready, when you’re on your way, and when you get off the subway. I’m going to be watching the seconds on the clock so be on time. Clean out to have a plug in your ass. No need to do a deep clean. Don’t wear deodorant. Have an empty stomach in case you gag. No need for a special safeword, stop/no will be sufficient”

Ugh, I’ll have to tell him when I get there. I don't know if I can do this.

He wants me to have an empty stomach, so he can throat fuck me? I start to panic, I can barely handle sucking a dick let alone getting my throat raped by one. I really hope that he understands when I tell him that I can’t handle that right now. Just in case though, I’m going to skip lunch. The last thing I need is to be sent home after fucking up covered in puke and destroying any chance of actually serving him.

176’s first-person perspective

“Hey faggot”, my phone vibrated as it got a text from my Sir.

I opened the text and realized I hadn’t responded to the 3 other texts from him over the summer. Why do I do this to myself? I bet he thinks I’m an asshole for not responding.

I put my phone down and finish eating breakfast and watching some TV with my roommate. I shift around a bit to hide my dick as it gets harder the more I try not to think about Sir.

I completely lose track of time after watching a few episodes and take a look at my phone. I completely forgot about responding to the text from Sir. If I hadn’t put my phone down with the messages app still open I would have forgotten completely.

“Hi Sir!!!” I quickly responded. My dick starts to get hard again as I type it out. I quickly grab a pillow and throw it over my crotch as my roommate makes a joke about who my boyfriend is.

I glare at my roomate for a moment while thinking “how does he even know I’m gay?”

My roommate replies “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’ve seen you have grindr open sometimes, so I just assumed... I’m just pulling your leg a bit.”

Am I that obvious about it? How do straight guys know about grindr? This is humiliating. I got embarrassed when Mister J made me go get a cute super gay outfit after we last met. But I didn’t think anyone I actually knew figured out I liked guys sometimes. At least he’s just my roommate and not my family.

“Yea, about that, can we keep that between us? I don’t really want anyone to know.” I told my roommate.

“Yea no worries. But if you wanna keep it discrete then I’d turn off the sound on your phone because even I know the grindr ding sound and it’s a dead giveaway.” my roommate replied before dropping the subject.

Sir replied “It’s been a bit, I half expected to not get a reply from you”

Of course, he had to point that out. “Sorry Sir! My head’s been all over the place but I’m back in town as of last week. I went back home for the summer but I’m back till the end of the semester” I really hope he doesn’t hate me for not replying when I was out of town.

“What have you been up to in the meantime?” Sir responded.

What have I been up to? Well it’s been a few months so there’s got to be a few things that were fun that happened over the summer. “Not too much.” I told Sir “Had a girlfriend for a bit and hooked up with a couple of guys but never really got what I wanted out of it. With my girlfriend you kept getting in my head, lol. I like being in charge when I’m with girls but I definitely can’t get into her head like you got into mine.”

I bet he has no idea what I’m talking about. With my luck I’m the only one who finds these shitty hookups. Everyone probably thinks I’m crazy for being into all the kink that gets me turned on.

“And what about with those guys, what did you do with them?” he prodded into my answer.

He’s really going to make me explain all the details? It was shitty enough when I met them and now he wants me to tell him all the details. Why does he even want to know? Wherever, it’s not like he's going to be upset that he's better than them. “There were 3 Sir.” I started ”A vanilla hookup with 1 guy, we both played a bit and it felt good but I never got my head into it. The other 2 guys I tried to sub for but they were basically just assholes. Neither really knew what they were doing. It felt like getting hurt by an emotionless robot. Definitely not gonna see them again. You were the only guy that really got into my head and I’ve been craving that since last time” I started to blush as I sent the text. I feel so vulnerable telling him that.

“Ooof, that sucks. I’m sorry you had such a shit experience with those guys. Don’t take it personally though, a lot of guys don't understand how to actually Dom someone. They think being an asshole is the same as being a Dom.” Sir replied.

I expected him to just brush it off, it feels like I’m just complaining to him but he really does get it. I don’t know what it is, but he gets me and gets into my head and seduces me into pushing myself every time I’m with him.

“Thanks Sir. Yea idk what it is or how you do it but when I’m with you, I just melt into submission.” I told him. Thinking about meeting up again got me excited. “I know it’s been a while since I last saw you but I was wondering if I could come serve you again soon.” I keep remembering how the control he had over me when we were together drove my thoughts when I was having sex with others during the summer “The last few sessions we had before I went home were all that I thought about, even when I was with my girlfriend and those guys. I can't even count how many times I jerked off to the pics and videos you took”

I sit eagerly awaiting to find out if he’ll have me over and if so, when? My roommate walks past the couch and giggles. I look over my shoulder and he’s looking down at my phone screen. He had to have read my last text. This is so humiliating but at the same time, my dick twitched under the pillow as the thought of people knowing that I serve Mister J.

“I’m pretty free now-a-days. If you’re around we can make that happen.”

Yes! I can’t wait to see him again.

Sir continued “Though I will say, I’m pretty sure the internet enjoyed those pics even more than you did. There’s at least 40 different people who messaged me telling me how they came to your pics/videos. Just imagine being the cumdump fag for 40 guys at once.”

I knew he posted them, hell he even let me approve each pic before he shared them but I didn’t expect much attention. And 40 different people messaged him?!?! How many more must have seen it then? I blushed as I sat there. I was never big about cum or getting fucked but when Sir said to imagine being a cumdump for a huge group my mind went places. Its not being a cumdump that gets me though, its being paraded around as Mister J’s personal fag in front of so many people, made to do whatever he says.  “Omg Sir, I knew you posted them but I didn’t think anyone would see them let alone like them. That many people really find me hot?”

I’d always been insecure about my appearance so hearing that so many people are into me like that was something I never thought would happen.

“Yea, you’re hot as fuck.” Sir said “But don’t worry about randos on the internet. Trust me, if you push your personal validation onto your internet following it’ll never end well.”

Sir is such a Daddy, he’s caring, considerate, and super sexy. Every time he gives me some silly seeming words of wisdom I can’t help but picture myself being held tight and protected against his chest. It makes me shiver to think of myself as Daddy’s boy being cared for like that.

“Sir, I have a confession, my dick has been hard since I saw your text this morning and has been leaking since we started chatting.” I confessed. But hard and eager I continued “Are you around today? I’d do anything to see you again.”

“You can come over this afternoon if you’re cool with an audience. I have a new boy cuming over to ‘try-out’ lol. I may have you two play a bit or something.” he replied.

I’ve never done anything more than a 1 on 1 but if Mister J is the one making it happen then it’ll definitely be a fun time. I wonder what he wants me to do? Play with his new boy? Get used by his new boy? Both of us service Sir together? “Yes Sir! As long as you’re in charge I’ll do whatever you want with whoever you want!” I told him.

“Be here at 15:30, be sure your stomach is empty so you don’t puke when I wreck your throat.” he ordered.

“Yes Sir!” I really want to please him so I followed up to make sure I’m exactly how he wants me. “Want me to wear anything in particular or any other orders in the meantime?”

“Yea, crop top, short shorts, slutty cute underwear. I want everyone you see on your way here to know you’re a fag coming to suck my dick. That’s it. I’ll see you at 15:30”

I started to get up and there was a visible wet spot on the pillow, my shorts, and shirt. The precum soaked through all of it.

I really hope Sir lets me cum while I’m visiting him today. Usually he doesn’t though. I don’t know why that turns me on but just the thought of not being allowed to cum makes me hornier than being allowed or forced to cum. I wonder if it's just the control he has over me that turns me on from it, or if I am really into the idea of not being allowed to cum by itself.

I head back to my bedroom and start to pull out some clothes. It hits me as I’m doing this that there's no way for me to get out of the apartment without my roommate and neighbors seeing me all dressed up like a cocksucking faggot.

I’m about to text Sir to ask if I can change when I get to his place. Then I realize he wants me to be humiliated by having everyone see me like that. And it turns me on.

MisterJ’s first-person perspective

It was a lazy Saturday morning but I didn’t have solid plans for the rest of my day. I started doing the usual boredom actions of texting boys and hopping on grindr.

I texted a few boys who I see regularly, some friends, some in training. It was still early, about 11 in the morning on a weekend so I wasn’t expecting to hear back for a bit anyway.

When I logged into grindr there was already a message waiting for me from a boy who I had chatted on and off with for quite a while.

“Hi, Mister J. idk if you remember me?”

We’ve played grindr-tag a few times where we message each other when the other is offline. He has a new profile so I don’t have our chat history anymore, but I do recognize his pic and remembered a little about what he was into.

I’ve got nothing else going on so I reply to the grindr boy. Almost immediately his profile went from “Last online 8 hours ago” to “Online Now”.

“Barely, we never met so idk. Remind me what you’re into” I replied

“I’ve been looking at the pics you sent last time and haven’t been able to get them out of my head. I know you told me not to touch myself to your pics without permission but I couldn’t help myself. It’s all that I’ve been jerking off to”

“So you both disobeyed my order and didn’t answer my question” I remarked. Had he not been so flaky I may have responded differently but it seems like this boy is only after jerking off and not actually following through. If I wasn’t bored right now I wouldn’t be entertaining this at all.

“😳 you’re right, I’m sorry. I just really want to serve you”

“You’ve said that before and yet you’ve never followed through” I pointed out.

“I’m free today Sir”

It seems he may just be getting it, that was the first time he used Sir this time and I didn’t have to prompt him like last time. If nothing else comes up today I could always watch a movie and if he actually shows up then why not.

“Please Sir”

“Fine, but this is your last shot. 15:00, you should still have my address from the last time you flaked on me” I didn’t mean for it to be so snarky but I’m tired of boys flaking and it gets to me.

“Yes Sir, I’ll be there this time! What can we do?”

Thinking for a bit, I have no idea what he’s into. “Send me the pics you jerked off to the most” that should give me an idea about what turns him on “I’ll figure out something you’ll like”

He sends me a few screenshots of pics I sent him before. They were all pretty intense scenes, full body bondage, throat fucking, hoods, etc. I hope he has some experience because if not then we’re definitely not going to be able to do most of that. But we’ll see, chances are he won’t show anyway so whatever.

“I’m heading offline, text me when you start to get ready, when you’re on your way, and when you get off the subway. I’m going to be watching the seconds on the clock so be on time. Clean out to have a plug in your ass. No need to do a deep clean. Don’t wear deodorant. Have an empty stomach in case you gag. No need for a special safeword, stop/no will be sufficient” I sent him his instructions and logged off.

About noon when we finished chatting. Not long after that I got a text from Boy 176 who I texted earlier. I was hoping for a reply from one of my boys but didn’t think it would be him. He’s well-trained but only feels the urge to get really kinky every few months. He’s also shit at texting back when he’s not in the mood.

“Hi Sir!!!” 176 said.

“It’s been a bit, I half expected to not get a reply from you” I snarked.

“Sorry Sir! My head’s been all over the place but I’m back in town as of last week. I went back home for the summer but I’m back till the end of the semester”

“What have you been up to in the meantime?” I asked. I wanted to leave the question vague to see if 176 would turn the chat sexual or not.

“Not too much. Had a girlfriend for a bit and hooked up with a couple of guys but never really got what I wanted out of it. With my girlfriend you kept getting in my head, lol. I like being in charge when I’m with girls but I definitely can’t get into her head like you got into mine.”

“And what about with those guys, what did you do with them?” I asked.

“There were 3 Sir. A vanilla hookup with 1 guy, we both played a bit and it felt good but I never got my head into it. The other 2 guys I tried to sub for but they were basically just assholes. Neither really knew what they were doing. It felt like getting hurt by an emotionless robot. Definitely not gonna see them again. You were the only guy that really got into my head and I’ve been craving that since last time”

Thinking to myself a bit, I recalled the multitude of times that I heard that response before. I told 176 “Ooof, that sucks. I’m sorry you had such a shit experience with those guys. Don’t take it personally though, a lot of guys don't understand how to actually Dom someone. They think being an asshole is the same as being a Dom.”

“Thanks Sir. Yea idk what it is or how you do it but when I’m with you, I just melt into submission. I know it’s been a while since I last saw you but I was wondering if I could come serve you again soon. The last few sessions we had before I went home were all that I thought about, even when I was with my girlfriend and those guys. I can't even count how many times I jerked off to the pics and videos you took”

“I’m pretty free now-a-days. If you’re around we can make that happen. Though I will say, I’m pretty sure the internet enjoyed those pics even more than you did. There’s at least 40 different people who messaged me telling me how they came to your pics/videos. Just imagine being the cumdump fag for 40 guys at once.” I said.

“Omg Sir, I knew you posted them but I didn’t think anyone would see them let alone like them. That many people really find me hot?”

“Yea, you’re hot as fuck. But don’t worry about randos on the internet. Trust me, if you push your personal validation onto your internet following it’ll never end well.” I told 176.

“Sir, I have a confession, my dick has been hard since I saw your text this morning and has been leaking since we started chatting. Are you around today? I’d do anything to see you again.” 176 begged.

I offered to let 176 come over, “You can come over this afternoon if you’re cool with an audience. I have a new boy cuming over to ‘try-out’ lol. I may have you two play a bit or something.”

“Yes Sir! As long as you’re in charge I’ll do whatever you want with whoever you want!” he lied. Not that he realized he was lying but no one every really means anything. I won't hold it against 176 though. I know he’s real and will follow through so this little lie can slide.

“Be here at 15:30, be sure your stomach is empty so you don’t puke when I wreck your throat.” I ordered

“Yes Sir! Want me to wear anything in particular or any other orders in the meantime?” he asked.

“Yea, crop top, short shorts, slutty cute underwear. I want everyone you see on your way here to know you’re a fag coming to suck my dick. That’s it. I’ll see you at 15:30”

The arrival

Before they meet        3

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        3

176’s first-person perspective        6

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        10

The arrival        14

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        14

176’s first-person perspective        23

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        25

The boys meet        32

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        32

176’s first-person perspective        39

Mister J’s first-person perspective        43

Wearing the boys out        49

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        49

176’s first-person perspective        56

Mister J’s first-person perspective        62

Finishing up        69

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        70

176’s first-person perspective        72

Mister J’s first-person perspective        74

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective

I’m getting really nervous about meeting him for the first time. I don’t even know how many times we chatted but I really hope I don’t disappoint.

I start to get ready, drink a ton of water, and clean out. As I finish up I realize I have no idea what to wear. Should I ask him what he wants me to wear? Just put on whatever?


