Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on Aug 6, 2019


This is not real its fiction. Please donate to nifty.

Blake couldnt believe he was out of jail. He never thought it would happen. Yes he had been on good behaviour when Jason was released. It had been hard losing him. But now being out. He had a second chance. To make things right. To be with Jason. And he was gonna do everything in his power to be with Jason.

Sebastian had to work on Kyles night off but when he got there the place was dark and empty. He went to his locker to get changed only to be attacked from being. He fought as best as he could but was easily outmatched. Sebastian had taken a few punches to the gut, face and ribs. Then he saw blackness as he was knocked out cold... When he woke up he was tied up to a chair. He sees Brent. Sebastian looks confused. Whats going on stammers Sebastian. Your just a little pawn in my plan lil buddy says Brent. Brent had decided to get Sebastian back to his place. Thats when he put his plan into motion. Brent dials a number... Tell him to meet you here, youve got something to show him. Say anything more and i slit your throat promises Brent. Sebastian swallows the lump in his throat.... The phone rings... Hey sexy says Kyle. Sebastian looks at Brent. Can you come over asks Sebastian? Kyle smiles... Ill be right there says Kyle happily... Kyle looks at Brent. Whats doing on? What did we do asks Sebastian? Shut up orders Brent. He shoves his own sock into Sebastians mouth and tapes it to shut Sebastian up. About twenty minutes later Kyle shows up. He knocks. No answer. Brent texts Kyle from Sebastians phone. Bout to jump in the shower, join me... Kyle smiles and comes into the appartment. It was dark. Before he knew what was going on he was hit behind the head, knocking him out cold... When he came too he was also tied to a chair and his mouth had been tapped shut like Sebastians. Kyle struggles. He sees Brent. Brent had Kyles phone and was about to text Ciara, but he decided to wait about an hour. Then he texted Ciara asking for her help for a surprise for Sebastian. Ciara smiled and asked where they should meet. Brent texted her a location. He got ready and left the two boys tied up. Ciara was waiting, she finally got her phone out to call Kyle when she was attacked from behind. She fought hard but the clorophome knocked her out. Brent dragged her to his car, then to the apparment and ties and gags her as well. Sebastian and Kyle looked at Brent in shock. Kyle tries to break free but cant. Now... One last part says Brent... He grabs his crotch. Suddenly feeling horny. The boys look at Brent, terrified of what will happen next. Dont worry boys, this isnt for you. When im done with Jason then maybe ill give you all a taste says Brent laughing. Sebastian and Kyle look at each other. Brent takes Ciaras phone and texts Jason. Were planning a surprise for Sebastian. You should come over, hes gonna be here soon... Fifteen minutes later Jason answers saying theyd both be there. Brent glad to finally have heard was angry. But another person tied up. Why the hell not says Brent. Hes gonna have to figure a way out to take Blake down. Blake was someone no one wanted to mess with or have on their bad sides but Brent was up to the challenge. Then hell finally be the man of the town. Since Blake had only been back like twenty four hours, with him no longer dealing. Everybody would come to him. Kyle screams through his gag. Shut up orders Brent or ill rape your pathetic weak ass says Brent. Brent smiles. Always knowing he wanted to take Kyles ass. Kyle shut up. Kyle looks at Sebastian. Kyle is trying to mumble something. What asks Brent angrily. He rips the tap off and takes the sock out. Please... Let Ciara and Sebastian go... Please begs Kyle. Brent laughs. You offering yourself to save them asks Brent curiously? Kyle looks at Sebastian. Yes... They didnt do anything wrong says Kyle. I know that. Your all here as collateral damage. Taking your asses will just be a bonus says Brent. Ill do whatever you want blurts Kyle. Brent looks at Kyle curiously. Brent laughs... Anything asks Brent? Yes... Anything... Just let them go... Dont hurt them begs Kyle. Interesting says Brent pacing back and forth. Youve only been together for a few weeks... Youve only known Ciara for what a couple of months and you want to protect them... I dont understand says Brent. Youd really rape a woman asks Kyle? Brent snarles. His face a few inches from Kyles. He looks at Ciara. No... I dont rape women says