Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Mar 1, 2023


This is fiction. Enjoy!

After last nights sex, Jason woke up with a huge smile on his face. Blake was still sleeping. Face down, his ass naked. Jasons cock was rock hard. He slowly spreads Blakes hole. It had sealed itself. Jason looks at the time... grabs the lube and gets his cock and Blakes ass ready. How many times did Jadon wake up by Blake fucking him in the morning. He slowly slides his cock inside Blakes tight fighting hole. Blake slowly wakes up. Morning sexy says Jason sliding more of his cock inside Blake. Baby growls Blake... your ass is so fucking good baby. You laying face down like that... i couldnt help myself says Jason. Blake grits his teeth as he feels Jasons cock all the way inside him. Jason kisses Blakes neck. Blakes dick lays hard underneath him. He couldnt be enjoying this right? It was just his morning erection. Baby... im sore says Blake. Just a few minutes... i wont last long... your ass it too tight baby moans Jason. Ok says Blake. Jason decides to slap Blakes ass a few times, causing Blake to grunt in pain and pleasure. Like getting spanked asks Jason? I... guess groans Blake. Jason smiles. Jason keeps slapping Blakes ass a few more time while thrusting deep into Blakes amazing ass.

Five minutes later... Blake... fuckkkkkk... im... cumming.... yells Jason. His body jerking in ecstasy. Before laying on top of Blakes back exhaustedly. I love you moans Jason. Blake just lays there... confused. His dick still brick hard. Jason gets up to go take his shower. Blake just lays in bed thinking about what just happened. And last night. He gets up slowly, trying to ignore the pain in his asshole. He walks into the shower and gets behind Jason. Hey baby... morning says Jason turning around and kissing Blake. After the kiss Blake plays with Jasons ass. Baby... i cant be late for work says Blake. You wont says Blake, shoving a curious finger into his husbands ass. Jason moans. Blake grabs the lube they use for the shower and shoves his lubbed cock into his husbands ass. Oh god baby moans Blake. He bends Jason a little. Your ass is so good moans Blake. Jason managed to reach Blakes ass and shoved a fingers into Blakes sore and cummy hole. Instantly finding Blakes prostate. Baby... groans Blake. Im... aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh yells Blake loudly. Having a mind blowing orgasm inside Jasons ass. The best and most powerful one to date. His body shakes violently. Jason takes his finger out of Blakes ass and sucks it. Tasting his own cum. Blake holds Jason tightly. God i love you says Blake.

They finish their shower and get ready for work.

Ryan had been admitted to the rehab centre. He was nervous. Blake and Jason offered to come with him but he said he could do it on his own. He was greeted politely. Shown to his private room. Blake had arranged that. He didnt want to share with anyone. The food was good and he made small talk with some of the patients. His first day was pretty relaxing. He was shown around and didnt need to do much. But on the second day he was suggested to speak up in his first AA meeting. He was very nervous when asked to speak about his situation. Finally on the third AA meeting he finally shared some of his life. Drugs and prison. Some of the other people shared most of the same experiences. He was glad he wasnt alone. But after the meeting they had lunch and then could do some activities. Watch tv, read a book, play cards... and more. An older man late fourties cornered him and asked if he was prison bitch. Ryan swallowed hard. No i wasnt so fuck off says Ryan angrily. Ok ok says the man named Bruce. Ive been here for weeks and need some dick admits Bruce. Ryan looks at Bruce. I was a prison bitch. And they made me love dick. No one here wants to fuck me but my ass is good and tight if you need someone to dump a load into and not worry about getting pregnant says Bruce. Room four twelve says Bruce if you change your mind says Bruce before taking his leave. Ryan didnt know what to say. His ass could come in handy when he needed it. But Ryan wasnt looking for any trouble. So he ignored Bruce for a few days. After AA Ryan was surprised by Blake and Ryans surprise visit. Ryan took them to his room to talk. Hows it going asks Blake? I mean... i have three meals a day, a private room. I havent touched drugs in weeks. AA... is helping. Im still not used to the place admits Ryan. Were always a phone call away says Jason. I know says Ryan. Enough about me, how are you two, work says Ryan? Jason smiles to Blake. Were good, working crazy hours but good says Jason. Look... again... im sorry and... thank you for everything says Ryan. Glad your doing better, we just want you getting better, thats all says Blake. Ryan hugs both Jason and Blake. They talk some more and when Blake and Jason leaves he feels lonely. He finally decides to go to Bruces room. Bruce opens the door looking at Ryan surprised. I was not expecting you admits Bruce. But come in begs Bruce. Ryan looks around and walks in. You horny asks Bruce? Yeah... but... if we do this... this stays between us... i dont want my name dragged and all shit i dont need this says Ryan. Sure... whatever happens behind closed doors will remain behind closed doors assures Bruce. Ok says Ryan. Have you ever had sex with a guy asks Ryan? No admits Ryan never. Bruce gets to his knees and pulls Ryans joggers and underwear down. What you like? Head? Topping? Ever had your ass eaten asks Bruce? Head yes, ill top if i can get hard. A girl ate me once admits Ryan opting to tell Bruce about the trans woman that almost raped him. Did you like it asks Bruce? I dont remember... i was really high says Ryan. I can rim you im an expert says Bruce. I dont know man. Maybe just head would be good says Ryan. Whatever you want says Bruce happily. He slowly jerks Ryans soft cock until it get semi hard. He then takes it into his warm mouth and slowly sucks it. Ooohhhh fuuuckkkk maons Ryan. Bruces hand massages Ryans balls. Soon Ryans cock is rock hard in Bruces expert mouth. Ryan grabs Bruces head and starts face fucking him. Bruce swallows Ryans cock to the root, deep throating him. Fucking shit man moans Ryan. Bruce slowly pulls off and begins to lick Ryans balls. Fuckkk moans Ryan. Bruce then retakes Ryans cock into his mouth. Bruces wet finger reaches Ryans virgin hole. Ryan backs off. What the fuck man says Ryan angrily. Sorry says Bruce i wasnt going to put it in just massage it swears Bruce. I dont care, i dont want anything near my hole says Ryan. Ok... i wont do it again promises Bruce. Ryan lets Bruce suck him again. Grabbing Bruces head and face fucking him hard and rough. Bruce only gagged maybe once or twice. Within a few more minutes Ryan tells Bruce hes about to cum. Bruce sucks Ryan even faster, desperate to taste Ryans load. Im... cummminngg groans Ryan before exploding volley after volley of rich thick creamy cum down the back of Bruces throat. Bruce slowly pulls off to make sure he can taste Ryans cum... It tasted great. Ryan pulls his joggers up, thanks Bruce and makes a quick exit.

