Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Feb 17, 2023


This is not real its fiction.

Ryan was now alone. He didnt want to go back to the shelter. After what happened to him, he got kicked out of Jason and Blakes place. He needed money, a place to stay. Clean clothes. Pussy, booze and drugs. But he couldnt seem to get any of that.

After hours of walking, a car honked at him. Ryan looks around confused. How much to suck my dick asks a middle aged man. Approximately late fifty, six feet, a hundred and ninety five pounds. Married with grown kids. His wife barely put out anymore. Ryan looks around and sees women and men whoring themselves for money. He just realized he walked to bad neighborhood where people got shot, killed and even raped. This is where you buy drugs and get killed. Ill give you eighty bucks if you suck my dick says the older gentlemen. Ryan looks around and sees people looking at him with threatening eyes. Ryan just says yes and gets into the car. They drive off.

The ride is quiet. The older man checks out Ryan. Your hot says Brian the middle aged married man. He puts his hands on Ryans leg. Ryan fidgets. Im not gay man says Ryan. Brian laughs. Be neither but when you have a wife that dosent put out anymore, youll go to pretty much anyone just to unload says the man. Ill give you one fifty if you let me fuck that ass of yours says Brian. Hell no yells Ryan angrily. Calm down... just trying to help you out... let me guess... out of jail, nowhere to go asks Brian. Ryan looks at Brian. Howd you know asks Ryan. Im a good reader. And your straight and love pussy and tits huh ads Brian. Hell yes i do says Ryan. Brian laughs. Brian hands Ryan a bag of what Ryan thinks its coke. Ryan jumps on it and sniffs some up both nostrils. Slow down man says Brian. Ryan can feel the power. Its amazing. What Ryan didnt know was the coke was laced with Molly. It didnt take long for the effects to take over. Ryan didnt even know that the car had stopped. Brian was pulling his pants down and sucking his cock. Ryan couldnt do anything to save himself. Brian spits on his finger and roughly shoves it up Ryans virgin ass. Ryan dosent feel well. His cock isnt getting hard. Brian eventually stops. He sees the bad state Ryan is in. He freaks out. Opens the door and pushes Ryan out leaving him laying on the side of the road with his pants down and ass exposed. Ryan is so fucked up. He manages to get his phone out... he dials Blakes number. After the fourth ring Blake answers. Blake can hear Ryan groaning... noooo moans Ryan.

Blake looks at Jason and they rush out. They follow the gps tracking and finally find Ryan on the ground. Someone trying to find something to steal. But runs away after seeing Jason and Blake. Call an ambulance orders Blake. Blake rushes to Ryan. He pulls Ryans pants up and turns him around. Hes white as a ghost. Shivering. Weak. Tears in his eyes... stay with me yells Blake. Jason is calling an ambulance. We need to make him throw up says Jason. Get him on his side orders Jason. Blake follows Jasons instructions. Jason opens Ryan mouth and puts his finger into Ryan throat and makes him throw up.

Stay with us says Jason. Jasons weak eyes meet Ryan. Let me die begs Ryan in tears. The ambulance can be heard coming. Your not gonna die says Blake. Ryan throws up again. Jason checks Ryans pulse. Did someone rape you asks Jason. No mumbles Ryan before passing out. Jason checks Ryans pulse again. Hes breathing says Jason.

The paramedics take care of Ryan. You family asks the paramedics? Friends... he dosent have family says Blake, im riding with you guys says Blake matter of factly. Ill meet you two at the hospital says Jason getting into Blakes car.

