Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Aug 28, 2019


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After the events of Brents warpath. Sebastian and Kyle lived together in their new place. Ciara was living alone with a brand new alarm system. Blake and Jason had moved into their new place. Sebastian and Kyle still worked at the club. Lily was the sole owner now. Brent had been sent to jail...

Blake was cooking breakfast. Jason awoke to the wonderful smells. He got up and saw that Blake was cooking... Wearing an apron... But nothing else. I like what i see says Jason. Blake laughs. Jason hugs Blake from behind. Ever since he saw Blake in jail, he couldnt stop thinking about him. Even though the situation they were in. Blake also couldnt stop thinking of Jason. They had been through so much, they didnt want to be with anyone but themselves. Jason loved Blake. But Blake worshipps the ground Jason walks on...

Jason got a more permanant job at the dinner. Someone had quit and he was now full time. It didnt pay very much but he was grateful for the job. Blake was working at the new mechanic shop in town once or twice a week. But his job was a gym instructor at the gym three blocks from their place. He taught boxing, self defence, and also taught classes on fitness and nutrition. He really loved his jobs.

Ciara and the rest of the gangs relationship was still not one hundred percent fixed. The boys did pretty much anything to get her back into the group. They invited her over anytime they wanted but she never showed up.

Kyle and Sebastian had grown really close. They were so happy together.

Brent and Jason we happy as well. The sex was great. Jason assumed the role of the bottom. For whatever reason. But he also knew deep down that Brent would never bottom. He didnt ask. As much as he wanted to fuck Brent, he knew it would never happened. They were happy. They had both agreed they did not want a third person in the bedroom even though Jason wanted to top real badly.

Blake treated him like a king. He constantly made dinner, lunches, breakfasts. Snacks. He would always pay when they would go out. A lot of romantic gestures. Nice dates. He was planning something big Jason knew it.