Jason had been working crazy hours lately. Blake tried to wait up for Jason but sometimes he didnt get home until past two am. Jason took a quick shower. Blake was laying on his back, naked under the sheets. Jason looks at his man sleeping. He was off tomorrow. He had a plan. But before going to bed Jason desperately needed Blakes cock up his ass. Jason gets in bed and pulls the covers off Blake and takes his cock into his warm mouth.

Blake slowly awakens. Babe... moans Jason. Ssshhhhh let me take care of you begs Jason before going back down on Blakes dick. Fuck baby... suck that dick begs Blake half asleep. Jason made sure to lick Blakes balls. He was about to shove his finger up Blakes ass but Blake prevented it. Baby... your gonna make me cum moans Blake. Jason smiles and pulls off. Jason... what the fuck asks Blake confused. I was about to cum ads Blake. Jason gets on Blakes lap. Trust me says Jason tying Blakes hands behind his head. Then Jason puts a blindfold on Blakes eyes. Baby... nothing in my ass ok babe begs Blake. Let me see you begs Blake. Jason smiles. He ads nipple clamps to Blakes amazing nipples. Fuckk baby... what are you doing to me asks Blake. Do you trust me asks Jason? Yes... i do baby... but please take the blindfold off begs Blake. In a few says Jason... maybe ads Jason. Jason takes out his next toy. A small anal plug. He lubes it. Then he lubes Blakes asshole. No baby... please begs Blake.

After Jason fucked him a few times, he didnt feel right. He was confused. He couldnt admit he sorta liked it. When Jasons cock found his prostate... it was... amazing. But after that night and morning of getting fucked he didnt want anything near his hole.

Do you trust me asks Jason? Y---eee---sssss moans Jason. This wont hurt... i know youll love it... its smaller than my dick assures Jason. Please take the blindfold off begs Blake feeling something cold on his tight anus. Relax your sweet hole begs Jason. Just take the blindfold off now orders Blake trying to get out of being tied up. Jason quickly removes the blindfold. Blake looks at Jason. I just want to make you feel good and i swear i will assures Jason. I dont wanna get fucked says Blake. You wont i wont fuck you.. ill ride you assures Jason. While talking Jason slowly enters the anal plug in Blakes relaxing hole. Once its in... Jason moves it around until he knows hes hit Blakes prostate. Jason lubes his hole and Blakes cock. Close your eyes begs Jason soothingly. Blake closes his eyes.