I’m running out of time if I want to make it there on time. I head to the closet and grab a plain gray tight-fitting shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I check my underwear drawer and grab the thong I have tucked in the back.

I’ve only ever worn the thong for a few sexy pics I took of myself, I never actually wore it anywhere. And certainly no one has ever seen me in it. I hope he likes it though.

I get all my clothes on and I’m cutting it close on time, it’s 14:33 already!

I wrote up a text to Mister J “Just left my apt be there soon” and put my phone back into my pocket as I headed out to the subway.

I know no one can see it but it feels like everyone’s eyes are on me, and they can see the thong I’m wearing. I start to blush and pull out my phone to focus my attention as I walk.

When I unlock my phone and I realize the text never sent, I resend it just as the train pulls up to the station.

I think I’ll get there on time. What if I’m late though? He already warned me to be on time. I feel like I’m just digging a deeper hole for myself.

Sitting on the subway and my mind racing. Is it hot or am I just nervous sweating? I can literally feel the sweat dripping off my body and I can already smell myself without any deodorant on. Is this how I naturally smell?

I write up a text to let J know I’m off the train and get ready to send it as soon as I get off the train.

I get off the train and send the text. I’m cutting it close on time, it's at least a few minutes to get there from the train and I only have 4 min!

I can see the building and I start walking faster. The sweating that started on the subway has gotten worse, my shirt is sticking to me and there's visible wet spots under my pits.

“I’m downstairs Sir.” I text him as I approach the door.

He buzzes me in and sends me the text “When you get to my apt door take off your clothes, get on your knees, hands behind your back, and bow your head.”

FUCK. What the fuck am I doing here? Why couldn't I just tell him I didn't mean to send him those pics. He probably has something crazy ready for me when I get up there.

I slowly walk in and head to the stairs. I start walking up and someone comes passing me on the way down. I start to freak out. Is it him? What if they know why I’m here?

I look down at the floor and slowly keep walking up as they pass me.

I’m even more nervous now. Each step up the stairs feels like lifting 10 times my weight as I try to get the courage to keep going up.

Do I really want this?

I do.

But why am I freaking out so much?

I’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember. I want to serve someone who can put me in my place and take control.

I can feel myself losing control of my breathing. As I finish inhaling my lungs spasm as if I’m about to break down and cry. I try to take another deep breath and it happens again.

I’m a few breaths away from complete panic and breakdown. I’m literally starting to cry in his stairwell. What is wrong with me???

Each step up is 1 step closer to my fate, whatever that may be. But I feel the decision to go through with this weighing me more and more the closer I get.

I reach the top of the stairs and inch my way towards his door.

I see it at the other end of the hallway but now that it's in sight I feel like I want to just die. I can’t possibly go through with this.

I get to his door but anxiously wait on the other side of the hallway. I’m breathing heavily but I calm myself just enough, so I don't break down right there and then.

“Keep your clothes on, just stand in front of my door with your head bowed and hands behind your back.” he texts me. He must be watching me. He must have seen me freaking out over here. I should just leave.

I can’t though. It took so much out of me just to get to his door and if I leave now why would he ever give me another chance. I have to do this.

I resign myself to having to do this. I will do this. I have to do this. This is what I want. This is what I begged him for months, or even years. It’s probably been almost 2 years of on and off chatting but I’m finally here and I can’t do this. But I can’t leave either.

I can’t leave, I can’t stay, I’m freaking out. I just want to disappear right now and pretend this never happened but that's not an option.

I step towards his door and stand there for a minute. I try to clear my head and not freak out. He’s not like the last guy, he won’t do that to me. I won’t let that happen this time.

I text him “I think I need a minute Sir. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

He quickly replies “When you’re ready just give a knock.”

He must have watched me freak out this whole time, and he’s still okay with me coming in? He still wants to meet me? He didn’t tell me to leave so I guess that’s a yes.

I’ve been panicking this whole time but only just realized I’m completely hard. When did that even happen? Do I like this feeling? My dick sure does but does that mean I do?

I’m going to go through with this. I have to. It won't be like that other guy, it’ll be okay.

He doesn’t need me to strip anymore but I feel the urge to do it. I want to impress him and show him I can be a good boy. I can even picture him saying that to me “Good boy”.

I start to remove my clothes, one item at a time and place them in a small pile on the floor. I do a quick look down both ends of the hallway, don’t see anyone then quickly drop my shorts. I immediately try to cover my humiliatingly hard dick as I cower into the corner of his door frame then knock on the door.

At this point anything that gets me out of the hallway is a huge improvement. It feels like minutes go by with no answer to my knock. I think, have I disappointed him?

His original order was to be fully naked. I’m in a tight tiny thong, there’s not much of a difference between this and naked right now. I strip off the thong and hope that he’ll let me in so I can get out of this hallway.

I’m looking down at the floor humiliated and embarrassed, fully exposed, or am I? I’m still covering myself with my hands, is that why he hasn’t opened the door yet?

I stop covering my dick and just let it flop in front of me, as I slide my hands behind my back I hear the deadbolt of the door unlock and the door swings open.

His hand immediately grabs my neck and I start to panic. His grip digs deep into my neck and I can feel the pressure build in my head. He pulls me in and I follow wherever his hand directs me without question.

He quickly spins me around and pushes me against a wall. This is my first chance to see him, and he’s even better than in the pics. I will do anything to serve this man.

I can feel the choke draining the strength out of me and I start to feel a little dazed as he moves his face in front of mine.

He stares deep into my eyes and moves forward to kiss me. I push my neck against his hand, choking me to get my lips a little closer to kiss him but it's no use. I can't move at all; he has me pinned firmly against the wall.

His lips get closer to mine and the excitement in me gets more intense. Just a moment ago I was freaking out but now I’m melting in his grip.

I feel his beard just barely touch my lips as he moves his lips last. I was so excited and really wanted him to kiss me. I think to myself, “Please, please kiss me!”

Then I hear him whisper “You’re such a good little boy. You seem a little nervous.” Shaking and with my pulse racing I guess it’s pretty obvious, plus he was watching me outside his door for the past few minutes. I’ve never been called a Good boy before and it really got to me a lot more than I realized. It's like he knows what I need to be drawn in even more.

“Breathe. Nice deep breaths” he tells me.

I can feel his warm breath over my ear and neck as I hear his deep breathing. I take a deep breath as he forces his body against mine. I feel his leather against my naked skin and I feel so low and inferior. How could I not want to grovel at his feet.

I was too busy, focused on his eyes when the door opened, that I didn’t even realize he was leather clad but not it's clear as day. The smooth leather surface creaks and squeaks as he moves against me. I can feel the folds in the material making a barrier between his skin and mine. The more I realize how much material he has on the more I feel my own nakedness.

I breathe deeply again as he whispers “In. And out”.

I match my breathing to his rhythm. Inhaling when I hear him inhale and exhaling when he exhales.

Our breathing becomes in sync. He inhales when I inhale, and he exhales when I exhale. I slow my breathing more and his breathing continues to match mine. His dick still hard and twitching with each inhale.

We’re just standing there breathing but it feels harder and harder to breathe. Is he making me breathe slower? He must be, I’m matching his breathing but each breath is longer and longer. It’s starting to be a struggle to breathe so slowly. I have no idea how long it takes to breathe in and out but I close my eyes and it feels like forever.

I wait... and wait... and wait. I’m breathing in sync but I don't hear his breath anymore. I didn’t even realize I stopped breathing when he did but I can feel it now. The pressure to exhale and take a breath is forcing me to fight against my own body's reaction. I open my eyes, and he’s staring right into me.

It feels like my lungs are burning and I need to breathe but I don’t have permission. I’m only supposed to breathe when he does and he isn’t breathing so I can’t either.

I feel the urge to use my hands to stop whatever is preventing me from breathing, but there’s nothing my hands can do to override my obedience to his order. I can feel my body start to shake.

How is he able to hold his breath this long without struggling?!?! I’m about to panic and violently fight for my life, but from what? I’m not tied up, there's a hand on my throat but it's gently sitting there, nothing is covering my mouth. The only thing stopping me from breathing is his control over me.

He finally says “Breathe normally”.

I immediately double over and start taking deep breaths that evolve into hyperventilating before I finally catch my breath. I can see his whole leather uniform now, I want to bend over all the way and just sit at his feet hugging his leather clad leg while I kiss his bulge through the leather until I’m deserving of the real thing.

I see his hand come towards my face. I realize now he’s wearing leather gloves too. He hasn’t even touched me yet, has he?

His hand directs my face to meet his and our eyes lock again. His lips unexpectedly touch mine and he kisses me. With the way things were going I didn’t know if I’d ever get to touch his skin but now I feel his warm lips press against mine, if only for a second.

A few minutes ago I was panicking in the hallway, a moment ago I was panicking for air, and now I am more comfortable with him than I had been with anyone before in my life. Somehow I feel safe with him having that power over me.

His leather pants brush against my dick as he moves and the sensation sends waves of pleasure tingling through my entire body. His hand grips my face and he orders me to open my mouth. As I do he presses my cheeks in. Even if I tried to close my mouth I’d just bite myself, I didn’t even know you could gag someone without a gag like this.

His lips lock onto mine and what was a quick peck on my lips turned into his tongue invading every inch of my mouth and fucking my throat just enough to make me gag a little. I move my tongue around and kiss him when he suddenly bites my tongue and pulls away from my mouth. My eyes are almost watering from the pain. It feels like my tongue must be bleeding from how hard he's biting.

“I said open, that means you keep your mouth open until I say otherwise. I didn’t say kiss me, now did I?” he says through his biting teeth. Stunned by the pain and what he said, I froze for a moment. I’d never had my mouth lay limp as just a hole for someone else to use before. He just wants me to keep my whole mouth gaping for him to invade?

“I can’t hear you,” he said.

I quickly blurted out “Yes Sir”.

“I can’t hear you, speak clearly or else you’ll lose the privilege”

“Yes Sir” I repeated louder. Then it hits me, with my tongue pulled out and my face deformed from his hand squeezing my cheeks, I must sound completely unintelligible. “I mean Yes Sir” I clarify but to no avail.

He lets go of me and I quickly repeat “I mean Yes Sir, Sir.” to make sure he heard my answer.

“Good boy, I expect you to articulate well every time you speak to me, is that understood?”

“Yes Sir” I acknowledged.

“Follow me, on your knees” he ordered.

I quickly drop to my knees. From the floor looking up at him he’s even more overpowering. He looks huge from down here.

He starts to walk and I crawl behind him on all fours to keep up. We reach a door in the back of his apartment. When he opens the door it’s dark with a dim red light illuminating the whole room.

We go inside and I can see so much gear. Some things that look like what you’d see at a leather shop and others I’ve never seen before. The walls are floor to ceiling gear, and there's everything. Cuffs, hoods, gags, muzzles, blindfolds, belts, and all sorts of things I’ve never seen before. This looks like what you’d expect to see in the stock room of a fetish porn studio and the rest of the room looks like what you’d expect to see on a porn set. Beams going across the ceiling, pillars in the corners. Did he build this setup himself?

I’m staring at the various pieces of gear hanging around and must have missed when Mister J grabbed a blindfold. My eyes were quickly covered and everything was complete black. This wasn’t just something covering my eyes. Whatever it was pressed into my eyes and I couldn't even open my eyelids.

I feel a push on the front of my shoulder and I shuffle back until I hit something behind me. I can feel him grab my ankles and move them, making me sit cross-legged. I can feel some type of restraint wrapping my ankles together; I won't be able to get up even if I want to.

I feel another restraint pull my elbows behind me, and they are belted to something between them. It must have been one of the pillars because it wasn’t budging when I tried to shift a little to readjust myself. Another belt was added holding my wrists below my elbows around the poll.

I try to wiggle a bit to readjust myself but I’m not going anywhere.

I hear a bunch of noises. It sounds like he's grabbing a bunch of chains or something. The pics I accidentally sent him were heavy bondage but nothing with chains. I’m a bit at a loss for what he could be grabbing.

A collar is quickly bucked around my neck in a single motion. It was unexpected and I ended up jumping a bit as he buckled it. Then I start to feel straps going over my head and something touching my face. Is this a muzzle?

The straps are slowly tightened as he goes back and forth adjusting them. As he tightens the one holding the piece that goes around my mouth I can feel my mouth getting stuck. I can’t really open it much and it feels like it's pushing my lips out. It probably looks like I’m constantly trying to kiss with my lips being tightened into the hole in the front of the contraption he put on my head.

He undoes the blindfold he put on me earlier and I can finally open my eyes but it's pitch black. He must have put 2 blindfolds on me somehow.

The straps are tightened one last time and I can feel a tightness across my whole face where the leather is pressing. I must look ridiculous with my lips protruding how they are. I can only imagine what it looks like but I guess I’ll be stuck here like this for a bit.

Something warm starts to touch my lips and I feel a tongue and lips kissing and warming my lips. It feels so weird with my lips pushed out like this, it's like they are extra sensitive. I can feel his touch across the rest of my face but the leather must be super thick because it's such a dull sensation.

“Would you look at that, I actually made your face into something useful, you’ve got a cunt for me to play with now.”

I didn’t quite get what he meant by that then I realized he's talking about my lips. This thing is making my lips look like a pussy? The humiliation started to sink in and I could feel my dick twitch at the same time my ego felt like it was punched in the gut.

“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be back in a few min” he says before leaving me in silence.

My arms start to feel more uncomfortable and my fingertips start to get a little tingly from being bound so tightly.

A few minutes of silence pass and I can hear him talking with someone outside the door. I feel a light breeze of air as someone walks past me on the floor. It sounds like they grabbed something from wherever this muzzle thing that's on me was grabbed from. They silently walk back out ignoring me as I feel the air of their movement when they pass.

He has someone else here to use me with? I’ve never done group sex before. I hope he isn't expecting me to be the center of attention. I can guarantee that I won't stand up well to the pressure of being responsible for everyone’s pleasure.

Someone comes in the room, or was it both of them? It sounds like Mister J is playing with someone else. The thought of being left here to witness them have fun but not get to partake started driving my dick even crazier. I could feel my dick involuntarily clench at the thought of it. At the same time I want attention! I don’t want to be left here to just listen to them have fun.

I clench my dick really hard a few times and I can feel some drops of precum dribble down the underside of my dick.

“Aaagh, fuck!” I hear from someone across the room.

My dick jumps again at the thought of what's going on over there.

I hear the boy again, “Sorry Sir!”

Thoughts race about what they could be doing over there but just listening to the sounds has me eager to be used by them and make them feel good.

