Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 22, 2003


A fifth chapter. I want to thank those who responded to my story thus far. I would also like to thank my editor Bill.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003.

Sensual Boys, Chapter 5.1: Sebatian's Tears and Horse's Truck

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Jamie awoke to his alarm clock playing loud, but soothing music. He hated to be jarred awake by the horrible noises most alarm clocks made. Yesterday had worn him out and he had went to bed early. He was feeling pretty good as he did his morning routine. He did twice his normal exercises to loosen his muscles and energize him incase he had to fight again today. He didn't think it would happen though.

Sebastian had called last night and told him that Chris had three cracked ribs, a broken wrist, two black eyes, a busted lip, and a lot of bruises. The way rumors ran through this town he hoped that the entire school knew what happen to Chris so they would leave him alone. He felt good as he walked to the bus stop this morning. There was a bounce to his step and a half grin on his face by the time he reached Jacob and Jared.

"Hey guys," Jamie said.

"Sup? How is your head?" Jared asked

"It's fine the doctor said there was no concussion," Jamie said.

"You've had a rough week here ain't you? How are you handling things?" Jacob asked.

"I am ok. I have made more friends than enemies. So I am good," Jamie said.

"You missed a good time yesterday Jake," Jared said.

"So you all had fun swimming?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, Jamie here had to be outrageous though," Jared said.

"What? I didn't do anything," Jamie said with a grin.

"Yeah, well you embarrassed Sebastian to death by outing you and him to Terry and Donny at the same time," Jared said.

"What!? You told Terry and Donny you are gay? Who is Sebastian?" Jacob asked in shock.

"Yeah, Terry asked me so I told him the truth. Sebastian is Crystal's little brother. He is my boyfriend. Don't worry Crystal knows about him already," Jamie said still smiling.

"Damn boy, are you going to tell the whole damn school?" Jacob said looking around nervously.

"Nah, they are my friends. I trust them. Don't worry they don't know about you or Jared here," Jamie said without showing any sign that he was lying. Jared knew he was lying, at least in part, but had to admire Jamie`s ability to lie with a straight face.

"Don't tell them what we did ok? Or about what you and Jared did ok? If you did I would make you wish to god you hadn`t," Jacob said.

"Oh, don't get your panties in a wad Jacob. I think Terry and Donny might be interested in a bit of the same kind of help I gay you and Jared," Jamie said with a laugh.

"Why do you say that?" Jared asked looking at Jamie strangely.

"Let's just say that Terry dropped a few hints yesterday," Jamie said.

The bus pulled up then. They loaded onto the bus and Jamie turned and grinned at Jared.

"Hey, don't tell Jacob, but Terry saw me and Jacob go into one of the empty classrooms the day before yesterday. Jake was all worked up over Jen and I was worked up as well, so I offered to help him out you know," Jamie said.

"Fuck! In the school? What did Terry see?" Jared said surprised.

"Yeah, in a storage closet," Jamie snickered. "Anyhow, Jacob and me were a bit flushed after I got him off and I didn't know it, but Terry noticed it and asked me about it yesterday," Jamie said.

"No shit? What did he say?" Jared said.

"He asked if me and Jake were gay. I told him the truth, I was, Jake wasn't, and that some horny guys are willing to let a buddy help them out if they need to get off," Jamie said.

"Your joking. What did he say then?" Jared said.

"You wont believe me. He said he had talked to Donny about it and thought they both could use similar help sometime," Jamie said with a smirk.

"Fuck, what do you do send out a `come stick your dick in my mouth' signal to guys, Jamie?" Jared said laughing.

"Fuck you dickhead, I just seem to have a way with guys. You didn't complain when it was your dick," Jamie pointed out with a laugh.

"True dat, hell I ain't gonna complain either. So do I get the storage room treatment this morning?" Jared said groping his crotch.

"If Terry saw me and Jake go in there someone else might see me and you. I don't think we should risk it do you?" Jamie said.

"When you put it that way no, but I sure wouldn't mind if there was less chance of getting caught," Jared said.

"Just come over this afternoon and I will help you out," Jamie said grinning.

The bus arrived at school. Jamie wrapped up their conversation and headed to their separate groups. When Jamie reached Donny, Crystal, Kenneth, Terry, and Jacob he had a smirk on his face. He was feeling playful and winked at Terry and Donny who both actually blushed, which caused Jamie to laugh. He refused to tell the rest of the group what was so funny, but Terry and Donny knew. They actually started laughing to.

The first quarter of school went by quickly for Jamie. He grinned on his way to gym. He knew that Thomas was out of school, until at least Monday, so wasn't worried about problems today. Horse greeted him as he entered the locker room.

"Hey, heard that something happened to you after school," Horse said when Jamie sat down next to him.

