Sera on the Band Bus

By Sera Drake

Published on Apr 23, 2013


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, based on true events. Names have been changed, and any similarity to any characters is a coincidence, so stop being so paranoid.

This story contains teen, m/m and f/f sexual content, so if that's not your thing, whatever, just don't read it.

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The air was thick with excitement. The scent of sweat mixed with rain and wood and metal culminated to create a perfect aroma of victorious bliss. For the first time in ages, the Riverdale High School band was coming home with a sweepstakes trophy. It had been a three hour drive to get from Riverdale to Franklin, and then the rigorous process of warmup, performance, and watching bands began. By the time the ecstatic teenagers reached the buses to return home, it was already well after midnight. Exhaustion took its toll over the excitement, and most of the students had fallen asleep after fifteen minutes of celebration.

But i was left awake, staring out the window at the passing trees. My mind was filled with the events of the day; not necessarily the thrilling performance or rewards show, but more specifically what i had found my boyfriend doing after they exited the field.

"Andrew?" "Shit!" "Andrew, James, what the fuck are you doing?" "Sera, it's not what it looks like-" "It looks like you're sucking his fucking cock!"

How had i been so stupid? As the field commander, i was supposed to be better at understanding her peers, especially Andrew, first snare. The two of us dictated the entire band's togetherness.

But i didn't realize that he was gay – with the tenor drummer James, no less! James and Nikki, my best friend of eight years, had been dating since freshman year. And Nikki had seen them too; she walked behind the bathrooms as soon as she heard me yelling.

"Oh my God James! Pull your damn pants up!" "Nikki, fuck, i'm-" "Just spare it, okay?"

After that, i had been unable to talk to anyone, not even Nikki. I stood through the awards ceremony joylessly, went through the obligatory celebration without expression, and went straight back to my seat in the back of the bus. As the two buses had been split according to gender (thanks to the James and Nikki's shenanigans on the way home from the first football game), i gave no thought to stripping down to my Soffe shorts and sports bra as soon as i sat down.

It wasn't until the bus had been rolling for some thirty minutes that i smelled a familiar perfume right beside me. "So," Nikki said nonchalantly.

"So," came my timid reply.

"I guess our boyfriends are butt buddies."

The blunt sentence should have been more painful, but i couldn't suppress a small giggle.

Trying my best to put on a straight face, i turned to look straight at her and, in a hushed tone, said, "This really is serious though. I don't know what to do."

"About what?"

What did she mean, about what? Six hours ago, i had seen her boyfriend humping my boyfriend's mouth. "About... James and Andrew. Being... you know..." I couldn't bring myself to say `gay' for whatever reason. I was by no means a homophobe; it just felt strange to say about the guy who'd taken my virginity.

"Curious? Come on, Sera. They're guys. You think guys never fool around with each other?"

I hadn't really thought about it before. I mean, Nikki and i had practiced kissing back in about third grade. But this was totally different. Wasn't it? "I don't know. James seemed to be really enjoying himself."

"Ha ha, yeah, James loves a good blowjob." Again, Nikki's bluntness caused me to laugh just a bit. "And as far as i'm concerned, if he's getting off without me having to gag on that thing, more power to him."

I looked around nervously. Nikki's volume had returned to conversational, and there were two freshmen in a seat just diagonal of us. Having to hold back tumultuous laughter, i shoved a finger against her lips. "Shut up! Someone might hear you!"

Giggling herself, Nikki gently brushed my arm away. "Okay, okay. But anyway, i just don't see why it should be such a crisis. It's not like Andrew's having sex with some other chick."

"Yeah, right. Just your boyfriend's mouth."

"Oh, what, are you jealous?" Nikki said sarcastically.

I took the bait though. "Jealous of who? Andrew?"

"No, you pervert. I meant of James. When was the last time someone went down on you?"

It was no secret that Nikki was a bit of a harlot. She and James apparently had sex at least twice a week, and they traded oral almost every possible chance. So whenever the topic of sex came up, little innocent me liked to make vague exaggerations. Andrew and i had barely gone past third base; he had certainly never licked me off. "I mean, it's been... a little while, i guess..."

She read the embarrassed look on my face, and her jaw dropped. "No. Fucking. Way. Do you mean to tell me that Andrew has never actually gone down on you?"

My cheeks turned bright red. "No, no! We've, you know, fooled around. He's just... He's never made me cum."

Nikki almost died on the spot. She was completely addicted to orgasm. After she was able to breathe normally again, she closed her eyes and lowered her voice once again. "Dearest little Sera, what do you think humans were made to do?"

