Seph's punishment

By Shutup NZ

Published on Jun 6, 2024



Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

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"Ass out! Heels up!" I barked at the strapping freshman who'd just entered my office.

With the rest of the school on their way home, I had the bully boy to myself, my project standing nearly naked over my desk. Many of his peers looked up to him as captain of the school wrestling team, yet his bullying of the other smaller students was quite undesired.

Seph was his name. His voice was like syrup, smooth and sugary, which only came with the onset of puberty. Left to his own devices, he would have still had a girlfriend, but under my control, that had all but ended. The long curls on his head hung almost to his eyes; his physique was muscular, that of a young teen boy.

"How many times have you been into my office?" I barked once he was in position.

"Six, I think, sir," the boy croaked.

With his white shorts and jockstrap falling to the floor, he leaned over my desk further, remembering my instruction to raise to his tiptoes to make his hot young ass even more prominent. On the school grounds, he was a menace, but in my world, he was my prey. He knew what he was here for.

On a typical day, his crack was deep, almost as if it were trying to hide his straight boy asshole from the world, but in my domain, his cheeks were spread uncomfortably wide. Outside my office, he was a bully in many other students' eyes, but he was all mine behind closed doors.

"Six? And you still won't learn? I bellowed. "What's your age plus six?"

"Nineteen..." he muttered, already clenching his teeth, aware of what was coming any second now.

Without prior warning, I gave him the first blow of many, lashing a thin riding whip right across the middle of his bare ass. The whip was little more than a single reed, narrow and stinging, but it left a thin pink pencil-like stripe from one cheek to his next. It was small, but it bit hard, and seeing his ass at the end of it all was often a sight to behold.

"Nineteen is the most you've had. Why do you bully boys if you know you'll keep ending up here?"

Seph opened his mouth, but I punctuated my question by lashing him again--another pink line crisscrossing the first like a shallow x. Seph blasted hot air through his unprepared mouth before sucking, whimpering like a little girl as he readjusted his footing.

"It was Scott, sir!" Seph said between his teeth. "He, ARCHH!"

Once again, I delivered another hit before he reached the finish line. With sixteen still remaining, the hit struck the supple base of his ass, causing it to tremble where its plumpness met his thighs. His legs shook from the blast, and the skin around his ass vibrated as he tried to cope with the pain. Remembering to keep himself open--he made sure to keep his ass up and out despite what he was going through, a lesson that had taken quite some repetition from our previous engagements.

"Sorry for interrupting you there, Seph, but it sounded like you were going to make an excuse for your behaviour."

"I-.. ESHHHh!"

This time, he jumped as I struck him, no longer able to hold back a cry of mercy. He scrunched his legs and bent his knees as if it would help, his body trying to escape its torment. He allowed his cheeks to close against me for a brief moment but quickly regained his composure by raising himself back onto his toes and bending forward.

"What are we going to do with you, Seph?" I pondered, pacing behind him and lightly tapping his behind.

He was shaking more visibly now, with his head bowed and his ears red. With no answer to my latest question, he gave me no choice but to snap the whip on him again, his silence broken as the reed sank into his tender teen bum flesh.

"I'm sorry, sir," he said in barely a whisper. "But-

I tutted at yet another excuse, which only deserved another blow. I enjoyed our little game, whipping Seph if he kept quiet or whipping him if he tried to speak. Regardless of his sporting prowess, schoolyard bullies like him deserved to be as miserable as the boys they teased. It was boys like him that made my early years a nightmare, and it felt so good to get revenge, even if Seph wasn't the one who had done it.

I gave Seph a moment to compose himself, his legs almost unable to keep him upright. I marvelled at the fine art I had created on his once milky white canvas, a series of red and pink stripes like train tracks crossing their way across his ripe bare buns. The last blow had been so hard that it even left a series of little pin-size dots all in a row, red blood beads that would heal quickly enough. Seph was panting hard now; his head hung low against the desk he bent over, his feet having dropped again slightly since the beginning.

"Get your ass back up," I shouted. "Higher"

Seph had barely moved when I cracked him another immediately after. Again, I'd caught him off guard, lashing him vertically this time, resulting in an angry red stripe from bottom to top between his ass crack. Intrigued by my work, I delivered another blow from top to bottom, this time the tongue-lash cruelly licking him underneath, wrapping under and catching him by surprise on his exposed taint. Despite my actions, Seph was typically stoic about his punishments, never shedding tears. This time, however, it seemed I had hit his Achilles heel, his voice breaking as he howled, clutching his wounded undercarriage as he collapsed onto the floor.

Oh, how he howled and shook this time, his hands clasping under him, protecting himself in vain. For the first time, his face graced me with fresh tears as they rolled down his cheek, his reddened ass a trophy of my work.

"Stand," I ordered.

"Sir.." he gasped.


Langusihy, Seph reached for his shorts, but I kicked them away, assuring the broken teen that we weren't entirely done yet. Wobbly but determined, he staggered back to his feet, his shrivelled cock confessing that he wasn't enjoying this nearly as much as I was.

I'd seen him naked plenty of times; his soft three inches were quite nice to look at, perhaps a testament to why some of the other boys were intimidated by him. He was also one of the few in the team who were still intact, his foreskin making him look even longer, his small bush and slender teen cock giving it an almost pointed appearance.

"Hold your cock up out of the way," I demanded. "So that I can see your balls."

"Please, sir, I'm sorry." Seph croaked, the apple in his neck bobbing with what I proposed. "Don't hit me there."


With another gulp, Seph looked down at his cock as he carefully lifted his flaccid self flat against his groin. With his cock hidden behind his hand, he would be able to protect his soft cock, but the plumpness of his budding teenage balls was utterly exposed. He hung his head and jammed his eyes shut as I surveyed his wanting position, knowing as well as I did how his balls were sticking out, his sack hanging right in line for my strike.

"I'll make you an offer, Seph," I said, poking the tip of the whip against his balls.


"Scott Rove. Is he the one you like to tease?"

"Yeah...'cause he's a fag."

Seph watched me nervously as I pressed the tip into his precious nuts more roughly at his response. Light taps on the left and right sides ensured his best behaviour, threatening the very last thing he ever wanted to feel.

"Since these punishments don't seem to be getting us anywhere, I'll make you an offer. Tomorrow, I want you to go and find Scott. I want you to invite him to watch you shower after your game and let him see every single inch of you."

"What..? Why? I don't like dudes."

"Neither do I, but you strip for me."

"That's make me...You're a teacher."

"And I still am. If you want to avoid my giving the next nineteen shots on your balls, you have to give Scott everything he wants. You are to let him touch you and give him anything else he wants. His wish is your command.

"What if he makes me do something like...suck his dick?"

"Then you suck his dick. I'll be asking afterwards if there is anything you didn't do, and if there is, you will find yourself right back here, standing just like that, with your balls primed and ready."

Seph gulped as I retreated the whip from his balls. There was no doubt in his mind I would follow through if he failed to comply; his balls were literally on the line if he didn't.

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