"Yeah, Thomas's moronic brother and Daniel ambushed me yesterday at my own house," Jamie said.

"You don't look hurt. So what happened?" Jamie began to tell the story and a small crowd gathered to listen to him. When he was done many of the guys were shaking their heads in shock.

"You broke his ribs and wrist? Fuck, how mad were you?" Horse said shocked that a kid Jamie's size could do so much damage to a bigger boy.

"I was seeing red. I don't know what would have happened to him if Jared hadn't stopped me," Jamie said with a pained look on his face. He didn't like loosing control like that.

"Remind me not to piss you off," Horse said with a laugh. Jamie laughed as well.

Jamie got undressed and then dress for gym. He watched Horse and a few other jocks undress. Though, no one noticed since they were all talking and horsing around. As everyone began heading into gym Horse stopped Jamie for a minute.

"Hey, what are you doing this evening?" Horse asked.

"I don't know why?" Jamie asked curiously while trying not to stare at Horse's crotch.

"Well, I was thinking of going for a ride. Thought you might want to come along and help me with a problem I have had for a while now. Actually thought you might like to stay at my house tonight as well, since we are going camping tomorrow and have to leave pretty early," Horse said groping his crotch.

"Sure, just call after school. I have to ask my mom, but I doubt she will mind," Jamie said trying not to sound too excited.

After gym was over he wrote his address and number out and gave them to Horse privately. He still wasn't sure what to expect from the hunky guy, but he was looking forward to finding out. He had forgotten that Sebastian had wanted to spend the night on Friday. He was reminded of that fact at lunch.

"So are you looking forward to having me all to yourself to night?" Sebastian asked as they walked to lunch together.

"To night?" Jamie said dumbly.

"Yeah, remember I am suppose to spend the night," Sebastian said with a hurt look on his face.

"Oh god, it slipped my mind. I am suppose to go over to a friend's tonight. We made plans to go camping tomorrow. We have to leave early in the morning so he suggested I stay over there tonight to save time,"

Jamie said.

"Oh, so you're going to stay with him instead of me?" Sebastian said in a hurt voice.

"It isn't like that, I made plans for the camping trip days ago before you asked to spend the night," Jamie said trying to soothe Sebastian.

"Is he cute?" Sebastian asked.

"Uh, what does that matter?" Jamie asked.

"What does it matter? You don't exactly have any problems saying yes when your around cute guys," Sebastian said.

"What are you saying?" Jamie asked.

"I am saying if he is cute you will likely seduce him if you can. Since, you're staying with him tonight instead of me you must think he is cute or you would make him pick you up tomorrow," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, you said you could handle sharing me. What's wrong?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know. I don't like you being with so many guys. I am jealous and I am upset with you for telling Donny and Terry about us yesterday," Sebastian said on the verge of crying.

"You're my boyfriend, I like you a lot, I thought you knew that. I didn't mean to out you to Donny and Terry, but Terry figured out about me on his own. I didn't want to hide you. I am proud that you're my boyfriend," Jamie said with his arm around Sebastian's shoulder.

"Yeah, if your so proud of me why are you going to this other guys house huh? Who is he anyway?" Sebastian said.

"I am going because we are going camping tomorrow. It would just be simpler for me to stay there. It isn't like I don't want to be with you," Jamie said trying to comfort Sebastian.

"You still haven't said who it is," Sebastian pointed out. He had his head on Jamie's shoulder and they were sitting in one of the empty classrooms on the floor. Neither one felt much like eating at the moment.

"His name is Darren Scott," Jamie said.

"Horse!? Why on earth did Horse invite you over his house and camping?" Sebastian said in genuine surprise.

"Well, he has a problem and wants me to help him with it," Jamie said vaguely.

"What kind of problem?" Sebastian said confused.

"Uh, you would get mad," Jamie said.

"Why, don't tell me your going to do something with Horse? He is the biggest jock on campus!" Sebastian said in disbelief.

"He asked me if I could. He said the girls around here won't or can't handle him and he wanted to see if a guy could," Jamie said embarrassed and a bit ashamed.

"So he asked you? Why?" Sebastian said.

"He over heard me say something under my breath that made it obvious I was gay," Jamie said.

"I can't believe you. Will you do it with anyone that asks?" Sebastian said in a hurt voice.

"No! I am not a whore Sebastian. I like sex though and I like doing it with guys that most gays guys would drool over. I wont sleep with just anyone you know," Jamie said.

"You don't seem to be to choosey to me," Sebastian said with a sniffle.

"I chose you as my boyfriend didn't I? I never even considered going out with any of the guys I have met here. Your mine Sebastian and no one will change that unless you leave me," Jamie said and kissed Sebastian passionately, but softly. Jamie truly did care about Sebastian and was doing his best to show the younger boy that.