The toy didnt feel too bad in his ass... it didnt hurt... Jason slowly slides down Blakes cock. Oh yeah baby... your ass is soooo good moans Blake. Jason smiles. They look each other in the eyes. Jason leans down and kisses Blake passionately. Jason pulls away and leans back and makes sure to press the remote to start the vibration. What the fuck groans Blake in surprise and forcing more cock into Jasons ass. Relax baby... it feels good huh asks Jason. Blake isnt too sure. It does feel really good. Your dick is jerking in my ass... you must be loving it asks Jason. Jason soon slowly starts to fuck himself on Blakes cock. The vibration on his prostate and his cock up Jasons amazing ass was driving him insane. He wouldnt last long. Baby... im gonna cum moans Blake. Jason smiles and stops. Nnnooooo... Jason let me cum says Blake loudly. Sssshhhhhh... do i have to gag you asks Jason? Please let me cum begs Blake thrusting into Jasons ass. Im riding you... dont fuck me says Jason. Stop teasing me and let me cum please baby begs Blake. Jason turns up the vibration. Fuuuckkkkk chokes out Blake. Ih fuck... fuckkkkkkkkkk yells Blake shooting a massive load into Jasons ass. But Jason keeps riding Blakes still hard and sore cock. Baby stop begs Blake. You can cum again... i know it says Jason riding Blake harder. Take it off. I need to see you begs Blake. Jason takes the blindfold off. Blake watches Jason ride his cock. Your so hot moans Blake. Jason smiles. Let me touch you begs Blake. Jason smiles and keeps riding Blake. Jason pulls on the nipple clamps. Shiittttt groans Blake. Blake was so turned on right now. He didnt even care he had something vibrating up his ass. It felt amazing. Everything Jason was doing drove him wild. Jason turns the vibrator to full max as he keeps pulling on the nipple clamps. That sends Blake over the edge and cum the best orgasm of his life shakes violently as he explodes deep inside Blake. Almost at the same time Jason shoots his load without even touching his dick. Cum flying everywhere. Hitting Blake in face and neck.

When they come off there high Jason pulls off Blakes softening cock and kisses Blake. Turn it off begs Blake. Jason shuts the vibrator and takes the toy out of Blakes hole. Jason still hard gets between Blakes legs. Blake to tired and weak can only muster a whisper... no. But Jason lubes his cock and gets into position. No Jason... please baby begs Jason kissing his cock head to Blakes hole. I need this so badly begs Jason pushing inside Blakes hole. NO yells Blake angrily. Untie me now yells Blake fighting to get free. Jason stops and unties Blake. They look at each other before Blake gets to the bathroom. Jason cant get in the door is locked. A minute later Blake gets out with sweat pants and a t shirt. Blake stop begs Jason. Jason blocks the front door. Talk to me says Jason. Move... now orders Blake angrily. Jason looks at Blake. Im not letting you leave like this says Jason. What happened? What did i do? I know you said you didnt want to get fucked and i should have stopped im sorry for that baby says Jason. Blake tries to get to the doorknob. Talk to me Blake, dont leave like this begs Jason. I just need air says Blake. Jason kisses Blake. I love you says Jason before Blake rushes out. Jason sits on the couch. He waits for Blake to return.

Minutes turns into a few hours. Jason calls Blake. Blake dosent answer. Jason cleans the bed sheets and remakes the bed. Cleans the bathroom and kitchen. Finally Blake gets home almost four hours later. They look at each other. Blake heads to the bedroom. He lays on the bed. Jason just waits for Blake to say something. But he dosent. Blake pretends to sleep. For fucks sakes Blake talk to me yells Jason. I dont want anything in my ass again ok orders Blake. I dont understand... it was painful but it felt great i saw it on your face says Jason. Wait... i know what this is... your afraid... that if you like it... you wont be this manly man. The macho top says Jason. Thats it isnt it asks Jason? Blake dosent answer. Jason laughs. So since im taking your dick im weak and your bitch... im not a real man... i get it says Jason getting up. Jason... wait... i didnt mean it like that says Blake. Were not in jail anymore Blake. I wish that bottoms werent treated differently. You knew i was a top and when we got together i became the bottom. I know you sorta like it and your confused about taking it in the ass and liking it. But nobody else will know but us. Im not asking for you to take it up the ass every day. Just a couple times a month says Jason. I would never hurt you, you told me to stop and you know i would baby ads Jason. I know says Blake. Blake hugs Jason. Im sorry says Blake.

How about a late breakfast says Jason? Blake smiles. But before Jason goes to work in the kitchen Blake kisses Jason passionately. His tongue slipping in his husbands mouth. Let me get changed says Blake...

Jason makes breakfast and they eat happily. Later on Blake makes sure to pound the life out of Jason. The rough fucking, the name calling and choking made Jasons cock explode without touching itself all over the brand new sheets... Blake fillls Jasons hole with another massive load before they both pass out from exhaustion.

Having sex with Blake was the best sex of his life. He was so happy. Laying beside his man, with his husbands cum leaking from his sore ass. He loved it.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Next: Chapter 27: After Sent to Jail 5

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