Brent. But you guys... Probably says Brent with a big grin on his face. Let them go and ill... Be... Yours says Kyle sadly. Brent laughs. Youd be my bitch asks Brent? Kyle swallow the lump in his throat. Yes mumbles Kyle. What as that? I couldnt hear you says Brent? Yes says Kyle louder. Brent smiles... You know... My bitches well... They deal drugs for me... Weapons. They whore themselves when need be. I take their asses anytime i want says Brent. Having many bitches. Women and men. Men from gay twinks, to crossdressers, to big black straight men, to big white men. You willing to do all of that. Kyle nods yes. Brent laughs. I dont need anymore bitches so far says Brent. Brent is about to put the sock back into Kyles mouth but saw that his dick was hard. He pulls it out... Either suck it or i rape your little bitches ass says Brent. Kyle looks at Sebastian. Then opens his mouth to suck his boss/kidnapper/tormenter. Brent laughs as Kyle sucks him... Not bad says Brent. Sebastian looks at them in disgust. A few minutes in theres a knock at the door. Make and sound and i kill you all swears Brent. He gags Kyle. He closes the lights. Jason knocks again... Nothing... Somethings not right says Blake concerned. Ill go in first says Blake. Blake goes in first. Its pitch blake. Jason follows. Then crash and Brent hits Jason over the head with a vase. What the fuck says Jason in shock. Getting punched in the face. Blake gets up and attacks Brent. The two fight as Jason runs to free the others. Ciara was out cold. Kyle begs Jason to free Sebastian. He does. Run orders Jason. Sebastian does. Hes untying Kyle when he's ordered to stop. Jason looks at Brent. Or i shoot him says Brent to Jason about Blake. Jason and Blake look at each other. Brent... Let them go orders Jason. Brent laughs. Hell no... Killing Blake will make me a millionaire says Brent. Im not dealing anymore... Says Blake. Brent laughs. Yeah right ads Brent. You made Sebastian escape... I wanted a piece of his ass says Brent. Your fucking sick says Jason. Blake is bleeding from his broken nose. Since Sebastian got away ill have all of your asses says Brent. Just then Ciara wakes up. Ciara freaks out, trying to untie herself. Hello there sexy says Brent. Shut up or i kill everyone here assures Brent. Ciara looks around confusingly. Just then Blake managed to get up and tackle Brent to the ground. They fought. Jason manages to untie and set free Kyle. Kyle dosent want to leave. Find Sebastian orders Jason. Kyle looks around. Blake and Brent fighting over the gun. He rushes out, desperatly trying to find Sebastian. Jason is trying to untie Ciara when a gunshot is shot. Jason looks around. No one was hit. Brent takes control my hitting Blake with the butt of his gun. Blake lays there seeing double. Brent laughs. Flips Blake over onto his stomach and pulls Blakes pants down to expose his beautiful virgin butt. Noooo yells Jason rushing foward. Back off orders Brent. Undoing his pants. Ill do anything... Dont hurt anyone begs Jason. Brent laughs. Ill take his ass then ill take yours swears Brent. Ill do to him like you did to me snarls Brent. Blake looks at Jason desperatly. Im sorry ok... Says Jason truthfully. Brent gets up. Naked from the waist down. No your not says Blake. I dont know what i was thinking. But i went to jail for you Brent. I couldve ratted you out but I didn't says Jason. Youve never been to jail says Jason... You dont know what its like. Now your doing all of this... Youll only end up in jail and youll be the prison bitch says Jason amttrr of factly. Your too pretty for jail add Jason. Brent swallows. Let Ciara go and well go some place because im sure the police are on their way here when they heard the gunshot says Jason. Brent knew Jason was right. He made a quick decision. Jason unties Ciara and kisses her cheek. I love you he whispers to her. Jason is dragged out by Brent. They get into his car and drive off... Sebastian and Kyle hug tightly. Im sorry... I... I dont know what i wouldve done if i lost you says Kyle. They hug some more... Sebastian, Kyle, Ciara and Blake reunite. ~~~~~~~~~~ Brent drives like a maniac. They soon got to the same warehouse that Jason had raped Brent. Im sorry swears Jason. Youll learn what it is to be raped says Brent angrily. I already know what its like. I was raped multiple times in jail says Jason. Lying a little. So your ass aint virgin asks Brent dissapointed? No... Says Jason... Well too bad... Im gonna rape you like youve never been raped before swears Brent. Get naked orders