Seoul Secrets

By Steve

Published on Feb 17, 2003


I hope none of you guys are trying to follow my military career, because I have been jumping all over the place. I never planned on writing more than the first story, but people have asked me to continue, so here I go. When we left last time, I had just had an amazing sexual experience with a guy named Chris, who was on his way home to the states. Oh, by the way, none of these names are true, except mine. So if you are one of the guys that I hooked up with, don't worry! No one will know who you really are.

Chris and I had an intense couple of hours, where he came on to me a couple of days before he was to leave Korea for the states. We had a great time, and I began to think that maybe I could have an active sex life while I was in Korea.

The guys that I lived with in my little NCO barracks were all great guys. We had a rule. When we went out as a group, we came home as a group. This really wasn't a problem if we stayed on post. Even the dumbest of us could make his way back to the barracks if we stayed on post, no matter how drunk we got. The NCO Club, the Enlisted Club, the Navy Club, even the bar at the big high-rise hotel we had on post, were all within walking distance of our barracks. It was only when we went into the 'ville that we had to watch each other's backs. (Don't ask me where "the 'ville" came from...that's just what everyone called going into the city, outside post.)

As a group, we used to frequent a place called "The Kettle House". This fine establishment served soju mixed with fruit juice in what looked like a tea kettle. Now, soju is some wicked stuff. Straight, it tastes like lighter fluid. But mix it with some fruit juice, and it goes down smooth and easy ALL night long! The Kettle House had a menu board with all the different flavors that you could get. It must have been at least 25 different flavors. (My first weekend in the 'ville, my buds took me there, and we started at the top of the menu...I don't remember anything after papaya, or pineapple...which is odd, because I do remember raspberry!)

A couple of weeks after Chris had DEROS'd, a bunch of us headed out to the Kettle House. We had a newbie with us...the guy who had taken Chris's we did the traditional thing and started at the top of the menu and worked our way to the bottom. At closing time, the KNP (Korean National Police) showed up to "encourage" everyone to leave. (This happened every weekend, as far as I know...and probably still does.) Now, the Kettle House was located on a very narrow street, which was no wider than an alley.

Flanking both sides of the street were vendors selling anything from fresh food to "knock off" tennis shoes. Many people would tell you not to eat anything from these street vendors, but after you've had enough soju, I don't think there is a bacteria alive that could hurt you! You could get kim bop, which was meat and rice wrapped up in seaweed (not my favorite!), yaki mondu, they were like pizza rolls, with meat and rice and veggies inside, or beef sticks, which were just like they sounded...beef on a stick. Most of my friends were married, so they lived on a limited budget...they sent most of their money home to their wives. I was one of the few single guys, so I had a lot of disposable income. I told everyone in our group to wait for me, because I was going to buy all of us a beef stick and some yaki mondu. We all waited and as the food was prepared, I was passing it out. A couple of Korean guys walked up next to me and placed their order while I was waiting for the last servings to come up. I was the only one who hadn't eaten yet. That's the NCO way...your troops always eat first! The Korean guys struck up a conversation with me, and we chatted as best we could. They spoke a little English, and I understood less Hangul. But, we talked. I looked over at my friends to be sure that they were still there. I wanted to make sure that I had my friends behind me, in case these guys were getting ready to rob me. They didn't really strike me as a threat, but I wanted to make sure that someone from my group was keeping an eye out on me.

It was then that I noticed that they seemed especially close. Now don't get me wrong. Korean men are not afraid of showing affection to each other in public. They hold hands in public, walk with their arms around each other's shoulders, even wash each other's backs in the showers. It didn't mean that they were gay. They just have different attitudes about showing affection to other guys. (I think we could learn a few things from them!) They introduced themselves as Cho and Jung. Jung whispered something in Cho's ear, and they both laughed. Then, I noticed Cho gently stroking the back of Jung's hand as we stood there waiting for our food. Even as drunk as I was, my gaydar was pinging like mad! I figured that these two were lovers.

My last order of food was ready, and when I turned around to leave, all of my buds were gone! Those sons-of-bitches! I bought them food, and they left without me.

I was standing in the middle of the street, kind of looking around for my friends, when Cho and Jung walked up to me with their food. I knew how to get home on my own, but I was still pissed at my buds for leaving me. Cho seemed especially upset when I explained what had happened. In his broken English, he said that my friends were not true friends if they would leave me all alone in a strange country. While he was saying this, Jung put his hand on my shoulder, and Cho put one hand at the top of my chest and slowly ran it down to my belt buckle. Drunk or not, I knew where these boys were coming from! We were standing in a tight circle, and I moved my right hand over to Cho's thigh, and slid my hand up to his crotch. Now remember, we're standing in the middle of this little street with people all around us at bar-closing time. Cho smiled, and groped me back. Jung looked like he was going to shit! He seemed really nervous...almost as nervous as I was!

After talking, as best we could, it was decided that we would go back to my room for a while. I paid for a taxi to take us back to the gate next to my barracks. I was planning on having sex with both of these hot little dudes.

If my roommate and my so-called friends had been awake, I don't know what I would have done. As it turned out both Cho and Jung got through the gates with their ROK (Republic of Korea) military ID's, and we made it to my room.

The barracks was totally quiet, and my roommate was passed out in his bed.

