Sergeant Submits

By jdr

Published on May 9, 2023


The usual disclaimers apply to all chapters in this series. This is a work of fiction intended solely for the edification and enjoyment of adults of legal age. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Mention or description of any institution is only for background purposes and does not mean or imply any connection with or disrespect to that institution. All rights reserved subject to Nifty's terms of use. First time readers can learn more about the Colonel by reading "With a Flip of a Coin" posted in Nifty's Gay Authoritarian and Gay College sections in March and April 2012.

At last the Colonel had the sergeant. Methodically the officer had reduced the soldier from confident NCO to compliant bootlicker to unresisting cocksucker. Hanging upside down, naked except for the dog tags draping his face, his sweat salting his eyeballs, his upended nuts exposed to relentless squeezing, stretching, slapping and punching, unable to lift his head or cover his crotch or wipe his face or do anything except scream, the young buck sergeant had finally fallen to a challenge he could not beat. Here he was, his mouth impaled on its first ever penis, his head being used to sway his entire body a few inches back and forth, forcing him to suck in and out on the Colonel's cock.

The officer was no fool. He ceased punishing the young man's balls and instead started stroking the young man's cock, matching his strokes to the upside-down body's rhythm so that each swallowing motion matched the hand enwrapping the boy's entire dick. When the Colonel's cock slid outward, leaving only the cockhead inside the sergeant's lips, the Colonel's hand slid upward to concentrate on the sergeant's sensitive bulb. When the Colonel's cock slid inward, touching the back of the sergeant's throat, the Colonel's hand engulfed the sergeant's entire hard shaft. So it went, in and out, as pain turned to pleasure.

The Colonel sensed the young man's body tensing up but had no intention of letting him cum just yet. The officer withdrew his cock from the noncom's mouth and his hand from the sucker's dick. He stepped around the swinging body to stand behind the sergeant. The older man unfastened the soldier's hands from the descending chains only to pull his arms back and up from the ground, then clip the wrist cuffs together. Simple gravity pulled the forearms toward the shoulder blades, making any other arm position impossible to achieve.

Stepping back in front of the sergeant, the Colonel suckerpunched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of the younger man.

"Do you give?" the question followed by another hard punch.

"Yes, sir," the soldier responded while recovering from the gut punch.

"Did you lick my boots?" PUNCH

"Oomph. Yes, sir, I licked your boots."

"What does that make you?" PUNCH

"Oomph. A bootlicker, sir."

"Whose bootlicker, boy?" PUNCH

"Oomph. Your bootlicker, sir, the Colonel's bootlicker, sir."

"Did you suck my cock, boy?" PUNCH

"Oomph. Yes, sir, I sucked your cock, sir," wanting to stave off another couple of gut punches by skipping the next two questions, "That makes me a cocksucker, sir, I am the Colonel's cocksucker, sir."

Satisfied with the result, the officer cradled the sergeant's bent head and torso against his chest while he unhooked one leg, lowered it a few inches, rehooked it to its chain, then did the same with the other leg, back and forth until one leg could touch the ground and was joined by the other leg. Slowly the Colonel lifted the soldier's upper body until he was standing again, but then put pressure on both shoulders to wordlessly bring the sergeant down on his knees.

This time there was no force and no reciprocal cockstroking. The Colonel stood in front of the kneeling boy. Without prompting or a word being spoken the newly minted cocksucker leaned forward, took the waiting cock in his mouth and started sucking in and out. For the next fifteen minutes the officer gave the soldier a full tutorial on how to suck a cock. The lesson ended a bit abruptly but happily (at least for the man in charge) when several spurts of full bird cum shot into the buck's virgin mouth.

Having been ordered in advance not to swallow but to retain the Colonel's cum and display it, the sergeant did as he was told. On his knees, naked, hands cuffed behind his back, his submissive mouth open wide, gazing up at his CO, he saw and felt his commander's fingers dip into his mouth and scoop up some cum, but he did not flinch or move. He felt rather than saw the sticky semen being spread on his face. He saw and felt the officer repeating the cum removal until his tongue told him only a small amount remained. On command, he swallowed what was left, never moving or breaking eye contact. He now had been baptized in cum, both inside and out.

The Colonel uncuffed the sergeant and ordered him to put his socks and boots back on, climb one of the pines that had a chain in its branches, unfasten the chain, leave it at the base of the tree and then do the same to the other tree chain. When he scampered down the second pine with its chain in hand, he saw the Colonel locking the previous chain to the base of its tree so he did the same. Now all four lodgepoles had a chain secured to its trunk at ground level

The officer concealed his pleasure at the soldier's willingness to serve. Instead, he ordered the buck to lie on the ground in the center of the clearing, arms and legs spread out diagonally. Then he fastened each limb to a chain. For the third time that day, the sergeant was a human X, this time lying on his back while wearing boots, socks and dog tags.

By contrast, the Colonel removed his boots and socks. He then stepped barefoot onto the supine sergeant's abs and started bouncing up and down. At first his feet never lost contact with the soldier's stomach, but then he started elevating an inch or two and after that used the noncom's gut like a trampoline. The young man took it as stoically as he could, but it was quite uncomfortable.