At the hospital: He's going to be fine. If you hadnt found him he wouldve choked on his vomit says the doctor. Hes dehydrated so were giving him fluids. We had to sedate him he was getting angry and abusive says the doctor. What he took was laced, hes lucky to be alive says the doctor. Can we see him asks Blake? One at a time says the doctor. Jason and the doctor walk. Jason gets all the information about the closest rehab and aa meetings. In Ryans room, he lays there. You fucking idiot. After all you went through, after all i did for you you want to take the easy way out says Ryan angrily. Blake turns Ryan around on his bed. Ryans bare ass exposed in the revealing gown. He spreads the cheeks to see Ryans hole intact and not touched. Lucky bitch. If we hadnt gotten there you wouldve been raped says Blake. After his rant Blake sits down... Jason soon walks in and gives Blake the rehab and aa meeting pamphlets and information he got. You wanna stay the night asks Jason? Yeah... he dosent have anyone says Blake. You can go home if you want says Blake. Jason puts his hand on Blakes shoulder. Im not leaving you says Jason. Blake holds Jasons hand. They both sleep in uncomfortable chairs for the night. The nurse occasionally coming in to check on Ryan. The next morning Ryan is still out. Jason and Blake step out for a cup of coffee and for Ryan to get a sponge bath. The nurse is in her forties. Red hair, always smiling. She gives Ryan a sponge bath. His dick getting harder and harder. The nurse smiles. This thing happens so often. Ryan starts to stir... eventually waking up. Ryan looks at the nurse. What... what happened... whats going on he asks? The nurse stops what shes doing and gives Ryan a cup of water. Slowly she says. You had an overdose... count yourself lucky to be alive says the nurse. I was almost finished with your bath says the nurse. Dont stop says Ryan. The nurse laughs and cleans Ryan. Ryans cock was so hard even the nurse couldnt stop looking at it. Nice cock she ads. Thanks says Ryan... just wish i could get laid he admits. Its been such a long time says Ryan sadly. A hot man like you not getting laid, i find that hard to believe says the nurse. Ryan blushes. When your recently out of jail and have no one, nobody wants to touch you with a ten foot pole admits Ryan. Thats not true... um... Blake and Jason were here... they found you... saved you... they spent the night here. They just went out for coffee says the nurse. Ryan is shocked. Can i get out of here begs Ryan? No... not yet... your too weak... another day or so and you should be able to be released says the nurse... need a hand with that asks the nurse? Ryan looks at his cock and then the nurse. Yes begs Ryan. The nurse closes the curtain, takes her uniform off and gets onto the bed with Ryan. She wasnt really Ryans type but she was a woman and a pussy is a pussy. He couldnt be picky now. The woman didnt have the perfect body. She has a nice rack but its starting to sag. Her ass wasnt all that big like he liked. But when his cock entered her, he knew what needed to be done. I wont last long admits Ryan. The nurse laughs. Her pussy wasnt tight... used from having three kids. Pull out ok orders the nurse... dont want anymore kids she says. Soon there both moaning quietly. After barely four minutes Ryan says hes about to cum. Do it... pull out and cum all over my tits says the nurse. Eventually and reluctantly he pulls out. He too didnt want kids... not now anyways. He shoots a massive load all over the nurses stomach and tits. Ryan cant believe this. The nurse quickly gets off him, cleans herself and gets dressed. She makes sure Ryan looks presentable before opening the curtain and leaving. A minute or two after Jason and Blake walk in. Your awake says Blake happily. Yeah mutters Ryan. Give us a minute whispers Blake to Jason. Jason kisses Blakes cheek and leaves. When Jason leaves. Youve got him trained well says Ryan trying to joke. Blakes furious. He grabs Ryan by the throat. What the fuck is wrong with you... you wanna go back to jail asks. Blake? No says Ryan. Well... you sure act like it. What the fuck were you doing in that part of town anyways asks Blake? Fuck off... leave me alone orders Ryan. This angers Blake even more. He wants to punch Ryan so bad. Blake lets go of Ryan... closes the curtain. What... what are you doing asks Ryan? Whyd you call me huh... whyd you call me when you were high as fuck in the middle of the street with your pants down huh asks Blake? Ryan dosent remember. He remembers getting into a car with and old man but then... nothing... its blank. Maybe you deserve to go back to jail... let those guys make you your bitch says Blake. No... no says Ryan shaking his head. I fucked up says Ryan. Twice... twice i saved your ass. If it wasnt for Jason youd be dead... he saved your life says Blake. And the time before that you had to audacity to bring a girl home and almost got raped by her. She almost killed and rape Jason and me says Blake