"Ok," was Sebastian's only response.

"Tell you what, Horse is going to pick me up to go riding with him after school. We were going to go back to his house afterwards. Would you feel better if I only went riding and then came back home so you could spend the night? You would have to leave in the morning, but we could be together tonight," Jamie said trying to make things work out. He didn't want to loose Sebastian so quickly.

Sebastian had stopped crying and listened to Jamie speak. "I am not happy about this Jamie, but I think I understand. I want to spend the night with you," Sebastian said.

"It is settled then, I will tell Horse that the plans have changed, when he calls. I will have mom pick you when I get back I will make this up to you Sebastian, I promise," Jamie said grinning goofily at Bastian.

"Ok, you better not forget though. So how do you plan on making it up to me?" Sebastian said smiling.

"Trust me I can think of a few ways," Jamie said. He leaned forward and they shared a long kiss before the bell rang for lunch to be over. They had to split up after that to go to class. Sebastian was feeling better, but he was still a bit jealous.

Jamie was worried that Sebastian might leave him. He was pretty distracted through out the rest of the school day. After school he talked about his problems with Jared. Jared told him not to worry that he was sure Sebastian liked him and that the younger boy was just having a hard time getting use to things. Jamie felt better after that.

Jamie worked on his computer for a little bit while he waited for Horse to call. He had called his mom already and made sure everything was ok. He was writing a journal on the computer to try and help him organize his thoughts. His mind kept drifting though. He was worried about Sebastian. He was even worried about Terry and Donny. He was both scared and horny when it came to thinking about Horse.

Time seemed to drag by, but finally the phone rang. It was Horse. He only stayed on the phone for a few minutes. Horse said he would be there in about ten minutes and that Jamie should be waiting for him. Jamie got ready to go quickly and looked himself over in the mirror. He wasn't normally nervous around guys, but Horse had an odd affect on him.

Jamie was standing in his driveway when Horse pulled up in a newer model pickup truck. Horse had changed cloths since school. When Jamie got in the truck he noticed that Horse was wearing a pair of loose comfortable shorts. They looked like something you would see someone going on safari wearing. The shorts gave Horse's large cock plenty of room to move, but they still seemed to draw Jamie's attention to it. Horse was also wearing a tight dark blue tank top, a black belt, and sun glasses. Jamie's cock was hard just looking at him. Horse was also wearing saddles instead of shoes. Something else Jamie noticed was the goatee was missing. Somehow it actually increased his masculinity instead of reducing it.

"Hey, you shaved," Jamie said when he got in the truck.

"Yeah, the goatee was getting on my nerves. So why aren't you spending the night with me?" Horse asked as he backed out of the drive way and pulled onto the main road.

"It is complicated, but I have a boyfriend. He was suppose to spend the night tonight and that had slipped my mind when you invited me. He was not happy with me," Jamie said honestly wondering how Horse would react.

"You have a boyfriend? Shit, I didn't know that. Does this mean you're not going to help me out?" Horse said and unconsciously adjusted his crotch.

"Yeah, we talked about it. I hope you don't mind. I had to tell him, he was freaking out on me. We had already agreed that I could be with other guys as long as I told him," Jamie said afraid Horse would be mad.

"You told him why I was hanging out with you?" Horse said in a voice that held a bit of anger.

"Yeah, I had no choose. If I hadn't I would have probably lost him. I really like him," Jamie said trying his best to explain.

"Well since heis your boyfriend I wont get upset over it, but don't go spreading things around you hear me?" Horse said sternly, but he was smiling when he said it so Jamie knew things were ok.

"I understand. So are you ever gonna to tell me what exactly you are wanting me to do for you?" Jamie watched town pass by through the truck windows. He realized they were heading into the less populated areas.

"When we get further down the road here I want you to give me a hand," Horse said while rubbing his crotch.

"While your driving?" Jamie said surprised.

"Fuck, I think it would just make it more fun. Here," Horse reached over and pulled Jamie to his side. He surprised Jamie by wrapping his arm around Jamie's shoulders and actually holding the smaller boy to him.

"Why don't you play with me a bit through my shorts. Relax, I am not gonna hurt you," Horse said again surprising Jamie.

Jamie moved his left hand onto Horse's leg and began by massaging Horse's muscular inner thigh. He moved his hand slowly up Horse's leg until he reached the older teens hefty nuts. He rolled the large orbs in his hands through the loose shorts. He was leaning against Horse while he watched Horse's cock begin to harden in his shorts. Jamie's face was laying on the hard muscles of Horse's arm and Horse was actually stroking his hair. Jamie felt surprisingly safe. Horse was being more affectionate than he had expected.

