Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Nov 10, 2018


This is not real its fiction. Please donate to nifty.

Jason had only been in jail for a couple of weeks and had surprisingly got protection from Blake. Yes he beat him up and ordered him to suck his cock but he only pretended to rape him not actually raped him. He was confused about that but thankful.

He was awakened by Blake at 630am. They went for there shower. It was empty. Then they got ready for breakfast and gym. Then we were made to sit and watch a video about violence, drugs, rape, murder. It also told us classes we could take. It lasted over two hours. People who got visitors could visit them. I had no one. Except i was shocked when a guard told me someone was here for me. When i got out i saw Ciara. I was shocked. We grab the phones and start talking. What happened she asks staring at my face. Dont worry. Im ok i swear. I didnt think i would ever see you again says Jason. Other inmates were checking her out. Whistling. She flips them the middle finger. You promise me there no drugs anywhere near my place asks Ciara? I promise, i wouldnt do that to you swears Jason. Have someone come to bother you i ask worriedly? No says Ciara. Im sorry... I just needed to pay them back i tell her. I know, but why didnt you come to me asks Ciara? You were going through a lot... Your mom... I just couldnt ask you i tell her. When you get out she asks? Five months if all goes well i tell her. She smiles. Call me when your released. Ill come pick you up she promises. I smile. Thank you i tell her. We hang up and she leaves. The inmates whistles at her. Except the ones where there wifes or girlfriends are there. Is that your bitch asks one of the inmates. I clench my teeths together and walk away. I dont make it a meter away and that same inmate pushes me into a wall then grabs me by my throat. Is that your bitch asks the guy once again? Putero Rican. Bad breath. Chubby. I look at him with disgust on my face. Yeah... She is i lie. She would never go for an ugly fucker like you i tell him pushing him away in surprise. He was shocked to. He threw a punch but i decked and his punch hit the wall. Breaking his hand. Just then Blake was by. Your gonna pay for that puta swears the inmate. What happened asks Blake? I took care of him i tell him wickedly. Blake drags me into a place wheres there no camera and grabs me by my throat. What happened he asks? He was making comments about my friend and i told him off. He was about to punch me and i ducked i tell him. Blake laughs. You have a girlfriend he asks? Nah... Shes my friend i just said she was i tell him. Come on lets go says Blake. Blake knew people. People who wanted cigarettes, alcohol. He could provide. He was a black belt in karate and other things. He was someone you dont want to mess with. Why are you helping me i ask him point blank. Count yourself lucky thats all swears Blake. Ok... What do we do know i ask him? We dont do anything. We go to the game room and the inmates play game while i sit on the sofa and do nothing. Ill give you my packs of cigarettes for a month if you let me fuck your bitchs tight hole says an inmate i dont know. I look up to Blake terrified. Please bro... I have had sex in six months man begs the inmate... A months worth of cigarettes asks Blake? Then Blake laughs. Hell no man. That ass over there belongs to me. You would need to give me a whole lot for that ass says Blake. All the other inmates heard Blake talk. Soon enough the word got around. And everybody was begging Jason to have my ass. He got offered anything. I sat in my cell terrified. When Blake came in he ordered me to go with him. They were alone in a janitors closet. Please Blake... Dont let anyone rape me i beg him. Shut up and listen bitch orders Blake. Some guys offered me a lot of money when im released for your ass says Blake. Jason nods in fear. Im gonna fuck you now. Get you ready... Coz hes a lot bigger then me says Blake. No begs Jason. Jason was gagged and his clothes were taken off. He struggled to get free. But his hands where tied behind his back. Blake spread Jasons tight cheeks and saw the tiny little virgin hole staring back at him. Damn... Was all he could say. Jason was so scared. His body was shaking. Jason managed to spit out his gag and begged Blake not to do this. Please Blake... Dont hurt me begs Jason. Blake stops what hes doing. What did you say he asks? Dont hurt me... Please dont rape me begs Jason. Blake looks at Jason in the eyes. His face covered in tears...

Blake was taken aback to when he was in love with Luke. His boyfriend. Ex boyfriend. He had been killed three years ago from a drunk driver. Luke had been on his way to see him and when he didnt show up he got worried and went looking around. He called and called Luke but he never answered. Then he got a phone call from the hospital saying Luke had been in a car crash and was in surgery. Blake rushed to the hospital only to be told that Luke had died during surgery. Blake was so angry. He got drunk. Got into fights. Tried to kill himself but he was still here. And now he was in jail.

