Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Dec 31, 2018


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Kyle had seen Jason rush out. He looked sad and angry. Blake followed. He stops Blake. Whats going on? What the fuck is going with you and the African Americans asks Kyle? Im their new leader says Kyle. Yeah and Jeremiah is your left hand right asks Kyle? I made him think that says Blake. Your my right hand. Always will be. I trust you says Blake. That made Kyle feel better. Meet me at my cell in thirty. We got a new gang to lead says Blake wickedly. Blake says Kyle stopping Blake in his tracks. Dont you see why hes upset asks Kyle? No but im about to find out says Blake. Kyle laughs. Why you fucking laughing asks Blake? Kyle nods his head sadly. Your protecting him. You rape his so no one else will. Hes in love with you says Kyle matter of factly. Blake looks at Kyle then laughs... Yeah right says Blake walking away. Kyle watched Blake walk away and nodded his head sadly.

Back in the cell: Jason is grabbing his books to leave for class. When Blake shows up and puts the sheet up. Jason looks at Blake. I dont have time im gonna be late for class says Jason matter of factly. Jason tries to get passed Blake but Blake stops him. Your not going anywhere until we clear up whatever problem you have says Blake. They look each other in the eyes. Fuck you says Jason. Your nothing but a bully. A rapist. The way its going your never gonna leave jail. Maybe thats better for everyone says Jason angrily. He manages to get out of Blakes grasps and leaves. Blake stands there not knowing what to say.

Finally Kyle arrives and they head out to the laundry room. Theres about thirty African American part of Jeremiahs gang. Blake stood there with Kyle and his gang of eleven guys.

By making you our leader what do we gain asks Jeremiah? Good question says Blake. You gain safety. Everybody will know not to mess with us. Youll get whatever piece of ass you want. Whatever i get in. Booze. Cigarettes you name it. I got connections says Blake proudly. Why should we trust you asks Jeremiah. Blake laughs. You cant. No one can trust anyone in here am i right asks Blake? They all agree. Any ass huh asks another inmate? Pretty much yes says Blake. They all snicker. Some guys suddenly all worried for there assholes. Jeremiah and Blake shake hands. Its made official. Now that were a gang... Together... Everyone else should be scared. So now im gonna name my right hand man says Blake. Jeremiah looks shocked. Wait! We agreed im your right hand man says Jeremiah. Well i thought id leave it up to all of you. Everyone that is interested come and see me and well go from there. Well see who has more to offer and whos the right man for the position says Blake. Blake and his gang leave leaving Jeremiah in anger. Before Kyle can say anything. Dont worry you got the jobs assures Blake to Kyle.

Blake goes to workout and comes back to his cell to see Jason still not there. He needs a blowjob right now. He goes into Jasons locker and sees a notebook. He opens it and begins to read it. Its Jasons journal. He laughs. Hes about to put it back but he sees his name. He takes a seat on his bed and begins to read it...

"Ever since i got here ive been a target. But Blake has been protecting me. I dont deserve protecting. Hes making me suck his dick. Rim his ass. His cock is perfect. His ass is too. His cum tastes so good. So does his ass. Espicially after a gym session. What i would do to put my cock in his tiny asshole. But thats never gonna happen."

"Lately ive been pissing him off. Hes beaten me. He almost raped me multiple times. Whats stopping him? I dont want to be raped. Im so scared of Blake but i feel safe when im with him."

"Im so scared of him selling me out about what happened. Im so scared of him selling me to other guys for money or whatever he wants." I cant believe he made all thos guys jack off on me while i was laying there in pain. Barely able to breathe. He made me sleep on the cold cement floor. No pillow bo blanket. Then he gets mad at me for cleaning myself up and going to class and making his bed. I dont want to be in here for the rest of my life."

"When Blake was almost raped i reacted. I couldnt loose him. I needed his protection. But also because my feeling for him keep growing. Why? I dont understand. Hes nothing but a bully. A thug. A rapist."

Blake goes to put the sheet up.

"Why do i have feeling for a guy like him? I just found out he has many bitches. He fucks them. Then comes to me after? What the fuck? I fucking hate him. Why am i so jealous? Its not like im in love with him... Right???? Shit!! I think i am... No this cant be. I cant be in love with someone that beats me up. That treats me like his bitch. Its not like well ever have a future together. He had his chances and he lost it. Im sorry he lost the love of his life. I wouldnt wish that on anyone but dont take your anger out about him on me. Im not Luke. Ill never be Luke. I deserve better. I deserve someone that will love me for me and not control me and beat me up and rape me. What am i gonna do? I certaintly cannot ever tell him my feeling for him. Hell kill me..."

