Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Nov 25, 2023


After Sent to Jail 1

This is fiction.

Thank you to the readers. Sorry for the terrible spelling in the original chapters. But you guys wanted a new chapter so here it is. I hope you enjoy. Let me know your thoughts.

After getting married, Blake and Jason worked long hours and finally bought their own house. They had two dogs. They were living the happy life. Jason was an EMT and was so happy to have left the diner behind him.

Kyle and Sebastien were happy living in their house together. They had recently painted there place and bought new furniture. The place looked new.

Ciara was seeing someone but she wasnt sure if it was going anywhere. He was nice and great in bed but she didnt know if he was long term.

Ryan had been released from jail and was struggling. He was striking out with the ladies, drugs was always around him. He couldnt go back to jail. He needed a new place. A job but he applied and nothing. No one would take a chance on him. He had no choice but to call Blake. After missing a few phone calls from an unknown number Blake finally answers. Blake... its Ryan... please... i need your help begs Ryan. Ryan agrees to meet with Ryan. Jason comes along. They meet at a park. Blake recognized Ryan immediately. He was pale, bag under his eyes, shaking. He looked like he hadnt slept in months. Looks like he hadnt eaten much either. Is that him asks Jason? Yeah... he looks bad says Blake. Blake says Ryan in relief. You look like shit admits Blake. I feel like it too. I need your help man please begs Ryan... whos this asks Ryan looking to Jason? Jason... my husband says Blake. Ryan was caught off guard. You on drugs asks Blake? Hell no... but i want to so bad man... ive been out for a few weeks. I cant get a job, im living in a shelter. Drugs are always around me says Ryan. And im horny as fuck i cant score. I need help says Ryan desperately. When was the last time you ate asks Jason? A few days ago admits Ryan. At the shelter the guys steal my food and shit, i can barely get a proper shower. I cant even jerk off says Ryan. I havent busted a nut in almost three weeks man says Ryan sadly. Turn gay and youll have sex everyday jokes Jason. Ryan looks at Jason. Seriously asks Ryan curiously? Oh yeah, its proven gay men have more sex than straight man says Jason. You guys have sex everyday asks Kyle? Pretty much says Jason. Damn says Ryan jealously. You hungry asks Blake? Yeah says Ryan. Come with us says Blake going to the famous diner Jason used to work at. He said hello to the staff he knew. They ordered. Blake only having coffee and Jason having ice tea. Kyle had ordered hamburger, fries, salad, shake and a beer. Jason and Blake looked in astonishment. For a small guy Kyle ate every last bite. I cant go back to the shelter i just cant says Kyle pleadingly. Blake could see Ryan was desperate for help. You dont have a family asks Jason? Kyle chuckles. They abandoned me after i went to jail. When i was released i called them they told me not to come home. My sister didnt answer my calls either and when she did she said she had a baby on the way and no time for me says Ryan sadly. Tears forming in his eyes. Im sorry says Jason and Blake. What i think you need is a stint in rehab and then maybe youll be in a better place and find a job and a place for you to stay and not the shelter says Blake. I cant afford snd besides i dont really need rehab what i need is a shower without anyone looking. And a pussy to fuck says Ryan matter of factly. We cant help you for pussy but we can get you a hot shower says Blake looking at Jason for the ok. Jason agrees. They head over to their place. Ryan is in the bathroom changing. He hadnt had a good hot shower in such a long time. Ryan turns the shower on to the temperature he wants. Jason walks in thinking Ryan is in the shower. Wow man says Jason covering his junk. Jason manages to get a nice look of Ryans ass. Sorry man i thought you were in the shower. Heres a fresh towel and face cloth if you need it says Jason before leaving and closing the door. Jason gets into the shower. Hes there for a good twenty minutes. It felt so good. Hot water on his body. No one staring at him. Planning to rape him or beat him up. Finally he gets out of the shower and realizes he dosent have clothes. Jason mustve taken his clothes to wash. In fact thats what Jason did. Ryan walks out in just a towel. His tight swimmers build body dripping wet. Jason finally hands him some of his old clothes he no longer wears. Thanks man says Ryan going back in the bathroom to dry and get dressed. Once out of the bathroom they sit and talk. That felt so good. I havent had a private shower in such a long time and with hot water, thanks says Ryan. No problem says Blake. Did you think about rehab asks Blake? I dont know if its for me admits Ryan. Look, i think if you do a short stint and it dosent work out it dosent work out but if it does itll be better for your future. Once your out ill help you find a job and your own place says Blake. I cant pay for rehab says Ryan. Blake looks at Jason. Ill pay it, so long you pay me back with interest says Blake. Ryan looks at Blake. Can i have the night to think about it asks Ryan? Sure says Blake. I should get going, if i get there too late there wont be food left says Ryan getting up. Why dont you stay the night asks Jason. Blake looks and Jason and smiles. For real asks Ryan? For the night says Jason. Thanks man says Ryan happily. Ill go set up the spare bedroom says Jason leaving Ryan and Blake to themselves. Thank you for everything says Ryan sincerely. You were kept safe asks Blake? Ryan looks down. Sorta... my ass is fine but... says Ryan. But what asks Blake seriously? He never touched my ass but made me suck dick so he could get cigarettes and booze and porn magazine says Ryan sadly. Blake snarls. How many times asks Blake angrily. A... handful... says Ryan sadly. Im sorry says Blake. I mean no one ever touched my ass so im thankful for that admits Ryan. Give me a sec. Blake gets up and makes a phone call... a few minutes later he comes back and Jason comes out of the spare bedroom not long after.

