Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Mar 28, 2004


Before you get to reading the story, I would like to say a few words. This story is fictional and is a fantasy. I try to cover many things in my stories, but one thing that I have not covered in this story is safe sex. At this point in the story, it would be hard to incorporate. However, I want everyone to remember that this is fiction, and if it were real life then the characters not only should but also would be wearing condoms.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003.

Sensual Boys, Chapter 7: A New Week

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Monday morning, after Jamie woke up, was a time for thinking. As he took his shower, got dressed, and primped for school; Jamie couldn't help but think about all the guys he had met over the last week. A small part of Jamie felt like a slut since he had been with six guys in seven days and might be with another two this week. He knew it wasn't considered proper to sleep with so many guys, especially not so many in one week, but Jamie couldn't really feel guilty about it. He really didn't see anything wrong with being so free with his body. He definitely enjoyed it and was sure the other guys enjoyed it as well. As long as none of them got hurt, Jamie decided that he wouldn't worry about seeming a bit slutty.

The situation between him, Sebastian, and Horse was also nagging at him that morning. Each boy provided something for one side of his personality. He felt protective and more dominant while he was with Sebastian, but he felt protected and submissive when he was with Horse. The more he thought about it the more he realized that what was between him and Horse was more passionate and physical than what was between him and Sebastian. He had more in common in both age and interests with Sebastian than he did with Horse. That morning Jamie unconsciously decided that if it ever came to it that he would choose Sebastian.

Jamie was still thinking about Horse as he walked to the bus stop. Something seemed to click in his head when his eyes caught sight of Jared. The wheels in Jamie's head began to spin rapidly as he thought about Jared and Horse. Jamie honestly didn't want to stop seeing Horse or sleeping with him, but he decided that he didn't want to actually date him. This left him with a problem, and he realized that Jared might be the solution.

He wondered if he introduced Jared and Horse if they would like each other. Perhaps he could set the two of them up and see if they would be interested in dating each other. Jamie knew that Sebastian would be much happier if he broke up with Horse, but he didn't want to do that without finding someone for Horse first. He made up his mind to talk to both Jared and Horse that day.

"Hey guys," Jamie said as he got within speaking distant of Jared and Jacob.

"Hey, what's up?" Jacob asked.

"Not much, just thinking this morning," Jamie replied

"What'cha thinking about?" Jared asked.

"I will tell you later," Jamie replied.

"What? I don't get to hear?" Jacob asked.

"Well, it is kind of personal and well gay. I didn't figure you would want to know," Jamie replied.

"Ok, ok, enough said," Jacob said with a playful grin.

"Can we talk about it on the bus?" Jared asked.

"Yeah," Jamie replied.

"Well, you'll get your all's chance soon enough. Here, comes the bus," Jacob pointed out.

After the three loaded the bus, Jacob went to sit with his girlfriend, and Jamie sat in the seat furthest away from the other kids with Jared.

"So what's on your mind this morning?" Jared asked Jamie as soon as the bus got underway.

"Well I have a problem, and I think you might be part of a solution," Jamie said cryptically.

"Ok, so what's the problem?" Jared asked.

"Well, you know about me and Sebastian right?" Jamie asked in reply.

"Yeah," Jared replied.

"Well, I have a third boyfriend as well," Jamie said.

"Shit, who?" Jared asked.

"Horse," Jamie replied.

"No fucking way, Horse is gay?" Jared exclaimed.

"Not exactly. He is Bi, like you," Jamie said significantly.

"Ok, so do they know about each other?" Jared asked not catching the implication.

"Yeah, we are kind of all dating each other right now, "Jamie replied.

"Shit," was Jared's only response.

"The problem is that I think I need to choose, but I don't want to leave one of them without someone," Jamie said.

"How do I fit into this?" Jared asked.

"Well, I kind of thought that maybe I should introduce you to Horse," Jamie said hopefully.

"Wait, what are you suggesting? That I date Horse?" Jared said in surprise.

"Yeah," Jamie said with an amused smile on his face.

"You got to be joking. I ain't never dated a guy and shit this is Horse we are talking about," Jared exclaimed softly.

"So what? It isn't as if you don't like guys Jared. Come on face it. You like guys. It wasn't very hard for me to get into your pants at all. That and you seemed to really get into it when I did," Jamie said.

"Yeah, but that was with you. You`re my friend. I mean, shit, this is Horse we are fucking talking about," Jared said.

"So what? Don't you find him attractive?" Jamie asked.

