Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 22, 2003


A fourth chapter. I want to thank those who responded to my story thus far. I would also like to thank my editor Bill.

This Chapter is sex free, but only to add a bit of drama to the story. Don't worry the next chapters will make up for it. I don't believe in writing sad stories.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003.

Sensual Boys, Chapter 4: Rough Day

"""Remember guys that authors like feedback. The amount of feedback I get determines how willing I am to write. Even if you only send me or other writers a one sentence e-mail saying 'good story, keep writing' that would be considered good feedback. It would also ensure that stories you like continue. So write to Me and to other Authors whose stories you like!"""

It was Thursday morning and Jamie woke up slowly. The week had been stressful for him, though he hadn't shown it. Moving to a small town in what was known, as hillbilly country wasn't the most exciting thing for a gay boy, especially one who knew he was just a tad too pretty for a boy. He wasn't conceited about this, but he was aware of it.

Things seemed to be running away from him. School had only been in session three days and he had already slept with three boys. To say this was unusual would have been an understatement. Jamie had his fair share of guys, but he had never found so many willing partners in such a short period of time before in his life. In the back of his minded he wondered if the girls in this town were prudish or something.

Another thing that was nagging at Jamie, as he did his morning exercises, was the conversation with Horse. He was still shocked that the guy had been so forward. When he moved here, he had expected most guys to be like Chris and his cronies. The number of horny guys willing to fool around was a bit much for Jamie to take in. It reminded him of his time in Mexico.

The Latino boys seemed to be walking towers of hormones. They wouldn't do much to Jamie, but a surprising number of boys had approached him for blowjobs and even fucked him. There was just something about Jamie that attracted people to him. Even people that would normally not associated with a guy that seemed gay often gravitated to him.

Jamie felt odd this morning. It was as if some instinct was telling him something was going to go wrong. As he walked to the bus stop, he looked nervously around him. He felt as if someone was going to jump out at him from behind one of the trees or something. When he got to the stop, Jared and Jake noticed that Jamie wasn't as cheerful as he normally was.

"Hey guy, what's wrong? You seem spaced out or something this morning," Jared said in concern.

"I am not sure. Something seems wrong, I can't figure out why though," Jamie said in a baffled voice.

"It's probably nothing," Jacob said.

"Yeah," Jamie said.

The three boys stood silently. Jamie was still nervous and it was as if the other boys could sense it. Soon the bus arrived. Jared and Jamie stayed silent after they had boarded the bus. Jared tried to make small talk, but Jamie remained spacey. When the bus reached the school Jared turned to Jamie before heading towards his friends.

"Hey, if something is bothering you, you would tell me right?" Jared said.

"Of course, we're friends. I don't know what's up with me. Like I said something doesn't feel right today," Jamie said.

"Ok, if you figure it out though, tell me ok?" Jared said. Jamie nodded before heading over to where Jacob, Crystal, Donny, Terry, and Kenneth were standing.

"Hey guys," Jamie said. The six of them stood talking for a while when something caught Jamie's attention. Donny and Terry were looking at him funny. Their expressions were a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Terry was a somewhat plain boy. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and skin that was neither tanned nor pale. He didn't talk a lot and would have had trouble standing out in a crowd. He was average at school and average at sports. Nothing about him seemed very remarkable. However, two things about Terry stood out. One was that he was very observant and often noticed things others missed. The second was that when he smiled his plain looks became anything but plain and far from average. Terry was often told that he had the most charming smile they had ever seen.

He had seen Jamie and Jacob the day before. He had watched them go into the empty classroom and then emerge slightly flushed shortly there after. He had thought about it throughout the rest of the day. He couldn't be sure of course, but he had a pretty good idea what the boys had been up to. He simply had trouble believing Jacob would do something like that. He wasn't necessarily bothered by it, but it still seemed strange to him. Truth be told Terry found it exciting.

Donny was Terry's best friend. They had lived next door to each other ever since they were in diapers. They shared everything together and trusted each other explicitly. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that Terry had told Donny what he had seen the day before. Donny was also the only person that knew Terry was unsure about his sexuality.

Donny was the opposite of Terry in many ways. He had blond gelled hair, fair skin, and amazing blue eyes. He dressed like a prep, but acted like your average country boy. He was an average student, but an excellent basketball player.