Jason reminded Blake of Luke. He way he talked and acted. Tears filled his eyes. Thats why he had been so protective of Jason. He looked like his dead boyfriend. He takes a few steps back. Jason turned around and gets his back into a corner. Hes confused. Why is Blake crying? He goes to Jason and unties him. He takes out a photo and hands it to Jason. Jason is about to bolt but looks at the photo. He looks at Blake. You remind me so much of him says Blake. If they ever find out i never fucked you they will come after you promises Blake. I could fuck you and be gentle promises Blake. Jason shakes his head he drops the photo and gets dressed. He runs away. Then bumps into the Mexican he had a fight with a while back. Wheres your body guard asks Manuel? A five feet eight inches, chubby Mexican who was arrested for accesory to murder, selling drugs and stealing. He grabs Jason by the throat. Hes nowhere to be found to protect his little bitch. I wonder if your ass is that good. Coz he keeps saying its a tight fucking ass says Manuel. Jason spits in Manuels face. Manuel squeezes Jasons neck tighter and gets him into a stairwell where there is no camera. His pants are yanked down. You scream and i will slit your throat promises the Mexican. Jason wants to scream. Manuels cock is small. Six inches maybe. Suck it puta orders Manuel. Get it hard orders Manuel. Jason just looks at the cock. Bigger then your protector mocks Manuel proudly. No, way way smaller says Jason matter of factly. Manuel slaps Jason across the face. Jason grabs his jaw. Suck it whore now orders Manuel. Jason gets on his knees and begins to suck Manuels small cock. But Blake comes in. I pull off Manuels cock. I look at him. He begged to suck my cock assures Manuel not wanting to get a beating from Blake. Blake looks at Jason in disgust. Back to your cell. Were not done says Blake angrily. Jason runs off to his cell. Manuel pulls his pants up. Happy he got away with it. He was about to leave but Blake stopped him. He grabbed Manuels longish hair and smashes his face on the brick wall. Manuel is seeing stars. Bleeding from a cut on his forehead. Blake pulls Manuels pants down to expose his small Mexican ass. Before Manuel can realize whats happening his hole is being breched by Blakes hard cock. Dont scream orders Blake. Hes my bitch not yours says Blake angrily. He begins to fuck Manuels no longer virgin ass. Manuel tries to escape Blakes grasp but cant. Do i need to smash your head in again asks Blake? Manuel stops struggling. Grunts of pain escapes his mouth. I have to tell you puta... Your ass is fucking tight... Ill tell everyone your now taking it up the ass says Blake proudly. Blake had taken so many straight mens virgins asses while hes been in jail. Hed lost count. Noooo... Noooo... Growls Manuel in pain. I wont go near him anymore promises Manuel... Just stop begs Manuel unable to take the pain. Blake laughs. Damn right your gonna stay away from him. And if you dont ill make sure everyone in this prison rapes your ass like im doing right now assures Blake.

Blake continues to fuck Manuel no longer virgin ass as fast, hard and deep as he can. Manuels fists are clenched. His face hit on the wall once again to make sure he stays dizzy and fuzzy. Im gonna breed your ass confirms Blake. Nooo moans Manuel in pain. He curses in Spanish. Here it comes puta says Blake shoving his cock all the way inside and exploding his massive load. Feel that cum... Im gonna get your pregnant says Blake while laughing. When he pulls out his dick is dirty. Shit. Blood. He wipes it on Manuels clothes and punches him in the gut. He collapses on the stairs. Blake leaves to go to his jail cell... Not long after Manuel gets up and gets dressed, looking as normal as possible. He runs into the shower and get cleaned. Shitting out Blakes cum. He gets as clean as possible before a bunch of other inmates come in after working out in the gym. Manuel minds his own buisness and finally leaves. He stays in his cell for the rest of the day. Not eating. He couldnt believe what had just happened to him.

Blake comes into the cell to find Jason. He had made Jasons bed and his. He looks at Jason with daggers in his eyes. Im sorry... He punches me. He threatened me says Jason. Blake dosent know what to do or say. Your my bitch. Gotcha. If i find you with any other man ever you wont live to regret it promises Blake. Jason swallows in fear. I can suck your dick right now says Jason. Nah... Says Blake. He sits on his bed. Head in his hands. Jason dosent know what to do.

The day goes on like nothings happened. Blake goes to the gym and is sweating like mad. Jason hands Blake a towel. You got your bitch trained well says another inmate. White. Six feet. Two hundred pounds. Tattoos on his arms. Damn right i do says Blake wipping his face with the towel. Care to share his ass asks the inmate called Jordan. Nah... I dont share my bitch... Dont want that hole used says Blake. Jordan looks at Jason. He a good bitch asks Jordan... Still lots of work to do... He cant suck for the life of him. And his ass well... Lets just say he keeps begging me not to fuck him... That hes straight... Laughs Blake. Its pathetic says Blake tossing the towel at Jason. Jason just stands there holding the towel. I need to find myself a bitch... I havent busted a nut in a few days. Ive got a big load here says Jordan grabbing his junk. Then go find one says Blake. Jason and his crew leaves.

