Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on May 23, 2019


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Jason takes a seat on the couch. He couldnt believe what he had just heard Kyle ask him. It just be this once. It wouldnt change anything between us. Wed still be friends... Says Kyle. Look at how many times i was almost raped. Is this a sign that i should be a bottom? I just want to know what i feels like... Without being raped says Kyle. He goes back into the kitchen and takes the last beer in the fridge and chugs it down.

Kyle gets his things and is about to leave when Jason stops him... Why me asks Jason? Why not wait til Blake is out and asks him asks Jason? I trust you Jason... I know that if i asked you to stop you would... I dont think Blake would says Kyle matter of factly. Your my friend Kyle... Says Jason. And it wouldnt change anything... This is just a friend helping out another friend says Kyle. Fine says Jason. You dont have too Jason says Kyle. Jason grabs Kyles hand and lead him to his bedroom. They both strip naked. Lets take a shower says Jason. They do. They wash each others backs. Kyle makes sure his ass is clean. Should i douche asks Kyle? Yeah says Jason getting out of the shower and hands it over to Kyle while he dries himself. Kyle douches himself and makes sure its all clean for Jason. He finally gets out of the shower and dries himself. It now hits him whats about to happen. He takes and deep breath and walks into the bedroom and sees Jason on the bed. Jason gets up. They look at each other. Jason can see Kyle shaking. Its gonna be ok promises Jason... Their lips meet. They kiss gently... Then Jason kisses Kyles neck and then slowly lowers himself to Kyles cock. He kisses his way down Kyles smooth lean chest and stomach. Jasons takes Kyles semi hard cock into his mouth and begins to suck him. Kyle moams in pleasure. He hadnt had a blowjon since he got out of jail. He puts his hands on Jason head as Jasons begins to deepthroat him... A few minutes later Kyle begs Jason to stop or hed cum. Jason lowers himself and licks Kyles balls. He then tells Kyle to lay on the bed and he does. He lifts Kyles legs and exposes the tiny little pink pucker. Kyle looks at Jason worriedly. Jason shovds his face in and eats Kyle hole. Kyles moaning and squriming in pleasure. Oooohhhhhh moans Kyle in surprise. Feels sooooo good moans Kyle. Jason eats Kyles hole for a good ten minutes. Jasons cock is rock hard. Jason stops rimming Kyle and gets the lube. Jason lubes Kyle hole and slowly slides a finger in Kyle. Kyles hole tightly squeezes around Jasons finger. Relax... Breathe... Relax begs Jason. Trust me... Just breathe... Relax and push out... Like your taking a shit says Jason. Kyle tries to breathe and relax. He closes his eyes and pictures Jason jerking off. Jason slowly slides a second finger into Kyles ass. Kyles eyes bulge out he looks down at Jasons face and his hole. Relax Kyle... Relax says Jason. Kyle takes deep breaths. Jason slowly begins to fuck Jasons hole with his two fingers. Kyle is slowly getting used to it. Jason pulls his fingers out. He lubes Kyles hole again. Then his rock hard cock. He gets between Kyles legs. Kyle is shaking. Jason leans down and kisses Kyle gently. Kyle looks at Jason then Jasons cock. Youll go easy right asks Kyle pleadingly. Of course assures Jason. Relax... Dont overthink it. Dont think about pain dont think about it, think of anything else. Remember. Push out. Dont clench around my cock. I know youll want too but dont itll just be more painful says Jason. Kyle looks at Jason worriedly. Jasons bare cockhead kissing his tiny little pink virgin butthole. He takes a deep breath as Jason starts to slowly push in. Jason bends down and kisses Kyle to distract him. Kyles body tenses, his mouth opens to scream. Jason stops kissing Kyle. Breathe... Breathe says Jason... It hurts says Kyle clenching his hole hoping to repel Jasons cock. Relax... Breathe... Says Jason. Jason stops pushing in and lowers his face to rim Kyle some more. Kyle is moaning in pleasure now. Jason slowly fingers Kyles tight hole. Jason couldnt believe how tight Kyles ass was. He looks up at Kyle whos moaning in pleasure. Jason tries again to penetrate Kyles tight hole. Breathe Kyle... Kyle breathes... He looks up at Jason. Jason begins to play with Kyles nipples. Pinching them slightly. Twisting them slightly. Kyle moans in pleasure then pain as Jasons cockhead pierces his virgin asshole. His mouth is open and is about to scream. Breathe says Jason... Looking down at Kyle he wishes that Blake had been this gentle with him. He would never rape anyone... He had once and it would never happen again. It was under different circumstances.