His hand finally found the large hard cock and he marveled at the girth. It felt amazingly hard in his hand. He ran his hand up and down its length through Horse's shorts. He noticed a wet spot was already forming where Horse's fat cock head lay. Jamie didn't even notice when Horse pulled onto a another road and headed down a little used dirt road. The road dead ended near what was obviously a camping spot for someone. No one was there now. Horse parked the truck there in the middle of the woods at the end of the dead end road.

"You ok?" Horse asked tenderly.

"Yeah," Jamie said softly.

"Take it out," Horse said.

Jamie reached for Horse's belt and began to undo the buckle. With the belt loose he unbuttoned and unzipped Horse's shorts. He got a surprise. Horse wasn't wearing any underwear. He reached into the shorts and gripped the hot cock with his soft hand and maneuvered it out into the open. Jamie gasped when he saw how big it really was. Horse removed his tank top and pushed his shorts down to his ankles after kicking off his sandals. Jamie sat there staring at the massive cock in his hand and the amazing body attached to it.

"Jamie, take off your clothes," Horse said very softly.

"What? Why?" Jamie said confused. He figured Horse would only want him to give the older teen a blow job, which didn't require him to be naked at all.

"I want to see you. Just do it please," Horse said looking deeply into Jamie's eyes.

Jamie nodded. He kicked his shoes off and then started to removed his shorts, but Horse stopped him. He was surprised when Horse started undoing the buttons on his shorts. He shivered as Hors's large strong hands pushed his shorts off his thighs and down his legs to land in a pile in the floor with Horse's shirt. Jamie noticed that Horse had removed his own shorts completely. Horse pulled Jamie's shirt off his body as well.

Jamie and Horse sat there in the truck looking at each other. Jamie felt tiny next to Horse, but safe. His seven inch cock was standing up proud and he saw Horse's ten and a half inch cock was just as hard. The two boys looked at each other for a long moment. Jamie didn't know what he was suppose to do. This all seemed very surreal to him.

"You're bigger than I expected," Horse said and actually gripped Jamie's cock. Jamie shuddered at the pleasure and shock of the contact. His own hand had wrapped around Horse's cock.

"Horse, what are you doing? I thought you just wanted head or something," Jamie said.

"I don't believe in getting without giving. So, I plan on making you enjoy this as much as I am," Horse said smiling. He seemed perfectly at ease. There was a air of confidence about him that was practically palatable. Here was a guy that knew what he wanted and usually got it.

"Come here," Horse said. He pulled Jamie onto his lap so that their cocks were pressed together. Horse's massive endowment ran nearly the entire length of Jamie's stomach. Horse tilted Jamie's head and planted his lips on the pretty younger boy's full cherry red lips. His kiss was tender.

"You know that I have wanted to do that since I first saw you?" Horse said when he broke the kiss.

"Really? I can't believe this is happening. I thought you were straight," Jamie said dreamily.

"I am bisexual I think. You're my first real guy, but I have thought about it a lot and fooled around a bit when I was younger with my cousin Sean. That's why I invited you camping with us. Me and Sean haven't done anything in years. Not since he moved, but I told him why I had invited you over the phone. He said he didn't know how his brother would react if he caught us, but he isn't worried. Girls don't turn me on as much as guys do and few guys turn me on like you do. I have jacked off three or four times a day thinking about you since we first spoke," Horse said.

Horse had his arms around Jamie and was staring into his eyes while he spoke. When he finished, he pulled their heads together once more. Horse kissed Jamie as if they had known each other for years or were lovers. Jamie was startled at the raw passion of the kiss and even more startled that he was kissing with the same passion. Jamie sucked hungrily on Horse's tongue and bottom lip. Horse did the same to Jamie. They stayed like that for a long time.

Jamie was pressed against Horse's broad chest and Horse's arms were wrapped tightly around his body. Jamie's round ass was sitting on Horse's thighs. Jamie could feel Horse's hard muscles under the taunt skin and chest hair that tickled his skin. The body heat coming from Horse was amazing. He could feel Horse's cock throbbing between them and his own cock throbbed as well.

When they finally broke the kiss Jamie was flushed and very aroused. He attacked Horse's neck with his mouth causing Horse to shiver in pleasure and groan. Jamie's lips were sliding across the hard neck muscles and his tongue was pressing hard against the smooth skin. The feeling of Jamie's mouth was driving Horse wild. He shuddered and thought he would cum when Jamie's mouth found his ear.

No girl he had ever been with had turned him on so much. Horse wanted that mouth on his cock so badly that he could have screamed. Yet, at the same time, he didn't want Jamie to ever stop nibbling and sucking on his ear. Horse scooted forward and Jamie wrapped his legs around Horse's waist. Horse was still holding onto the younger boy's soft body when he turned so that his shoulders were against the truck door and one of his muscular feet was on the truck seat.

