Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Dec 27, 2018


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When i get back to my cell i see Blake. Hes pissed. He once again puts the sheet up. I move back until i cant anymore and my back is against the cold wall. Did i tell you to make my bed asks Blake? Did i tell you to wash yourself? To go to your classes asks Blake angrily. He slaps me across the face. Im sorry i mumble. He grabs me by the throat. You are my bitch got that asks Blake. I weakly nod yes. Im sorry i tell him. He punches me in the gut and i go down on my knees. Im seeing stars. Then im puking blood. I look up at Blake. What the fuck is wrong with you asks Blake. Help i beg him before collapsing on the floor. He looks down at me. Not knowing what to do. He checks my pulse. Theres one but its weak. He flips me onto my stomach and pulls my pants down. He looks at my ass. He wants to fuck it so bad but ends up pulling my pants back up and leaving me there. Until a guard finds me.

I spend the next two weeks in medical. High on meds. Safe. But Blake manages to get in and check in on me. But im to high. Blake looks arond knowing he dosent have a lot of time. Whenever your out. Well have a talk promises Blake. Jason just looks at Blake. Tears in his eyes. Blake takes a step back. Flashes of Luke dead in the hospital flashes before him. He runs out. Leans against the wall and breathes deeply in shock.

When Jason is finally released from medical. Blake is there and brings him to the jail cell. He puts the sheet up. Please... Dont hurt me... Im sorry says Jason. He goes to make Blakes un-made bed. Blake lets him. Blake undresses naked. Jason sees this and backs away onto the wall. Im sorry cries Jason. Tears fill his eyes as he lowers himself to the floor into a ball. Get up orders Blake. Jason is reluctant. Get up... I wont tell you again says Blake. Jason gets up and look down to the floor. Look at me orders Blake. Jason does so with tears soaked eyes. Blake backs away. The night Luke died. They had fought and Luke left. Blake felt like an ass and was making dinner for Luke and had decided he would finally propose and let Luke fuck him. Luke had wanted to fuck him for months but Blake always said he would never bottom. But he didnt have time to do any of this. Luke died. He never forgave himself for that. Jason looked so similar to Luke. Stop crying orders Blake. Im sorry Blake says Jason getting to his knees and taking Blakes soft cock into his mouth. It feels so good. Blake moans happily. After only a few minutes of sucking him Blake turns around and orders Jason to rim his ass witch he gladly does. It tastes so good. Blake is moaning in pleasure. Flashes of his fucking Luke flashes before him. He hadnt thought of Luke in a long time but ever since Jason showed up... Hes couldnt stop thinking about him. Was this his second chance? To be with someone? He shook the idea from his head and pulled a bag from underneath his mattress and did two lines for him. I looked at him confused. You never saw this ordets Blake. Blake did drugs ocasionally. Go back to sucking my dick orders Blake. I do so. My ribs still hurt a little. We laid on the bed as i sucked his dick. The affects of the drugs took as he began to face fuck me roughly. I only gagged once or twice. He orders me on the bed. He gets on top of me, between my legs. He sees Luke. He leans down and kisses me. Kisses me passionatly and a little agressive. The kiss lasts a lot longer then i thought. When he pulls away he looks at me and shakes his head. He gives himself two other lines. Blake... You should stop i tell him. Shut up orders Blake getting back on the bed. Onto his back. Get on top of me orders Blake. Jason does so. Blakes hard cock laying between my ass cheeks. Blakes hands are all over my body. Squeezing my ass. Spreading my ass. I wanna fuck you so bad Luke... Its been so long says Blake. Jason sits there not knowing what to do. Blake pulls down Jason and they kiss like lovers until Blake passes out. I get out of bed and dressed and then three guys barge in. Two of them hold me down as the other laughs and gets on top of Blakes naked passed out body. I struggle to get free. The guys spreads Blakes ass and sees the tiny hole. This is going to be fun says one of the guys. Blakes eyes open and knocks the guy on top of him to the ground. Everyone is ready for a fight. Blakes is in no match to fight. They all attack Blake. Two of them hold Blake down. At the legs and arms. He struggles to get free as the leader undresses. Fuck off... Your gonna pay for this swears Blake. I look around and remember theres a shank underneath the mattress. Can i watch i ask them? Help me yells Blake. Can i watch as you guys rape him i ask them desperatly. They laugh. Hes been raping me since day one i think its time he gets a taste of his own medicine i tell them. They smile. I get to the bed and get the shank. I hide it behind my back. I can see the guys massive cock. It must be over ten inches of black cock. And thick. I look at the other guys. Smaller but stronger in muscles. Ill hold his legs so you can get undress too i suggest. Blake struggles to get free. The second black man gets undressed. Then the third as i told Blakes arms. Suddenly Blake begins to puke. Choking on his vomit. I turn his head the other way. As the other guys laugh. You want him awake for this right i ask them? They all agree. I let the leader get into position. I begin to play with my cock. I got the perfect view i tell them standing beside the leader as hes gets ready to mount Blake whos out of it. Shaking. Choking. Vomiting. My hand still on the shank. As the leader Bruno lowers himself onto Blake ready to rape him i jump and stab the leader in the back with the shank. Stabbing him three times before he collapses on the floor dead. The other guys look at me in shock. They let Blake go. They get dressed and i tell them this isnt over and the rush out. I try to get Blake awake. I clean him up and get him to bed. I look around and see no one. I rush away to find Kyle. The guard comes by and smiles as he sees the sheet is up meaning someone is geting fucked. He walks by.

