Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Jan 6, 2004


The second part to chapter five is finally here. The next chapter will be the much-anticipated camping trip chapter.

Before you get to reading the story, I would like to say a few words. This story is fictional and is a fantasy. I try to cover many things in my stories, but one thing that I have not covered in this story is safe sex. At this point in the story, it would be hard to incorporate. However, I want everyone to remember that this is fiction and if it were real life then they not only should, but would be wearing condoms.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003.

Sensual Boys, Chapter 5b: Sebastian's Special Night

"Remember guys that authors like feedback. The amount of feedback I get determines how willing I am to write. Even if you only send me or other writers a one sentence e-mail saying 'good story, keep writing' that would be considered good feedback. It would also ensure that stories you like continue. So write to Me and to other Authors whose stories you like!"

Jamie and Sebastian moved so that Sebastian was laying on top of Jamie. They lay in each others arms making out and grinding their cocks together through their clothing for a long time. Even though he had gotten off twice with Horse, Sebastian was making Jamie extremely horny.

"Jamie? Before we do anything could we talk some more?" Sebastian said after coming up for air.

"Of course, what do you want to talk about?" Jamie asked smiling softly.

"Let's get in the bed and lay lie down," Sebastian suggested.

"I have a better idea let's go out on the deck. I have a padded porch swing. It should be pretty cool out there about now," Jamie said.

Jamie took Sebastian's hand in his own and the two boys walked through the glass doors that lead from Jamie's bedroom onto the second floor deck. Jamie laid down on the swing and pulled Sebastian on top of him. Sebastian laid his head on Jamie's chest and hugged up tightly to the older boy. They snuggled up together while a cool evening breeze began blowing across their faces.

"Ok let's talk now," Sebastian said.

"Ok, so what is it that you want to talk about?" Jamie asked.

"About you. Why does all this seem so easy for you?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know for sure really, but I guess it is because I grew up in California and because my mom has always been very liberal. She had a lot of gay friends, and I grew up with great gay roll models," Jamie said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why you are so free with sex. I mean how many guys have you been with since moving here?" Sebastian asked.

"I have been with you, Jared, Horse, and Jacob. That's only four," Jamie said.

"You're silly. That's only four. That is four in one week!" Sebastian said laughing.

"I guess when you put it that way you have a point," Jamie said and giggled.

"Yeah, but why are you so free about it? How can you like me so much and still have sex with so many others?" Sebastian asked.

"Well you enjoyed having sex with Jared didn't you?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah," Sebastian replied.

"Well did that change how you felt about me?" Jamie asked.

"No," Sebastian replied.

"Then you have part of your answer already," Jamie said.

"I guess, but aren't people only supposed to be with one person and only have sex with person they love?" Sebastian asked.

"Who says?" Jamie asked in reply.

"Everyone," Sebastian said.

"Baby, sex and love are two very different things. People often get the two confused and even think you can't have either unless you have both," Jamie said.

"I don't understand where did you learn these things?" Sebastian asked.

"Well, when I was younger and first learning about gay people, and the things they did, I talked to my mom about it. She suggested I talk to one of her good friends. He was an older gay guy. He had to be in his fifties. Anyhow, for awhile he became my best friend," Jamie said.

"Where you with him? Is that where you learned these things? "Sebastian asked.

"I wasn't `with him' with him. He was only a friend. He never touched me in a sexual manner. We would have long discussions about everything from sexual techniques to love and relationships. He taught me a lot," Jamie said.

"What all did he teach you?" Sebastian asked.

"First that being gay was not only ok, but natural as well," Jamie said.

"What else?" Sebastian asked.

"That people can often mistake love for lust," Jamie said.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked.

"I mean that you can often feel so attracted to someone, physically, that you can mistake that attraction for love," Jamie said.

"Ok, so you can never tell if you're in love or lust?" Sebastian asked in a confusion.

"No, it simply means that takes a while for people to be able to tell the difference. He taught me that people can love without being in love," Jamie said.