"Hell yeah, it ain't that. It's just, shit; do you think he would like me?" Jared asked self-consciously.

"Hey, you two both play sports, so you have that in common. You are both hot and have big dicks. Why wouldn't he?" Jamie remarked, which flustered Jared slightly.

"I don't know man," Jared said.

"Think about it ok? I will talk with Horse in gym if you are interested," Jamie said questioningly.

"What the hell? Go for it," Jared said while rubbing his crotch slightly. Jamie noticed this and smirked.

"I see part of you is interested," Jamie said while point to Jared's crotch and the growing bulge.

"Fuck, you know me," Jared said with a smile.

"Yeah, Horse is just as horny," Jamie said with a grin, which Jared returned.

The bus soon pulled up to the school, and the two friends got off the bus and went their separate ways. Each had something to think about besides school that day. Jacob walked silently up to Jamie, and the two boys walked over to their friends. Jamie grinned widely when he saw Sebastian standing next to Crystal.

"Bastian!" Jamie exclaimed with a grin.

"Hey Jamie," Sebastian said with a shy smile.

"What are you doing here this morning?" Jamie asked.

"Sis said that I could stand with you all this morning," Sebastian replied.

"Cool," Jamie said with a grin for Crystal and Sebastian.

"I figured that there was no sense in excluding him," Crystal explained.

"Thanks," Jamie replied.

"No problem, just remember no making out in public," Crystal said with a smirk.

"Fuck you," Jamie said mock seriously.

"I don't have the parts for you," Crystal mocked back.

"That's the truth I have some stuff to talk to you about," Jamie said with a grin for Sebastian.

"It's nothing bad is it?" Sebastian asked worriedly.

"Nah, I think it will actually make you happy," Jamie replied.

"Ok, what is it then?" Sebastian asked.

"Come over here," Jamie, replied.

Jamie and Sebastian moved out of hearing range of the rest of the group and say on a low stonewall outside of the school.

"So what is it?" Sebastian asked expectantly.

"Well, I know that we agreed to both go out with Horse and all, but I don't really think you wanted to," Jamie replied.

"It isn't that, I just want to be with you," Sebastian said.

"I know, I was thinking about it this morning. I realized I kinda needed to choose. I think if I don't that it will hurt you. Do you get what I am saying?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, you might be right. So, what are we going to do about it?" Sebastian asked.

"Well I don't want to stop being friends with Horse or sleeping with him. God, Sebastian you have to see that boy's dick!" Jamie exclaimed.

Sebastian grinned before saying, "I hear it is huge. It's kinda getting me excited thinking about it," Sebastian said cutely.

"I have created a monster," Jamie laughed.

"I can't help it. Anyhow, what are we going to do about Horse?" Sebastian asked.

"Ok, here is what I was thinking. I will break up with Horse, but I think I might be able to hook him up with Jared. That way he has someone too," Jamie replied.

"Do you think he will be upset with you?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm not sure. I mean when we are together it is a lot of fun and really hot, but there isn't that emotional thing between us. We are more like good friends than boyfriends," Jamie replied.

"Ok, do you think Jared, and Horse will go for it?" Sebastian asked.

"Jared seems interested, but I have to talk to Horse about it," Jamie replied.

"Cool, so you talked to Jared about it already?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, on the bus," Jamie replied.

"Cool, so when are you going to talk to Horse?" Sebastian asked.

"In gym," Jamie replied.

"Ok, there's the bell. Meet me at lunch and tell me how he takes it," Sebastian said as they stood up and headed into the school building.

"Sure will," Jamie said. "Love you, Jamie," Sebastian mouthed as the two went their separate ways.

Jamie grinned back at Sebastian and mouthed," Love you too".

School, before gym class, went by quickly for Jamie, and it wasn't long before he was standing next to Horse and changing for gym. The coach had told the boys that gym would be easy today, because he was hosting track tryouts after school. This was perfect for Jamie since he wanted to talk with Horse.

"Hey, could we talk?" Jamie asked Horse as he stripped. Horse looked casually at Jamie and took in the younger boy's sensual body.

"Sure what about?" Horse asked in reply.

"Well it is kinda private," Jamie replied.

"Ok, let me change, and we can find a spot in the gym," Horse said.

"Ok," Jamie said as he finished dressing and watched as Horse stripped to his jock strap.

Jamie's cock got half hard as he watched, and he thought that the same was happening to Horse. They grinned at each other as Horse finished dressing and walked out into the gym. Horse spoke briefly with his other friends before he and Jamie found an empty spot to sit down.