Brent had been sent to jail due to all his crimes. Rape, kidnapping, drugging and more. Brent got a sentence of over thirty years. He had been in jail now for a few days and it was rough. As manly and strong as he was on the streets in jail it was a different story. As the newbie he was ogled and cat called by the other inmates as potential prison bitch. So many men. So many stronger than them. His cellmate was a youngster. Early twenties. In for possesion of a firearm and drugs. He was black and skinny. His name was James. He looked afraid of his new cellmate. James had been in jail for a few days and he never left his cell. He too had been cat called and so many tribes came to him and offered protection if he joined them. James didnt know what to do. Brent just sat on the bottom bunk. Throwing James stuff on the ground and telling him he wants the bottom bunk. James didnt make a scene he just grabbed his things and put them on the top bunk. You someone's bitch asks Brent? Nah man says James. Brent looks James up and down. You a fag asks Brent? I dont like sharing a space with fags says Brent. Im straight assures James showing Brent a nudie magazine he had found from the previous cellmate. Brent looks at it and hands it back to James. Brent looks around. What do we have here asks Dshaun. Six foot three, muscles to die for. He and his gang look at Brent and James. Whos bitch are you asks Dshaun to James. Nobody. I aint nobody's bitch says James trying to stand up for himself. Dshaun laughs. His boys starts to laugh too. What about you asks Dshaun to Brent? Brent looks at the guys. I dont want no trouble says Brent. You look familiar says Dshaun. Dosent he look familiar asks Dshaun to his boys. Yes they say in agreement. Your the drug dealer says Dshauns boy Jamal. Jamal is five foot nine, abs of steel. Damn... Brent right ads Jamal. They all look at him. They got you asks Dshaun? Yeah says Brent sadly, leaving out everything else. Can you hook us up in here asks Dshaun? Probably says Brent. Why would I though ads Brent? Dshaun gets closer to Brent. Its either that or you become our bitch whispers Dshaun. And you know what they say about black men right ads Dshaun. Brent swallows the large lump that had started in his throat.