Brent, himself getting naked. Jason looks on at Brent. Youll have to kill me first says Jason. Man up and get naked... You fucking owe me says Brent. Owe you. I went to jail for you, i got gang raped in jail. I have a record because of you. Yes i dealt for you but if it wouldve been the other way around you wouldve sent me to raped with your cum up my ass so i think were even yells Jason. Get naked or I swear ill rape you when i kill you. Then fucking kill me yells Jason... Just then Blake and Kyle come rushing in. Blake with a broken pipe and Kyle with a tire iron. Really guys yells Brent. He shot at Jason but the gun jammed. Thats when Blake tackled a naked Brent to the ground and punched him as much as he could. The gun flying away from his grasp. Jason runs for it. Brent manages to head butt Blake right where his broken nose was. Then he attacks Kyle. Knocking him for a good loop. Jason throws the gun and jumps on Brents muscular sweaty back. They struggle... Jason is soon sent flying across the warehouse. Brent rushes after Jason. Jason is about to get up but is tackled to the ground. Kyle comes to his rescue. Brent had smashed Jasons head on the ground, knocking him for a loop of dizziness. Kyle was easily weakened. His pants were pulled down and Brents still hard cock was shoved up Kyles unprotected asshole. Kyle screams bloody murder as Brents cock rips through his asshole. Daaaammmnnn growls Brent in pleasure. Feeling Kyles asshole desperatly trying to repel him. Jason tries to get to Kyle but is too weakened by his bleedin head. Blake gets up he manages to rip Brent away from Kyle only to be pushes on the wall, Blake hits his head and knocks him out. Your both next swears Brent. Brent gets back to Kyle. Kyle is crawling away. His body hurting from the punches he had gotten from Brent. His asshole burning with pain... Bleeding... Im not done with you yet growls Brent angrily. Kyle... Chokes out Jason... Both trying to crawl to each other... Aaaahhhhhhh yells Kyle as hes fucked again. Brent showing no mercy shoves his cock all the way in Kyles bleeding and sore asshole. Aaahhhhhhh yells Kyle again... Soooo fucking tight... Your gonna make me cum early you fucking bitch... Thatll give me more time for Blake and Jason says Brent evily. Brent shows Kyle no mercy and brutally keeps on raping him. Until about two minutes later she rams in one last time and yells out in pleasure as his cum shoots out of his dick and inside Kyles hole. Brent catches his breath then pulls out his bloody cock. He goes to Blakes still passed out body... Nooo groans Jason trying to crawl to them. Tears falling from his eyes. You want this bloody dick asks Brent... Yes... Says Jason in tears... Please... Dont hurt anyone else begs Jason. Brent contemplates witch ass he wants next. Jason is still seeing double... Pain in his entire body. Brent goes closer to Jason. You love Blake and Kyle asks Brent? Yes... Says Jason... Good... You just saw the pain i inflicted on your friend ill do the same to your boyfriend says Brent. By the way... Whos the top in the relationship asks Brent with a huge laugh. He cleans off his cock and is about to get Blake naked when hes ordered not to move... He turns around to see Sebastian holding a gun... Brent laughs loudly. Sebastian looks over and sees a bloodies, raped Kyle. Your disgusting says Sebastian... You beat up someone... Then rape them says Sebastian in disgust. He pulls the trigger. Brent laughs some more. Brents cock is still hard. You wanna feel my like i he felt mine asks Brent jerking his cock while laughing. Your never gonna pull that trigger... Ive got work to do says Brent going back to Blakes body to rape him. Sebastian shoots and misses... By a couple of inches. Brent looks at Sebastian im shock then charges him. Sebastian growls Kyle...before he knew it Sebastian was tackled to the floor. His smaller frame to Sebastian... He didnt stand a chance... Fhey struggled for the gun... Ciara who had called the cops was waiting in the car. She was still not good after being clorophomed. She heard the gunshot... She was about to go in when the cops arrived. They stopped her. The cops were soon entering the building. Finding one guys unconsious. Two severly beaten and one had been raped. Now a naked man and another man were fighting... Then the gun went off... Killing one of them... The cops look on. There guns raised... Sebastian yells a bleeding Kyle... Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 20

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