Kyle and Jason rush into his cell and asks Kyle what to do? Kyle manages to get help and the manage to get the body to the showers where its dropped and left. They clean the cell and pull the blanket down like nothing happened.

Im in shock. Im shaking. You saved him. Its all that matters says Kyle. I get the drugs and flush them down the toilet. Kyle takes the shank and gets ride of it.

We are put on lockdown as the body is found. I dont sleep the night as i watch Blake to make sure he dosent puke again. When he wakes up the in morning. He looks around and sees me. What the fuck asks Blake angrily. I put my hands up. Do you remember what happened last night asks Jason? Blakes eyes widened. He feels his asshole and feels in intact. Just then Kyle walks in. You ok he asks to me and Blake? Give me a minute of Jason orders Blake. Kyle leaves. You were gonna join in says Blake angrily. I didnt i was just trying to help you. To save you i tell him. We are now face to face. His boner poking me in the groin. Blake tries to remember. You were puking. Passing in and out. Choking on your puke. On guy was holding you down by the arms and the other by the legs. And then one was about to rape you with his massive dick i tell him shakily. Tears fill my eyes. I killed him... To save you i tell him. Blake looks under his matress and sees the drugs and shank gone. He grbas me by the throat. Where is my shit he asks angrily. I had to get rid of it i tell him. Now hes angry. Kyle walks in. He saved your ass man says Kyle. Stay out of this orders Blake. If it wasnt for him you wouldve choked to death in your own puke and they wouldve found you with your asshole wide open leaking cum. You should be thanking him instead of beating him up. He killed a man to save your ass says Kyle before leaving. Blake looks at Jason in the eyes. He lets him go knowing what Kyle said was true. He puts the sheet up. Who did you kill asks Blake? My body is shaking. Kyle said him name was Jamal. Blake looks at Jason in shock. Then he laughs. You killed Jamal asks Blake? He was gonna rape me asks Blake? Yes i tell him. You just killed the second most powerful man i jail says Blake. Blake smiles. Im about to become their leader says Blake. Dont... begs Jason. I do whatever i want says Blake. By becomig their leader ill be untouchable says Blake. I did it to save you says Jason. If words gets out ill get more time in jail. Ill be killed says Jason. No you wont promises Blake. No ones gonna find out promises Blake. Jason backs away. Your not mad at me asks Jason? No.. You did everything right... Got rid of the evidence. Body. Good job he tells me. I fall to the floor and cry. Ive never cried so much in my life.

I dont know why i saved you. Your a monster. What did Luke see in you i ask him. Dont you ever mention his name growls Blake. Dont you ever talk about him again or i swear to God you will live to regret it promises Blake before storming off. Kyle had heard the entire conversation and comes in. You ok asks Kyle? Just leave me alone... Begs Jason. He laughs. I cant believe this... your in love with him says Kyle matter of factly. He nods his disaproval. I look up to Kyle. You need to sort through your feeling. Hell hurt you that i can guarantee says Kyle. Please dont say anything i beg him while i get up. He put you in medical and your still in love with him. He will sell you to the highest seller. Im surprised he hasnt let anyone else fuck you for money or cigarettes says Kyle before leaving.

I clean my face and go to my classes. I go to chow. Then that night me and Blake have a long conversation.