Kyles eyes are wide and his teeth are gritted tightly shut. Breathe Kyle... Relax push out like your taking a shit says Jason. Kyle does so. It hurts like hell... Jason slides more of his cock inside Kyle tight fighting hole. Jason slowly fucks Kyles hole with only half of his cock inside Kyle. Kyles eyes bulge out. You want me to stop Jason asks him? Kyle shakes his head... No... Groans Kyle. Inch by inch Jason takes his time until all of his cock is burried deep into Kyles ass. Kyle cant believe he as an entire cock up his ass. He can feel Jasons pubes on his ass. You ok asks Jason? Yes groans Kyle. Jason leans down and kisses Kyles neck. Ooohhhh moans Kyle in pleasure. Jason slowly begins to fuck Kyles hole. Its hot like a furnace. And so fucking tight. He slowly thursts in and out of Kyles hole. Relax whispers Jason to Kyle. Jason kisses Jasons neck again as he slolwly fucks Kyle. The pain is still unbearable. He wants to tell Jason to stop but he dosent. His cock is soft. Jason stops and looks into Kyles eyes. There teary. Ill stop says Jason knowing Kyle isnt enjoying this as much as he is. No... Dont... I can take it assures Kyle. You sure asks Jason stopping. Yes... Just go slow begs Kyle. Jason slowly begins to fuck Kyle again. Kyle closes his eyes. Trying to picture himself fucking Jason. Your ass is sooooo tight moans Jason in pleasure. Jason begins to take more of his dick out and fucks Kyle with bigger thrusts causing Kyle more pain. He yelps out in pain. Stops begs Kyle... Stops begs Kyle. Jason stops... You want me to pull out asks Jason? Yes cries Kyle. Jason does so slowly. Kyle is out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. Jason goes after him.

Kyle is in the bathroom crying. He looks at Jason... Im sorry, i couldnt... It hurt so much says Kyle. Jason huge Kyle. Bottoming isnt for everyone assures Jason. You mad at me for not making you cum asks Kyle? Jason laughs. Its ok assures Jason. Kyle looks at Jason. We can try again suggests Kyle. Jason smiles. As great as your ass was... I dont wanna hurt you says Jason. And like i said, bottoming isnt for everyone ads Jason. Im sorry for asking you to do this, i shouldnt have asked you... I dont wanna lose you as a friend says Kyle. Jason hugs Kyle again. Ive got an idea says Jason. Get dressed. You wanna fuck a good ass asks Jason? Kyle smiles. Who dosent asks Kyle? Kyle gets dressed. His hole is still on fire.

Jason and Kyle go over to the bathhouse close to Ciaras place. I know this guys. His ass is amazing says Jason. They walk into the bathhouse and are immediately oggled by a lot of the guys. Guys wanting Kyles or Jasons ass. They are told to strip naked and then they are giving a choice of tags. Top or Bottom. They both choose Top. Getting a lot of grunts from the other guys that wanted to fuck their asses.

Kyle follows Jason to a group of men gangbanging this slut. Jason smiles. His ass is amazing says Jason. Jason hands Kyle a condom... Jason and Kyle stay there all night. Fucking more then once guy. They are offered Molly, Cole you name it. They both decide not too incase its laced with something. They dont even take drinks that are constantly given to to them by other men wanting their asses...

They had fucked a few guys themselves. Shared a guy. It was hot. They were about ready to go. But a man. Fourties, beard, belly gut stopped them and asked if they were interested in shooting a porno. Kyle and Jason looked at each other then laughed. The guy gave them his card and to think about it. Kyle and Jason couldnt stop laughing. They left the bathouse and stopped for beers on the way. They were drunk before they got home. It was now almost six am. Ciara would be up in an hour to get ready for work. They sneaked inside. They had also stopped and gotten some pot. They were both wasted. They weren't tired but Ciara couldnt see them like this. Kyle was a lot more hammered then Jason. They couldnt help but laugh, they were horny again. They went and showered together before Ciara woke up. The shower felt nice after fucking all those dudes. Jason had fucked four dudes while Kyle had fucked three. They had constantly been approachced by other men to bottom. As they topped some guys came to feel them up. Their asses. Their bodies. Some guys even tried to enter them but Jason and Kyle were adamant about not bottoming. Some guys walked away peacefully, some agrily at not getting to fuck top guys asses. They couldnt believe they had been asked to do a porno.