angrily. Ryan is now crying. Im sorry man... im sorry... you shouldve let me die says Ryan. Maybe i should have says Blake. Blake takes a deep breath. I shouldnt have said that... im sorry says Blake. Let me help you begs Blake. Why? So i can screw up again says Ryan? Of course youll fuck up again, but let me help you get clean... then ill help you find a job, a place to stay... dont be like most criminals... living on the street... selling drugs... going back to jail. Your better than that says Blake. Why would you help me asks Ryan? I dont deserve it ads Ryan. Because... your lost. You need to find your way. Jason helped me find mine. Ill help you find yours says Blake. How do you two make it work asks Ryan? Arent you both tops asks Ryan? Blake laughs. If it wasnt for Jason giving me another chance i wouldnt be here. Id probably be dead somewhere or back in jail says Blake. I treated him so bad... yet he forgave me and we moved passed our issues. I love and trust him says Blake. To be honest i never thought i would ever fall in love again. But with Jason its... special. Hes amazing. Challenges me, loves me, spoils me, im living my best life right now because of him says Blake tearing up. Were both tops... but we make it work ads Blake. So you both take it in the ass asks Ryan? Blake feels uncomfortable. Im not gonna discuss my sex life with you but if you want my help im here just say so and ill do everything i can to help you. Here are the places you can go to for rehab... take a look. But if you choose not to go, well youll be on your own says Blake matter of factly. Ill pay for it, when your out well work it out. Im not forcing you in anyways to do rehab. Its not for everybody. It only works if you truly want to make it work and live a better life says Blake. Ryan looks at the pamphlets. Jason had overheard everything and finally walks in. Ryan looks at Jason. Thanks for saving my ass, and life i guess says Ryan. Get some rest. Well see you tomorrow says Jason. They say there goodbyes and leave... once home Blake calls Ciara and Kyle to tell them about Ryan. Jason is showering and getting ready for his shift. Jason is soon ready to leave. Blake puts Kyle on hold and give Jason a passionate kiss. I love you, be safe says Blake. I will says Jason before leaving. Jason got home around two am. He showered quickly and brushed his teeth. Blake was sleeping. Jason puts only underwear on and gets into bed. Blake wakes up and spoons Jason. Hey baby... how was work asks Blake. Good... go back to sleep says Jason. Sorry to wake you ads Jason. I wasnt really sleeping admits Blake. Thinking about Ryan asks Jason? Yeah, i wonder if hell get help or not says Blake. Dont think about it, he needs to make that decision, him alone says Jason. I know says Blake kissing Jasons neck. Did you hear everything Ryan and i talked about asks Blake? Yes... mostly... says Jason. You mad asks Blake? Why would i be asks Jason? When he asked who the bottom was i didnt feel comfortable says we both... bottom says Blake. Its ok lies Jason. Blake turns Jason around. I take it for you says Blake, i dont wanna lose you. I know you need it sometimes says Blake. Jason laughs. I need it more than sometimes but i wont push or pressure you Blake says Jason. But when i fuck you you moan and you like it right asks Blake? Of course i do... i didnt think i would but i do, i like making you feel good, giving you what you want. If i do then how would we work asks Jason? Not everyone is made to top or bottom. When you fuck me and his my prostate it drives me wild, thats what makes me cum without touching my dick says Jason. I like it slow but sometimes i like it when you pound the shit out of me and sometimes i would love to fuck your ass but i... dont wanna ask... i know you dont like it and only do it for me says Jason. Blake holds Jason. Do... do you sometimes think you wanna leave me because of that asks Blake sadly? What asks Jason? No, of course not baby. I love you so much says Jason. Jason kisses Blake. I just feel like sometimes you... get bored sexually says Blake. Jason laughs. With you i never get bored. Blake chuckles. I try for you baby... i really do says Blake. I know you do says Jason. Jason could see something else was on Blakes mind. What is it asks Jason? Nothing says Blake. Jason stares at Blake. You say you wont leave me but if i dont bottom enough does that mean you... wanna... top... someone else asks Blake? Jason looks at Blake shocked and angrily. What the fuck Blake says Jason getting out of bed angrily. You think im gonna cheat on you because your not giving me your ass asks Jason. Jason i didnt mean it like that says Blake. Fuck you says Jason angrily, grabbing his clothes to leave. Baby... dont leave please just let me explain begs Blake. Goodnight says Jason taking his pillow for the couch. I need to be up early says Jason leaving and shutting the bedroom door. Blake throws a glass with a little bit of water, shattering it everywhere. Tears fill his