"So what's on your mind?" Horse asked as he leaned back into the bleachers casually with his legs spread.

"I know we decided to try dating each other and Sebastian both, but I have been thinking that maybe that wasn't such a good idea," Jamie replied.

"What do you mean?" Horse asked.

"Well, I like you a lot, and hell you make me horny as can be, but I like Sebastian a lot as well," Jamie, replied.

"Do you like him more?" Horse asked softly.

"I think so. I mean with me and you things are more physical. I think we would be better as friends and fuck buddies," Jamie replied.

"I see," Horse responded.

"Are you upset?" Jamie asked tentatively.

"Not really. I mean I like you, but I think you are right. Shit, as long as we are friends and can still fool around I will be fine," Horse replied with a smile.

"So we are cool?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, we are cool," Horse, replied.

"Good, there was one other thing," Jamie said.

"What?" Horse asked.

"I kinda thought that you might want to meet a friend of mine," Jamie replied.

"Who and why?" Horse asked curiously.

"Well, he is a neighbor of mine that I have fooled around with," Jamie replied tentatively.

"Ok," Horse said.

"Anyhow, I thought you and him might hit it off and since we aren't dating that you and him might go out," Jamie said in a slight rush.

"You serious? What makes you think I would want another boyfriend?" Horse asked.

"Well I thought you might and yes I'm serious. Will you think about it?" Jamie asked in reply.

"I'll think about it, but you have to tell me more about this guy," Horse replied.

"Ok, his name is Jared, and he plays basketball. He is your age, I think, and bi," Jamie said.

"Hey, I know him. Shit, I think I have a class with him. We are in the same grade. He ain't bad looking," Horse said.

"Really? That is cool. So would you like me to introduce you?" Jamie asked.

"Sure, seems interesting. Is he any good?" Horse asked with a sexy smirk.

"Oh yeah, he is hung too. I think he is about Mule's size," Jamie replied.

"Awesome, so when are we gonna to meet? Oh, have you talked to him about this shit yet?" Horse asked.

"Yeah, I talked to him on the bus and talked to Sebastian as well," Jamie replied.

"Cool, so when are we gonna meet?" Horse asked.

"Well, with track tryouts after school today I won't be home until later. Uhmm, I could introduce you after school in the parking lot and you could go for a ride together or something," Jamie replied.

"That sounds fine by me. I ain't busy this evening. Do you think he will be able to meet then?" Horse asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I will tell you before last block," Jamie replied.

"Ok, well it looks like coach is ready to start. Let's go," Horse said.

Jamie and Horse joined the other kids in the class shortly thereafter and gym continued at a slow pace. The coach ran the kids through light exercises before calling things to an end early. Jamie talked with Horse and Horse's friends as they changed, showered, and got ready for lunch. When the bell rang, Jamie headed towards his locker. Sebastian was already standing next to Jamie's locker when he arrived.

"Hey, baby," Jamie, said when he reached his locker.

"Hey, so did you talk with Horse?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah," Jamie replied.

"So what happened?" Sebastian asked curiously with a smile playing around his lips.

"He is cool with it and seems pretty interested in meeting Jared," Jamie replied.

"So you are mine again?" Sebastian asked with a grin.

"All yours, except when you let others share me," Jamie replied while returning the grin.

Sebastian responded by giving Jamie a quick hug and kiss when he was sure that no one could see them.

"I take it you approve," Jamie, laughed. Sebastian smiled widely while looking at Jamie through his eyelashes. "You look adorable," Jamie cooed softly into Sebastian's ear as they stood closely together. Sebastian just smiled and looked into Jamie's eyes. "Come on let's go eat before I decided to eat you from lunch instead," Jamie said with a laugh.

Sebastian laughed and smiled before saying," You can have me fore desert this evening."

"Is that a promise?" Jamie asked.

"Yep," Sebastian replied, and both boys snickered.

Jamie and Sebastian made their way to the lunchroom. They got their trays and sat with Crystal and Kenneth. The two couples chatted amiably while they ate. Lunch seemed to fly by. It wasn't long before Jamie, and Sebastian had to go their separate ways.

After third block, Jamie met up with Jared in the hall and told him about his conversation with Horse. Jared agreed to meet up with Horse in the parking lot. Jamie was excited about his match making and hoped that Horse and Jared would hit it off. Jamie caught up to Horse after fourth block and told him that Jared would meet him. Horse seemed happy and looked slightly excited.