"What does that mean?" Sebastian asked.

"It means that you can care deeply for someone, love them, without being in love. There are many types of love Sebastian. There is the love between mother and child, brother and sister, you and your friends, and so on. All these types of affection are love. So, just like you can love your mother without being in love with her, you can love someone else without being in love with that person," Jamie said.

"Ok, I think I understand, but what is being in love then?" Sebastian asked.

"Being in love? It is different for everyone Sebastian, but it means that you care so deeply for someone that you can't imagine life without that person. Your mind is always filled with thoughts of that person. You hurt when they hurt. You're happy if they're happy. Being in love is when you care for someone else as much, if not more, than you care for your self. Do you understand?" Jamie replied.

"I think so. So how does this relate to you being with with so many guys?" Sebastian asked.

"Sex, Sebastian, is just one expression of love. It doesn't require people to be in love and in some cases; it doesn't even require the two people to even like each other very much. It is best, though, if you have sex with someone that is at least your friend if not more. What I am trying to say is that sex and love are not always related," Jamie said.

"Ok," Sebastian replied trying to digest that information.

"My mom's friend taught me that some people have very big hearts, and these people can have lots of loves and even more lusts. When I am with someone like Jacob, who just wants to get off, I am in lust I guess you could say. I like him enough as a friend that I can help him get off, but not be emotionally attracted enough to him to say fall in love with him. I do it because it makes me feel good to do things with a guy I am attracted to physically. It is a thrill for me I guess," Jamie said.

"Why do you still want to have sex with other guys when you have me though?" Sebastian asked.

"Well like I said love and sex are not always connected. People can love someone or even be in love with someone and still be attracted sexually to other people. People can also be in love and never have sex together. Most people think that if you are in love, or love someone strongly, that you should only be attracted to that one person and only have sex with that one person. The problem is that, despite how our hearts feel, our bodies often feel differently. What mom's friend taught me was that this was ok. That feeling attracted to someone else while loving or being in love was normal," Jamie said.

"If it is normal, why don't more people think that way?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't really know. What I do know is that it's not good to ignore how your body feels. Think about it. How many marriages and relationships fail because the people involved in them cheat on their partner?" Jamie replied.

"A lot, so are you saying that it is better to act on those feelings of lust than not to?" Sebastian asked.

"Not exactly. What I am saying is that if people learned that you can have sex with someone else without feeling any less love or attraction towards the person you are with, then people that do love each other would stay together longer. So if two people can agree to be together and accept that they will still feel attractions towards other people and also be willing to allow their partner to be with others openly, then their relationship can be stronger and longer lasting," Jamie said.

"So I can still love you and you can still love me while we both have sex with other people?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, as long as we agree to it. If we couldn't agree to it then it would hurt us both if either one of us were with someone else," Jamie said.

"So if I am attracted to someone and want to have sex with them and they want to have sex with me it is ok if we do have sex as long as you're ok with it?" Sebastian asked.

"Exactly, it doesn't mean we care about each other any less or are any less attracted to one another. It simply means that we care enough about each other to let each other act on our feelings and know that this won't change how we feel about each other. As long as I tell you who I am with, and you do the same, then we will be ok. When people try to deny what their bodies feel or try to lie, more problems occur than if they were honest with themselves and with each other," Jamie said.

"Your mom's friend taught you all this?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes and no. He taught me a lot. Mom taught me some more; others taught me as well, and I actually thought about what they were saying. That is why I can be with you and others with no problems, because I care about you. I am honest with you, and I don't deny what my body or my heart feels," Jamie replied.

"I think I get it," Sebastian said.

"Ok, let me ask you something now. When Horse kissed you didn't it excite you?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, you felt it. I got hard," Sebastian replied.

"Did it cause you to like me any less?" Jamie asked.

"Of course not," Sebastian replied in surprise.

"Then you see you can still like me and I can still like you while being excited by other people," Jamie said grinning.