I sighed. She had given me similar speeches before, every time i showed a lack of interest in sex.

"To fuck," i responded condescendingly.

"TO FUCK!" she half-screamed, half-whispered. "We were blessed with a key to instant happiness that sits right between our legs. One of the most basic instinct of animals is to reproduce; therefore, we have to fuck. To deny ourselves fucking, a fundamental instinct, is to deny our humanity. Quick, close your eyes and tell me five people you would fuck right now if they were tied down right in front of you."

I was used to this drill. "Andrew, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tim Johnson," i said without hesitation. It was my ideal fourway, actually. But then, strangely enough, a picture of Nikki, stripped naked and tied down, flashed through my mind. "Uh, Brad Pitt, and... the guy from Fall Out Boy."

She glared at me. "Really now? Five dudes. You think that the guy from Fall Out Boy would be better at fucking than say, Lauren Hollister?" Lauren Hollister was possibly the most notorious lesbian at Riverdale. She was a Californian cheerleader who had supposedly been transferred because she had slept with every one of her female teachers in her old school. And she was undeniably HOT.

"Oh come one, Nikki, i'm not gay," i shot back, just a little too confidently.

"Who said that would make you gay? I picture Lauren Hollister's blonde head between my legs at least once a month. Am i gay?"

"No," i chided, "You're a fucking pervert."

"Am i though? You've never, ever, ever had one thought about having sex with another woman?"

Again, i hesitated, and she knew i was lying before i even let out a weak, "No, never."

And then she smiled the most wicked smile i've ever seen on her face. Without warning, she shot her hand right between my legs and grabbed onto my mound. "See, you're soaking wet. Somehow i don't believe you."

And she was right. The entire conversation had gotten me rather heated. I didn't even protest as she squeezed and rubbed my moist lips through my thin shorts. "This is natural, Sera. This is release. I can almost guarantee, James and Andrew have gotten each other off before. Maybe it was weird to see them doing it behind a nasty bathroom in their marching uniforms, but sometimes, you just need to let yourself go."

And so i did. I relinquished myself to Nikki's tender touch. I closed my eyes, and i thought about Andrew's thick cock, as i normally did when i masturbated. But then, strangely, i thought about James's, as i had seen it earlier. I thought about the sight of it dripping with sweat, spit, precum. I wanted it, but moreover, i wanted Andrew to have it. I replayed and looped the sight of Andrew, tall, muscular, tan, sucking the shorter, scrawnier pale James.

And then i opened my eyes as Nikki slid her hand inside my shorts. She had somehow covered me up with my marching jacket and hung her own up in the aisleway. And then, for the first time(or was it the first time? Had i just been repressing it before?) i noticed how hot my best friend was. She was about 5'4" and only weighed around 100 pounds. Her breasts were a modest 24B, but she did have some surprisingly noticeable curves. At 17, she looked more like a woman than i did; 18 years old, i had pretty much stopped growing some four years ago. I was 5'7" and 132 pounds. My boobs were nothing to laugh at, 28C the last time i checked, but my figure still looked rather boyish.

Then she kissed me. It was not a romantic kiss; it was pure passion, pure lust. Our teeth met as she pressed harder, and then her tongue entered my mouth. Her fingers toyed with my vagina over my panties. I gasped into her mouth, and then retaliated. After a couple minutes, we were both rubbing each other through thin fabric. And then i grew bolder. I pulled her band t-shirt up to her neck, unsurprised to find she was wearing a front-clasping bra. I no longer cared about the homoeroticism of my boyfriend from earlier. All i cared about was my friend's perfect nipples, as i dove in to taste them. She withdrew her hand from my shorts and began fondling my tits. It felt incredible, not just in a sexual sense, but also in a liberating way. It was pure exploration, and it was wonderful.

Before i knew it, i had pushed her down to the floor and was spread my legs wide. She took the hint and, without hesitation, began furiously licking my dripping pussy. She knew exactly what she was doing, and i briefly wondered if this was her first time with a girl. But my mind went clear with the electric shock of her gently biting my clitoris. Andrew had never even found the sensitive spot.

Within seconds, i was cumming in her face. I felt that i must have shaken the entire back of the bus as wave after wave of sheer ecstasy rocked my whole body. She picked herself up and, without requesting i return the favor, planted a sloppy, cum-covered kiss on my mouth.

"Wonder what the boys are doing," she said coyly.

Oh, what the boys were doing indeed...

To be continued!

Next: Chapter 2

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