Servant to a Soccer Stud

By Jake Tam

Published on Nov 10, 2018


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<Authoritarian, m/m, high school, feet>


So here was Tommy, who had thought he wouldn't turn into a servant for Brad's younger brother so quickly, or at least not WANT to turn into one so badly -- making out with Kyle's smelly bare feet with wanton passion, within 5 minutes of entering Kyle's bedroom. The fact that Tommy at 19 was worshipping the lowest part of the body of a 16-year-old boy actually made Tommy feel lower and therefore his dick harder. Tommy's submission to Brad was truly to someone stronger, taller, and older (by a couple of months). It could be argued that there was an element of Brad forcing Tommy to be his servant by virtue of Brad's sheer power. But not so with Kyle. Yes, Brad had ordered Tommy to show Kyle the same respect as he showed Brad, but that was not the reason Tommy was SO into Kyle now. Tommy now wanted Kyle, badly. And he wanted to please him, badly. This was pure desire, lustful, focused desire. Even though he was younger, there was a refinement and suavity to Kyle's style and ways that Brad lacked. Brad imposed his will on Tommy by fear and intimidation. Tommy surrendered his own will into Kyle's hands willingly much more as a result of Kyle's intoxicating charm and charisma.

So although on the surface Tommy's servitude to Brad was the same as his servitude to Kyle (both with a heavy focus on foot worship and being called a faggot non-stop), Tommy felt different about this new dynamic. It felt fresher and in many ways more intense.

"Wow, fag," Kyle said. "I never thought anyone could be into feet so much." In response, Tommy just kept slurping away. The sensation was so new and intense that Kyle soon whipped out his cock and started stroking. Tommy eyed the shaft from afar greedily, but figured given what Kyle said earlier, he would not get to suck on that teenage meat today. Sixteen-year-old hormones being what they are, Kyle shot his ample load a few minutes later onto his own set of beautiful 6-pack abs.

"Go get me a towel, fag." Kyle then wiped his cum off and threw the towel at Tommy's face. Tommy held the towel dumbly for a second. Kyle had a better idea: "Let's see you suck my cum out of there, bitch." Tommy didn't hesitate, put the towel to his face, and lapped up as much cum as he could, then sucked the fabric of the towel to get as many Kyle spermies into his tummy as possible.

"Yuck, homo! Cum is so disgusting, especially someone else's. God, how can you stand it!"

"Your cum is delicious, Master Kyle. It is an honor for me to eat it." Tommy was being 100% truthful. This teenage cream tasted even better than Brad's.

Kyle guffawed. He had never met anyone like this, didn't even know they existed, other than Brad sending him pics and vids of Tommy. But having Tommy serve him live was still a trip. When Tommy had thoroughly cleaned that towel with his mouth, Kyle dismissed him. Tommy unpacked both Brad's and his bags, then waited for Brad to come back from the gym.

Thirty minutes later, both he and Kyle heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Then Kyle heard the door to Brad's bedroom slam. He could only imagine what Brad was doing to Tommy post-workout. At one point, Kyle put his ear up against the door. He could hear his older bro's man moans and grunts. He thought he could also hear Tommy crying, followed by slaps, followed by "What did I say about crying, faggot? After all this time, you still can't take what I dish out, huh homo? What good are you then?" Tommy's reply: "I'm sorry, Master Brad. I'm so sorry. I know I'm a worthless piece of shit, but you are so strong, so powerful, that I still cry from your beatings." Kyle could then hear more slaps, along with Brad grunting and laughing. Yeah, Tommy was fucked.

. . .

The next day, I got a text from Kyle to go to his house. When I got there, there were a bunch of people there already in the backyard, both Brad's friends and Kyle's friends, many from the various varsity soccer teams each was or had been on. Many were very, very hot, but even in that illustrious group, Brad and Kyle stood out. And then I saw this guy I had never met before, looked 6 foot tall, lean, dark blond, green eyes, also quite attractive. Definitely looked like Brad's age than ours. But unlike the other guys, he was just sitting alone.

I said hi to Kyle and some of the others, and Kyle as usual gave off his air of superiority. Brad then came over and said, "Connor, go fetch us some more drinks from the fridge." Guess college hadn't made Brad any less rude, especially to me. When I came back, the soccer guys, many shirtless (including Brad and Kyle), were kicking around some soccer balls. Kyle looked at me for a second, pensive, and I averted my eyes to turn to some other hottie. (As you all know, a short four months later, all this staring would catch up to me, and it would be my mouth hanging off of Kyle's below-the-waist body parts.) After getting my fill of eye candy but then forcing myself to stop, I decided to walk over to Tommy and extended my hand.

"Hi, I'm Connor, Kyle's friend."