Jamie never took his mouth off of Horse`s flesh, but he began to move down Horse's neck after Horse had repositioned them. He unwrapped his legs and slid towards Horse's bulging pecs and pert quarter sized nipples. Horse could feel his dripping cock slide up Jamie's body and the sensation was driving him nuts. Jamie worked his mouth across the broad chest. He took each nipple into his mouth and sucked on them in turn. He held the nubs between his teeth gently and flicked his tongue across them rapidly. Horse was shuddering.

Jamie moved down Horse's chest. He reached Horse's cock head quickly since it lay above the jock's belly button. He ignored it though, which caused Horse to groan in disappointment. Jamie was on a mission though. He wanted to make Horse see stars before he was done with him. He let Horse's cock slide against his cheek as he worked his mouth down the rock hard and rippled abs. He sucked and licked on the flesh of Horse's thighs causing Horse to grunt and gasp in turn.

Jamie worked his way back up towards Horse's cock and began to make love to Horse's balls with his mouth. Horse's cock was throbbing up and down tapping his stomach as Jamie sucked on his large nuts. His hands were running through Jamie's hair causing Jamie to moan around his nuts.

"Oh god, please suck me, I will do anything just suck my dick," Horse gasped out.

Jamie teased Horse's balls for a moment longer before licking up the incredibly long thick shaft. Horse shuddered as Jamie's tongue made contact with his cock head. Jamie wrapped both hands around the huge cut cock and pulled it from Horse's body. It was so hard that it seemed to resist being pulled straight up. Jamie slid his lips slowly over Horse's cock head until he had the entire head in his mouth. He was applying suction as his soft long tongue worked the big head. Horse was in heaven. He didn't know if he could take this for very long.

With agonizing slowness Jamie began to inch his lips down Horse's long shaft. It didn't take long for Horse's cock head to hit the back of his throat. He wasn't even halfway down the massive cock yet. Horse got a big surprise when Jamie didn't stop after the head hit his throat. Jamie swallowed and Horse's cock head slid into his searing hot throat. He kept going until he had most of the cock in his throat. He couldn't get it all, but he tried his best. His best was better than anyone who had ever sucked Horse before. Horse was astounded to see so much of his cock in the small boy's throat. He was fighting very hard not to fuck Jamie's gripping mouth.

Jamie began to bob up and down on the thick cock. He would slide all the way up so that his lips slid across the glands of Horse's cock before sliding back down until most of Horse's cock was in his throat. He worked at a steady pace. Horse couldn't take much more and gripped Jamie's head. Jamie wrapped his hands around Horse's shaft just below his mouth. He slid his mouth up and down the fat cock head and down an inch or two of the shaft. He kept his hands wrapped around Horse's cock so that they moved up and down the shaft in time to his mouth.

Horse couldn't believe how good Jamie could suck his dick. He wanted cum bad, but Jamie always slowed his sucking and jacking technique each time he got close. It freaked him out the way Jamie seemed to know whenever he was getting close. Jamie was bring him to the brink over and over again. Jamie removed one of his hands from Horse's cock and used it to play with the huge nuts. His other hand was still right below his sucking mouth moving up and down with his mouth. When he started playing with Horse's nuts Jamie began to increase the speed of his bobbing mouth and jacking hand. Horse was nearing orgasm and he knew that this time Jamie wasn't going to stop.

"Oh, fuck, you better pull off, I am gonna cum," Horse said trying feebly to pull Jamie off his cock. Jamie wasn't about to stop though. He kept up his rapid sucking and soon his mouth was flooded with thick hot cum. The first shot hit the back of his throat with such force that he thought he might gag. He didn't stop though. Horse filled Jamie's mouth to nearly over flowing he came so much and so hard. Jamie had to swallow three times before Horse stopped cumming.

Horse pulled Jamie up to him and kissed him with such passion that Jamie thought he was going to die from lack of oxygen. He had to actually push himself away from Horse so he could breath. It was then that he noticed that Horse was still hard.

"Doesn't it ever go down?" Jamie asked with a laugh.

"Nope, I have a reloading rifle. As long as you're naked and pressed up against me, it is going to stay hard as a rock." Horse said grinning.

Jamie grinned. "Do you want to do something else?" Jamie asked significantly.

"What do you have in mind?" Horse said intrigued, but he didn't think Jamie would suggest what he did.

"Fuck me," Jamie said looking into Horse's eyes to show him he was dead serious.

"I am too big. It would hurt you too bad," Horse said in true concern.

"Only at first, I want you in me," Jamie said with passion in his voice.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that," Horse said. He was worried about hurting Jamie, but the thought of burying his cock in Jamie's gorgeous ass was making his dick drool pre-cum.