I invited both of them in, and we made our way over to my side of the room, sat on my bed. Cho was fine, but Jung still seemed pretty apprehensive. He kept wanting to go stand out in the hall, until we were finished. Cho said something to him in Hangul...and it sounded pretty harsh. He looked at the floor and didn't say anything else for a few minutes. I got the impression that Jung wasn't really into this, and that Cho was forcing him into it. I told Cho that if Jung didn't really want to do anything, that I didn't want to force him. I tried to explain that that just wasn't my style. Turns out, Jung spoke English almost as well as I did.

He turned to me, took my hand and placed it on his bulging crotch, and said, Thank-you SGT Stevee (they always put an extra "E" sound on almost every word), then, leaned forward and kissed me...HARD! When we broke the kiss, I asked him if he had understood everything I had said all night, and he simply smiled, and said, "Why yes, I did...I used to live in Seattle." I called him a few names, jokingly, in English and we both laughed. Cho looked a little pissed, because he couldn't keep up with what we were saying. I noticed this and asked Jung what the problem was. He asked Cho in Hangul, and then translated for me.

When Jung told me what I suspected was the case, that Cho couldn't understand what we were saying, I said, "Now you know how I felt when you two were talking about me in the food line!"

After the translation, they both laughed, and Cho said, "Nice...ass!"

Jung went on to tell me that they had told each other that they bet I had a hairy chest, and a big dick, and that they could see that I had a nice ass.

That pretty much broke the ice, and we got back to the business at hand. My roommate, Mike, was still passed out in his bed on the other side of the room. With Jung and Cho now both groping my crotch, I wouldn't have cared if the Post Commander had come into my room. I was going to get me some Korean dick!

I have always had a thing for Asians. I love those smooth bodies, and for the most part, small cocks. Now, I love a big dick as much as the next guy.

But there is something to be said for a dick that you can swallow, to the root, and it doesn't make you gag. With this thought in mind, I stripped, and then started undressing my two guests. When I was naked, I heard the two of them whispering to each other. I glanced at Jung, and he immediately said, "We were just saying that we were correct in our earlier assumptions."

I guess I should describe my two new friends. Cho was about 5'6", maybe 125, on a good day. He was as smooth as can be, with just a tuft of hair under his arms, and a thick little black bush around his slim 5 1/2 inch uncut cock. Jung, on the other hand, was about 5'10" 150, with about a 6 1/2 inch thick uncut dick. He was also very fact, he was shaved...totally. Not a hair to be found anywhere on his body, except his head. I noticed this, but was afraid to say anything, when Jung explained for me. He said that Cho outranked him, and liked to see him with his body shaved. He went on to say that usually, Cho fucked him. Jung continued by saying that Cho wanted to get fucked by a hairy American tonight. I guess I fit the bill! I asked Jung what he would like to do, and he said, "Whatever you want to do is fine."

I said, "No, Jung...What would YOU like to do?"

He looked down and said, "I would like to put my penis in your...ass."

I looked at Jung and said, "As soon as I'm done sticking it to Cho here, you can have at it."

My slang confused him for a minute, but he eventually caught on, and smiled the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

We started with a 3-way suck...cause there was no way I was going to miss out on sucking some smooth Korean dick! I started with Cho and slurped that slim rod down to his pubes...and then tried to get my tongue around his nuts too. After about five minutes, I called a "Change", and we all swivelled around on the bed, and I took Jung's shaved, thick cock into my mouth. After about two minutes, Jung was really close and he pushed me away. He really wanted to save it for my ass!

I put Cho on his back, threw his legs over my shoulders, and while lubing his ass, pushed my seven inches in. He held onto my hips, preventing me from advancing any further. After waiting a couple of minutes, he started pushing his ass up towards my cock. That was all the hint I needed. I started sliding my dick into that little Korean dude, and then pulling it back out. Every stroke in was punctuated with an "Uunnghh" (Funny, how that sounds the same in Hangul, as it does in English.) :-) I leaned forward and started kissing Cho, as I plowed him. His "Uunngghh's" were muffled by our kisses, but I could still tell what he was ungh-ing. Within 5 minutes, I couldn't take anymore, and unloaded in his ass. Usually I could go for a little longer than that. Maybe I was looking forward to getting it up the ass from Jung, and that's why I shot so quickly.

I dropped Cho's legs from my shoulders, went down on his cock, then indicated to Jung that he should slide his sweet meat into my ass. I started going to town on Cho's dick, but Jung seemed really hesitant at my backdoor. Without taking my mouth off Cho's cock, I found the lube, squirted a glob on my hole, grabbed Jung's dick and placed it at the entrance to my ass.

GAWD! His dick was so hot! I could feel the heat at my hole...I could feel his foreskin sliding back as I backed onto his thick stalk. Jung caught on quick! He started putting it to me...and I do mean well! I felt like the equivalent of a Korean Oreo. I was the creamy white filling, between the darker outer cookies. At about the 10 minute mark, Cho shot off in my mouth. Jung was still going strong. I started sucking on Cho's smooth nuts...and still Jung pounded away. I had never been fucked like this before. I had just slurped Cho's hardening cock into my mouth when I couldn't take it anymore, and I shot again all over my bed, and Cho's chest.

It wasn't until my ass spasmed around Jung's cock that I set him off. My orgasm seemed to last longer than any I had ever experienced, but it felt like Jung was still shooting into my ass when I finished. He cried out one of the few Hangul curse words that I understood.

We lay naked on my bed for a while, nuzzling whatever cock or balls were closest. Finally, Jung told me that they needed to get back to their own barracks, or they would be in trouble. I gave them a few thousand Won for a taxi, and they promised that they would try to keep in touch.

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