Is this what it feels like to be a cuck? Why is the thought of being bound over here unable to do anything while they have sex turn me on? Shouldn’t I want them to play with me?

176’s first-person perspective

I text Sir that I’m getting ready and will be there soon. I don't hear back from him but I’ll see him soon enough.

I start to get dressed in the attire he ordered me to wear.

“Crop top, short shorts, slutty cute underwear“ he told me earlier.

I put on a jockstrap that holds my cock and balls nicely but leaves my ass exposed for him to use. I put on the black crop top that says “Daddy” across the front in pink letters. Then put on the tiny denim short shorts. Once I get them on I realize you can see the leg straps of the jockstrap since the legs are so short. It’s settling close to time so I’ll have to make it work.

I leave my bedroom and head to the door to leave my apt. Of course my roommate sees me and comments “Have fun” then smirks at me as I walk out.

It’s blatantly clear to anyone who sees me right now that I’m either a ‘yaaaasssss’ gay, being super slutty, or both. I try not to look up at people but I definitely feel eyes staring at me. Judgmental straights as well as (at least a few) gays who are eye fucking me.

I get to his apartment a few min early and text him to let him know I’m here. He quickly buzzes me in and I excitedly head upstairs to see him.

As soon as the door opens both of Sir’s hands are wrapped around my neck and he lifts me till our lips touch. I try and point my toes to keep a little weight off my neck but it isn't really helping.

As he pulls away I compliment his leather as he puts me down. I’ve always had a thing for leather men. But even though I’ve been over more than a few times he’s only been leather clad a few times. He says it's a lot of work to get all the gear out for it, and such but it's really hot when he does pull it out like this.

He tells me there’s a surprise waiting in the back. I figure it’s likely the boy he told me about before, so I’m probably not going to be too surprised but you never know. Sir and I had only ever played 1 on 1 before so this will definitely be new for me.

I follow him to the dungeon. He has me wait outside the door while he disappears for a moment inside. While the door is open I spot what looks like a boy on the floor so my initial suspicions are confirmed.

Sir returns and has me turn around before I can see what he has in his hands. “Turn around” he orders. I turn and bow my head as he slips a leather hood over my head.

I can feel him slowly lacing the hood as it gets progressively tighter across my face. I feel his hand caress my face for a moment before he pulls the laces even tighter. My whole head is compressed from the hood, I realize that I can’t open my mouth at all and can only barely breathe through my nose. That's when I hear a final click of a lock behind me. He must have locked it in place.

I can feel the warmth of Sir as he touches the outside of the hood and kisses me through the leather. It's such a tease of him to do that, I want to meet his lips so badly but the hood keeps me from getting the satisfaction. It feels good anyway and I kiss him back through the thin leather wrapper that’s covering my head.

He turns me around and pushes me forward into the dungeon. We stop somewhere in the middle of the room and force my head into his armpit. After a moment moves my face to the other side and I relax into the scent of his musk. I start rubbing my whole head all around it. I love getting his scent all over me. It didn’t occur to me until after that his scent will be all over the hood and not me so I’m gonna have to do this again when he unhoods me before I leave.

I can feel Sir’s gloved hands explore my body. They tickle the inside of my thighs, grab my ass, work their way up my back and then back to the front until he gets to my nipples.

I can feel him giving them a squeeze and can even feel his nails through the gloves digging in a bit. He pushes me, by my nipples, up against a wall behind me as I grunt a bit from the sudden increase in pressure when he pushed my body from just my nipples.

Sir grabs my nipples and starts to pinch them and rub side to side while squeezing. He does this almost every time I see him and it always sensitizes them super quickly and rubs them raw. I can feel this will be no exception, particularly with the gloves, they seem to give him an even better grip than usual.

“Aaagh, fuck!” I yelled, or tried to yell through the hood without a mouth hole that keeps my mouth completely shut.

I feel a slap across each side of my face and quickly apologize for my outburst. “Sorry Sir!” I say as clearly as I can.

I can tell today is going to be pretty intense.

MisterJ’s first-person perspective

As 14:30 rolls around I start to get ready for potential guests. I figure at least 1 of them will show up but I should be ready for both, just in case.

I head to the bathroom and clean out briefly so my ass is ready to shove their faces in later. Then I head to the dungeon to set up.

I pull out a few extra towels, a roll of tape, plastic wrap, top off my lube and poppers bottles, then check that my safety shears and keys are where they’re supposed to be. Everything else is already out and ready to go since my dungeon basically has everything just hanging all over all the walls.

I grab my boots, leather jeans, vest, gloves, and harness then suit up. Putting on knee-high orange socks, I slide my feet, one at a time, into my polished black leather jump boots. I give the toe caps a quick rub, and they are ready to go. I pop on the jeans, slide them up and put a belt on to ensure they stay in place. Then tighten the lacing down the sides of each leg. They go from a loose baggy fitting to skin tight. I snap the harness into place then put the vest on over it. Lastly I don my gloves.

I close the blackout curtains and turn on the red accent lights to set the mood in the dungeon. I head to the living room, turn off the AC so it’ll be more comfortable when everyone is naked, then wait on the couch till they arrive.

Grindr boy messages me at 14:38 saying he’s on his way. That gives him 22 min to get here… I doubt he’ll make it on time, but we’ll see.

18 min later at 14:56 I get a text from him, “I just got off the subway Sir, I’ll be there in a few min.”

4 minutes to get to my door from the train.

15:03 “I’m downstairs Sir.”

I reply “I’m buzzing you in. When you get to my apt door take off your clothes, get on your knees, hands behind your back, and bow your head.” then buzz the door.

He didn’t reply but it usually takes about a minute or so to walk up. I head to the door to wait, looking through the peephole for him to show up.

After a minute or, so I step out into the hallway to see if he’s coming. I don’t see him yet but I do hear footsteps in the stairwell. I head back inside and wait a few more minutes. I can see him out of the corner of the peephole looking really nervous.

He starts pacing a bit back and forth in the hallway but still isn’t at my door yet.

I love when boys are nervous and scared but I may have pushed this boy too hard too quick. I send him a quick text “Keep your clothes on, just stand in front of my door with your head bowed and hands behind your back.”

I can see him getting the text through the peephole. He looks a little less nervous, but he’s still pacing around. It takes a few more minutes before he gets the confidence to stand in front of my door.

In front of my door, he texts back “I think I need a minute Sir. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

I reply “When you’re ready just give a knock.”

I watch through the peephole as he takes some deep breaths. After about a minute he starts to take his shoes off, then socks and shirt. I can see the nervous look in his eyes, and he slides down his shorts. He folds it all in a nice pile on the floor then gives a single knock on the door.

I didn’t expect him to strip after my last text but now I’m curious how far he’ll go. I wait a few more seconds then see him give me puppy eyes through the peephole before taking off his underwear and adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. He covers himself and cowers against the door hoping that no one can see his obviously naked body standing in the hallway.

I wait a moment longer, and he bows his head and puts his hands behind his back.

I unlock the door and open it, put my hand on the front of his neck, squeeze my fingers into his soft skin and pull him inside. I grab the clothing on the floor, close, and lock the door.

I push him up against the wall. I can feel his pulse racing and his body trembling. His naked body is completely exposed and his dick is pointing straight up, as hard as a rock. I didn’t see it in the hallway but I bet his dick was hard the whole time.

I stare into his eyes and move my face in front of his. I move my lips to touch his but at the last moment turn my head. My beard gently tickles his lips as mine slides past his cheek and to his ear.

“You’re such a good little boy. You seem a little nervous.” I whisper.

He doesn’t move except for the constant trembling.

“Breathe. Nice deep breaths” I whisper as I audibly inhale then exhale slowly and deeply.

I continue to breathe deeply into his ear and press my body against his.

“In. And out” I whisper into his ear with each inhale and exhale of my breath. Our breathing becomes in sync. He inhales when I inhale, and he exhales when I exhale. I slow my breathing more and his breathing continues to match mine. His dick still hard and twitching with each inhale.

I continue to breathe slower and slower until I’m struggling to get enough air at such a slow pace. I inhale again but this time I exhale silently. If he’s caught on, he’s going to hold his breath until he hears me breath again.

I take a few more silent breaths as I see his lips start to turn blue. I silently inhale and pull my face to be inline with his. I stare deep into his eyes.

What was a trembling before is now almost violent shaking as he struggles to hold his breath. I can see he’s about to break. His dick is now completely soft as the panic sets in while mine is fully hard in my leather jeans.

I exhale loudly. “Breathe normally” I whisper to him.

He immediately exhales and starts panting to catch his breath, bending over a little and looking at the floor. I touch his chin and draw his eyes to mine. I give him a light kiss on the lips. As his body gets the oxygen his pulse calms and the trembling goes away and his cock rises again.

I press my lips against his, put one hand on his neck, and the other on the small of his back and pull him tightly against me as I gently kiss him. I use the hand on his neck to guide his face where I want it and start to slide my hand up to his chin. I wrap my thumb and fingers on either side of his face. “Open”, and he opens his mouth. I squeeze his cheeks in with my fingers forcing his cheeks to be pressed in between his teeth, unable to close his mouth even if he wanted to without biting his cheeks.

I continue to make out with his mouth, forcing my tongue deep into the back of his throat causing him to gag each time I do. He tries to kiss me back and I dig my teeth into his tongue, biting it gently at first. I pull it out of his mouth and give it a little tug and say around my clenched teeth “I said open, that means you keep your mouth open until I say otherwise. I didn’t say kiss me, now did I?” His dick twitches at the question.

Waiting for a response I can see he doesn’t realize he’s expected to reply. “I can’t hear you,” I emphasized.

“Esser” he says as he tries to speak with my hand deforming his mouth and my teeth biting and pulling his tongue from his mouth.

“I can’t hear you, speak clearly or else you’ll lose the privilege” I ordered.

“ESSER” he repeats louder. “I ean esser” he says, as he tries to clarify.

I let go of his tongue and mouth “I mean Yes Sir, Sir.” he said loudly and clearly.

“Good boy, I expect you to articulate well every time you speak to me, is that understood?”

“Yes Sir” he acknowledged.

“Follow me” I say quietly. He starts to walk behind me as I head to the dungeon in the back of my apartment. “On your knees” I clarify.

He drops to his knees and starts to crawl behind me.

As I walk into the dungeon I can see an expression of aww on his face. He’s seen pics of my dungeon and seen videos of me using boys in it, but I guess he never realized what it’d be like in real life.

Walls covered in gear and beams going across the ceiling with attachment points ever foot or so.

He starts to look around and his mind starts going in all sorts of directions. I quickly head to one of the walls of gear and grab a blindfold to cover his eyes. As soon as I do, his dick gets hard again and he moans as it does. I can’t have him focusing on the rest of the room when he should be focused on whatever I want him focused on.

I push him against one of the pillars and  have him sit cross-legged with his back against it. I grab a belt and strap his ankles together without any resistance. I then do the same for his elbows, strapping them together with the pillar in the middle. He grunts a little as I tighten  the belt and add another for his wrists. I can see he’s never really been restrained before from his response to being restrained but his dick sure likes the feeling as it drips nearly a constant pre-cum as I put the belts in place.

I head over to my hoods hanging on the wall and shuffle through until I find my Bishop's head harness, being sure to jingle quite a few items to make a variety of sounds to keep him unsure what's going on.

I strap the neck of the harness snugly around his neck. He immediately twitches when I touch him since he wasn’t expecting it but then returns to his docile stillness. I put the face and head straps of the harness into place. With the Bishop's harness blindfold loosely in place, I remove the blindfold I put on him before and tighten all the straps.

As I snug up the last straps, the harness becomes tight against his face, forcing his lips to protrude grotesquely through the mouth hole. What was once lips and a mouth now looks like the ring of a pumped asshole. It gets more and more plump as I tighten the straps the last few belt holes.

I can hear how uncomfortably tight it is from his groaning but with how inviting his lips now look, making his mouth just hole for me to violate, I won’t be undoing it anytime soon.

I bend down and kiss his protruding lips, soaking them in my spit then digging into his mouth with my tongue.

“Would you look at that, I actually made your face into something useful, you’ve got a cunt for me to play with now.”

 I teased him and his dick twitched again as the humiliation sank in.

“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be back in a few min” I say to him as I grab my phone and head to the living room. It’s 15:28 and I’m expecting my other guest to arrive soon. Sure enough I get a text from him and I buzz 176 in.

I meet him at the door by grabbing his neck with both hands, pulling him to me and lifting him onto his tippy toes by the neck to kiss me.

“Hot leather Sir” 176 tells me as I set him down.

“I’ve got a treat for you in the back,” I said to him.

“Yes Sir!” he replied eagerly as we walked to the dungeon.

“Wait here” I tell him just outside the door.

I head inside and grab a lace up leather hood with just nose holes, then go back to meet him in the hallway.

“Turn around” I say in a soft voice. He turns and bows his head. I slip the hood over his head and start to lace it up.

Starting at the top left I zigzag all the way down the lacing doing every other hole, then repeat with the other string getting the remaining holes. I pull the hood snug against his face ensuring it’s centered and in the right position, then I start pulling the slack out of the laces, gradually tightening it one hole at a time.

I can hear the sounds of the leather stretching with each pull of the laces and I can see as the leather forms a tight conforming fit, like a perfectly fitted glove. I tie the laces together with a quick release knot then put a tiny padlock through the last holes. The leather seals his face with no escape.

I rub my gloved hands over his tightly covered face and can feel his breathing through the 2 tiny nose holes. I slide my hands over the nose holes and hold the holes tightly closed while pressing firmly over his mouth and nose. He wasn’t expecting that yet; he starts struggling pretty quickly. But he keeps his body still with his arms down at his side.

I take my hands away from his face and grab the sides of his head. I pull him towards me and give him a few gentle kisses through the leather hood. There’s an eager moan from him when my lips touch the hood.

I stand behind him, put 1 hand on his neck and the other on his hip. I start walking forward slowly, and we head into the dungeon. We head to the opposite side of the room as the new boy.

With the AC having been off for almost an hour now it’s getting pretty warm. I can start to smell my pits and I pull 176’s face into my right pit for a quick sniff. He rubs his face all over it as if he’s licking it. I can tell he's excited.

His short shorts are super tight and there’s not enough room for his little dick to get fully hard but there’s a noticeable bulge as his dick tries to rise.

I embrace his body and explore it with my hands as he does the same with mine. He’s always been into leather but I don’t get geared up too often; so he’s particularly excited. I slide my fingers up under his crop top to his nipples and give them a little squeeze then dig my nails into them. He moans in pain.