"Positive," Jamie said.

"What about lube?" Horse asked.

"Spit," Jamie said.

"Ok, but if we are doing this, then we are doing it right. Are you sure you want this?" Horse said.

"Yes, please fuck me, Horse," Jamie said in a pleading tone.

"Lay on your stomach on the seat," Horse said. Jamie jumped up quickly and did as he was told. He had his ass pushed up so that it was sticking in the air. Horse spread Jamie's ass cheeks apart and stared at the tight smooth hole. He didn't know how Jamie would react to what he was about to do, but he was pretty sure Jamie would like it.

Horse leaned forward and pressed his lips to Jamie's sweet asshole. Jamie jerked in surprise and shock when he first felt Horse's mouth and then Horse's thick tongue against his asshole. Horse was actually using his tongue and mouth to coat Jamie's asshole in saliva. Jamie was making whimpering noises and shaking like a leaf it felt so good.

Horse began tongue fucking Jamie. He was using his tongue to help loosen up the tight hole up for his massive cock. He practical drooled into Jamie's asshole and was soon using his fingers along with his tongue and mouth to loosen Jamie's hole. Jamie screamed in pleasure when Horse's probing fingers hit his prostate gland. First one then two and finally three of Horse's thick fingers were ramming in and out of Jamie's asshole. Jamie was trying to fuck himself on the invading digits. When he started this Horse decided he was ready.

Horse got on his knees behind Jamie. His legs were on either side of Jamie's thighs. He spit three time into his hand and mixed it with his precum as he slicked up his cock. He leaned forward with his incredibly hard cock press against the entrance to Jamie's body. He lay his chest on top of Jamie's back gripped Jamie's legs between his own. He wrapped his arms under Jamie's armpits and gripped the younger boy's body as he pressed forward slowly.

"Do it Horse, fuck me," Jamie whimpered. He cried out in pain as Horse's big cock head popped into his hole. Horse started to pull out. He didn't want to hurt Jamie, but Jamie stopped him.

"Don't, just hold it there until I get use to it," Jamie said panting. He had been fucked many times, but it had been along time since it actually hurt like that. It felt like he was a virgin again with that massive cock head in his ass.

Jamie relaxed under Horse and wiggled his ass signally Horse to go ahead. Horse pressed forward with excruciating slowness. Inch after seemingly endless inch of Horse's cock slid into Jamie's quivering gripping asshole. By the time Horse's pubic hair was pressed against Jamie's ass both boys were sweating hard and trembling. Never in his life had Jamie felt so full and so safe at the same time. Sex with Horse was nothing like he had been expecting. Horse was treating Jamie with more tenderness and passion than Jamie had ever imagined he would.

It had taken ten minutes for Horse to get his ten and a half inch cock into Jamie's ass. He was amazed that Jamie could take it. The sensation was indescribable. He had never had someone take his entire cock. He bottomed out on girls and no guy he had fooled around with had ever let him fuck them. He groaned and panted when Jamie began to wiggle his ass causing Horse's cock to swirl in the tight hole.

"Fuck me," Jamie whispered.

Horse didn't need to be told twice. He started slowly. He would pull out just a little bit and then thrust back in. He rotated his hips so that he plunged forward at a slightly different angle each time. Jamie was in heaven, his entire world seemed to be center on the sensations coming from his ass. Every thrust of the of the massive cock, every throb, and every twitch seemed to hit Jamie's prostate gland. Horse wasn't in much better shape. His body was trembling and his cock was on fire.

Horse was soon pulling nearly completely out of Jamie's ass with each thrust. He was barely conscious of the groans, grunts, and whimpers that were streaming from both their mouths. Sweat dripped onto Jamie's back like hot rain as Horse began to build up speed. Jamie thrust back as Horse thrust forward. Soon their bodies were slamming together with such force that Jamie was pressed flat against the seat and sounds of flesh smacking flesh reverberated throughout the truck.

The entire truck was shaking as Horse fucked Jamie relentlessly. Jamie screamed and came all over the seat, but Horse didn't slow for a second. He was on autopilot. His cock was his entire world and his world was heaven. Jamie was limp beneath him, but Jamie's cock was still hard. As Horse's thrusts became even more frantic and the assault on his prostate gland increased Jamie let out a long drawn out scream of tormented pleasure as he shot another load onto the truck seat.

The second orgasm was too much for Horse. Jamie's ass clamped down on his cock like a velvet vice and it was Horse's turn to scream. He thrust with all his might into Jamie and held still with all his muscles locked as his cock throbbed and shot wad after wad of searing cum into Jamie's tortured bowels.