Hell yeah id do one says Kyle. Really asks Jason. I think so says Kyle. But it be out there forever says Jason. Oh right says Kyle. They bust out laughing again. Theu hear Ciara get up and keep quiet until she leaves. Thanks for a great night says Kyle. Jason smiles. Happy to have helped assures Jason. You ok with what happened between us asks Kyle? Jason looks at Kyle. Yes says Kyle. Sorry i couldnt bottom... Get you off says Kyle. Jason laughs. Bottoming isnt for everyone says Jason. Kyle agrees. I didnt know you were an animal like that says Jason referring to Kyle fucking the shit out of the bottom bitch at the bathouse. Kyle laughs. I can be rough but i can also be gentle says Kyle. Same here admits Jason. Jason looks at the night stand and sees an unopened letter. Its from Blake. Jason just puts in in the noghtst and and closes the drawer. Can we try again asks Kyle? Try what asks Jason confusingly? They look at each other and Jaosn knows what Kyle is talking about. Kyle grabs Jasons hard dick. Jason looks at Kyle... They get undressed and within seconds Kyle is sucking Jasons cock. Jason knows this is wrong. There both high and drunk but Kyle wants it. And Jason couldnt say no to Kyles fucking tight ass. Jason makes sure to rim Kyle good making sure his hole is lubed properly with his spit. He makes sure to add plenty of lube to Kyles hole and slowly fingers his ass. One finger. Then two. Finally he feels Kyle relax. Just do it begs Kyle. Jason lubes up his cock and then slowly slips inside Kyles toght fighting hole. Kyle feels Jasons pubes on his ass. Its fuckig painful. Kyle is such on a high. He shakes his head from side to side hoping to make the pain go away. He looks at Jasons face whos clearly in ecstasy. Tears fill his eyes from the pain. He makes sure Jason dosent see them. Jasons kissing Kyles neck as he slowly fucks him. Finally Kyle passes out. Kyles ass is so tight. Jason wants to prolong this for as long as possible. But he knew he wouldnt last much longer. Kyles hole is now relaxed and not fighting him. He stops kissing Kyles neck and looks at Kyle. Kyle...? Jason stops in panic. Kyle says Jason trying to wake Kyle up. Finally he wakes up. Are you ok asks Jason? Did you cum asks Kyle weakly. No... You passed out says Jason... I stopped says Jason. No... Keep going... Breed me begs Kyle weakly. Dont pull out just kepe going begs Kyle. Jason looks at Kyle. This isnt right... Says Jason. Keep going orders Kyle even if i pass out keep going til you cum in me begs Kyle. The pain wasnt as excrusiating as it was before. It still hurt but it felt kinda good too. He could barely see Jasons. His vision was blurry. Fuck me begs Kyle. Jason slowly starts fucking Kyle again. His dick still brick hard even after a minute of not fucking Kyle. Slowly Jason fucks Kyle. For a good five minutes Kyle is groaning, screaming, and moaning in pain and pleasure. His dick was slowly getting harder and harder. Jason was so close to blowing his fifth load of the night... Im... Gonna cum groans Jason unable to stop himself. Kyle smiles weakly before passing out. Jason groans and bucks wildly as he explodes deep inside Kyles tight/warm no longer virgin asshole. His hole body is shaking. His sweaty body falls on top of Kyles passed out body. Jason looks down to Kyle. He slowly pulls out and tries to wake Kyle up. He cant. He goes to take another shower. He couldnt believe what had just happened. As much as the ass was amazing. It just didnt feel right with Kyle being high. Kyle desperatly wanted it. Why? He didnt know.

They slept for most of the day. Jason had the day off. He went outside and decided to clean up the backyard. It was Kyles job but he needed to keep busy.

Kyle slowly woke up. His head was banging. His asshole was burning. He looks around and dosent see Jason. He takes a shower then looks at the time. Its one pm. Hes so hungry so he makes himself eggs, toasts, coffee, orange juice. He sees Jason working up a sweat outside. He dosent know how to approach Jason. He didnt remember anything about last night except when Jason fucked him. He remembers little of it. But he does remember Jason being gentle and going slow. He has his breakfast and goes to help out Jason in the backyard.

They work in silence for about half an hour before Jason asks if Kyle is ok. Im fine... What did we do last night asks Kyle? Jason laughs. We went to a bath house and fucked a few guys. We got piss ass drunk and high admits Jason. And you fucked me says Kyle. I shouldnt have you were too drunk and high says Jason. Kyle shakes it off... How was it asks Kyle curiously? Jason laughs. I should be asking you that says Jason. But it was real tight. Really nice ass assures Jason. Kyle smiles to himself. From this mornings pain i dont think ill be doing that again assures Kyle. Jason smiles and goes back to work...

Wait... Did we really get asked to shoot a porno asks Kyle? Jason laughs. Yes we did laughs Jason. I checked the guy out, hes legit assures Jason. Well im not doing any porno asures Kyle. It pays well says Jason.

They work for a couple of hours. Both men are sweaty and stinky. They take yet another shower and Kyle heads off to work. Saturday and Sunday will be busy days at work he was already made aware of this by Lily.

He heads off to work. Texting Jasom in the process to make a meeting with this porn director...

Should they make a porno together? Seperatly? Or not at all?

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 14

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