eyes. They both cant sleep... but when morning comes Blake thought hed be up before Jason but found the couch empty. Blake texts Jason. Im sorry, forgive me. Jason ignores it. Blake goes to see Ryan. He finds the bed empty. He looks around. He finds Ryan in the chapel. Why did you save me... my family hates me... i have no one says Ryan sadly. You have me says Blake. Ryan looks at Blake then back at Jesus. Blake sits beside Ryan and hugs him as Ryan cries. Youll be ok says Blake. I know the type of person you are, you deserve to be alive says Blake. Ryan looks at Blake. Thank you... ill... go... to rehab says Ryan. Blake smiles. Do it for you, not for me says Blake. Im doing it for the both of us and maybe then my family will want me back says Ryan hopefully. You have Jason and I and well come and visit swears Blake. Ryan smiles. Thanks says Ryan. Ill make the arrangements says Blake. Ryan nods. Blake knew when Jason got off work, he went and got flowers and waited for Jason to finish work. Look whos waiting for you says Claire, Jasons co worker and partner. Jason looks Blakes way. He must be trying to apologize says Claire before walking the opposite way to her car. Blake im tired says Jason. Im sorry baby. Please let me explain begs Blake. Jason swallows. I would never ever cheat on you. I love you and im happy being with you. I worry about you all the time. While your working. When were having sex... i dont want you to feel like you have to put out for me when you dont want to. I dont want... for you to wonder what it would be like with... someone else... Jason is about to say something. Please let me finish begs Blake. I dont want you i wondering what it would be like with someone else that was the bottom and you were the top. Im worried that at times your not happy with our sex life says Blake. I love you Blake, you know how I feel. I would never sleep around just because you didnt bottom and i certainly dont wanna fuck someone else behind your back or in front of you because i want top. I wouldnt have married you if i didnt feel one hundred percent sure about it. I knew you were a top, if i didnt like it i wouldnt have married you says Jason. Blake walks towards Jason. There face to face. Im sorry Jason says Blake taking Jasons hands. Blake kisses Jason gently on the lips. How about we go out to dinner says Blake. Jason smiles. Blake smiles. They kiss again and meet home to get ready. The night was amazing. The food was great. They walked hand in hand. When they got home it didnt take long for the clothes to come off. Soon both were naked and Blake was on his knees sucking Jasons cock expertly. Baby moans Jason grabbing Blakes head and face fucking Blake. Blake choked a couple of times but let Jason take control. When Jason lets go of Blakes head Blake catches his breath. Let me eat that ass begs Blake. Jason smiles and turns around. Blake eats Jason ass like an animal, groaning with the delicious taste of Jasons hole. Blake stands up and they kiss. Jason could taste his own ass, turning him on. I love you says Blake. I love you to says Jason. Suck me baby begs Blake. Jason happily gets to his knees and sucks Blakes cock. Fuck yeah... your such a good cocksucker baby moans Blake. Jason makes sure to lick and suck on Blakes balls, this turning Blake on even more. Blake surprises Jason and bends over... eat my ass baby begs Blake. Jason happily shoves his face into Blakes sweaty ass and licks it, sucks his hole. It was driving Blake crazy. He wanted to fuck Jason so badly. But, he knew what he needed to do. Fuck me groans Blake. Jason stops eating Blakes ass. Do it baby begs Blake. Jason gets the lube and lubes his throbbing cock and Blakes asshole. He shoves a curious finger inside. Blake groans. Its so tight. Damn baby... says Jason slowly finger fucking Blakes ass. Jason cant take it anymore and presents his very lubbed cock to Blakes tight hole. Blake takes a deep breath as his hole is slowly penetrated by Jasons cock. He grits his teeth together. He grimaces as the pain starts to build in his ass. Jason takes it slow. You ok baby asks Jason worriedly? Yeah... like that... keep going like that says Blake. Jason smiles happily as he continues to fuck Blake slowly. Your ass is so fucking amazing baby moans Jason. Blakes face twists in pain. Oohhhhhh moans Blake is surprise. Jason stops. You ok asks Jason? Yeah... says Blake. Jason must have found Blakes prostate. I wont last much longer moans Jason. Cum in me baby... breed me moans Blake. A few more dozen thrusts and Jason cries out as he shoot inside Blakes tight hole. Jason slowly pulls out of Blakes sore ass and collapses on the bed exhaustedly. Blake lays on his stomach. Thank you baby moans Jason. Blake gives a weak smile. Anything for you baby says Blake. They eventually fall asleep. Jason in Blakes arms. Thanks for reading, more to cum. Comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 26: After Sent to Jail 4

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