Horse collapsed exhausted on top of Jamie`s back. Horse was whimpering and kissing Jamie's neck and shoulders over and over again. Jamie lay still moaning. He was exhausted, but sated. He couldn't imagine anything better than what he had just experienced. He came two times without touching his dick while one of the hottest studs he had ever met fucked him.

When Horse caught his breath he sat up and pulled a limp Jamie onto his lap. Jamie lay like a child against Horse's broad chest and Horse hugged Jamie as they lay holding onto each other. Horse was stunned. This small boy had done things to him he had never dreamed of. He didn't want to move or leave. He wanted to stay like this forever. It would be a long time before the two realized how special what they had shared with each other was.

All good things, though, must come to an end. Jamie looked up at Horse who was sitting with his eyes close and a relaxed satisfied expression on his face. Jamie kissed Horse softly before returning to the seat instead of Horse's lap.

"We need to go soon. Sebastian is probably wondering when I am coming to get him," Jamie said in a small voice. He felt guilty for being with Horse in the way that normally only long time lovers were. He liked Sebastian a lot, but he couldn't help feeling a very strong attraction towards Horse.

"Yeah, we have been gone a long time. My god Jamie. That was the best sex I have ever had. It was better than any fantasy," Horse said while locking eyes with Jamie.

"I know. I feel the same, but we have to go. Sebastian," Jamie said breaking eye contact.

Horse sighed. "Do you love him Jamie?" Horse asked softly.

"I don't know, I just met him. I just met you really. I don't know what I feel. All I know is I want both of you and don't know if I can or even need to choose," Jamie said sadly.

"Jamie, if you don't want to do this again. I would understand. You don't have to come camping with me," Horse said. He was trying to sound like it really didn't matter, but he wasn't doing a very good job of it.

"That is the problem I really want to go," Jamie said.

"What are we going to do?" Horse asked.

"I think you should meet Sebastian. Go with me to pick him up. Maybe you and him will hit it off," Jamie said hopefully.

"What are you suggesting Jamie? That we form a three way couple?" Horse asked.

"If you and Sebastian want to, yes," Jamie said honestly.

"I don't know if I am ready for something like that, but if it means getting to be with you more, I am willing to try," Horse said with a smile.

"Let's go see Sebastian then. You will like him he is cute, sweet, and sexy," Jamie said grinning. He told Horse were Sebastian lived.

They headed towards Sebastian's home after getting dressed. Horse had a towel hidden under the seat that they used to clean up as best they could. Jamie didn't know how Sebastian would react to the idea he had, but he really hopped he would accept it. Horse and Jamie arrived at Sebastian's house after a relatively short drive. They parked the truck and Jamie walk up to the door. Both were nervous, but hopeful about what was to come.

Jamie knocked on Sebastian's door. He wasn't surprised that Sebastian answered. He grinned at his boyfriend. "Are you ready to go?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, let me get my overnight bag and tell mom you're here to get me," Sebastian said. He disappeared into the house for short period of time before coming back with a bag over one shoulder.

"Mom isn't the one that brought me here, Bastian. I kinda have a surprise for you," Jamie said.

"Who brought you? What kind of surprise," Sebastian asked curiously.

"Horse. The surprise we will discuss later," Jamie said with a smile.

"Your joking, he brought you here? Did you tell him about us? What did you two do today?" Sebastian said nervously.

"No there is his truck," Jamie said and pointed it out to Sebastian.

"I see him. I can't believe he is hanging out with you. Jamie, what did you do with him today?" Sebastian said stopping Jamie in his tracks and looking him in the eye.

"We made love. I thought he just wanted a blow job, but we had sex. It wasn't like I expected it was amazing. It was like when you and I are together," Jamie said honestly, but softly.

"You what? Jamie what is going on?" Sebastian asked looking like he would cry again.

"Come on, I want you two to meet. I have an idea, but I don't know if you will go for it. Wait until you two get to know each other. Trust me love, please?" Jamie said in a pleading voice.

"I trust you, but I am scared. I don't want to loose you," Sebastian sniffled.

Jamie opened the door to Horse's truck and motioned for Sebastian to get in. He got in beside Sebastian and shut the door. All three boys were silent as Horse backed out of Sebastian's driveway.

"Horse, er Darren, this is my boyfriend Sebastian. Sebastian this is my friend Horse," Jamie said breaking the silence.

"Hi Sebastian, you're a very lucky guy to be dating someone like Jamie," Horse said.

"Hi, I know," was Sebastian's only reply.

"Horse saved me from Thomas in gym Bastian. He broke Thomas nose when he called me a pussy," Jamie said.

"Why?" Sebastian said. He didn't look at either boy.

"Because I like Jamie a lot and didn't want him to get hurt," Horse said.