Its almost time for chow time and it would lights out soon. Jason and Blake went into one of the classrooms. He had connections. The door had been left unlocked for him. He pushes Jason in, making sure no one saw them. Take your clothes off orders Jason stripping naked already... Once they are both naked Jason just stands there. Get over here orders Blake. Get on your knees and suck my dick orders Blake. Jason does so... Swallowing Blakes sweaty cock hole. Ffffuuuuuckkkkkkkk growls Blake in amazement. Ive got the best cocksucker here says Blake happily. Jason sucks Blakes cock like a pro. He makes sure to lick and suck on Blakes balls. Fffffuuuuuckkkkk yeaaaahhhhhhh moans Blake happily. He takes the cock back into his mouth and sucks it great. Blake pushes Jason off his dick. Blake bends over the desk and orders Jason to eat his really sweaty ass. Jason gets behind Blake and spreads his cheeks to see the tiny little asshole. No finger... Just your tongue or youll regret it promises Blake. Jason shoves his face into Blake sweaty ass. His tongue and nostrills are attacked by the musky sweaty scent of Blakes hole. Its driving Jason crazy. His cock is rock hard. He rims Blake for a good ten minutes. Tonguing him. Blake loves it. Finally he pushes Jason away. He sees Jasons hard cock. He laughs. You like eating my ass asks Blake? Jason looks to the floor and nods yes. Blake takes Jason face into his hands and asks the same questions again. Yes stumbles Jason. Blake laughs. I guess you want your dick in my ass huh asks Blake? Yes... Mumbles Jason. Wrong answer says Blake punching Jason into the stomach. Jason falls to his knees coughing in pain. Blake gets Jason bent over a desk and spreads his cheeks. He sees its clean. Noooo begs Jason. Then he feels Blakes tongue on his hole. Eating him out. No one had ever rimmed him before. It was strange. But it felt incredible. Soon he was moaning in pleasure. You like that asks Blake? Kinda says Jason. Blake smiles. After about ten minutes of wating Jason out. Blake spits on his hand and lubes his cock. Jason turns his heas around. No... Dont Blake... Please... Begs Jason. But he felt Blakes cock head at his virgin hole. Shut up orders Blake. Blake sees Jason for a second then Luke. His imagine is blurry. He dosent know whos standing in front of him now. Its wierd. He knows hes in jail and Luke is dead but what he would do to be with Luke again. Anything. Then the image is gone. Jason is standing in the classroom alone. Jason is nowhere to be seen. He gets dressed and leaves. He goes for chow, then a shower. When he comes back he sees Jason sleeping in his bed. Blake is furious. Lights out will be soon... Hell have to wait until lights out.

Jason wasnt sleeping. His body was shaking. He knew he woukd be raped one day in jail. He guessed if someone had to rape it it would be Blake. Maybe he would be gentle on him... He didnt know. But he knew soon Blake would be angry for leaving him buck naked in that classroom.

Finally lights out happened. Jason had secretly been crying. His fwce covered in tears. An hour after lights out happened he was pulled from his bunk bed. His mouth covered, then filled with a dirty sock. He fought. Then realized it wasnt worth it. Dont say a fucking word orders Blake. You left me alone in that classroom... I was about to fuck you. Be gentle. But now you pissed me off says Blake angrily. Jason spits the sock out. Jason brings his face closer to Blakes. Blake can see the tears. Fucking do it. I dont care anymore says Jason. Hed found Blakes shank and was planning on killing himself tomorrow. You want me to fuck you huh asks Blake? Well i can definitly help you with that promises Blake. Fuck you spits out Jason. Blake shoves the sock back into Jasons mouth and wraps his hands around his neck. He squeezes until Jason is about to pass out. Then lets go. Then punches Jason in the stomach. Jason cant breathe. He struggles to breathe. He looks at Blake. He whispers Blake before passing out from lack of oxygen.

When Jason finally wakes up a few hours later. Hes face down in Blakes bed. Blake beside him. His hand wonders to his ass. Blake hadnt raped him... He didnt dare move. He didnt know what time it was but it was still really dark. I saw a guard looking into our cell. He grabbed his junk. I laid down and suddenly fell asleep.

I woke up in spoon position. Blake behind me. His cock rubbing between my ass cheeks. I froze. My body stiffened. Im sorry Blake... Im sorry i say over and over. What are you sorry for asks Blake? Im sorry for leaving you in that classroom. Im sorry for being a pain in the ass. Im sorry your protecting me. You should just let me fend for myself i tell him (tears in my eyes). Look at me orders Blake. I do so. You couldnt survive in here, im doing you a favor says Blake. And im thankful, you just scare me. I dont want to be beaten to death and gang raped i say emotionally. While im protecting you no one will bother you. If they do theyll deal with me says Blake. I lower myself in the bed and take Blakes cock into my mouth. He moans happily. He lays on his back. Arms behind his head as his cock gets down my throat. He cant believe how good of a cocksucker Jason was. I mananged to make him cum five minutes Later as a geysher came shooting down my throat. He holds my head into his pubes. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh growls Blake in pleasure. I had to be honest. It tasted really good. Damn man moans Blake happily. They get out of bed and go shower... Same routine...

Thanks for reading. Send me comments, thoughts, ideas. Stay tuned for another chapter.

Next: Chapter 3

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