The Colonel stopped his bouncing only to walk up to the boy's chest. With one bare foot firmly planted on the sergeant's sternum, the officer laid his other foot's toes on the young man's mouth and gave a one-word order.

"Lick." Out came the noncom's tongue, licking and washing and probing between all the toes.

"Open." The tongue retreated, the mouth opened wide, the toes went in. For several minutes the Colonel subjected the sergeant to full foot worship. The whole time the officer's entire body weight pressed down on the young man's chest, hampering his ability to suck air in and out.

The humiliation was not over. The Colonel had broken the young buck and wanted to keep him broken (but not shattered). He intended to break the young man down and then build him back up, not just as a submissive but as a noncommissioned combat leader.

Stepping off the supine body and straddling it with his feet to either side of the rib cages, the officer commenced to relieve himself of all the water he had drunk all day long. He sprayed it in the sergeant's regulation haircut, along his cumstreaked face, down his chin, into the sternum declivity, over his washboard stomach and into his pubic hairs. The younger man said and did nothing about it. He now knew that he belonged to the Colonel, that he would serve and please his commanding officer any way that he could and that, in turn, his CO would nurture, mentor and protect him at all times.

The Colonel still had one last act to perform, one last confirmation that he now possessed the sergeant in mind and body. He unchained both legs while keeping the eyebolts fastened to the ankle cuff D-rings. He caught both boots under the heel and lifted them up, over and back to the NCO's wrists. There he fastened the ankles to the wrists, which in turn were stretched flat on the ground by the remaining tree trunk chains.

Standing above the sergeant's up-in-the-air ass, the Colonel asked him, "Did I break you, soldier?

"Yes, sir, you broke me."

"Did I do it fair and square, soldier?"

"Yes, sir, you broke me fair and square."

"What can I do to you for losing the challenge, soldier?"

"Sir, you can do anything, sir."

"I won't fuck you without your permission, boy, you have to ask. If you don't then you will have lost to me twice."

The sergeant regathered his pride, swallowed hard and said, "Sir, I said you could do anything to me and I will stick by that. You have my permission to do anything to me or with me, sir, and if that includes fucking me then so be it. Just know, sir, that you are the first man who has broken me and the first to take my ass. It is yours to take, sir."

The Colonel was no rapist. For him the triumph was not the sex but the submission. Now he had the latter and soon would have both. He slipped on a condom, slapped on some lube, pushed into the hole with a lubricated finger or two, then slowly pushed his officer cock into the noncom's cherry ass. He would stop whenever he met resistance, then penetrate farther after the sub boy relaxed. Within minutes he was in all the way and pumping in and out like a banshee. The sergeant took it manfully at first, then avidly, at the end ecstatically.

When the Colonel shot his load, he left his cock inside the tight hole until he started to soften. He withdrew his dick, removed and discarded the condom, then unhooked the sergeant from all the chains and cuffs. It was now time to reward the soldier for his obedience. The officer ordered the young man into the front leaning rest position, cupped both his own lubed hands around the noncom's cock, and commanded him to do more pushups.

Up and down went the sergeant. In and out went the sergeant's cock. Up and down, in and out, a combination of sensations that the noncom (an exuberant jerkoffer in private) had never felt. As he approached the point of no return he had the forethought to request permission.

"Sir, I'm about to cum, sir, request permission to cum, sir, I'm about to, sir!"

"Permission granted, soldier!" And with that the young, hung and full of cum twenty-one year old shot a prodigious load into his new owner's hands and all over the ground.

The sergeant collapsed into the dirt, unconcerned about how filthy his body was. His sweat, the red marks from the whippings and switches, the piss, the cum, all of it ran together making him look like an angry skinned mud man. The Colonel, still crouching next to him, wiped his own hands on the soldier's legs, then reached over to the noncom's shoulders and started squeezing the stiffness out of them. In a soft confident voice he talked to the buck, congratulated him on holding out longer than any previous hiker from hell, expressed his pride in the young man, promised to keep him safe, and made his commitment to mentor the sergeant during his two-year ROTC tour.

The worn-out soldier relaxed, both mentally and physically, in response to the strong ministrations of the Colonel's hands and the soothing seductive tone of the officer's voice. Once the sergeant recovered his second wind he realized that he, the NCO, should be servicing his commander, the retired officer. He exchanged positions with the older man and proceeded to give him a long and thorough full body massage, not unlike the ones he himself had received from spa girls overseas.

The sun was still above the horizon, but night comes fast in mountain country. The Colonel started giving instructions, organizing the repacking of the field pack and the policing of the area where so much had happened that day. He caught the noncom by surprise when he handed the young man the long sleeve tee and told him to put it on to cover all the marks and dirt. Retrieving a spare t-shirt from the pack, the officer put it on himself and the two military men, bonded closer than anything short of combat or bondage could accomplish, hiked their way back to the trail, down the mountain and into the parking lot.

Over the next few months the Colonel was true to his word. He mentored the sergeant on matters military as well as things sexual. He introduced the younger man to the entire panoply of male-male play, submission, bondage, slave service, bedroom service, and more. He tutored the career noncom on leadership and the Army's way of doing things. He also signed the buck up for boxing classes at a local gym, already thinking how he would use Kevin Knoyle to advance a cunning plan that the Colonel had in mind.

Next: Chapter 5

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