Blake was headed to Ciaras place... He knocked on the door. Ciara looks through the peep hole. What do you want she asks opening the door? Can i come in asks Blake polietly? Ciara moves aside and lets him in. She looks outside to make sure no one else was coming in. She locked the door then put the alarm on. She grabs her glass of red wine and sits on the couch with her blanket. The tv on pause. I know youve been through a lot lately and im sorry for that. We all miss you. Jason misses you so much says Blake. Ciara just listens and dosent answer. We moved in together. Sebastian and Kyle have moved in with each other too. We are sorta happy. But we want you back on our lives... I havent been around a long time but you mean everything to Jason. Kyle loved you too. Sebastian as well. But... The real reason im here is because I need to ask you something. Well... I lost the love of my life to a drunk driving accident. That broke me. I lost everyone I really loved. When i lost Luke i did bad shit and got to jail. Then i met Jason and everything changed. He changed me. He made me feel love again. Ive made mistakes and i own up to them. But im here because of him. He saved my ass in prison. I saved his. When he was relased i was not the same. But he made a deal for me and for Kyle to be released early... he was a snitch for the warden. His arrest is no longer on his record. Hes thinking of going back to school to work as a paramedic. Im rambling on but... Blake pulls out a small box from his pocket. Ciara looks at him. He opens the box. Its an engagement ring. Ciara looks at Blake in shock. I want to propose to him. Will you help me asks Blake? How can i help asks Ciara? I want to plan a nice evening. A nice dinner. Romantic walk or something. I need help planning. Will you help me asks Blake? I... Dont know says Ciara. Your his best friend. Your a sister to him. Your opinion matters and if your not there he wont be able to take it says Blake. Hes told me some stories about you two says Blake with a laugh. The time you flashed someone when you were drunk. The time you two got stuck on the feris wheel and were freaking out says Blake. He was freakig out im was totally fine lies Ciara with a grin. Blake smiles. Ciara takes the ring... Its beautiful says Ciara... Will you help me asks Blake? Ciara looks at Blake... Sure... I will says Ciara. Blake smiles and hugs Ciara tightly. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ciara and Blake had been orginizing something. Kyle and Sebastian knew about it as well but were told to secrecy. That night, Jason got home to a nice lite apartment. The smell of someone amazing being cooked. Candles every where. Rose petals everywhere. Whats going on asks Jason? Blake smiles. He greets and kisses Jason on the lips. Go get changed says Blake. Whats going on asks Jason again? Sssshhhh... Youll see laughs Blake. Jason went to the bedroom and got changed. He saw rose petals and candles everywhere in the bedroom. He quickly grabs and shower and douches in case. He gets dressed. Ads a little perfume and goes to see Blake making. Penne in a tomato sauce and parmesan chicken... My favorite... Blake smiles and pours Jason a nice glass of white wine. Jason kisses Blake. He hold to Blake as he cooks. Its almost ready swears Blake... Blake serves dinner. They talk, laugh and joke. When dinner is over Blake takes Jason out for a stroll in the park. Blake whats going on asks Jason one more time? Cant i do something special for the man i love says Blake? Blake often told him he loved him. Jason on the other hand hadnt told him yet. They walked to the park and there was a blanket with a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered cherries... They sit down. Brent kisses Jason passionatly. I love you Jason says Blake. I... Love you too says Jason. Blake pulls away and looks at Jason. The biggest grin on his face. He kisses Jason back... They drink the champagne and eat the chocolate covered cherries. Jason didnt like strawberries so Blake improvised. With the help of Ciara of course. Around eleven they walked back to the apartment. Both all smiles. Holding hands. Almost there Jason grabs Jason hands. Under the beautiful oak tree. I love you. You saved me in so many ways. You made me feel love again. Even with the mistakes ive made, your still here. Youve sacrifef a lot for me. You saved my ass too many times. But i want you to know i love you. And you make me so happy. I havent been this happy in such a long time and it feels amazing. It feels amazing waking up beside you in the morning. Going to bed at night with you. Making love to you. Cooking... I want to spend the rest of my life with you... To make you happy. To be happy says Blake getting down on one knee. Jason stares at Blake in shock... Will you marry me asks Blake showing Jason the ring. Jason swallows the large lump in his throat. Tears forming in his eyes. Unable to talk. Blake looked at Jason worriedly. Y-yes chokes out Jason. Blake smiles happily. He puts the ring on Jasons finger and hugs him tightly. They kiss passionatly. Cheering comes from behind the tree. He hadn't seen anyone. He had been paying attention to only Blake. He saw Kyle, Sebastian and... Ciara. There eyes lock. She smiles. They walk over to them and hug all each other. Jason and Ciara hug each other tightly for about a minute. Thank you says Jason. Ciara just smiles through her tears of joy. They finally go their own way. Once at the apartment, Jason sees their bed is full of rose petals. Jason looks at Blake. I have one more surprise for you says Blake. Please. Youve already done so much says Jason. You trust me asks Blake? Yes says Jason easily. Go to the bathroom. Theres something for you. Dont come out until i tell you says Blake. Jason looks at Blake curiously but follows his instructions. Jason goes into the bathroom. Theres a note. I love you. Get in your Birthday suit. Jason smiles and undresses quickly. Hes about to leave but the note on the door says. Wait until i tell you to come out. Jason laughs again. For once in his life he was so happy. He waited a few minutes. When Blake finally said to come out he was happy. Even though he considered himself a top. Well now bottom. He just loved being with Blake. He knew sacrifies had to be made in a relationship. He was making some. Blake is sprawled on the bed, naked. Looking amazing. Jason looks at Blake. They smile at each other. Like what you see asks Blake cockily? Jason laughs. You know i do baby says Jason. Come here says Blake. Jason lays on Blakes chest. Blakes heart beating so fast. Are you ok asks Jason? Blake smiles. Blake kisses Jason gently. Whats my surprise asks Jason? He couldnt wait any longer. He had to know. Blake looked at Jason. I love you says Blake before getting onto all fours and presenting his virgin tight ass to Jason to fuck... Jason looks at Blake in amazement and in shock... Should Jason be topping Blake? Let me know your thoughts... Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 22

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