Sent to Jail

By Jj Rivers

Published on May 2, 2019


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Blake was almost finished his sentence thanks to Jason. Why had he done that for him after everything that had happened between them? He sat in his cell with his new bunkie who was laying in his bunk reading a book for one of his classes. Blake was writing a letter to Jason. He would send it and knew Jason would either throw it away without reading it. Or read it and throw it away. He didnt know why he even bothered. But it kept his head on straight. Yo Blake you gonna fuck your bitch tonight or can i have a go at him asks the new inmate called Jake Wheller. Hes a five feet eight inches. Many tattoos and piercing. He thought he was the alpha male. But he wasnt. He weighed at two hundred and fifteen pounds of muscles and fat. He grabs his crotch. Found yourself your own bitch says Blake coldly. In tired to an overused, overfilled ass says Jake. I need a tight ass says Jake. Well you aint fucking my bitcj says Blake. Im fucking him tonight says Blake. Ryan looks at the inmate then to Blake. Come on fuck his ass orders Jake. Blake continues to right his letter. When hes done, hes puts it in the envelop and adresses it and he will send it in the morning. He walks up to Ryan. On your knees orders Blake. He gets the sheet and puts it up. Fuck off man let us sed the show orders Jake. Ryans my bitch i do whatever i want to him, whenever i want it. Not including what you want. Unless you want my dick up your ass shut the fuck up orders Blake. Jake looks at Blake with anger. Blake finishes putting the sheet up. You know what to do mouths Blake. Ryan gets into position and "they fuck hard, deep and rough". Ryan is screaming loudly... Then his screams are muffled because his face is shoved deep into the covers. We wanna see it yells Jake.

A few minutes the fuck is over and Ryan is laying on the floor in fetal position. Blake takes the sheet down. Jake looks over at Ryan laying on the floor, shaking. Then to Blakes naked now flacid cock and then his ass. Jake wondered what it would take to take Blakes virgin ass. Blake was indeed had virgin ass. No one had ever fucked him. They had tried and almost succeded because Jason saved him. Jake thinks its time for him and his men to take out Blake perminately and rape his sorry ass.

It was Kyles first day starting at work. He borrowed Jasons nice shirt, pants and shoes. Lily had said it was ok for Ciara and Jason to come. They were getting ready. But Kyle had to show up there earlier to get the bar ready. Meet the other baretenders and bouncers.

Kyle walks in and is greeted by Lily. They hug. Brent looks at Kyle with daggers in his eyes. Youll most likely end up only in your underwear. Thats how you get tips says Lily. Now i just need you to sign some papers she says happily. They go into the office and they chat and sign the papers. The documents are just to say Kyle was employed by them. Tell me, where did you learn to make drinks like that asks Lily? Kyle laughs. If i told you id have to kill you jokes Kyle. Lily looks at Kyle seriously. Then she laughs. Kyle laughs. Strip to your underwear says Lily. Kyle looks at Lily and wonder if shes serious. She is. Well i usually dont go this far without a date or two says Kyle jokingly. Lily smiles. Kyle then takes his clothes off. Lily looks Kyle over. Turns around she orders. Kyle does so. Nice little butt. Seems like hes packing nice too thinks Lily. Lily gets up at walks closer to Kyle she smells him. Nice... But not too strong says Lily. Just then Brent walks in. When he sees whats going on his face turns red. He grabs Kyle and slams him on the wall. His feet not touching the ground. He struggles to get free. Let him go you fucking jealous asshole. Nothing happened says Lily. Brent looks at Kyle. There faces inches from each other. Finally he lets him go. I dont want him working here says Brent. Hes not threat assures Lily. Not my type assures Lily as she kisses Brent. Kyle grabs his clothes and dresses. You can go set up ask one of the other guys for help. Sebastien. Hell give the details and tell you what you need to know assures Lily. Kyle leaves. Brent and Lily make out on the desk. Brent fucks her rough and hard until he pulls out and shoots his load all over Lilys small tities. Brent was never a big tities type of guy. He liked his women small. Short. Brunette preferably. But pussy was pussy.

Sebastien showed Kyle around. They set everything up. Bar opens at 8pm sharp everynight. Brandon and Austin here are the bouncers. Kyle looks at the big muscular men.