Jamie put his stuff into his locker before going to the gym after fourth block and the end of school for the track tryouts. He saw Kenneth and Terry there as well as many guys he didn't know.

"Hey, guys," Jamie, said to Terry and Kenneth.

"Hey, so are you ready to try out for the team?" Terry asked.

"Yeah, what about you?" Jamie asked in reply.

"You bet, the coach said that you could really run," Terry replied.

Jamie shrugged, "Yeah, I guess we will see," Jamie said.

"Yeah," Terry replied.

The three boys talked for a bit before the coach hollered for everyone to gather around. The coach led the boys outside to the track field, and organized them into various competitions to test their skills. Not surprisingly, Jamie placed in the top three at nearly every competition. The coach and the other boys were impressed.

"Ok guys, that's all for today. You all did great. Check the bulletin board in the gym tomorrow to see if you made it. I can tell you that only a few didn't make it. That`s all. Hit the showers or head home," Coach said.

Jamie and Terry walked together towards the gym and their stuff. "Hey, you want to skip the shower and come back to my house? Mom is likely already waiting in the parking lot and you can catch a shower at my house. That and maybe I could give you that help you mentioned," Jamie told Terry.

"I would need to ask mom. She should be out in the parking lot too. Are you serious about helping me out?" Terry asked with an excited quaver in his voice.

"Yeah, come on. Let's go see if you can come over for a bit," Jamie said while looking into Terry's sexy bedroom eyes and at his charming grin.

"Cool," Terry said as they walked into the parking lot.

Jamie introduced Terry's mom to his own, and they agreed that Terry could come over. Terry was obviously excited about going to Jamie's house and had to adjust himself slightly before getting into Jamie's car. When they arrived at Jamie's house Jamie's mother told them to have fun before retiring to her office. Jamie led Terry upstairs to his bedroom.

"Want to watch some TV?" Jamie asked.

"Sure, what's on?" Terry asked in reply.

"I don't know. I have a lot of channels. Come on let's sit down," Jamie said before taking a seat on the futon. Terry sat nervously next to Jamie as they flipped through the channels.

"About helping me. Uhmm are you sure you want to? I mean I would understand if you didn't," Terry said nervously into the silence.

"Yeah, I am sure. Have you changed your mind?" Jamie asked.

"No, but I am nervous. I have never done anything with anyone even a girl," Terry replied.

"Wow, seriously?" Jamie asked in surprise.

"Seriously, I mean I have thought about it, but never had the chance," Terry replied.

"You have thought about doing what?" Jamie asked curiously.

"You know, about being with a guy," Terry replied.

"Really? So are you gay or bi?" Jamie asked.

"I think I might be gay," Terry replied while looking at the floor.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with you if you are," Jamie told Terry.

"I know," Terry said.

"So what do you want to do?" Jamie asked.

"I thought maybe we could, uhmm jerk each other off," Terry replied.

"Is that all you want to do?" Jamie asked.

"Well, I am afraid to do more, but would you give me head if I didn't do it to you?" Terry asked in response.

"Hey, we can do whatever you like. Just relax. I don't care if you don't do anything back," Jamie replied.

"Really?" Terry asked in a relieved voice. The truth was Terry wanted to do more, but was scared and didn't want to be required to do anything.

"Yeah, so do you want me to jerk you now?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah," Terry said while regaining his confidence and looking Jamie in the eye.

The look in Terry's eyes and on his face was one of desire. There was a bemused smirk on his face and sexy wild look in his eyes that made Jamie's cock throb. Jamie reached over and began to undo Terry's shorts. The look stayed on Terry's face as Jamie pulled off the boy's shorts and underwear to revel a nice six and a half inch cock. It was only slightly above average in thickness and cut. Terry didn't have many pubes. and his cock was extremely hard. It pointed nearly straight out from his body and was rather pale. Terry pulled off his own shirt and looked at Jamie expectantly. Jamie reached for Terry's cock and wrapped his soft fingers around it. Jamie marveled at the hardness and looked Terry in the eye.

Terry reached over and tugged on Jamie's shirt. Jamie released Terry's cock, pulled his shirt off, and then stood up to remove the rest of his clothes. He sat back down next to Terry. Terry looked at Jamie's cock before wrapping his own hand around it. Jamie and Terry sat looking at each other as they jerked each other off. The looks Terry was giving Jamie and the wild crooked smile where both driving him nuts. They stroked each other slowly.

"Give me head," Terry said softly.

"Are you sure? " Jamie asked.

"Just do it," Terry smirked.