"Uh huh, you just wanted in his pants," Sebastian said.

"Yeah, I did and do, but I helped him because I liked him. Not just because I wanted in his pants," "I don't believe you. You can have any girl you want. What do you want with my boyfriend?" Sebastian said. He was crying softly and Jamie had his arms around him trying to calm him.

"I like Jamie, Bastian. I wanted to have sex with him. I didn't know he had a boyfriend. By the time I did we were already heading down the road today. I didn't expect what happened between me and him to happen. I liked it though, I liked it more than I should have, and I want to do it again. I don't want to split you had him apart though," Horse said.

"Bastian, I am not leaving you, I like you too much to do that. I do want to be with Horse again though," Jamie said tears dripping down his own face, which surprised him.

"What about me Jamie? You can't have two boyfriends," Sebastian whispered.

"Why not?" Jamie asked softly.

"Because it just isn't normal," Sebastian said just as softly. They were both crying, but not quite sobbing.

"You cares? Bastian, I want me and you to both be with Horse. I want us all three to be together," Jamie said.

"Does he want that, Jamie? Does he want to be with me and you both?" Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, I don't know you, but if Jamie likes you so much then you must be something special. I am not too sure about Jamie's idea either, but I am willing to try if you are," Horse said. He pulled the two boys to his side so that Sebastian was pressed between him and Jamie.

"Are you sure?" Sebastian whispered.

"Yes. What do you say would you like to be both mine and Jamie's boyfriend?" Horse said as he parked in Jamie's driveway.

"I don't know," Sebastian said with a sigh.

"Guys, lets go up to my room and talk some more," Jamie said. He had stopped crying when Horse had pulled them close. Surprisingly so had Sebastian. Horse seemed to have a comforting affect on people.

Jamie had his arm around Sebastian and Sebastian was pressed against him as they walked into the house. Jamie's mother was in her study so didn't see them come in. Horse followed closely behind toe two small boys. They walked up to Jamie's bedroom and Jamie made his way to the futon. He and Sebastian sat down together. Jamie kept his arm around Sebastian. Horse sat beside Sebastian with the smaller boy's body pressed close so that he could put his arm around both boys at once.

"Sebastian, your very cute you know. I don't think going out with both you and Jamie would be bad at all," Horse said while tilting Sebastian's head so they were looking into each others eyes.

"Really?" Sebastian said. He was looking into Horse's deep brown eyes and they were having the same affect on him as they had on Jamie. He got hard.

"Yes, so do you want to be mine and Jamie's boyfriend?" Horse asked tenderly.

"If you two want to then, I guess so," Sebastian said.

Horse leaned forward and kissed Sebastian tenderly. He was surprised when Sebastian kissed him back. They were through kiss when Jamie cleared his throat. Sebastian blushed, but he had a shy smile on his face.

"I take it that we are agreed then?" Jamie said smiling. Horse and Sebastian both nodded.

"Well, tonight is mine and Sebastian's night. Tomorrow night will be mine and your night Horse. Next weekend maybe we can a night for all three of us,"

"Ok, I need to go anyway. The cousins will be arriving late tonight. I will see you two both tomorrow," Horse said. He gave first Sebastian and then Jamie a surprisingly passionate kiss before leaving Jamie and Sebastian alone.

Jamie and Sebastian held each other and looked into each other's eyes. "Bastian, are you ok with this?" Jamie asked.

"I am getting there," Sebastian said smiling.

"What do you think of Horse?" Jamie asked.

"Feel," Sebastian placed Jamie's hand on his hard cock.

"I take it that means you like him?" Jamie said with a grin.

"He's hot Jamie and a terrific kisser. I will have to get use to him, but I think I could come to like him very much," Sebastian said.

"I am glad you feel that way Sebastian," Jamie said and the two boys kissed one another with every bit of the passion they had shown with Horse.

"So is it true what they say about him?" Sebastian asked when they broke the kiss.

"Absolutely, my god baby. It is huge. It's bigger than Jared's by over an inch and a half," Jamie said.

"Wow, did he fuck you?" Sebastian asked. The kissing with both Horse and Jamie had got his hormones going.

"Yeah, it hurt, but once I got use to it, it was great," Jamie said.

"Really? Did he like it?" Sebastian asked.

"Of course, who doesn't like fucking someone?" Jamie asked.

"I wouldn't know I have never done it," Sebastian said.

Jamie grinned. "We can definitely fix that. I want to make tonight special for you baby," Jamie leaned forward and kissed Sebastian. They moved so that Sebastian was laying on top of Jamie. They lay in each others arms making out and grinding their cocks together through their clothing for a long time. Even though he had gotten off twice with Horse, Sebastian was making Jamie extremely horny.

Next: Chapter 6

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