"Oh hey, I'm Brad's classmate from school. My name's Tommy." An eagerness to define himself by reference first to Brad. Interesting.

"Oh, I didn't know Brad had invited any of his friends from college."

Tommy paused for a second. "Um, yeah. I got a job here. Just a coincidence. Since Brad lives nearby, he was nice enough to let me stay with him over the summer."

I thought to myself, that didn't sound like Brad. Brad was a selfish motherfucker. Plus, while Tommy could arguably pass, he didn't really seem like a true fit in Brad's friend circle, especially one close enough to live in his house for a whole summer.

Tommy sensed my suspicion and said, "Yeah, I had to literally beg him to let me do this." Beg? That was a weird thing to say. Begging Brad didn't make Brad any nicer.

But it was my turn to chime in with a silly comment. "Yeah, Brad and Kyle are, like, the most popular kids in town. You're real lucky to be staying with them."

Tommy laughed nervously. I continued, "Hey, wanna go inside to play X-Box? Doesn't look like you're interested in participating in the soccer drill, either. I usually just go inside where the A/C is on."

"Nah, I'd better not. I think Brad wants me to stay outside." Really? This kid's movement was restricted by Brad? Something was off, but I decided to drop it.

We sat in silence for a whole longer, then Brad and his old soccer buddy Joe D'Agostino walked up to us. Joe was the varsity goalie back in the day. Like virtually all of the soccer jocks, Joe was drop dead gorgeous, Italian, dark hair, very masculine. Total ladies' man. His best feature? Those hairy Italian legs. You just wanted to wrap your whole body around them and feel all warm up against the furriness, but at least that's what I wanted. Brad ignored me and snapped his fingers, "Yo, Tommy." Then Brad casually sticks out his index finger and points it twice toward the patio door. Up down, up down. Very subtle. Yet very meaningful. Tommy immediately got up, didn't even say good-bye to me, and followed the two college jocks inside the house. Ok, now the only guy I was talking to was being summoned away (I wondered why), so I went back to talking to some of my own friends. At one point, Kyle purposely(?) kicked a soccer ball directly at me. Thankfully, I was athletic enough to catch the ball instead of letting it hit my face. I gave Kyle an annoyed look; he said without apology, "Throw the ball back, dude. Chop chop."

Meanwhile, Tommy nervously followed Brad and Joe upstairs. Tommy had a sinking feeling what was about to happen. All during freshman year, Brad had never shared Tommy with another dude. Did the other guys in that common room think it was weird Tommy kept coming around? Probably, but Brad likely told them they were in a lot of classes together, to leave it alone, mind their own business, and the other guys listened to him. Any of the girls who had witnessed Tommy servicing Brad could have spilled the beans to anyone, but none of them even knew Tommy's name, as his name was "faggot" whilst in Brad's room. So it worked out that all during the school year, no other guy ever learned Tommy's secret or took advantage of that.

That all changed yesterday with Kyle, and it was about to change some more. They all went into Brad's room and closed the door. Brad looked menacingly at Tommy. Joe sneered at him.

"Knees." Tommy got on his knees. "So my buddy Joe here knows all about you. So far, he's the only one. He deserves to feel good. And you're gonna make him feel good. He said he hasn't had a blowjob in, like, forever, so he wants you to start with that. So, get going, fag."

While Brad hopped on his bed, Tommy moved his face toward Joe's crotch. It smelled very strong, even from half a foot away. "May I take your cock out for you, Master Joe?" Tommy asked deferentially.

"Wow," Joe said. "This is crazy. But yeah, I really want a blowjob, and I know gay guys give great ones. So you better not disappoint. Pull my shorts down." Tommy obeyed, pulling the shorts and underwear down together. Joe's cock flopped out; his was shorter than Brad's but thicker. Black pubic hair everywhere. "Get me hard, faggot."

Tommy started kissing Joe's cock, the head, all over the growing shaft, back to the head. He almost always started his blowjobs this way - a kind of foreplay with the stud's cock before going full tilt. Tommy swirled his tongue repeatedly over Joe's frenulum. Joe very quickly started getting hard. Then with one swift motion, Tommy forced his mouth and throat to engulf the entirety of Joe's shaft. Tommy had long ago learned how to do this with Brad's cock, so doing it for Joe was quite easy by comparison. Joe gasped. "Fuck, faggot. Yeah, I want my cock to feel the back of your throat." Tommy didn't need to be asked twice. He started the blowjob proper, up and down the entire length of shaft each time, his nose hitting Joe's very ample pubic hair with every thrust. Joe started to thrust so the motions of the giver and receiver were in sync.