Jamie didn't reply but got onto his knees between Terry's spread legs and looked up at Terry's smooth body before sticking out his tongue and licking around Terry's cock head. Terry continued to smirk and look at Jamie while Jamie's lips slid across the crown of Terry's cock head. Terry stroked the back of Jamie's head while Jamie slowly began to bob up and down on his cock. Jamie was slowly rubbing Terry's balls and flat stomach as he licked Terry's super hard cock. Jamie licked, sucked, and jacked Terry's cock for sometime before Terry pulled on his head.

"On the bed," Terry said and moved over to lie on top of the comforter. Jamie followed and started to get between Terry's legs. "No up here," Terry said and pulled Jamie up beside him. Jamie looked at Terry expectantly.

"Can I kiss you?" Terry asked.

Jamie nodded and Terry leaned over on his side. Jamie did likewise and their bodies pressed together as their lips met. Jamie was surprised at the kiss and even more so when he realized how good of a kisser Terry was. There was something wild and fun, without being fast, about Terry. The two boys could feel the other's cock pressed against their own. Terry rolled over on top of Jamie and humped the smaller boy as they continued to make out. Jamie was leaking pre cum. He was also surprised that Terry seemed to be relatively dry. He figured Terry must not be a big pre-cummer.

"I want to try this," Terry said as he scooted down Jamie's body and got between his legs. He reached forward and gripped Jamie's cock. He stared at it with the crazy smirk on his face before licking his lips. He kissed the head and licked the glands before looking up into Jamie's eyes and taking the entire head into his mouth. Terry was surprised at the size of Jamie's cock, but thoroughly enjoyed sucking on it. He didn't hurry, but almost seemed to be savoring the very act. Jamie's head fell back. and his eyes closed while Terry sucked his dick. Terry worked up a good rhythm. and Jamie was moaning and squirming in only a few minutes.

"Oh god, uhmm you might want to stop. or I am gonna cum," Jamie told Terry. Terry smirked around Jamie's cock and sucked harder.

"Oh god," Jamie said as he felt cum churning in his balls and rocketing up through his cock. He gripped Terry's head as he began to cum. Terry smirked as he swallowed Jamie's load and licked him clean before pulling off Jamie's cock.

Jamie lifted his head up and looked at Terry who was sitting on his knees with his hard cock sticking straight out and pointing at Jamie. Jamie moved so that he was on his hands and knees before Terry and leaned forward to take Terry's cock into his mouth. Terry sighed, but continued smirking. He stroked Jamie's hair and hunched into Jamie's mouth slowly. The two boys worked up a steady pace before Terry once more pulled Jamie off his cock.

"Can I fuck you?" Terry asked.

Jamie nodded and lay down on his stomach. He spit in his hand, rubbed it on his asshole, and did the same for Terry's cock. Terry pushed Jamie's legs apart and lay down on Jamie's back. He propped himself up on his elbows and wiggled his dick in Jamie ass until he found the hole. His super hard cock jabbed at Jamie's hole. Jamie reached back and guided Terry, and Terry pressed forward.

Terry's cock popped into Jamie's ass and quickly penetrated to the root. Jamie gasped and Terry grunted slightly. Terry was so hard that it was almost painful for Jamie, but felt terrific at the same time. Terry started a slow steady pace almost immediately. He drove nearly all the way out of Jamie before thrusting forward. He remained propped on his elbows with a wild grin in his face as he pounded into Jamie's body. The force of Terry's thrusts caused Jamie's ass to bounce and make a soft slapping sound.

Terry forced every last inch into Jamie with each thrust causing the smaller boy to gasp and shiver in pleasure. Jamie's ass was contracting rhythmically as Terry fucked him and forced his sensitive cock to rub against the soft fabric of the comforter. Terry increased the speed and intensity of his fucking and laid his chest against Jamie's back. Terry buried his in the crook of Jamie's neck. Jamie could feel Terry smiling. Slowly Terry began to pant and then shuddered without breaking pace as he began to cum in Jamie's ass. With several furious thrusts, which set off Jamie's second orgasm, Terry finished and collapsed on top of Jamie while smiling. Both boys shivered as Terry pulled out and they lay on the bed breathing heavily.

"I'm gay," Terry said confidently.

Jamie turned and smiled at Terry. He then scooted up and they both leaned naked against the headboard. They talked for along time about being gay and about life in general. They grew closer as friends that day and enjoyed each other's company. Jared and Horse were playing out a similar scene in Horse's truck on an old back road.

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