I push him up against the wall and glance across the room at the new boy bound to the poll. He’s been there unattended for a few minutes but his dick is as hard as when we started with a small puddle of precum forming under his dick.

Looking at the grindr boy and I torture 176’s nipples to get him to moan.

As 176 tries to resist moaning in pain I clamp harder.

“Aaagh, fuck!” 176 exclaims.

As soon as 176 outbursts in pain, the grindr boy’s cock twitches and squirts a few drops of precum. My dick twitches at the sight of it.

I gaze back at 176 who is squirming to get away from my torturous fingers on his nipples. I release his nipples and slap him across the face once with each hand. He jumps a bit as I strike him then quickly says “Sorry Sir!”

I think I have both these boys right where I want them to start off this session.

The boys meet

Before they meet        3

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        3

176’s first-person perspective        6

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        10

The arrival        14

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        14

176’s first-person perspective        23

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        25

The boys meet        32

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        32

176’s first-person perspective        39

Mister J’s first-person perspective        43

Wearing the boys out        49

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        49

176’s first-person perspective        56

Mister J’s first-person perspective        62

Finishing up        69

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        70

176’s first-person perspective        72

Mister J’s first-person perspective        74

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective

I keep focusing on the sounds on the other side of the room. “Sir must be having a lot of fun with him.” I think to myself.

The sounds from the other boy suddenly stop. I hear gentle footsteps then a deadness in the ambient sound I can hear as if something was right in front of me. I can feel warmth in the air in front of me. Sir must be just inches away.

I feel a gentle warm touch on my lips. Sir just gave me a kiss! I can feel he’s still close.

“Are you having fun so far?” he asked me.

I nod my head yes and make a mmmhhhmmm sound.

He followed up with “Anything not feel right?”

I don’t really know what he’s expecting to hear. What’s the right answer to that question? Sir puts something into my hands and has me squeeze it hard.

“Are your hands alright? Are they numb at all?” he asked me.

I guess that must be what he meant by is anything not right.

I try to speak and say “my hands are getting tingly” but my voice is definitely a little messed up with this harness hugging my face and pursing my lips.

He quickly starts to unbuckle my hands from behind me and I can feel a rush of blood as the tingling suddenly intensifies for a moment before subsiding.

“If anything starts to go numb, let me know asap next time. That’ll ensure I have time to untie you before anything actually does goes numb.” he tells me.

“Yes Sir. I’m good now Sir” I quickly reply.

He pulls my arms together behind me and has me grip each elbow with the opposite hand. I can feel belts on my skin again as he buckles my arms into place.

I can feel Sir move away from me and hear the other boy. I hear a loud metallic click then a “Thank you, Sir” from across the room. I wonder if he’s untying him like he just untied me.

I hear shuffling on the floor and can feel that there’s someone in front of me again. My head is suddenly grabbed and I can feel something going around my neck. The strap around my neck tightens and my face is pulled forward until it's pressed against warm soft skin. A moment later there’s another tug and my face is forced completely between 2 ass cheeks.

My lips meet a soft hole in front of my face and I give it a kiss. I hope Sir likes this.

Sir says “Eat it” and at the same time I can hear a strong moan. Sir’s voice was off to my right so this couldn’t be him in front of me. This must be the other boys hole.

I start out kissing and licking my lips a bit. I pull back to breathe and can just barely get my nose clear of the boys cheeks to get some air. I dive back in and start kicking all around his crack and hole. Running my tongue in circles and all over his hole then pushing it in a bit before going back to kissing and licking around the outside of his hole.

Sir grabs my nipples without warning and I let out an uncontrolled yell, with my face in the other boys ass the sound was muffled but still pretty loud.

“I told you not to eat before you came over, you should be a hungry little fag, and there’s a whole meal in front of you. You’re going to eat that cunt out until I say otherwise.” Sir says firmly.

Am I not doing it good enough? Or was I slowing down?

I try and pick up the pace and keep my face, lips, and tongue moving all over his ass. I can feel myself drooling from how sloppy I am at eating his ass out. I start moaning a bit, I want to send the vibrations into his hole but also show Sir that I’m enthusiastically doing what he ordered.

“If the fag whose hole you’re eating ever moans too quietly I’m going to punish you and reward him.” Sir said. I heard Sir continue to speak, but it wasn’t directed at me “176, if your moaning gets quiet you’ll get rewarded and he’ll get punished”

That’s not fair, I think to myself. So I have to somehow get this boy moaning loudly while he’s trying to stay quiet? And 176? This other boy is just a number?

I quickly start to tongue fuck the boy’s hole. His moaning quickly intensifies quickly as my tongue keeps invading his tight hole.

“Stop rimming and suck on his hole.” Sir ordered.

Suck on his hole? What does he mean, like a hickey?

“Harder” Sir ordered again.

I guess I’ve got to give that a shot. I wrap his hole with my lips, as wide as I could in the harness over my face. I press my lips tightly against his hole and suck hard. The outside of the boys hole is immediately sucked past my lips and I jam my tongue into his hole, getting deeper now that his hole is that much closer.

Alternating hard and soft sucking I can hear the other boy’s pain when I suck too hard but also the pleasure as my tongue goes deep into his loosening hole.

My head gets suddenly forced tightly into the boys ass. I keep eating him out for as long as I can then try to push away from his ass to get some air.

“If you bury your tongue completely in his hole and I’ll let you have air in 10 seconds.” I hear from above.

I start to panic a bit, but I do as ordered and both suck hard and jam my tongue deep. I can hear the other boy moan loudly.

Sir begins counting down “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4”

My panic for air calms down as I focus on his counting. I can do this, only a few more seconds.


Time seems to slow as my panic takes hold. I clench my hands to my bound arms. Just a few more seconds.


I can’t take it anymore. I pull my face back as hard as I can to try and get air but it’s no use.  I open my mouth as wide as I can and try to tilt my head. I can get a tiny whiff of air but its quickly taken away.


This can’t just be me, this has to be more than a second. Even if time is going by slower from the adrenaline right now, it can’t be this slow. But we’re at 1 now, why isn’t he letting me up for air?!?!


I feel my head being pulled back from the boys ass and I take a huge gasp for air. I keep panting to try and catch my breath while my racing heart starts to calm down

Sir calls me a Good boy as I’m catching my breath. I feel embarrassed and get a warm and fuzzy feeling. I was able to handle what he dished out and it was hard as fuck so being told I’m a good boy really hit me in the right place. I’m definitely ready for more.

There’s a rush of movement around me then I can feel Sir’s hand on my head.

“Such good boys I have tonight” he says to us.

I hear the other boy thank Sir for the compliment and I nod in agreement.

My head is jerked to the right and I feel a firm slap across the left side of my face. It felt getting punched with a boxing glove on or something, Not quite stinging but also not too hard. Definitely jarring though.

“What do you say?” Sir asked me

“Thank you Sir” I answered quickly

“Thank you for what?” I ask him.

I’m not sure what he wants to hear. Thank you for hitting me, thank you for saying we’re good boys? Or is thank you for correcting my behavior for not thanking him before?

“Thank you Sir for teaching me Sir” I blurt out hoping it its the right answer.

“Good boy, next time follow 176’s example” he says.

“Yes Sir” I reply.

My head is pushed forward and I can feel my lips touch something warm.

“Kiss” Sir says.

This must be the other boy, 176’s face. I keep moving around to try and find his lips but it just feels smooth everywhere.

I feel 2 clips being attached to the collar around my neck. Then the weight of 176’s hands and arms pulls down on my collar. He uses his hands attached to my neck to pull me towards him and center my lips. He presses our faces together and I can feel a slight bump where his lips must be, but they are behind something. I kiss and can feel his warm lips move from underneath the barrier between us. I can hear him moaning as I send sensations to his lips from mine, gently kissing and trying to make out but unable to penetrate the barrier. I can get a faint taste of it from my tongue, I think it must be leather like what Sir put on me.

Usually I’d be jerking myself off the whole time I’m with someone but I’ve barely had my dick touched this whole time, and yet I can still feel I’ve got a raging hard on. I’m not getting anything out of this but it’s definitely turning me on.

I can feel Sir but between us. He guides my head so my mouth is on his neck and tells me to kiss him there.

I kiss, suck, and use my tongue, trying to stimulate him and make him feel good. I can hear he’s doing something to 176 but I’m a bit too preoccupied to pay follow what’s going on.

Sir stands up and turns around, I can feel him moving a bit then something touches my lips. A gag? It’s warm so probably not, it’s pushed in a little and I can feel its warmth and a throb, then a salty taste from precum. I’m finally sucking his dick!

I try and savor the taste and start to please him, suctioning my lips around his dick, moving my tongue. That’s when I realize it keeps getting deeper. He didn’t just put it past my lips he’s slowly moving it towards the back of my throat.

“I’m going to gag in a moment” I think to myself as Sir continues to push deeper towards the back of my mouth.

“NO TEETH!” he yells. I try and wrench my jaw open more but the leather is constricting me from opening up any wider.

His dick completely fills the hole in the front of the harness all the way to the back of my mouth. I try to keep my tongue moving to stimulate the shaft of his dick as he moves deeper and deeper until it reaches my throat. I immediately clench my hands to focus on something, anything, so I can try to avoid gagging.

I breathe through my nose but I can feel the amount of air I can get is restricted by the head of his dick blocking most of my throat.

My collar gets another clip attached to it pulling me forward. It feels elastic, I can pull then I’m quickly pulled back to where I was.

I try and slide my mouth and throat up and down on Sir’s dick. Each time just barely getting the head of his dick out of my throat and into my mouth to take a breath of air before something pulls on my collar forcing me back down again. I keep clenching my hands each time my throat is invaded by his suffocating cock to try and fight off my gag reflex but it’s no use. I can feel myself lose control and gag hard on his dick, involuntarily pulling back with full force but am quickly stopped by the chain on my neck

It feels like I’m fighting for each breath with someone, could 176 be in the same position, struggling to breathe unless he pulls me in?

We keep going back and forth as I try to suck on his dick, drooling thick mucus driven up from my abused throat with each pump of his dick. Catching partial breaths of air each time his dick barely gets out of my throat. I can feel my collar being pulled on and I go down but this time it doesn’t let up.

I pull but unlike before, I can’t escape it.

I can hear Sir counting down again.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6” Sir counts down.

I can hold on for a few more moments. I can just barely pull off his dick enough to get a quarter breath through my nose by tilting my head back and pulling at the same time.

If this is going to be anything like the last time, these last few seconds are going to feel like forever.

“4, …, 3” Sir counts what feels like 4 or 5 seconds.

I try and pull back and tilt my head again to get some air but I can’t get back far enough to open my airway.

“2, …, …” Sir continues to count, what feels like another 5 seconds.

I’m on the verge of panic when Sir says “1” and I can feel the pull on my neck release. His dick is quickly ripped from my throat and mouth, leaving my spit filled mouth drooling all over myself. I can feel it pour onto my chest for a second before I close my mouth savoring the mild saltiness of Sir’s precum that mixed with my spit, then swallow getting my mouth ready for whatever is to come.

176’s first-person perspective

I can feel Sirs hands on my stomach, gliding up my sides and under the shirt he had me wear. Sir’s hands grab and move around making me feel completely owned. His hands work to the bottom of my shirt, about midway between my bellybutton and my nipples, and he starts to lift it up. I instinctively raise my hands to make it easier for him to remove my shirt.

Once it’s off I bring my hands back down and Sir grabs my left hand. He forces something soft into my palm then tightly wraps my wrist and hand. It feels like there’s half a dozen different buckles as he goes up and down my hand tightening them. He lets my hand go and I let it drop back down by my side. He repeats with my right hand but instead of letting it go he clips the palm of my right hand to the palm of my left hand.

With my hands bound together in front of me, Sir connects something to them and pulls my hands up above my head until they are pointing towards the ceiling.

Sir’s hands grope my body again and I can feel the warmth of his skin on mine and the aggressive roughness of his movements. His hands reach the waistband of the booty shorts I’m wearing and I can feel his hand rubbing against my dick, tightly secured in a thong and behind the denim of my shorts.

“Pop” I can hear the button come undone.

Sir’s hands reach around behind me and land on my upper thigh, just below where the crease is between my ass and legs. His hands cup my ass as he slides up a little more. His hands keep sliding till they are about halfway up my ass when he reaches the bottom of the legs of the shorts. I can feel him pulling them down when he lets go of them, and they drop to the floor.

The chill of the room’s air and the feeling of exposure makes me instinctively cross my legs trying to cover my hard dick, only encapsulated by the thinnest of fabrics holding it tightly in place.

“Good boy, you wore exactly what I told you to wear” Sir whispers into my left ear. I relax my crossed legs and feel more at ease. Once I do, I feel air moving behind me and I clench my butt as his hand spanks me. I give out a yell, or however much of a yell I can make with this hood securing my face.

Sir’s aggressive hands land on my tightly bundled dick as it yearns for stimulation. He gently gives a rub through the fabric for a moment before stepping away.

I can hear Sir talking to the other boy but can’t quite make out what’s going on, the hood muffles the sound too much. There’s some metal clinking and voices but nothing that gives me an idea of whats to come.

I keep trying to listen for a few minutes, periodically clenching my hands to keep the blood flowing, when I can hear movement and feel rush of air and the warmth of Sir’s body in front of me again. His hands unclip mine from the ceiling and I instinctively reply “Thank you, Sir”

I keep my hands moving to keep the blood moving when he gives a sudden tug forward. I follow where he pulls me and am quickly spun around. Sir seamlessly unclips my hands from in front of me and re-clips them behind me in a single motion. My arms start to get pulled up behind me. He keeps pulling and my arms start to feel strained. I bend over at the waist to ease the angle my shoulders are being bent at when Sir slows and stops pulling leaving my arms shooting up towards the ceiling behind my back while I’m bent over at the waist.

Is he going to fuck me like this? Push me up against a toy? I start to get more and more excited. I then feel a belt being strapped around my upper thighs. Sir moves the thong from my crack and I can feel someone’s face pressing against my ass. My cheeks are aggressively grabbed and pulled apart and the face falls deep in between them right against my hole.

The warm wet feeling of lips on my hole makes me moan involuntarily. Mostly from the shock and suddenly unexpected stimulation. That’s when Sir orders the other boy to eat my hole.

As the stimulation from his mouth increases so does my heart rate and breathing. I keep making grotesque moaning sounds as my ass is invaded by a sloppy wet tongue and caressed by his lips. I start to take deep inhales with each breath to keep myself full of enough air and each series of moans empties my lungs faster than I anticipated forcing me to breathe faster.