"I get it," Sebastian said and grinned.

"Good, now that we have that over with do you want to get back to this being your night," Jamie grinned at Sebastian.

"Yeah," Sebastian said and giggled.

"So what would you like to do?" Jamie asked.

"Could we go out? Like to the movies or something?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah, I can get mom to take us I'm sure," Jamie replied.

"Then let's go watch a movie and then go get something to eat. It will be like a real date," Sebastian said with a giggle.

"Alrighty, your wish is my command. If a date is what you want then a date you shall receive," Jamie said.

"You're silly Jamie," Sebastian said.

"I know it, but you like it," Jamie said with a grin.

"Yep," Sebastian replied.

"It's nearly eight now. The next movie in town starts at eight thirty I think. So let's go ask mom if she will take us and then hurry up and get ready," Jamie said looking at his watch.

"Get ready? We are both already dressed," Sebastian said in confusion.

"Yeah, but this is a date so I have to get all dressed up for my date," Jamie said with a grin.

"You're just silly," Sebastian said with a rueful grin.

"You'll get use to it," Jamie said with a laugh. Sebastian laughed as well.

The two boys got up and walked hand in hand into Jamie's room. They walked down stairs and Jamie turned them towards his mother's suite of rooms. He knew his mother would likely be working on some project in her study at this time of day. Jamie tapped lightly on the study's door before walking in.

"Hey, mom, could you do me a big favor?" Jamie asked.

"What's that honey?" Dora Waysa asked.

"Well, I have a date with Sebastian, to see a movie tonight, and I was wondering if you could give us a ride," Jamie said.

"Hmm, I suppose I could. I need to finish this up, but that won't take long. You two go get ready, and I will give you guys a ride to the mall. How much money will you guys need?" Dora asked.

"I don't know, we are going to go see a movie and likely get something to eat afterwards, "Jamie said.

"Well, the next movie is in thirty minutes right? " Dora asked. Jamie nodded. "Well we will leave in fifteen minutes then. That should give you about five minutes to find a seat, and everything, before the movie starts," Dora said while she handed Jamie more than enough money. She then turned back to her project.

"Alright, come on Bastian let's go get ready now," Jamie said.

Jamie and Sebastian walked upstairs to Jamie's bedroom. Jamie had Sebastian sit on the foot of his bed while he did a short little strip tease. Jamie then walked nude over to his closet and picked out an outfit. He then went over to the dresser to get some socks and underwear.

Sebastian watched as Jamie pulled on a comfortable pair of black bikini briefs that really showed off Jamie's large package. Jamie then put on a pair of long blue jean shorts that hung just below his knees and a tight black tank top, which he tucked it into his shorts. Jamie put a loose, black, silk, short sleeved, dress shirt over the tank top. The dress shirt had dragon designs on it. He left the dress shirt open and unbuttoned. He then put on a black belt. After Jamie was dressed, he went to his jewelry box and put two gold loops in each ear. The black braided necklace with the crystal , that he wore the first day of school, went around his neck.

He put on his watch and then headed for the bathroom. Sebastian followed Jamie and watched while Jamie brushed his hair. Once Jamie had his hair brushed until it practically shined, he began pulled out a long black ribbon and used to bind his hair up in a loose ponytail at the back of his neck. He then proceeded to braid the ribbon and his hair together into a complicated, but simple looking French braid. With his hair done, Jamie turned to grin at Sebastian. The outfit, hair, and jewelry gave Jamie a sophisticated sexy look that set off his features very well.

"So do you think my date will like this outfit?" Jamie asked with a coy grin.

"You look gorgeous!" Sebastian gushed. Jamie pulled Sebastian to him and the two boys kissed passionately. Jamie broke the kiss quickly, though, and looked at his watch.

"Come on, it's time to go," Jamie said. Jamie took Sebastian's hand and they walked down stairs. Jamie's mother was waiting at the foot of the stairs.