You werent gonna rape me asks Blake? No. I would never do that. You saved me when i came in. You make me suck your cock and rim you ass and i like that. Would i love to fuck you. Hell yes but... When i saw them come in i was powerless. Then they dragged you to the floor and started touching you. I... Didnt want them to hurt you so i played them. And then i stabbed him. I didnt want to kill him but theres no way i could take him down says Jason. You saved me. Big time. No one wouldve done that for me says Blake. Wheres the shank asks Blake? Kyle destroyed it i tell him. Who else helped he asks? Dillion and Jeff i tell him. Ok... You flushed the drugs asks Blake? Yes i tell him looking down. I cleaned you up and put you to bed i didnt sleep i wanted to make sure you didnt puke and choke in your sleep i tell him. He smiles. I have to go take care of a few things... Ill be back promises Blake.

Blake meets up with his gang. Wheres the shank asks Blake? I wipped the fingerprints and hid it under one of his groupies locker assures Kyle. Good says Blake. No one can know about this. Itll be bad for all of us says Blake. How can it be bad for all of us asks Julien? You guys got rid of the body. You hid the shank says Blake looking at Kyle. This comes out we all go down says Blake. Im close to being released says Julien. Then we keep our mouths shut and dont mention any of this to anyone for everyone sakes says Blake. They go there seperate ways. Thanks Kyle says Blake before leaving.

Back at the cell. Jason is on his bed reading Big Little Lies. Hows the book asks Blake? Really good i admit. The sheet is still up. He sits on his bed. Come down asks Blake. Jason does so. They sit side by side. Look at my begs Blake. I do. Thank you... For... Saving me... Taking care of me says Blake. Why would you help me ive been nothing but an ass to you says Blake. You saved me. You protect me. Why did you beat me up i dont know i say. Im sorry. Im sorry for humiliating you in front of everyone else with them cumming on you says Blake. I look to the ground. I... Begins Jason. Im tired i lie. Im gonna go to bed if thats ok i ask? Sure says Blake... But sleep with me begs Blake. Nothings gonna happen. Just sleep with my begs Blake one more time. I get my pillow and get into Blakes bed. I hadnt slept well since i killed that guy. Blake takes me into his strong arms. Surprising me. I hear his heart beat.

When i wake up in thr morning Blake is still holding me... In spoon position. I feel his hard dick on my ass. His grip loosens on me. He gets onto his back. Still sleeping. I look at him. I get under the blankets and lower his boxers. I take his hard dick into my mouth. He slowly wakes up. He moans his aproval. I suck him like i always do. Slowly and deep first then i go faster. I make sure to lick his balls. Then suck his dick again until he comes down my throat happily. Ffuuuuckkkkkk groans Blake happily. We smile.

That day is a great day. I go to my classes. Go to the gym with Blake. Work out. Suck his sweaty cock and lick his sweaty ass. His sweaty armpits even. I suck his cock til he cums down my throat for the second time today. We go to the showers. Its almost empty except for two guys. We shower. Blake cant stop staring at my ass. Once were done were about to leave but were ambused by the African Americans who refuse to answers to Blake. Theres about ten of them. We back away. How bout we take your bitch asks the leader Jeremiah? We dont answer to you he ads. Blake gets closer. Then whispers something into the leaders ear. Im not scared of you white boy he says. Blake smiles. Fine... But when you need protection from whoever killed your leader dont come begging to me says Blake. Jeremiah swallows the lump in his throat. I look at Blake. You know who killed Bruno asks Jeremiah. Yeah i do and i suggest you do as i say or ill make sure he comes after you says Blake.

They agree that Blake is now there leader and that Jeremiah would be his right hand...

How many bitches you have asks Jeremiah grabbing his crotch. Needing ass. Too many. Im sure you can find your own says Blake.

Jason looks at Blake in shock. He gets dressed and leaves. What asks Blake? He grabs Jason by the wrist. I manage to push him away from me... Then i realize ive angered him. I block my face and apologize. Im sorry i tell him. What the fuck is your problem asks Blake. I look at him in disgust. Use another one of your bitches instead of me from now on i tell him before leaving. Blake stands there shocked... The realizes that Jason is jealous. He cant help but smile the biggest smile ever...

Thanks for reading. Send me comments, thoughts, ideas. Stay tuned for another chapter.

Next: Chapter 5

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