As my breathing increases my sounds get quieter as I force myself to control my breaths. That’s when I feel the vibrations of the other boy yelling into my ass as he screams out in pain. I’m not sure what happened but it wasn’t a reward for good behavior.

His mouth picks up in intensity and his tongue explores and soaks every inch of my hole and crack completely. I can feel drips of saliva pouring down my crack and stopping just before by fabric encased balls.

I can hear Sir berating the other boy for not eating my cunt well enough. I moan again and again as the stimulation increases and to make sure they both know how good it feels for me.

“If the fag whose hole you’re eating ever moans too quietly I’m going to punish you and reward him.” Sir says to the other boy, then to me “Did you hear that 176, if your moaning gets quiet you’ll get rewarded and he’ll get punished”

I think Sir wants to play us against each other. If I’m quiet then I win, but he’ll get punished. I think I’d rather keep everybody happy, I’m sure if I take advantage of this now then the other boy won’t hesitate to do the same later.

The sensation on my hole changes and it feels more like a hickey mixed with rimming. Sir orders him to do it harder and I can start to feel pain in my hole as he sucks hard. I grunt and make bitchy sounds as the stimulation from his tongue is enjoyable but the suction starts to feel like he’s going to rip my hole right off of me. His tongue starts to invade my hole and gets way deeper than before, suctioning my hole into his mouth must let his tongue get farther into me.

The belt around my thighs drops away but the boys face presses deeper into my ass. I can hear Sir telling him to eat me out and he’ll give him air. He must be suffocating him with my ass. It turns out to be a great motivator though, as Sir counts down I can feel his rimming and tonging of my hole get even more intense, combined with almost violent levels of suction against my hole. I can’t help but blurt out in pain and pleasure. When Sir reaches 0 the boy’s head pulls away and I can hear heavy breathing and Sir calling him a good boy. I start to get a little jealous but I’ll be a good boy too soon.

Sir lets my hands go and I nearly collapse from the release. My arms are sore and drop quickly. I’m guided to the floor and sit down to catch my breath and recover. Sir snaps my thong back into place, stinging my sensitive and puffed up hole.

Sir begins to pet me as he says “Such good boys I have tonight”

“Thank you Sir” I immediately reply.

I can hear a muffled slapping sound as Sir disciplines the other boy for not thanking him.

“Good boy, next time follow 176’s example” Sir said to the other boy. I started blushing under the hood.

Sir orders us to kiss as he pushes my head forward. The other boy’s lips meet my cheek, so I move to put my lips where his were only for him to move around too. We’re both failing until Sir clips my hands to the other boy’s neck and tells me to make our lips meet. I guide the other boys head to mine and align our lips together.

I can feel the warmth of his lips through the leather and the pressure as he pushes into me. The warm moist leather is softer than when it was first put on me and I can feel the detailed sensations of the other boys mouth but the ever present denial of the actual kiss from the leather between us. It’s such a tease but I could do this for hours.

Sir buts in between us, taking over the kissing while firmly grabbing my neck. His kissing isn’t the gentle and sensual touch of the other boy but instead the domineering controlling kiss that tells me who’s in charge.

Sir’s hand on my neck starts to tighten and I can feel slightly faint from the choking as he pulls my head forward.

“Smell” he ordered.

So I started sniffing and it was the strong musk of his armpits. His hand releases my neck and I feel a huge head rush as the faintness front he choking goes away. The euphoria only lasts a moment but I absolutely love it.

Sir’s armpit is pulled away and my face is forced into his ass. I can feel his big cheeks pressing on either side of my face and can smell the sweaty-ness and leathery musk. I would sleep with my face in his ass if I could.

As my face is pressed all the way into his as the nose holes of the hood are plugged and I can’t get any air. I pull back to inhale and am pushed back in quickly. When I dive back into his ass I feel a collar being put on me and something being clipped to it. I pull back for air again but this time feel more resistance. It feels like I’m attached to the other boy, as he moves I can feel it on my neck.

We go back and forth, me pulling away to breath, pulling him down, presumably on Sir’s dick. And him pulling me deep into Sir’s ass. The longer we go the harder it is to keep my breathing consistent and I start to struggle a bit pulling the other boy down to take a few deep breaths. I can tell he realized this and pulled me down extra long.

Sir disconnects us and then reconnects us with a shorter chain. Once the chain is clipped I can’t pull out of his ass even when I pull hard to get away.

Sir starts counting down from 10 and I try to focus on that. Letting my mind concentrate on his voice and the counting, I can feel my heart rate stabilizing.

“5” Sir continues to count. I prepare to take a big breath of air but the counting seems to slow.

“…, 4, …, 3, …, …, 2, …, …” Sir keeps counting. But I start to panic. Concentrating on the count isn’t enough to push off my need for air any longer.

“1” Sir finishes. He quickly moves and I inhale deeply through the nose holes, getting a few deep breaths before my panic subsides.

Mister J’s first-person perspective

I have one boy clothed and hooded with the other stripped and wearing a head harness. They’re on opposite sides of the dungeon but it’s probably time that I shrink the distance between them.

I lift the tiny crop top that 176 was wearing and take it off of him exposing his already sore nipples. 176 really loves leather but last time he was here we mostly used rope, “lets change that” I think to myself.

As his arms start to come down I grab a set of leather wrist and hand restraints. With each wrist I carefully pull the leather tight, wrapping his wrist and palm in soft padded leather. I then buckle each of the 5 buckles in place, then again so over each buckle to ensure it’s nice and secure. I reach over to the wall that has the other restraints and hardware on it to grab 2 carabiners and a belt. Clipping his hands together in front of him, I clip the other carabiner to an eye hook in the frame above us. Using the belt I connect the 2 carabiners and give the belt a firm tug. Once 176 felt the tug I could see his arms follow wherever it was pulling and his arms started to rise above his head until I buckled the belt into place.

Reaching down to 176’s waist, I unbutton the revealing and almost obscene shorts I had him wear. Grabbing the bottom of the legs, I give a firm tug then let go as they fall to the floor. All that’s left is thong he’s wearing that would resemble women's lingerie except for the hard lump of tightly held dick behind the thin fabric.

I move next to his ear and whisper “Good boy, you wore exactly what I told you to wear” then gave him a firm slap on the ass. He yelped from being startled even though the hit wasn’t that hard.

I figure 176 has had enough attention to keep his mind busy for a few minutes, but just in case, I cup his crotch and give his cock and balls a gentle rub through the front of his thong.

Leaving 176 for a bit I head over to the Grindr boy. I squat down and get face to face with him and give his pushed out lips a kiss. In a quiet voice, not quite a whisper but not quite loud enough for 176 to make it out, I check in on how the Grindr boy is doing, “Are you having fun so far? Anything not feel right?” as I reach around him to check on his hands. I can feel his hands are a little cold and have him squeeze my fingers. His grip is weak and I ask “Are your hands alright? Are they numb at all?”

The Grindr boy tells me that they are starting to go numb, so I undo the belts holding his arms to the pole.  “If anything starts to go numb, let me know asap next time. That’ll ensure I have time to untie you before anything actually does goes numb.” I tell him.

“Yes Sir” the Grindr boy replies.

With his hands untied for a moment he starts flexing his fingers. He tells me “I’m good now Sir”.

I fold his arms behind his back. I belt each wrist to the other arm’s forearm keeping him relatively stationary. Then add a longer belt connecting the 2 elbows together, so he can’t pull his arms out. Not high security but easy enough to do without grabbing more gear for now.

I stand up and head back to 176. I unclip the carabiner from the ceiling and pull his arms down.

“Thank you, Sir” 176 blurts out.

He’s such a good boy, I probably wouldn’t have even caught it if he didn’t thank me right then, but I guess I trained him pretty well.

I pull his hands in front of him like a leash until he’s standing in front of the Grindr boy with his crotch at mouth level. I turn 176 around so his ass is facing the Grindr boy. Unclipping his wrist restraints from in front of him, I quickly put his wrists together behind him and clip them together again. I loosen the belt and attach the other carabiner to an attachment point above him then slowly start to tighten the belt as he bends over subserviently until I can see his arms start to strain from the position, that’s where I secure it in place.

Grabbing another belt from the wall of gear, I slide it through the D rings on the collar of the head harness that the Grindr boy is wearing, then around the thighs of 176. As I tighten the belt, Grindr boy’s head is forced closer and closer to 176’s hole. I reach in and slide 176’s thong out of the way then finish tightening the belt.

The boy’s pushed out lips make contact with 176’s cheeks, I quickly pull them apart and they spring back into place on either side of the boys head.

176 bursts out in a pleasurable moan when the boys lips touch his hole.

“Eat it” I order firmly, so both can hear.

176’s moans again and again as he tries to both breath and express pleasure with the little air he can pull through the nose holes in the hood encasing his head.

After a minute or two the enthusiasm of the boy drops a bit. I can hear he isn’t making 176 moan quite as much as when they started. I reach under the ongoing action and give the boy’s nipples a firm rub and pinch. He lets out a yell into 176’s ass.

“I told you not to eat before you came over, you should be a hungry little fag, and there’s a whole meal in front of you. You’re going to eat that cunt out until I say otherwise.” I order.

The boy picks up the pace as his head starts to move around 176’s ass more. I can hear 176 moaning more and see a steady trickle of drool from the boy’s mouth and 176’s ass crack.

Another couple of minutes pass and 176’s moaning dies down a little. I pop open my phone and open a sound meter.

“If the fag whose hole you’re eating ever moans too quietly I’m going to punish you and reward him.” I say to the boy. “Did you hear that 176, if your moaning gets quiet you’ll get rewarded and he’ll get punished”

I think they got the memo, I don’t think that 176 wants to make the new boy hate him and he starts to moan loudly.

I tell the boy “Stop rimming and suck on his hole.”

176 keeps moaning but a bit less intensely.

I order the boy to suck harder. 176’s moans shift from pleasure to a mix of pleasure and pain. It sounds to me like the boy is sucking at just the right level. Glancing at the sound meter on my phone confirms they are loud as fuck. To give them my full attention I snap a few quick pics then put my phone away.

I step over and straddle the boy and push his head all the way deep into 176’s ass, cutting off any route for him to get air. At the same time I unbuckle the belt that kept his face in place.

Holding his face there, I wait for him to start to struggle. After about 20 seconds he starts to try to pull away.

“If you bury your tongue completely in his hole and I’ll let you have air in 10 seconds.” I inform the boy.

176 lets out a series of even louder pleasurable moans.

“9” I start counting down so the boy can hear me.


“7”, he starts to calm down his panic for air.




… I wait a moment extra before continuing, slowing my counting down


… each number is now 3 seconds as I count down


… 4 seconds


… after 6 seconds after I said 1 without letting him go, he starts to panic

“0”, I finish counting and pull his head away to breathe.

“Good boy” I tell him as he catches his breath.

I quickly reach up and unbelt 176’s hands from the ceiling, put one hand on his chest and the other on his back as I stand him upright, then sit him down. I can hear 176 panting for air in the hood but he’ll be fine, his breathing has already slowed from when I first unclipped his hands and keeps getting slower. I reach behind 176 and pull the thong back into place, letting it go with a nice loud snap.

“Such good boys I have tonight” I say to them as I pet and rub their heads with each hand.

“Thank you Sir” 176 says, but the other boy didn’t catch on.

I grab the boy by the collar of the head harness and pull him towards me. I raise my right hand and swing it towards his leather clad face. I aim my hand precisely to hit just the right part of his face. The base of my fingers strikes his face next to his chin between his cheek bone and his jaw with my pinky parallel to the bottom of his jaw. The tips of my fingers landing in line with the back of his jaw, taking care to ensure my hand doesn’t come near his ear or nose.

The firm swat made a dull thud sound due to the heavy leather intercepting the bulk of the blow but the boy still knew exactly what happened as his head absorbed the shock.

“What do you say?” I loudly ask the boy.

“Thank you Sir” he replies, but I’m not satisfied yet.

“Thank you for what?” I ask him.

“Thank you Sir for teaching me Sir” he answers swiftly.

“Good boy, next time follow 176’s example” I concluded.

“Yes Sir” the boy acknowledged.

With both boys sitting across from each other, I move their heads closer together and tell them to kiss.

I watch as the boy’s lips meet 176’s hooded face and he struggles to find his lips. Each time that the boy tries to plant a kiss on 176’s face he misses and at the same time 176 tries to compensate by moving his head.

“Show him where your lips are” I tell 176 as I unclip the carabiner holding his hands together.

176 moves his hands towards the boys head. I grab 2 clips from the wall behind me and attach the leather hand restraints he’s wearing to the collar on the other boy. 176 pulls the boy towards him and after a few tries the boys lips meet 176’s through the leather hood. 176 lets out a moan as he feels the warmth and pressure of the boys lips on his through the leather.

 I can see his bulge in his underwear twitch, already soaked with precum.

I have them continue to make out for a bit before pulling their heads apart. I slide in between them and pull the boys head to my neck, “kiss” I tell him as he starts to gently lick and kiss my neck. I aggressively kiss 176 through the hood and squeeze his neck gently directing him where to go.

I dig my fingers into 176’s neck grabbing right on his arteries and I can feel his pulse as I squeeze and pull his head towards my right armpit. As soon as I let go of his neck he starts to breathe heavily. “Smell” I order and 176 continues to breathe deeply in my sweaty pit.

Grabbing the other boy by the D ring on the front of the collar, I pull his head to my left pit, “Smell”, I order him to follow suite with what 176 was doing. I follow up with “Eat it out” and his lips and tongue start to go all over my pit.

The feeling of their faces on my pits stimulates my dick and it twitches again in my leather jeans. I think it’s about time.

I stand up and drop my leather jeans to just enough shove 176’s face into my ass and the other boy’s lips onto my dick. I can feel 176 work his nose deep into my crack only for him to realize that he can’t breathe when his hooded face is embedded between my cheeks. Grindr boy’s lips succulenty work their way down my shaft as I firmly force myself deeper into his mouth. I can feel the teeth in the back of his mouth just barely touching my dick once I get the rest of the way in. “No teeth” I say firmly to him, he quickly struggles to widen his constricted jaw but just barely succeeds. I can feel his jaw struggling to please me as his mouth creates suction around the head and shaft of my dick. His tongue tickling the underside of it while it invades the back of his mouth and throat.

I grab 3 clips and make a short chain, about a foot or 30cm, wrap the belt that was holding up 176’s hands up earlier around his neck, and clip the front D ring on the boys collar to the belt around 176’s neck. If either one wants to come up they’ll have to pull the other one deeper into my ass or onto my rigid cock.