We sometimes have themed events, when that happens we need to wear what Lily tells us says Sebastien. Brent... Dont cross him... Youll regret it assures Sebastien. I know says Kyle. Sebastien looks at Kyle. They smile. Sebastien stands at six feet one inches. Similar body build like Kyle but a little bit bigger. He couldnt wait to see Sebastien in just underwears. So i hear you make really good drinks asks Sebastien. Kyle smiles. Yes, ive worked at a few bars but nothing like this says Kyle. They keep making small talk and working til its seven fifty. Lily comes out and they get into a huddle. Lets make this a great night she says. All the men are in underwears except the bouncers, Lily and Brent. Lets make lots of money adds Lily... Slapping Kyle on the backside. Kyle looks at Lily who winks at him. They get back to their post. Kyle going in the back to get more ice only to be attacked by Brent. Brent drags Kyle into the other room as his two friends stand guard outside the door. What did i tell you about Lily asks Brent about to punch Kyle. Look man... Im not interested in Lily. Shes a nice girl but... Says Kyle. But what asks Brent angrily? I dont swing that way says Kyle. Brent looks at Kyle then laughs. Your a faggot asks Brent? Kyle looks at Brent. Im gay yes says Kyle. Brent laughs. I have to get back to work says Kyle trying to get by.

Brent pushes him back, your gay huh asks Brent? Yes... Can i get to work... Were gonna open soon says Kyle. Not before you suck my dick says Brent pushing Kyle down to his knees. Brent was always horny. He could use another blowjob right now, even though he had shot a load about twenty minutes ago. Kyle started laughing but stopped when he saw Brent unzip his pants and pull out his soft cock. Your my boss. Im not sucking your cock says Kyle. You suck my cock or you get out the door says Brent. Kyle couldnt afford to lose this job. I wonder how Lily would feel about this says Kyle. Brent grabs Kyle by the neck. You tell her and ill kill you and bury your body where no one is ever gonna find it swears Brent. Now suck my fucking cock faggot orders Brent. Im not scared of you. Ive been to jail... Ive picked up a few things says Kyle matter of factly. Like would your buddies look at you the same if they found out you had a faggot suck your cock asks Kyle? Im pretty sure they wouldnt hang out wih you and Lily would dump your pathetic homophobic ass says Kyle. Now Brent is in rage. Hes about to punch Kyle but he knows hes right. I think i should get to work now says Kyle. Brent snarles and lets Kyle go. Brent puts his soft cock back into his pants and zips it up his pants. What happened asks his buddies? Nothing... Hes a faggot says Brent. His buddies looks at Brent. Were bout to open. Lets get back says Brent.

When the doors open: its party night. The place is packed. The drinks are flowing. Kyle is getting so many tips. Some for being hot but mostly because his drinks were flying out like crazy. Jason and Ciara come in, they have fun...

By the end of the night: Kyle is exhausted. He had made over two hundred dollars of tips. Lily comes by and tells him. This night was crazy. Your drinks were flying out. Well see you tomorrow she says happily before winking at him and taking her leave. Kyle smiles. He hugs Jason.

On their way out Brent and his buddys are observing them leave.

Back at Ciaras they celebrate with wine and beers... Ciara finally goes off to sleep. Kyle and Jason stay up and talk. Kyle is very drunk. He scoots besides Jason even more. Im sorry about Blake. I wouldnt want to hurt you. Ive never had a friend like you says Kyle. Tears form in Kyles eyes. Jason finishes his glass of wine. I love you man says Kyle. They look at each other... As friends assures Kyle. Jason laughs and they hug. Love you too man ads Jason. I... Um... Was wondering... If you could... Help me... With... Something... Asks Kyle scaredly? What asks Jason? Dont get mad... Say no if you dont i just dont trust anyone but you says Kyle worriedly... I... Was... Almost raped a few days ago... I beat the guy up lies Kyle. But i... Before i get raped... I dont know why men want to rape me but... I just wanted to know if you would... Be my first asks Kyle? Jason chokes on his wine. He looks at Kyle and starts laughing thinking this is a joke. Never mind says Kyle getting up... Jason stops Kyle... Your serious arent you asks Jason? Im scared of being raped... I at least want to know what it feels like without being raped says Kyle. Its stupid i know... Were friends and it wouldnt change anything between our friendship but i only trust you. If you dont want too i wont mention it again swears Kyle. Jason looks at Kyle in shock not knowing what to say or do. He swigs the rest of his wine. He looks at Kyle again...


******** Should Kyle be fucked by Jason?********

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Next: Chapter 13

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