"Looks like someone's happy." Tommy didn't know whether Brad was talking about him or Joe, but Tommy was happy, or at least tried to settle into happiness while this other hot stud's cock was fucking his throat. But as far as long-term happiness, Tommy was no longer there. Yes, he still wanted to please Brad, but Brad was endlessly mean. So when Tommy was servicing Brad, Tommy made the most of it, his dreams were still coming true. But whenever the "sex part" of their interactions were over, Tommy only felt a kind of emptiness except this large looming threat hanging over his head. That single threat had so erased the rest of Tommy's life that the emptiness felt more pronounced. Maybe that's why Tommy was so quick to lust after Kyle, and why Tommy was "happily" blowing Joe. Any outlet that even if momentarily freed him from the stranglehold that Brad had placed on his existence was a welcome relief.

It didn't take much longer, and Joe's cock soon ejected ropes and ropes of thick, gooey cum directly in Tommy's throat. Tommy barely tasted the jizz. He could hear Brad clapping and cheering in the background. Joe then pulled out of my mouth and high-fived Brad. Then he came back and commanded Tommy to clean his cock. Tommy licked and sucked on Joe's cockskin for about another minute. With all of Joe's cum firmly down Tommy's throat, Brad told Tommy to go clean out his mouth with Listerine and come back. "You might be ok with cum, but I don't want no cum on my feet when you come back and service them."

Tommy did so, came back, got back on his knees and started his minty fresh tongue bath and mouth worship of Brad's now bare feet. Brad, shirtless with nothing on but his soccer shorts and boxer briefs, sighed contently. Joe had pulled his shorts back on and was sitting down on the desk chair. The sweat from Brad's morning of soccer drills and running around now became my responsibility, as was the black sock lint still left on Brad's soles from those crusty yet sexy as all hell black ankle socks. Tommy now remembered why he didn't just end his servitude of Brad. No, not just because Brad had pics and vids of their encounters, but because in moments like this, when Tommy could simply lose himself in the perfection that is Brad's foot sweat and sock lint, all the abuse seemed worth it. Oh, and those size 13s. There was nothing on earth as precious as a pair of size 13 jock feet on a young stud.

Meanwhile, Joe and Brad carried on their own "adult" conversation, while Tommy was just a tool for their pleasure. A piece of furniture. While the "adults" talked, Tommy was just to do his duty.

"All right, Joe, I want some privacy with the fag now, so get the fuck out."

"Ok, buddy. Thanks again for the blowjob. Really needed it." Tommy was the one who gave the blowjob, but Brad was the one getting thanked.

"Anytime, pal."

Joe left the room, re-closing the door behind him, and Brad kicked off his shorts and underwear. Brad then sat forward and immediately started slapping Tommy in the face, over and over again, really hard. What had Tommy done wrong? Nothing, as it turned out, but Brad was now hard, and part of what he felt like doing today to get off was bitch slapping his cockslut. Between the foot worship and the face slapping, a good sized dollop of pre-cum was now visible at the tip of Brad's cock.

"Breathe my pre-cum in through your nose, faggot." You see, had he told Tommy to suck up that yummy pre-cum, that would've been a reward. But no, Brad was going to semi-drown the poor queer by making him "suck" his pre-cum in through his nose. Tommy did so, not very well, so Brad slapped and punched him some more. When he was finally satisfied with the slapping, he pulled the faggot's head by the hair onto his cock, and fucked the warm, waiting mouth hard. Almost a year into servicing Brad, Tommy had long gotten used to the rough face fuck without gagging. (Although Tommy was a pretty good cocksucker to begin with, it took quite a few whippings by Brad's belt to fully motivate Tommy to blow Brad properly, which for him meant perfectly, every single time. That's why, by comparison, going down on Joe was easy. Practice makes perfect.) Brad was still sitting on his bed, so he gripped Tommy's head hard and forced it up and down on, up and down.

"F-u-c-k, f-a-g-g-o-t," Brad exclaimed as he shot his cum into Tommy's mouth. Wow, delicious, better tasting than Joe's for sure. Amazing that the taste of the Peterson brothers' cum was superior even as compared to other jock studs. With Brad spent, Tommy performed his usual post-climax cleaning of Brad's cock, balancing the thorough cleaning with post-climax cock sensitivity. Again, it took quite a bit of "training" for Tommy to perfect exactly what Brad wanted. A minute later, Brad used his right foot and kicked Tommy off his cock. "Make out with my feet some more, faggot."

"Yes, Master Brad," Tommy croaked before his mouth once again went back to work, with three of Brad's left toes disappearing inside.

. . .

The summer was just getting started, but Brad's sexual needs (along with Joe's and some of the other college-age guys Brad decided to share Tommy with), not to mention Tommy's mall shifts, as well as Kyle's summer soccer drills, limited the number of interactions between Kyle and Tommy. I will write about some of those interactions later, but there was no way selfish Brad was going to let Tommy be enjoyed by anyone else more often than by him -- even though Tommy who now had a massive crush on Kyle tried to get at him as often as he could. Brad was still king, always.