"There you two are. I was just about to come up and get you. We need to get going if you want to get a good seat. You two look so cute together, "Dora said. Sebastian smiled and blushed. Jamie just grinned.

Dora, Jamie, and Sebastian all three put their shoes on in the front foyer before heading out to Dora's car. Jamie and Sebastian sat together in the front seat. They were both slender enough to do this without crowding Dora at all. Dora chatted with Sebastian for the entire trip to the movies. She asked him about his life, his likes, his dislikes, and all the other things people ask when they are trying to get to know someone better. The more Dora talked to Sebastian the more she liked him.

Dora dropped Jamie and Sebastian off in front of the mall. She told them to call when they needed her to come pick them up. She gave Jamie and Sebastian both a hug goodbye, which slightly embarrassed Sebastian but made him happy at the same time. After saying goodbye, Dora drove off.

Jamie turned to Sebastian and reached for Sebastian's hand unconsciously. He was a bit surprised when Sebastian pulled his hand back in shock.

"What are you doing!" Sebastian said in surprise.

"I'm sorry I forgot," Jamie said bashfully.

"We can't do things like that in public here. This isn't California," Sebastian said earnestly.

"I know, but I am just use to holding your hand. I guess I forgot where I was," Jamie said.

"Try and remember ok? I don't want use to get bashed in the mall for God's sake. Go on in and find a seat, ok?" Jamie said.

"Ok," Sebastian replied.

Jamie and Sebastian walked together rather closely as they headed into the Mall. Jamie didn't notice, but several people were staring at them. Sebastian noticed, though, and tried very hard to ignore it. The guy at the ticket window gave them an odd grin before handing them their ticket stubs. They picked a drama movie to watch and sat in the back row of the theater. When the movie started and the lights went out, in the half-full theater, Jamie looked over at Sebastian and grabbed his hand. Sebastian giggled nervously and looked around quickly before gripping Jamie's hand back.

They sat like that through the entire movie. They didn't think anyone saw them, but they were wrong. When the movie ended and the lights came on, they were a bit too slow in releasing each other's hand. Two guys in the late teens saw them. After they all filed out of the theater, Jamie and Sebastian walked into the mall towards one of the burger places. Half way there, they heard someone behind them say 'look at the fucking faggots' and then someone else say fairies. They couldn't see who it was. Jamie acted as if he hadn't heard them, but Sebastian looked really upset as they made their way into the burger place and took a seat in one of the booths.

"Did you hear them?" Sebastian asked Jamie when they had sat down.

"Yeah, just ignore it. Probably just a couple of moron's trying to impress each other. They aren't worth worrying about," Jamie said.

"Yeah, but what if they saw us in the movies or recognized us?" Sebastian said worriedly.

"So what? As long as they don't try to attack us, we will be fine. Besides even if they came after us I could likely handle them," Jamie said unconcernedly.

"Yeah, but they could out us at school or something," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, baby, even if they did most people wouldn't believe them. Those that do probably already think we are both gay anyhow. It doesn't matter. If they outted us, we could always deny it. It would be our word against theirs," Jamie said.

"Yeah, that is easy for you to say. You're out to your mother and most of your friends. I am not out to my parents, Jamie," Sebastian said.

"You can lie to them if you want, or you could come out to them. Your sister would support you," Jamie said.

"I'm not ready for them to know yet," Sebastian said.

"It's ok; you don't have to tell them. Just relax and let's order ok?" Jamie asked.

"Ok," Sebastian said.

A waitress came over and smiled at them. She was very nice and made sure their orders were right. Sebastian relaxed from how nice the waitress was being. He became cheerful and animated while they ate. Jamie and Sebastian left the burger place with smiles on their faces. It was getting late so Jamie called his mom to come get them. They talked about the movie and things like that while they waited. Dora picked them up shortly there after.

"Did you two have fun on your date?" Dora asked mischievously. "Yeah," Jamie replied. Sebastian only nodded with a shy smile on his face.