I let go of them and can feel them pulling against each other. 176 pulls back to get air, the tiny holes in his hood get plugged by my ass really easily. The other boy starts to gag and quickly pulls his head back as far as he can so just the tip of my dick is in his mouth, suffocating 176 in my ass again. They play tug of war like that for a few minutes, each struggling for air or to not gag. The other boy gags hard on my dick and tries to pull away but is stopped by 176’s head hitting my ass stopping his escape. He takes 1 deep breath before 176 pulled him back down and got his own sip of air. As the minutes pass the time between panicking tugging shortens and I can tell they are getting low on air.

From the chain of 3 clips, I undo 1 and shorten it to 2 clips, pulling both of their heads together until they are stuck with no way to pull off of my dick or out of my ass.

“10, 9, 8” they stop fighting as they hear me counting, they know it will only be a few seconds, and they will get air. With the boys both concentrating on my voice “7, 6, ..., 5” the seconds drag out as I wait longer between counts. “…, 4, …, 3, …, …, 2, …, …” they start to panic, both pulling hard against one another “1”. I quickly step aside and unclip them, finally giving them a chance to breathe while I remove their restraints.

Wearing the boys out

Before they meet        3

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        3

176’s first-person perspective        6

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        10

The arrival        14

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        14

176’s first-person perspective        23

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        25

The boys meet        32

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        32

176’s first-person perspective        39

Mister J’s first-person perspective        43

Wearing the boys out        49

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        49

176’s first-person perspective        56

Mister J’s first-person perspective        62

Finishing up        69

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        70

176’s first-person perspective        72

Mister J’s first-person perspective        74

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective

Sir finally gave us a bit of a break, and a well needed one at that. But he wasn’t done with us yet. I could hear him getting ready for more, so I was savoring the few minutes we had between the action.

He let us hug each other as long as we don’t touch our little dicks, even without any sexual stimulation the warmth and tenderness of it feels really nice. I still didn’t catch my breath yet so my chest is still thumping against the other boy.

“Asses out” Sir ordered without any warning.

Not sure what that means I can feel the other boy moving and I try to mimic him, getting on all 4s with my hole pointed towards where the voice came from.

I can hear him getting ready to spit then feel a warm glob land right on my hole. Sir’s fingers start exploring my hole, pushing around it, making sure the whole hole is wet before he presses them into me. My body hasn’t relaxed yet and the sudden push of fingers into my hole causes me to clench up. The clenching didn’t have any effect though, his fingers continued to impale me.

Once they are in all the way they are pulled out almost as quickly and replaced with a plug. It’s pressing against my hole but I hadn’t relaxed to his fingers yet let along a decent sized plug.

He orders me to push out, it feels weird to push when something is going in but I do as I’m told. The plug gets a little farther.

“Clench” he orders me.

I clench pushing the plug all the way out.

“Relax” he orders.

As I start to relax the plug slides smoothly in way more than it was before. He repeats the cycle, but when he has me clench the toy doesn’t move, he’s holding it in place. Each time we get to the push and relax cycle it slides a little farther and by the third time on the cycle it pops into place, I can feel discomfort as it slides in but at least I’m not being stretched anymore.

I take a breath and my hole relaxes to the sensation of a plug invading it.

“On your knees, hands behind you. Keep your eyes closed.”

We both quickly rise from all 4s to on our knees with our hands behind us. I’m not sure why he wants my eyes closed though since I’m already blindfolded.

Then I feel his hands on the leather contraption around my head, adjusting buckles making it looser. When it’s loose enough to basically fall off he pulls it away from my face and covers my eyes with tape!

“This won’t fell good coming off later.” I thought to myself.

I wiggle my face but my eyes are secured completely shut.

I can hear him doing something similar to the other boy, so I assume that Sir is prepping him for what’s to come as well.

“Straddle your legs around each other” he orders.

We sit, face each other and basically wrap ourselves in a hug with our legs around each other. Sir reaches between us and he ties our balls then cocks together. A bit of wiggling and I can feel that if either of us tried to escape that only 1 pair of balls would be in tact.

My dick being tied up is interesting, the first tie felt like a cockring but the second one near the head of my dick feels really stimulating. Both of our dicks must be leaking because it feels like our cocks can slide against one another a bit and it feela amazing.

Sir then attaches restraints to our wrists and ankles keeping us in a tight embrace.

“I’m going to give you a task in a moment. I have a timer and when we start you will continue to do the task until the time is up. Every time you stop doing it will be punished and punishments will escalate. Every second you’re not doing it I’ll add 3 seconds of additional time you must complete. Is that understood?” Sir tells us

“Yes Sir” we say together almost reflexively.

“Good, now here’s your task. You must make out for 10 minutes”

“That’s it Sir?” I asked without thinking. As soon as I said it I knew it was a dumb thing to say but too late.

“Yes, that’s it. Are you ready?” he answered,

“Yes Sir” we said again together.

He tells us to open our mouths and I do but I don’t really know what that has to do with kissing. I feel a glob of warm spit land on my tongue then a gag gets put part way into my mouth.

“Oh, there’s a catch, that toy can’t leave your mouths” Sir follows up.

What does that even mean? How can we kiss with a gag in the way?

“ “Now remember, you have to make out, with your lips touching each others for 10 minutes” Sir then starts counting down.

Just after he gets to 0 he says we’ve already earned a penalty, “2 seconds and your lips haven’t touched yet, that’s a 6 second penalty. … 9 seconds now”

I can feel the other boy pulling me towards him and I follow suit, as we move closer the gag gets deeper to the point of deep throating it. This isn’t just a gag, it’s a full-blown dildo and we must be sharing it.

Well this won’t be the walk in the park I was hoping for.

Our lips touch and I can feel the rubber cock tickle the back of my throat enough to make me almost gag. I try to kiss and make out with him around the toy but I’m not really sure how successful we are at it.

The other boy gags hard on the dick pushing it into my throat. I pull away but quickly pull back into place. The toy rebalances in between us when we come back together.

“That’s 3 more seconds” we hear.

We have to do 10 minutes of this? This will be torture!

As the toy sits in place I can feel my spit building up, it starts to go to the back of my throat and I start to cough and gag as the combination of the dick and pool of saliva stimulates my throat in just the wrong way.

As I gag the toy pushes out of my mouth and into the other boy’s throat. I must be suffocating him right now.

We balance the toy between us and get used to the occasional gag or cough that pushes the toy into the other’s throat. But it starts to wear on me. I can only get half breaths in and I can feel that I need more air than that.

The toy slides into my throat again, but when I try to push it back out it doesn’t budge. I try again and it makes it’s way back into the other boy’s throat, however I’m now starting to panic. I barely have any air left in me and the toy comes shooting back just as I was inhaling causing me to cough and gag again.

The gagging becomes nearly constant as the toy goes back and forth too fast for me to recover.

Without any air I start to panic, with all the gagging I’m already on edge of what I can handle, and I pull back as the toy falls out between us. I gasp for air and swallow the pool of spit in my mouth. I can hear the other boy doing the same.

As the toy leaves my mouth I start to feel a tingling sensation in my hole that feels almost like I’m being fingered with electricity.

I feel Sir reach between us and grab the toy as he starts to count down from 10. I don’t quite recover but as 1 comes around I open my mouth and get ready to take it like a good little bitch. I’m going to show him that I can serve him well.

I hear Sir telling us that we have 8:39 left, so it hasn’t been very long at all. Maybe I’m not as good of a little fag as I thought, I don’t know if I can do that 9 more times!

The tingling in my hole stops, and we’re back at it with the throat abuse. As we’re going I can feel Sir come up behind me, feeling his chest against my back, he whispers to me “Hey faggot, how does it feel to be owned?”

If I wasn’t suffocating and gagging I would be blushing hardcore right now, it feels humiliating to be talked to like that but it turns me on, I can feel my dick twitch and I’m pretty sure some precum squirted out when he said that to me.

We continue to tortuously try and balance the toy between us, occasionally failing causing a strong gag. But as we keep going my gagging changes from being “I need this out of my throat” to the “I’m gonna puke” kind but with nowhere to go I try to hold on, each time that I think I’m going to puke a glob of mucus shoots into my mouth and nose, making a dripping mess. I can feel strings of it pouring out in front of me but there’s no taste to it so it’s not puke and it doesn’t burn my nose or anything. Having an empty stomach really did do the trick.

Sir must have seen the strings of mucus because he pulls my bottom lip causing most of the pooled saliva and mucus to start pouring out of my mouth, I must look like a deranged fag in heat.

Even though most of the mucus has now drained onto my body, the toy goes down my throat again causing the hardest gagging yet. Just as I start to gag I can feel Sir behind me pushing my head forward and pulling the other poor boy’s head closer forcing both of us to start to suffocate and gag together.

 I try to hang on as he counts down from 10 but by 7 I’m in a panic and flailing to push away to breathe.

As soon as I do my ass starts to pulse as its clenching involuntarily to the electricity moving through it. It feels really good but if the level increases again I don’t know if I can take it.

I try to breathe, catch my breath, and drain the spit from my mouth.

Sir disappears from behind me, when he comes back he’s grabbing 1 of my nipples and pulling on it. Then I feel something clamp hard on it.

“Ahhhhh fuck, fuck, FUCK” I exclaim without thinking due to the pain.

It takes only a moment for me to realize that we’re connected, when he moves or I move I can feel the clamp tearing at my sensitive nipple.

“Please Sir, we learned our lesson, we won’t come off the toy until the time is up, please please please, don’t clamp my other nipple!” I beg

“You want me to give your nipple over here a break?” He asks as he grips my other nipple.

“Yes Sir, please Sir!” I reply.

I hear the other boy make a small yell in pain. Then Sir says “176, that little fag thinks he doesn’t need to get the same punishment that you get for the same transgression. That hardly seems fair to me but he asked so nicely. It’d be a shame if you were to get some payback for that, the clamp on your right nipple wouldn’t have been nearly as tight had he not chickened out”

Sir is goading him to make this worse for me!

The other boy starts moving and I can feel every tug on my clamped nipple, it’s torture! I hate this!

“Oh well, no time to chat, gotta get you two love birds kissing again, it’s just too sweet watching you two enjoy each other’s succulent lips gently caressing each other” Sir says before gagging us again.

Our lips touch, and we start to repeat the same dance we did before with the toy between us. After a few hard gags the toy doesn’t come out. It’s like it’s being blocked and held in place. I can’t breathe but occasionally I can get a small gasp of air.

I try everything I can, swallowing, exhaling hard, pushing with my tongue but it won’t budge. I start to mumble “Mmmhmhmhmmhmh” to try and say to pull the toy out but it’s no use.

My attempt at not panicking fails and I start to freak out, I try to pull away but the other boy’s holding me tight. As I try to move the torture on my nipple is too much to bear, so I try just moving my head instead. I jerk my head to the side and the toy flies out.

As we’re separated I can feel the other boy moving a lot pulling on the clamp causing pain to shoot through me.

Sir lets us know that we completed his task and will get to have a break. I really need it after all that.

The boy thank’s Sir for letting us have a break, I quickly follow him with a “Yes Sir” but my voice is tight from my wincing due to the pain and the gagging.

The plug in my ass comes to life one more time, this time it’s more pain than anything else, causing my upper legs to start twitching and for it to fuck my ass. It literally feels like I’m being fucked while being zapped, ouch.

Our restraints are removed and my hand is put on the clamp on our nipples. The other boy’s hand and mine fight a little, but we eventually grab the clamp and after a few tries are able to undo it.

As the clamp comes off the plug in my ass stops and I fall limp into the arms of the other boy collapsing with my head on his shoulder.

Sir gives me a kiss on the cheek and the top of the head telling me I’m a “Good Boy”. I feel warm and fuzzy inside and not just because I can finally breathe either. I can hear the other boy crying a bit and I realize I’m doing the same, now that all the other stimulation is gone it really hit me how much I just went through with that other sub.

“You’ve both been very good boys tonight. I think we’re done for now” he says to us.

I turn my head towards where I heard his voice and smile a bit.

He reaches between us and undoes the bindings on our cock and balls. He pushes my shoulders down and I start to just lay flat on the floor. The other boy plops on top of me rubbing the wet mes on our chests into each other.

176’s first-person perspective

Sir finally let us have a break! After all that we’re left hugging each other and feeling each other’s warmth. It feels really nice after the intensity of the breath control.

Sir tells us that he’s going to set things up, so we stay embracing each other while we hear him all around us getting things out and putting things away.

Suddenly I heard “Asses out” from Sir and quickly hopped on all 4s then turned to point my ass towards where I heard his voice.

I can feel Sir spit a warm wet glob of saliva and mucus onto my hole. I let it relax then he quickly forced a plug into my awaiting hole. As it passed the thickest part it quickly popped the rest of the way in causing me to involuntarily clench my hole, both sucking the plug securely into place and making my untouched and leaking dick twitch.

Sir orders us to our knees and to keep our eyes closed. I guess he’s going to remove the hood he has me in.

I soon hear buckles being undone on the other boy but stay attentive and ready until it’s my turn.

As he finishes with the other boy’s gear, I suddenly feel the boy’s mouth engulfing my balls in his warm and soft mouth. Each tongue movement and gentle suck causing my cock to twitch again and again.

As the boy is playing with my balls Sir’s hands start touching the back of my head. I can hear the laces being undone and the tension of the leather over my face start to loosen. As the tension of the leather is relaxed the leather remains adhered to my skin from the moisture of my sweat. The hood is quickly removed and tape seals my eyes in, blocking all light and preventing me from even opening them.

I feel Sir’s hands as he pushes us together on the floor, so we’re wrapped around each other, face to face in each other’s laps. I can feel the warmth of the other boy as he exhales each breath.

Sir reaches between us and pulls us is a little closer together before tying something around my balls. It feels like he’s tying them to something, when he finishes I can feel that we’re bound together by our balls. Sir continues and I can feel our dicks being bound together as well. I squirm from the sensation on the head of my dick causing ours to rub together. I can feel an involuntary pulse in my dick and a bit of pre-cum coming out. Each motion that either of us makes rubs our cocks together and causes stimulation that makes me just want to cum, but it’s nowhere near enough to get me anywhere near orgasm.

A moment later I can feel handcuffs and ankle cuffs being locked on our limbs, securing us in a tight hug. Bound together by our cocks, balls, arms, and legs, we aren’t going anywhere soon.