This forced Kyle's mind to start planning for something bigger. Kyle Peterson was gonna get his own faggot. I was to be that faggot. Kyle was probably putting 2 and 2 together about me a few months after that conversation he had with Brad last Thanksgiving. Knowing about Tommy and the way Brad caught Tommy naturally led Kyle to think about anyone in his world that could be a Tommy. So my stares at, and deference to, Kyle which had before been insignificant to Kyle when we were in junior high school, soon became more meaningful now that Brad had tipped Kyle off to the existence of totally willing and insatiable faggot servants to hot jock studs.

So in hindsight, Kyle could have implemented his eventual plan any time that summer before junior year, and I would have fallen in hook, line and sinker just like I did once the school year started, but Kyle wanted to wait until Brad (and Tommy) were out of the house. Kyle didn't want them getting in the way, at least at the outset. So Kyle waited until September, and that's where Chapter 1 of these adventures began. And you all see how, in less than 2 months, my world now revolved around Kyle just like how Tommy's world revolved around Brad.

One last thing, how did I learn about the events surrounding Brad and Tommy starting with Chapter 10? Well, right before I started writing Chapter 10, the following exchange occurred between me and Kyle. I was in my usual position slurping away at Kyle's feet in his bedroom.

"So, fag, I have some news."

I usually responded verbally to him, but when my mouth was sucking on a toe or two or three or four, I usually kept going. Kyle seemed to like that. Unless a direct question was posed to me, my mouth was better used for sucking than for talking.

"So you met this kid Tommy over the summer, right?"

Direct question, better answer. I pulled my mouth off Kyle's toes and answered, "Yeah, he seemed nice, but quiet though. Didn't really seem to fit in."

"Yeah, remind you of anyone, you stupid faggot?"

"Um, I don't know. He goes to college with Brad. I don't really know anyone like that."

Kyle kicked me hard in the face. "Wrong answer, cunt. As usual, you are dumb faggot. So let me enlighten you. That kid Tommy's a fag, just like you. He's Brad's fag. Why else was some random kid spending the summer at our house, huh?"

Wow, it all suddenly made sense. "Yes, Master Kyle. Yes, Master Kyle," I answered as I peppered his feet with apologetic kisses. "I get it now. That's so cool. Brad deserves a fag, just like you, Master Kyle."

Kyle kicked me in the face again, even harder. "No, you dumb cunt. Brad's had has fag for almost a year now. He's the one who gave me the idea to look for my own fag." Well, nothing I said contradicted that, but I guess I was wrong to compare Brad to Kyle; I should have been comparing Kyle to Brad. But since there was no direct question, the "more useful sucking than talking" rule applied, so I just kept, well, sucking Kyle's bare feet. (By the way, Kyle's feet had grown half a size since my worshipping first started, now to size 11.5.)

"Anyway, Tommy's gonna be here for Thanksgiving, and big bro and I are gonna have some real fun with our two fags."

I suddenly got scared. No one other than Kyle and me knew who, or what, I was, and now all of a sudden two more people are gonna find out. But I had to tread very carefully. Anything contrary I said to Kyle would have led to severe punishment, or worse, I could lose access to him and his body parts altogether. Tommy might have been infatuated with Brad for but a few weeks before getting pulled down; I had deeply loved Kyle our entire childhood. I did not want to lose him.

"How, how is that gonna work, Master Kyle?" I asked, perilously, since I was almost never allowed to ask Master any questions.

But Kyle answered: "It's gonna work the way Brad and I say it's gonna work. Look, I don't have it all planned out, ok? With Brad around, he calls the shots. But to get you prepared, let me tell you what I know."

And then it was story-time. Kyle basically told me the content of Chapters 10, 11 and 12 while I made out with his feet. He repeatedly compared me to Tommy, and of course called me a "stupid faggot", "dumbass cockersucker", "piece of shit" and all the rest as part of this story-telling. I was leaking pre hearing the ways in which Brad utterly eviscerated Tommy. Kyle was bad enough, but Brad was downright brutal. When I went home that day, I started writing down what Kyle had told me. In the following weeks, Kyle told me some more, and I inserted some of what I eye-witnessed over the summer, and Chapter 13 is part of the result. While I await what Thanksgiving brings, I'll write some more in the next few chapters about what else I experienced and what Kyle has been telling me about this past summer. But my initial trepidation has now been replaced with utter anticipation and excitement. Two decent looking fags on two gorgeous studs sounded incredibly hot. I now can't wait for Thanksgiving weekend.


Next: Chapter 14

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