"Was the movie any good?" Dora asked. Jamie and Sebastian took turns telling her about the movie.

"One thing nearly spoiled the date, though, mom," Jamie said. Sebastian turned a bit pale.

"What happened?" Dora asked.

"Some idiots called us faggots as we were walking to the restaurant, "Jamie said.

"Did you see who it was? Did they try and hurt you two?" Dora asked.

"No and no," Jamie said.

"Ok, be careful you two. The world isn't a very understanding place at times," Dora said.

"We know mom," Jamie said. Jamie continued to tell his mom about the date, and even about Sebastian's worries, on the way back to Jamie's house.

"Sebastian don't fret dear. If your parents find out I am sure they will understand and if they don't you can always stay with us. Isn't that right Jamie?" Dora asked.

"Absolutely. Hey, maybe you should tell them so can move in and spend the night with me every night," Jamie said playfully, which caused Sebastian to blush and start laughing. Soon Jamie and Dora were laughing as well. Sebastian was finally relaxing about the entire event and was determined to put it out of his mind.

When they returned home, Jamie and Sebastian went back up to Jamie's room. They watched TV snuggled up on the futon for a little while before getting into bed. Jamie and Sebastian helped each other strip completely nude before they crawled into Jamie's bed. They lay down together snuggled up nude for a while before Jamie rolled over onto his side. Sebastian rolled on to his side as well.

They looked into each other's eyes, their arms were wrapped around each other, and their bodies were pressed together. Sebastian was the first to move. He leaned forward and kissed Jamie. Jamie kissed back and soon the two were making out passionately. Their young cocks had grown hard before they had started kissing. Their cocks pressed against one another, and their hands roamed over each other's backs and butts.

"Bastian, I want you to know something," Jamie said in as whisper while nibbling on Sebastian's ear.

"What?" Sebastian whispered back.

"I love you, Sebastian. I don't know if I am in love with you, but I definitely love you," Jamie said before kissing Sebastian passionately. After the kiss, Jamie returned to Sebastian's neck and ears.

"I love you too, Jamie," Sebastian replied in a whimper while Jamie teased the milky white flesh of Sebastian's neck and ears.

Jamie's hands were stroking Sebastian's back and caressing Sebastian's small, round, milky white, ass. Jamie pushed Sebastian over onto his back. Jamie then began kissing down Sebastian's chest. He teased Sebastian's small nipples for a long time, which caused Sebastian to gasp, whimper, and squirm in turn. Jamie smiled as he worked his lips and tongue down Sebastian's boyish chest and smooth flat stomach. Sebastian gasped and giggled when Jamie's tongue darted into his belly button.

Soon Jamie's mouth was licking and kissing all around Sebastian's cock and balls, but not touching either one. Jamie continued to move down Sebastian's body. He sucked and licked on the smooth flesh of Sebastian's inner thighs and licked his way up to Sebastian's tight nut sac. He took his time first kissing, then sucking, and finally licking on each one of Sebastian's nuts.

Sebastian's hands were gripping the bed and his body was shaking for the feelings caused by Jamie's mouth. His eyes were closed and his cherry red lips were open as he moaned in pleasure. Jamie was driving him nuts and he wanted to cum so bad, but he couldn't speak because of the overwhelming feelings. Sebastian shook all over as he felt Jamie's tongue sliding up the underside of his shaft. He felt like he would pass out as Jamie's mouth encircled his plump red cock head. He thrust his hips upward driving his entire six-inch cock into Jamie's mouth. Jamie kept sucking and licking on Sebastian's cock as the younger boy thrust in and out of Jamie's mouth.

Sebastian's head was thrashing back and forth. His hands had a death grip of the sheets of Jamie's bed and his breathing was in short gasps. Like a wave of water from a breaking damn, his orgasm hit. His body shuddered and convulsed. He shot five healthy loads of cum into Jamie's mouth before he collapsed exhausted.