With Ryan now sleeping in the guest room, Blake was horny. Blake has a very high sex drive compared to Jason. Jason loves sex. Loves topping and bottoming. But with their relationship they have to spice things up. Bdsm and toys. But with Blake very rarely bottoming. Jason had to use a sex toy to cum in while getting fucked or when he masturbated alone he used the toy and pictured Blake taking his cock. That night before going to bed. Blake started playing with Jasons ass. Not tonight baby... Ryans in the next room says Jason. I know... makes it hotter dont you think asks Blake. I had to admit yes. But it would be even hotter if you bottomed i said to Blake half joking. Blake looks at Jason. I love you says Blake. Jason smiles. I know you do. I just wish you could bottom more thats all i tell him matter of factly. They look at each other. Why me asks Jason out of the blue? What asks Blake? Why me... why did you marry me asks Jason. Baby... weve been through a lot says Blake. Ive made so many mistakes with you. But you changed me, into a better person says Blake. You mean everything to me ads Blake. Jason leans in for a hug. Blake holds Jason in his strong arms. Jason could see Blakes boner. He cant help but smile. Jason starts to massage it. Blake smiles happily. Soon both men are naked and Jason is sucking Blakes cock. Deepthroating it. Making sure to lick and suck on Blakes balls. Also lifting Blakes legs to eat the clean asshole. Blake moans uncontrollably. I need to fuck you says Blake. He grabs the lube. Jason pushes Blake back on the bed and straddles him. Ohhh... wanna ride me i see says Blake. Blake loves being in control. Being on top. But seeing Jason whore himself on his dick drove him mad. Made it hot. Jason lubes his asshole as Blake lubes his cock. Jason slowly sits on Blakes cock. Blakes hands are on Jasons hips. Jason groans in pain. Fuck baby... your so tight and warm moans Blake happily. After all the times Blake has fucked Jason he still managed to keep his asshole tight. Once fully seethed on Blakes cock do they look at each other. I love you baby moans Blake. Jason smiles and starts riding Blakes cock while never breaking eye contact. Jasons cock slowly got hard. Jason plays with Blakes nipples. Oh fuck baby moans Blake. His hands were behind his head. Once Jason started playing with his nipples did Blake decide to play with Jason... this caused Jason to leak precum from his cock. Baby moans Jason. You like that baby asks Blake already knowing the answer. You like my big cock up your tight ass huh baby asks Blake? Y-yesss moans Jason bouncing up on down Blakes cock. Soon Jason was fucking himself so fast on Blakes cock that it turned Blake on like crazy. Stop orders Blake. Jason stops. I'm not ready to cum yet moans Blake. But i want it so bad Blake... please breed me begs Jason trying to start fucking himself on Blakes cock. Can i be on top begs Blake? I want to keep going like this baby... i know but i need to Be on top. I need to pound that ass good says Blake. They finally switched position. Missionary. They kiss like teenagers. Blake inserts his cock into Jasons hole. Uurrrggghhhh fffuuucckkkkk groans Jason. Fuck yeah baby moans Blake happily. He slowly fucks Jason. Then he picks up the pace and begins to plow Jason like no tomorrow. The bed creaking and hitting the wall. Jasons in pure ecstasy. Fuck me fuck me fuck me begs Jason over and over again. Blakes hand finds Jasons neck and he chokes Jason a little. Jason loved being choked. Blakes sweat dripping down onto Jasons body. And then out of nowhere Jasons cock explodes all over his stomach, chest, face and pillow behind him. Jasons body convulsing violently. But Jasons cumshot turned Blake on so much and the tightness of Jasons hole as he orsgasmed sent Blake over the edge as he screams louder than he should have. Shoots his massive load into his hot husbands tight ass them collapsed on top of Jasons sweaty cummy body. Oh fuck baby... that was so hot admits Blake. After a little rest Jason gets up to take a shower while Blake sleeps. ~~~~~~~~~~ In the next room. Ryan could hear Jason and Blake fucking. He wondered who the bottom was. It had to be Jason. Both didnt seem like the type of guy to take it up the ass. His cock was rock hard. He desperately needed to get off. To fuck a girl. Pussy. Eat pussy. Shove his face in a nice rack. He begins to play with his balls as he watches straight porn. A woman with big tits getting fucked and sucking dick at the same time... fuck he moans as he explodes all over his swimmers built chest and face. He takes a rest then slowly sneaks out of his room and into the bathroom only to find a naked Jason getting out of the shower. Their eyes meet. Jasons sees Ryan semi hard on and his body full of cum. Shit man sorry says Ryan rushing back to the guest room. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. If you have any suggestions or comments. Send them my way.

Next: Chapter 24: After Sent to Jail 2

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