Sir starts to explain to us “I’m going to give you a task in a moment. I have a timer and when we start you will continue to do the task until the time is up. Every time you stop doing it will be punished and punishments will escalate. Every second you’re not doing it I’ll add 3 seconds of additional time you must complete. Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir” I replied in sync with the other boy.

This sounds like it could get real bad real quick. Whatever Sir has in store for us it’ll certainly be hard or else he wouldn’t have bothered with rules like those.

“Now here’s your task. You must make out for 10 minutes” Sir ordered.

The other boy must have been pretty naive because he asked if that was it. It never is, there’s always a catch, and Sir seems to have a knack for making it particularly sadistic.

“Yes, that’s it. Are you ready?” Sir answered and asked.

We replied with a “Yes Sir”

He ordered us to open our mouths, then spit in them. Without flinching I kept my mouth wide and waiting. Sir started to push what felt like a gag into my mouth.

Sir added another rule, that the toy can’t leave our mouths. That’s some catch.

“Now remember, you have to make out, with your lips touching each others for 10 minutes. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Begin“ Sir said.

“2 seconds and your lips haven’t touched yet, that’s a 6 second penalty.” Sir told us.

We both quickly pushed towards each other, impaling our throats with the rubber dick between us.

“9 seconds now” Sir said, just before our lips touch.

I can feel his lips and tongue under the toy, I stick my tongue out to do the same. The warm and wet reassurance of a kiss feels nice, even if it is in an intense situation like this.

I start to gag out of nowhere and the toy pushes into the other boy’s throat. I can hear him gag too.

“3 more seconds” Sir said to us.

We must have broken contact for a moment, but we quickly latched back onto each other.

The toy quickly is pushed back into my throat, just barely touching it, but enough to make it trip my gag reflex if I didn't have it trained so well. But all the training I had isn’t quite enough to keep me from gagging as the dick gets pushed deeper in my throat and dwells there as the other fag gags and looses control of his reflex.

I pull him towards me with my hands that are cuffed behind his back to keep him from coming up.

With the toy down my throat he is able to catch his breath and as he stops gagging my throat starts to push the toy out and back into his mouth. I gasp for air around the toy and through my nose after having no way to breathe while my throat was completely blocked.

It doesn’t take long for him to gag hard again, and we go back and forth, cutting off my air as he recovers from gagging. I’m surprised there’s no puke to be honest, Sir must have had him come prepared for this.

I can feel his body twitch and move as he gags, rubbing our dicks together. It feels so good but I have way bigger things on my mind.

The stupid fag gags again! This time it’s even harder though and the toy goes deeper into my throat unexpectedly. I gag hard on it and it shoots back into him. We’re both holding each other close but it won’t take much more of this to break us if we aren’t able to catch our breath.

Gagging hard back and forth, I can’t catch my breath after several tries. He tries to pull away with his whole body, yanking on my balls when he does. I stop holding him tight and the rubber throat wrecker shoots out of our mouths and gets wedged between us. At the same moment I can feel the plug come to life and my hole starts pulsing with electricity making my sphincter rhythmically clench.

As Sir starts counting down from 10 we’re both panting to catch our breath, as he gets to 3 I’ve recovered enough to go again. When he says 1, the toy is in our mouths, and our lips are touching again.

“That was 17 seconds, so you just got 51 seconds added. You now have 8:39 left.” Sir tells us.

That means we did almost 2 minutes! This is going to take forever, particularly if we take breaks like we just did.

A little back and forth with the toy and kissing later I start to feel a hand on my head resting there. It feels nice and reassuring.

I gag again as the other fag’s gagging pushes the toy deeper than expected into me, but we got the hang of this now and I’m able to slow the torture device in our throats a bit to break the back and forth cycle of throat fucking. We’re able to go for what feels like forever before I’m unable to get enough air each time. My gagging gets harder and I can feel the saliva pooling in my mouth, completely unable to swallow, it slides to the back of my throat causing me to gag even more and harder. It doesn’t take long before my nose starts to clog too.

That’s when Sir’s hand goes from gentle reassurance to pushing my head deeper onto the toy. He must be doing the same for the other boy too because our faces smush together. He starts counting down from 10 but by 7 we’re both pulling away from each other for dear life.

Just after we break and the horrible throat wrecker comes out of us my hole starts to get zapped. Way more intense than before but not quite pain, definitely on the edge of what I can take though. Each wave of electro causes parts of my ass and legs to twitch with the pulses.

Sir grabs between us and pulls my nipple before clamping it hard. As soon as he lets go I realize we’re clamped together, each movement of the other boy I feel as tugs on my nipple. Combined with my dick and balls this may be enough to build to an orgasm for me. Sir knows that intense nipple play really does it for me if it’s done right.

I can feel and hear that the other boy isn’t happy about the nipple pain. It hurts but it’s not horrible if you don’t move. If this faggot stayed the fuck still it he’d be fine.

He starts begging with Sir to not do the other one. He doesn’t know what he has coming for him if he keeps that up.

Then suddenly Sir clamps onto my other nipple really hard. I didn’t expect that at all, with his wining I was sure he’d be the one to be put in his place.

Sir starts talking to me “176, that little fag thinks he doesn’t need to get the same punishment that you get for the same transgression. That hardly seems fair to me but he asked so nicely. It’d be a shame if you were to get some payback for that, the clamp on your right nipple wouldn’t have been nearly as tight had he not chickened out”

I see what Sir is doing, I get to torture him now.

I start intentionally shifting to pull on his nipple. I try moving enough to pull his balls but there’s no way to get far enough with the way we’re bound, particularly with our nipples like this.

Sir starts mocking us “Oh well, no time to chat, gotta get you two love birds kissing again, it’s just too sweet watching you two enjoy each other’s succulent lips gently caressing each other”

The toy is forced back into us, and we make contact again as we continue to go back and forth. This time I have a plan though. Using my hands behind him, I pull him tight against me. This rubs my other, even tighter nipple clamp and I wince in pain, but I have a mission. As the toy starts to push out of my mouth and into his, I use my teeth to clamp onto it, preventing it from being pushed back into my throat.

If that fucker wants to make me pay for his fuckups then he’s in for a whole world of pain.

I can feel the fag struggle to pull away from me so I relax my teeth to let him get a breath, but after a single inhale I quickly plug his throat back up with the toy.

He gags hard a few times and I can feel the panic from him. I can feel his pulse racing and he’s struggling to get away with no regard for the pain the nipple clamp is dishing out. I let go and the toy comes out as we both catch our breaths.

“Good boys, and just in the knick of time too. You only had a few seconds left but I’ll let it slide. I bet you two could use a break after that.” Sir tells us.

“Thank you Sir” I replied.

We did it! Knowing we will finally get a break I start to realize how soaking wet I am, I must have been tearing up and pouring spit out of my mouth the entire time to be this messy.

I shift a bit as my body starts to relax and feel a tug on my nipple from the movement.

The plug turns on again zapping my hole and my whole upper leg, ass and all my insides are being shocked in pulses. I clench my jaw to deal with the discomfort with each wave. At the same time Sir starts removing the restraints and undoes the tight clamp on my right nipple, leaving the one that connects us intact. Had it not been for the intensity of the electro I’d have jumped from the pain of the clamp coming off.

Sir put our hands on the remaining clamp as we both fidget for a bit before finally releasing it. The estim is turned off at about the same time. Both of us fags, already wrapped around one another, give a gentle hug to one another.

I realize now that both of us are crying a bit, with everything that was going on before I must have suppressed it but my nipples were on fire and once the torturous estim stopped I suddenly realized how bad it was.

The other boy rests his head on my shoulder and I do the same to him. Sir kisses me on the cheek then on my head telling me I’ve been a good boy tonight.

The involuntary cries continue for a minute until we both regain composure.

“You’ve both been very good boys tonight.” Sir tells us “I think we’re done for now”

Sir unties our cocks and balls then has me lay on top of the other boy to keep him warm.

Mister J’s first-person perspective

With both boys unbound but still hooded or muzzled I figure it’s a good time to let them take a break while I plan out the next bit of torture I’ll put them through.

“Now you two get to have a little break while I get things setup” I tell them as I place their hands around each other, so they are hugging in a warm embrace, “no touching your dicks though” I tell them before disregarding them to get things ready.

I think I’ve tortured them myself but I want them to torture each other a bit too. A small double ended dildo will do the trick. I take it off the shelf and set it aside for later. I think that’ll be fun to have them make out with it down both of their throats, but I also want something more aggressive too.

I’ll need to give them a bit of motivation to be good and choke themselves if I want them to really behave well. Some remote control e-stim plugs should do the trick. I pull 2 medium sized metal plugs out, 1 for each boy and wire them to a remote control unit so I can zap either plug whenever I want.

The boys are feeling around each others bodies and I can see that they are tired already as they cuddle up to one another, but we’re not done yet. Not by a long shot.

“Asses out” I order.

Both boys quickly shuffle to be on all 4s next to one another with their asses facing towards me.

I grab some water based lube and get a huge glob of spit ready. For each boy I spit on their hole then rub it in with some water based lube. I can tell that they are turned on by it as their holes twitch then relax as my fingers slide in, lubricating them for the plugs. They moan and I can see their hard dicks between their legs. I grab the plugs and slide 1 into each boy. 176’s hole quickly opens up and takes the toy as it pops into his hole without any effort. Grindr boy’s hole takes a bit more work, I coach him to rhythmically clench, relax, and push; but after a few moans of him struggling it pops into place and a sigh of relief comes out of him.

I connect the wires up, so I can control the plugs but figure it’ll be more exciting if they don’t know what’s about to happen.

“On your knees, hands behind you. Keep your eyes closed.”

They quickly move from all 4s to on their knees, both side by side still. Starting with Grindr boy’s head harness, I start to unbuckle it. Just before I take off the last buckle I grab a large roll of 8cm/3in wide electrical tape and cut a piece just long enough to go over his eyes.

“Keep your eyes closed” I remind him before taking off the last buckle for the head harness and quickly putting the tape over his eyes, securely blocking all light and keeping his eyes firmly shut. “Be a good boy and play with your new friend’s balls” I tell him as I push his head down towards 176’s crotch. He quickly starts licking them.

I slide over to 176 and start to unlace the hood I put on him earlier, slowly loosening it as I undo each row of lacing. The leather remains sticking tightly to his face from his sweat as I continue to loosen and unlace the hood. Just before the last loop I grab a strip of tape and get ready to blindfold 176 as well. With 1 hand I give the hood a little push and it starts to fall off, I quickly grab the tape and in a single fluid motion secure his eyes shut just as the hood falls off his face.

With both boys stripped of all clothing and gear except for the tape covering their eyes, I start getting them setup. I turn them towards each other, have them sit flat on the floor, and slide their hips in so their cocks and balls are touching.

“Straddle your legs around each other” I say. They straighten their legs, so they go around each other’s hips.

I reach around and grab a thin strip of soft leather, then reach between them and tie their balls snugly together preventing them from moving away. I do the same for their dicks, wrapping the bases of their shafts together nice and tight as well as just under the heads of their cocks. With their balls tied, the bases of their dicks connected, and the heads of their cocks bound together they squirm. They can clearly feel pleasure as their dicks move subtly against each other. “That’s okay for now” I think to myself

I grab leg shackles and shackle their ankles together behind each other’s back so their legs are stuck. Pulling their hands around each other like a hug, I start to cuff their hands behind each other’s back, keeping them both in a tight embrace of one another.

Now I get to explain the rules of this little game to them.

“I’m going to give you a task in a moment. I have a timer and when we start you will continue to do the task until the time is up. Every time you stop doing it will be punished and punishments will escalate. Every second you’re not doing it I’ll add 3 seconds of additional time you must complete. Is that understood?”

“Yes Sir” they barked in unison.

“Good, now here’s your task. You must make out for 10 minutes”

“That’s it Sir?” Grindr boy asked.

“Yes, that’s it. Are you ready?”

“Yes Sir” they again said in unison.

I grab the small double ended toy, it should be just long enough to tickle the back of both of their throats or really gag one of them while the other gets to breathe.

“Open” I ordered, and they both opened their mouths. I spit in both of them then put the toy into place before pushing their heads together, just enough that the toy is in both of their mouths.

“Oh, there’s a catch, that toy can’t leave your mouths.” A concerned whine came from both of them as they just started to figure out what was about to happen. “Now remember, you have to make out, with your lips touching each others for 10 minutes. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Begin“

I get ready to start the timer, waiting for their lips to touch.

“2 seconds and your lips haven’t touched yet, that’s a 6 second penalty. … 9 seconds now”

As I spoke they pushed their heads together, pulling at each other with their cuffed hands and their lips finally touch. I start my timer with 10 min 9 seconds.

I can see them struggling a bit as they balance the toy between them, both half gagged.

Their lips barely touching, I can see their tongues reach under the toy to enter each other’s mouth. Just then 176 starts to gag really hard and the toy is pushed part way out of his mouth and into Grindr boy’s unsuspecting throat. Their lips break contact for a moment, not long enough for me to punish them, but long enough to add some time.

“That’s 3 more seconds”

I can tell they are worried. Checking the timer it’s only been about 20 seconds total, so they still have 9:50 to go. I grab the estim controller and get ready since I can tell that they will soon come apart and get punished. I have it set to 3/10 to start.

The Grindr boy gags hard but holds it in, keeping the toy in his throat. Another hard gag and a cough, the toy shoots out of his throat, barely in his mouth, and goes deep into 176, cutting off his air.

They go back and forth for a bit without breaking contact with one another for about 2 minutes. Each time the struggle is harder and harder to stay connected. With 7:48 left they both start gagging at the same time, each of their heaves pushing the toy into the others throat enough to cause them to gag and quickly push it back. Neither can catch their breath and I can see that they are panicked as their hands and legs start to shake, but they keep pulling each other together.

Then it happens, they are gagging constantly, if they didn’t have an empty stomach when they got here there would have been a huge mess. They pull apart from one another and the toy falls between them.

I quickly turn on the electro, and they squirm and moan, it’s clearly  a nice feeling instead of a torture. That’ll change if they do it again.

I reach between them, grab the toy, and say 10 seconds… 9… 8… 7” I continue to count down as they catch their breaths. As I get to 1 I get the ends of the toy in their mouths, and they quickly pull together impaling their throats.

2+ minutes without a break, I don’t think they need to be punished for that, but that’s not going to stop me from fucking with them.

“That was 17 seconds, so you just got 51 seconds added. You now have 8:39 left.” I can tell they aren’t happy with the news. It was a bit of a lie though, I didn’t actually up the timer on them, yet.