Jamie sucked Sebastian's softening cock clean and then slid up to hold Sebastian in his arms. His cock was hard and leaking, but he ignored it as he cuddled with Sebastian.

"You ok, love?" Jamie asked after they had been like that for a while.

Sebastian turned and looked into Jamie's eyes and kissed Jamie with such passion and force that it took Jamie's breath away.

"Does that answer your question?" Sebastian asked with a wicked grin.

"Yes^Å It^Å Does," Jamie, gasped out. Sebastian laughed and started kissing Jamie's neck.

Jamie didn't complain as Sebastian teased him in much the same way as he had teased Sebastian. Sebastian soon had one hand wrapped around Jamie's seven inch uncut cock and his pouty lips wrapped around Jamie's cock head. He used his hand and mouth in tandem to suck and jack Jamie off at the same time. His free hand caressed Jamie's balls and made its way lower. Jamie lifted his legs and spread his butt apart as Sebastian's fingers found his hole.

Sebastian kissed down Jamie's cock and made love to Jamie's balls with his mouth as his fingers rubbed Jamie's asshole. Sebastian's cute pink tongue was soon licking below Jamie's balls and moving ever closer to Jamie's tight smooth asshole. Sebastian used his hands to push Jamie's legs up even further so that Jamie's knees were against his chest. Jamie's round bubble butt was spread open for Sebastian's wiggling tongue.

Jamie gasped as Sebastian began licking and kiss around his asshole. He quivered as he felt Sebastian's pretty lips surround his hole. He then felt Sebastian's tongue begin to pry open his asshole. Sebastian soon had his tongue darting in and out of Jamie's asshole, which was driving Jamie wild. Jamie had a very sensitive ass and his cock throbbed every time Sebastian's tongue grazed his pucker.

"Bastian, baby, please, fuck me, please," Jamie whimpered.

Sebastian didn't reply. He kept working his mouth and tongue around Jamie's asshole getting it all slicked up. He could taste a hint of the cum Horse and deposited in there several hours before. He slid up Jamie's body so that they were looking into each other's eyes. Jamie wrapped his arm's Sebastian's neck and placed his legs across each of Sebastian's shoulders. Sebastian kissed Jamie as he rubbed his hard six incher into Jamie's asshole with, which he had coated with salvia.

"Please fuck me," Jamie whimpered while trying to press his ass onto Sebastian's cock.

"I love you, Jamie," Sebastian said as he pressed forward. His cock slid easily into Jamie's tight hole. He gasped as he felt the searing heat of Jamie's ass engulf his young cock. He whimpered into Jamie's mouth as they kissed once more. Sebastian began thrusting his hips quickly causing his cock to drive in and out of Jamie's hole. Jamie was amazed at how hard Sebastian was. He was sucking on Sebastian's tongue while Sebastian was fucking him like a rabbit. Sebastian began using the hip twisting technique on Jamie that Jamie had used on him and this caused Jamie to really squirm.

One of Sebastian's rabbit quick twisting thrusts jabbed Jamie's prostate gland hard. Jamie's cock erupted between them and his asshole clamped down on Sebastian's still thrusting cock. Sebastian could feel Jamie's cock splashing cum against his chest and stomach. He grunted as Jamie's hole tightened and then shuddered as the increased friction caused him to reach his own orgasm. The two spent lovers collapsed on top of one another exhausted. They lay together in each other's arms gasping while they recovered.

They were tired, but happy. Jamie suggested they take a shower before going to sleep. They went into the bathroom and made out under the hot water. They washed each other off gently. The shower soon became a sensual game as they soaped each other up. hey made love again in the Tshower, with Sebastian on bottom this time. After drying their bodies with towels, they took turns with a brush and hair drier. Sebastian brushed and dried Jamie's long hair, and Jamie did the same to Sebastian.

With their bodies clean, their lusts sated, and their bodies relaxed, they crawled naked under the covers. They talked about nothing while holding each other before they both drifted off into peaceful slumber.

Next: Chapter 7

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