As he finished reading. Jason comes in. There eyes lock. Jason sees his locker open and his journal in Blakes hands. His eyes grow in fear and anger. Give me that orders Jason. Blake gets up. Jason backs away until his back is to the bars. He could see the confusion on Blakes face. Why are you going through my things stammers Jason? Blake is now in front of Jason. Jason looks down in fear. Blake takes Jasons face into his hand. Hes about to beh Blake not to hurt him but Blake surprises him with a kiss. A kiss like never before. He kisses Jason gently. Jason finally accepts the kiss. He opens his mouth then Blakes soft tongue enters his mouth. He drops his books. His body goes weak. No ones ever kissed me like this before. With such passionate and fire. He pulls me closer to him. I wrap my weak arms around him. The kiss seems to last forever. When he breaks the kiss. He looks at me. My eyes are still closed. Im sorry he tells me. I look at to him. Then i see his cock is hard. But your right you do deserve better and you will find someone better for you once you leave. Ill still protect you while your in here. No ones gonna touch you. Well still keep up this charade. Im not saying i wont have to hit you anymore but we have to make it look real. It cant look like were some sort of couple because then well have even bigger targets on our back. I get closer to Blake. I touch his chest. I takes his shirt off. Jason... Dont he tells me. But i get down on my knees and pull his shorts down. I smell his intoxicating musky smell. It gets my dick hard as a rock. I take his cock into my mouth and he moans happily. I feel it getting harder in my mouth. And when its fully hard i swallow it to the root. He groans in pleasure. Daaaammmnnnnn moans Blake!!!! I suck his dick for a good five minutes before bathing his balls in my spit driving him even crazier. When i stop hes surprised. I move quicly behind him and pull his ass cheeks apart to see the tiny little pink hole nestled around a tiny bit of hair. Its perfect. Perfect shaped ass. Sweaty. I shove my face inside making him moan in ecstasy. I rim his ass out for a good ten minutes before he begs me to suck his cock. I do so gladly to completion. He holds my head into his groin as he unloads his load down my throat. Like those tastes huh asks Blake refering to his cum and sweaty asshole. I smile and say yes. I get up, adjust my cock. Take my journal and put it back into my locker and ask permition to go to my class. I could still make it. Blake told me we needed to talk more later tonight. I left in a rush.

That night we talked again. The sheet was up once again. Not really supposed to but the guards said nothing. I was over Luke. But when i saw you. You looked so much like him. I wanted to protect you. I wanted to protect him and i didnt says Blake. Im sorry i say. After i lost him i went down a dark path that lead me to here. I want to get out but i have no one. No family. No friends. No one waiting for me says Blake. Youd have me i tell him. He chuckles. You deserve better then me says Blake. I put my hand on his heart. I know your a good guy. I know you would do anything for someone you love i tell him. Luke knew you loved him. He knew how much he meant to you. He knew i assure him. Tears fill Blakes eye. I just wish i had gotten there in time. To save him. To tell him how sorry i was. I was planning on proposing to him says Blake. After i realized how much of an ass i was i called him. Went straight to voicemail. I told him to come home. I was gonna propose. Make dinner. I... I was even... Gonna let him fuck me for the first time admits Blake. He kept asking and i kept saying no says Blake. I loved him so much he says. I hug him tightly. Finally he pushes me away. Then look at me. Then he kisses me again. This time more agressive. More needing. Soon our clothes are off. Were on his bed. Hes on top of me between my legs. I put my hands on his chest to push him away. He breaks the kiss and begins to kiss me neck. Then kisses his way down to my hard cock. I look at him. He takes my dick into his warm mouth. I moans happily not having had my dick sucked in a while. He sucks me for a few minutes then goes to my balls and paints them with his spit. His lubes his finger with his spit. He goes back to sucking my dick. It feels so good. Then i feel his finger on my hole... Pushing in... I tense. But his finger is already in. I almost snap his finger off. I look at him. It hurts. Stop i ask him. But he ignores me and sucks me for another five minutes. Hes slowly finger fucking me. Hitting something inside me. Soon im groaning and moaning in ecstasy. Im... Im... Gonna... Cuuummmm i warn him. Then a flood of my semen over flows Blakes mouth. Theres so much. His mouth his full. He comes up to me and kisses me. Swapping my cum with him. I swallow my cum and spit. We lay into each others arms. I can feel Blakes cock on my hip. A few minutes later he gets on top. His cock still hard. He gets between my legs. I look up at him. I know what he wants. Do whatever you want i couldnt stop you anyways i tell him. He exhales deeply. He falls beside me on the bed. We just lay there for a few minutes.

He took me into his arms and i soon fell asleep. Blake looks down at Jason. He smiles. But his smile soon fades knowing he cannot be in a relationship with Jason. Not in here at least. Then he thought about keeping Jason in here longer... All this thinking soon made him fall asleep.