With the toy back down their throats, I turn off the electro but up the setting to 6/10 for next time.

I sit behind Grindr boy, pressing myself against him. Reaching around his head, I rest my hands on the back of 176’s head. I’ll be sure that they don’t get to come off of it next time until they really can’t handle it anymore.

I whisper into Grindr boy’s ear “Hey faggot, how does it feel to be owned?”

He whimpers then gags onto the silicone dick pressing into the back of his throat.

Things progress just as they did before, about 2 minutes of back and forth gagging, then strong gagging and dry heaves for another half a minute before they are gagging so often that they don't get a chance to breath between gags.

I can see tears dripping down their faces. Dripping onto their bodies and mixing with one another’s where their chests touch. Their noses are dripping mucus from all the tears and gagging, completely coating both of their faces everywhere below their noses, their lips, the bit of the toy that’s exposed, their chins, and a steady drip onto their chests and crotches.

With a toy so deep in their mouths, they can’t swallow either. They have been pooling spit in their mouths trying to avoid making a mess. I reach over to each of their mouths and pull down their bottom lip causing the pooled spit to start pouring out completely coating themselves.

With each gag more spit and mucus projects out of their mouths and noses, but the pour out of their bottom lip seems to have reduced the gagging a bit. I think they will be able to last a bit more now.

They now have about 4:30 left. Surprisingly good! But they can’t hold off much longer.

I twist their heads a bit so they can get a little closer and pull 176’s head towards me, squeezing his mouth closer to Grindr boy’s lips. With the back of Grindr boy’s head against my chest he has nowhere to go and the toy goes deeper inside them both.

I start counting down into Grindr boy’s ear “10, 9, 8” but he’s already on the verge of panic as they are both gagging and unable to breathe.

4:16 left and I let go from the back of their head, reach for the electro controller and keep my finger on it as they start to come apart.

The second their lips break contact I turn it on and I can feel them both jump and clench.

The toy drops from their mouth as well as a pool of mucus completely soaking any part of their chest, stomach, and crotch that somehow remained dry.

They start coughing and gasping for air, still gagging as if the toy was still in their throats. It takes a bit, but they eventually come to their senses.

I take this time to get up and grab 2 rubber tipped forceps. I squat down next to the boys and push their chests together. Grabbing both of their nipples, 176’s left and Grindr boy’s right, I get them close enough to clamp them both with the same forceps tip and clamp it down a few notches binding the 2 boys together by the nipple with an intense pain.

Grindr boy yells and screams for a moment as the clamp is tightened then proceeds to wine. 176 just whimpers. They can feel each other’s subtle movements from the tight clamp transferring every shift, shake, expansion of their chest as they breathe, everything to each other as a sharp pain to the nipple. I move to the other side as they beg and plead for me to not do it.

“Please Sir, we learned our lesson, we won’t come off the toy until the time is up, please please please, don’t clamp my other nipple!” Grindr boy said.

“You want me to give your nipple over here” grabbing his nipple rightly between 2 fingers “a break?” I ask rhetorically.

“Yes Sir, please Sir!” he replies.

“Alright, but you asked for it.” I said as I clamped 176’s nipple with the forceps as tight as it would go causing him to involuntarily yelp.

“176, that little fag thinks he doesn’t need to get the same punishment that you get for the same transgression. That hardly seems fair to me but he asked so nicely.” I tell 176 “It’d be a shame if you were to get some payback for that, the clamp on your right nipple wouldn’t have been nearly as tight had he not chickened out”

“I bet 176 wants to be nice to the new boy but I wonder if he’ll be so nice after that?” I ask myself.

It doesn’t take long before I can see 176 squirm a bit causing Grindr boy’s clamped nipple to ache in even more pain with every movement.

“Oh well, no time to chat, gotta get you two love birds kissing again, it’s just too sweet watching you two enjoy each other’s succulent lips gently caressing each other” I mock them as I force the toy back into place.

I realize I forgot to stop the timer but that’s alright. They have no idea.

I stop the electro and turn it up to 8 for next time.

Their lips touch and they embrace pulling each other together. But things are different with those tortuous nipple clamps. Luckily they’ve only got another 2:45 left. I think I’ll see if they can do it all in 1 go.

The first minute or so goes by smoothly but with extra whimpering this time as their nipples ache with every movement. Even 176’s right nipple feels extra sensation as Grindr boy’s chest rubs against the clamp.

As the gagging starts to pick up it seems that after a few gagging spells, only Grindr boy is gagging but 176 is breathing just fine.

1:28 left and Grindr boy is in an all out panic. I can see 176 is holding him down on the toy keeping him from getting out for any air, even as he tries to pull away. I take a closer look and 176 is biting the toy in his mouth keeping it deep in the other fag’s throat with no where to go.

1:14, they break free from one another as Grindr boy turns his head to the side hard enough to pull the toy out of his throat and for 176 to drop the toy. I can tell that 176 is moving more than necessary just to torture the other boy who put him through this extra pain.

Seems good enough to me though, so I figure we can wrap it up. I don’t think I’d want them face to face again at this point until they get a break or else they might just intentionally rip off each other’s nipples just for spite.

“Good boys, and just in the knick of time too!” I lie to them. “You only had a few seconds left but I’ll let it slide. I bet you two could use a break after that.”

Even though it was only a few minutes, with the sweating, gagging, suffocation, and pain these two are in need of a few minutes to relax.

“Thank you Sir” 176 replied. He then shifted his chest a bit causing the new boy’s nipple to be yanked.

“Yes Sir” Grindr boy replied as he whined from the pain.

I turn on the estim for a moment, and they both tense up. I can see their ass and leg muscles spasming to the electro and leave it on while they pull each other closer as a reflex to the pain and discomfort.

I quickly uncuff and remove their restraints, then remove the clamp on 176’s right nipple which causes a disgruntled grunting sound to come out of him. I move both of their hands to the other clamp and tell them to take it off.

I watch for a good 20 seconds as they both fight over it and fiddle with it, they end up tightening it, twisting it, and causing each other to start to tear up with tears of pain instead of just the ones from gagging before. They finally get it released, and they give each other a long warm, wet hug.

I turn off the estim and can hear gentle sobs from both of them as they rest their heads on each other’s shoulders.

I bend over and give them each a kiss on the cheek and again on the top of their head.

“Good boy” I whisper into each of their ears between the 2 kisses.

“You’ve both been very good boys tonight.” I say.

They both perk up and turn their heads towards me smiling while the gentle sobs from the pain and intensity of what they just endured melts away a bit.

“I think we’re done for now” I tell them.

I reach between them and untie their cock and balls. The leather is soaked from the tears, mucus, and precum that puddled in their crotch.

I push Grindr boy onto the floor, so he’s laying down then tell 176 to keep him warm and happy while I clean up.

Finishing up

Before they meet        3

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        3

176’s first-person perspective        6

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        10

The arrival        14

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        14

176’s first-person perspective        23

MisterJ’s first-person perspective        25

The boys meet        32

Grindr boy’s first-person perspective        32

176’s first-person perspective        39

Mister J’s first-person perspective        43

Wearing the boys out        49

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        49

176’s first-person perspective        56

Mister J’s first-person perspective        62

Finishing up        69

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective        70

176’s first-person perspective        72

Mister J’s first-person perspective        74

Grindr Boy’s first-person perspective

The other boy is on top of me kissing and biting me, I can feel him choke me a little as he wrestles me playfully on the floor. After a few minutes Sir pulls off the tape over my eyes, which comes off way easier than expected.

I make eye contact with the other boy and we instantly start aggressively making out. Even if I can’t take a scene like this every time, I’d love to get to play with Sir’s boy sometime.

The other boy starts to wipe up the wet mess with a towel that Sir gave him. When he finishes he gets up on his knees like he’s begging, I follow him. We’re right in front of Sir, and we say “Please Sir we want to please you.”

The leather he’s wearing is tight and soaked through with sweat. Sir pulls out his cock and the smell of his crotch permeates the room. The smell of leather with the musk makes me just want to serve him more and more.

My mouth starts watering (who am I kidding, after all that my mouth is soaking wet still) and I bury my face in his crotch, smelling everything before getting my tongue all over his pubes, taint, balls, and finally his dick. The other boy had the same idea, and we bump heads a few times. We briefly make out then get back to pleasuring Sir.

The other boy starts using his hands to massage Sir, working his way up to his crotch, so I follow along.

Sir tells us “Keep going but no touching my dick.”

I keep using my mouth all over his crotch and feeling him all over with the other hand. As I’m getting more and more into it he says “Lets grab a snack and get some water, we can cuddle in bed in a bit.”

I follow behind the other boy and crawl to the kitchen behind Sir.

He starts to fill up 2 cups with warm water and a third he’s getting ready to fill with piss. It takes a moment, but he starts a stream of it filling a pretty big glass.

He fills the 2 water cups the rest of the way with piss and then hands each of us 1. I smell it and instantly want to lap it up in my mouth. I get a bit in my mouth and I like the taste but it’s really hard to swallow. It takes a lot of effort but I can start to get it down.

Sir refills the cups with water then tops them off with piss again, and again, and again. 4 cups of diluted piss water before we get a cup of cold fresh water. Though I’m gonna miss the taste of it. I never tasted it before but it’s really nice, I think my dicklet got hard and twitched when I was drinking it.

Sir heads to the bedroom and I crawl behind him and the other boy. Following them I get on the bed before Sir has us help strip him.

As we undo each item of clothing I take a moment to feel it and take a deep sniff before putting it aside.

I rest my head on Sir’s chest looking into the other boy’s eyes then up to Sir. It was a really fun night. Sir gently pets me before humming a relaxing melody and I start to pass out.

176’s first-person perspective

I start kissing and biting the mess of a boy beneath me, pinning him to the ground and taking control in a playful way. Sir reaches over to me and starts to pull the tape from my face, I can feel it tug on my eyelids as it finally comes loose. I keep my eyes closed, even the dim light in the room seems to be a lot.

Sir does the same for the other boy, removing the tape over his eyes and we can finally see each other for the first time. He’s so cute! We were playfully messing around before because we were horny but now that we can see each other the dynamic changes a lot. I feel a lot more connected. We start passionately making out.

Sir gives us a towel as we’re kissing, and we wipe up before getting on our knees and waiting for him to give us instructions.

“Please Sir we want to please you” we said together.

Sir, still leather clad walks up to us and pulls out his cock from the leather jeans. As our faces get near to his crotch I can smell the strong odor of leather mixed with musk mixed with sweat and balls.

We both put our faces all over, on his dick, licking sniffing and kissing every bit of exposed skin on his crotch. We bump into each other a few times from the excitement and make out briefly before getting back to it.

Too eagerly, I start to grab at Sir’s legs then work my way up to his crotch before gripping his cock and balls with my hands, the new boy follows my lead.

I take 1 of my hands and start to explore his body while the other hand and my mouth are pleasuring Sir.

I can feel Sir’s cock twitch and it spits out some precum.

“Keep going but no touching my dick” Sir says.

He must have been close, he likes being edged by little slave boys who will please him so he probably wants to hold off for a while.

Out of nowhere Sir says “Lets grab a snack and get some water, we can cuddle in bed in a bit.”

We crawl behind him as he walks to the kitchen and wait patiently on the floor.

He fills up a few cups of water. He takes the third cup and puts it under his dick. It takes a minute before he gets soft enough, but then he starts to fill the cup with piss.

We’re probably going to have to drink that if we want water, ugh. Just when I thought we were past the difficult stuff.

He tops off the 2 cups of water with piss from the third cup and tells us to drink it. Wincing I gulp it down thinking I’ll get some water in a moment. He refills the cup with water but again tops it off with piss. 2 more times and the cup is finally empty. He gives us cups of fresh cold clear water!

We follow Sir on all 4s as he heads to the bedroom, Sir pats the bed as he hops on and we both climb on. As we’re getting ready to lay down Sir orders us to remove his leather. We both work together to undo the buttons and zippers then gently pull each item off and put it into a pile by the bed.

I start to rest my head on Sir’s chest and the other boy does the same, looking up at Sir then to the other boy we all have a big smile on our faces. Sir’s hand gently goes through my hair as Sir starts to hum. I close my eyes and start to drift off to the melody.

Mister J’s first-person perspective

Wiping a few things down and hanging gear back up doesn’t take too long. Looking back at the boys they are still soaked but feeling each other’s body all over while kissing and biting each other. I can see them biting harder and harder as they take turns going after each other.

I dim the lights to their lowest setting then head over to the boys, play wrestling at this point. I grab the tape from both of them and slowly peel it back, their tears loosened it up a lot but it was still keeping their eyes closed.

As their eyes meet they immediately return to making out while I finish cleaning up.

I toss them a towel to wipe up with and as I’m finishing with the rest of the dungeon they both get on their knees and give me puppy eyes.

“Please Sir we want to please you” they said in unison.

I step in between them and push their faces to my crotch. Pulling out my dick out of my leather jeans.

Where my dick was is now completely soaked with precum and the intense odor of the leather mixed with the musk from by ass, balls, and cock baking in the tight leather for the duration of the scene permeates the room as I lower the jeans.

Both the boys bury their faces in my crotch. They sniff, lick, and kiss my cock, balls, pubes, and taint. Occasionally turning to each other to make out in the intense musk that my crotch exudes.

They feel up my legs with their hands and grab my cock and balls. I can see them touching each other too, but being careful to avoid each other’s twitching dicks.

I start to get close from the stimulation. “Keep going but no touching my dick” I inform them.

They continue to worship my legs and crotch for a while before we take a break.

“Lets grab a snack and get some water, we can cuddle in bed in a bit.” I tell them.

They crawl behind me to the kitchen and wait patiently on the floor.

I fill up 2 cups with tap water and then hold a third under my dick. They both know what’s about to happen as I start to fill up the cup with my piss.

I can see the look of worry on their face as I top off the other 2 cups with my hot piss before handing them the cups. “Drunk up” I say to them.

176 drinks it without a problem but Grindr boy winces and struggles before he gets it down. As they finish each cup I give them another but each time with a little more piss in it. After the 4th cup they finally finish off my cup of piss and get a glass of cold fresh water.

I head to the bedroom and they follow behind, hopping on the bed behind me. The leather is hot as fuck so I tell them to strip me. They both eagerly unbutton and undo my gear pulling each item off and gently folding it into a pile on the floor.

They rest with their heads on my chest, one on each side, looking at each other with a big smile on their face before they start to doze off. I caress their heads, running my fingers through their hair. I give a gentle hum to a random song that popped into my head and we all pass out in a cuddle puddle on the bed.

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