The next morning. Jason wakes up spooning Blake. His cock hard as a rock. Laying between Blakes virgins cheeks. He smiles and cuddles more. They lay like this for a few minutes. About fifteen minutes later Blake wakes up. He feels Jason behind him. Jasons dick hard between his ass cheeks. His body stiffens. But he soon relaxes and falls asleep again. Sleeping in later then usual. When they wake up Blake orders Jason to suck his cock witch Jason does happily. Damn... Your sooo good at this moans Blake. Jason could deepthroat Blakes cock like a pro. Licking his balls. Rimming his ass. Jason was madly in love with him. Every part of Blake tasted so fucking good. Soon Blake is fucking Jasons throat until he groans and fills Jasons throat with his hot morning load.

There day does as usual until the guard comes and takes Jason into the wardens office. Jason looks at Blake terrified. Blake looks at Jason without doing anything.

Jason sits down in the wardens office. The warden comes in. A man in like mid sixties. Fit. White hair. Clean shaven. He looks great for his age. Jason sits there nervously. Do you know why you are here asks the warden. No says Jason nervously. As you know and can see this prison is over flowing with inmates and i know your sentence finishes in a month but were gonna be releasing you early. Instead of in a month youll be released in two weeks says the warden. Jason looks at the warden and thanks him. Keep doing what you are doing. Finish your classes says the warden. And keep this mum... Itll be better for you assures the warden. I will, thank you sir i say before getting escorted back to my cell.

Whats going on asks Blake. Put the sheet up i whisper to him. He does so. I kiss him. Hes all sweaty. After being at the gym. He pushes me away. Looking at me confused. I... I love you Blake says Jason. Im only protecting you. Whats going on here... Its not love lies Blake. Jason looks at Blake like hed just been stabbed. Jason nods. What did the warden want asks Blake. Nothing. He just wanted to see how i was doing. Surprised me by saying to stay clear from you lies Jason before leaving. Blake pulls the sheet down. He tells Kyle to follow Jason for the rest of the day.

Jason goes to the gym and begins to work out. Angry at Blake. Kyle comes in and begins to work out as well. They are alone in the gym. Did Blake send you asks Jason? No... Im just here to work out assures Kyle lying. They work out in silence for a good twenty minutes. They are both full of sweat. Look... I know you love Blake... But... No one can know... Youll be a traget so will he. Ive known Blake for a while now. He has my back and i have his but hes only gonna hurt you in the long haul. Maybe itll work out once you are both out but for now. Your his bitch thats it. It needs to stay that way all of our sakes says Kyle before leaving.

Kyle is attacked outside the gym and knocked out cold. Jason is still working out. Lifting weights. He takes a breather and thats when he is also attacked from behind. He fights to get away from his attacker. But his attacker is strong. He was now in a headlock. Witj one hand the attacker slips his hand in Blakes pants and feels his sweaty asshole. Since Blake raped me how bout i rape you too says the inmate. He struggles to get free. He could barely breathe. Then he remembered what Blake had thought him and used the moves he learned and stepped on the inmates foot hard. Elbowed him in the guts and broke his nose with his head. He fell to the ground where Jason kicked the inmate in the face. Knocking him out cold.

He looks down at the inmate. It was Wayne. Blake had raped Wayne...? He goes out and finds Kyle passed out. He checks his pulse. Hes ok. He looks at Kyle laying on the ground face down. His prone to fuck him. But he shakes that idea out of his head and goes back into the gym. Wayne is getting too. Jason kicks Wayne in the stomach. He pulls down Waynes pants to expose his BBB (big black booty). He spits onto his hand and smears it between Waynes ass cheeks. Then spits on his hands and lubes his cock before shoving his cock Into Waynes tight fighting gripping anus. He growls in pain... Scream... So you can be heard by everyone. So everyone can see your getting fucked by me says Jason. He hadnt fucked ass in such a long time that he dosent last long. Within five minutes hes breeding Waynes amazing ass. This ass was made to be fucked admits Jason... A few seconds later he growls and explodes deep inside Waynes tight hole. Hes just coming off his high when hes pulled from Waynes ass and pinned against the wall by Blake. What the fuck asks Blake angrily? He attacked me says Jason. Wayne gets up and rushes out. He couldnt believe he had just been raped. Again. But by a bitch like Jason. And you thought youd fuck him asks Blake? He said you raped him... Says Jason. I had to stand my ground he was coming after you says Blake. Now i think he got his lesson not to mess with us says Blake. But if i ever catch you with anyone ill kill you assures Blake. Jason swallows. Oh and never ever leave your ass vulnerable. Someone couldve just walked in and raped you as you were raping Wayne says Blake. Jason thinks. Blake was right...

They get Kyle and they leave to meet up with African American gang...

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 6

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