Donny and Terry often spent the night together. They even learned about masturbation together. Neither boy had ever done anything with another guy before. However, they had often jacked off in the same room when they slept over at each other's house and were rather comfortable around each other. After they talked yesterday, they had decided the best course of action would be to ask Jamie. While Jacob had been their friend for far longer, they had both agreed that Jamie was more likely to give them an honest answer and not freak on them. They simply hadn't figured out how to get Jamie alone without suspicion. Crystal provided an answer though.

"Hey Jamie, Sebastian said that you have a pool in your backyard. Think me and Kenneth could come over after school to swim?" Crystal asked with a smile.

"Yeah, that would be cool," Jamie turned to Jacob, Terry, and Donny. "Would you guys like to come swimming to?" Jamie asked the three boys.

Donny and Terry looked at each other before saying "Sure," in unison.

"I can't, I have to help dad with some stuff at the house," Jacob said.

"Ok, maybe some other time then Jake. So how is everybody getting to the house?" Jamie asked.

"Well I will pick Crystal up. Donny and Terry don't live that far from me so I could pick them up as well," Kenneth said.

"Ok, that works. Do you think Sebastian will come with you, Crystal?" Jamie asked with a smile.

"Oh, I don't think I could stop him," Crystal smirked. Jamie, Kenneth, and Crystal all laughed, which caused Jacob, Terry, and Donny to look at each other in confusion.

After working out the final time and other details, the group had to go to class. The bell had rung and if they had waited any longer, they would have all been late. Crystal and Jamie went to their first block class together. Though she couldn't put her finger on it, Crystal could tell something seemed to be bothering Jamie. She didn't say anything and figured he must just be tired or something.

Second block gym perked Jamie up a bit, but he was still feeling antsy and still couldn't say why. Being able to see a bunch of naked guys, though, definitely brightened up his day. Horse and his friends were friendly to him again today. Some of the other freshmen thought had gottened pantsed while they were all changing. It wasn't long after that when a fifteen-year-old boy, with bad skin and an equally bad attitude, decided to pick on Jamie.

"Hey fag, shouldn't you be in the girl's locker room?" The boy said to Jamie after most of the students had made it into the gym.

"No shouldn't you be in a school for the mentally retarded?" Jamie said with scorn dripping from every word.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You got my fucking brother suspended and now you're calling me a fucking retard," The boy said pushing Jamie. Jamie pushed back shocking the boy enough that he tripped over a bench.

"God, I thought I recognized that stench. You must be kin to Chris," Jamie said.

"You're dead man," The boy said jumping to his feet and coming at Jamie.

The two boys may have gotten into a real fight if Coach hadn't heard the commotion and came into the locker room. He grabbed the older boy by the shirt before the boy could get to Jamie. "Thomas Tucker what do you think you are doing?" The teacher growled.

"Nothing Coach. Just horsing around," Thomas said.

"Yeah, horsing around now involves pushing guys and cussing them, huh?" Coach growled. "Both of you out on the gym floor. You're to run laps until you drop," when Thomas didn't move coach shouted. "Now!" Coach bellowed.

Jamie and Thomas both hit the gym floor and began running. Jamie watched amused as Thomas tried hard to keep up, but he failed miserably. Thomas didn't like to run at all. Jamie on the other hand actually enjoyed it.

Once he set his pace and got into it, Jamie felt as if he had left his body. He seemed to go into automatic and was running around the gym quickly, but steadily. Thomas was gasping and panting after the first ten minutes. Jamie on the other hand didn't even seem to notice the exertion.

Jamie was rapidly zoning out as he continued to run. His mind blanked. All his worries and fears seemed to vanish and he simply ran. It was something else to watch. After thirty minutes of running Thomas had stopped. He was doubled over dripping sweat and gasping for breath. The other guys in the gym, including the Coach, were taking longer at their own activities because everyone kept stopping to watch Jamie.

Even though he was sweating, his pace never faltered. He ran as if born to do it. Around and around the gym he went moving with an effortless grace that was awe-inspiring. After Jamie had been running for forty-five minutes, even Coach gave up on trying to keep the other boys moving. They all stood and watched Jamie.

Jamie's breathing was heavy and sweat was dripping off his body, but he didn't notice. He was in a trance like state that he often entered into when exercising. He was only vaguely aware of the world around him. Some part of his mind took note of everybody watching, but the rest of his mind was elsewhere. After Jamie had ran for a solid hour, Coach finally stopped him. Class would be ending soon and Jamie would defiantly need a shower.

Coach had to shout and stand in front of Jamie's path to get Jamie to notice him. When Jamie did notice, his steps faltered for a second before he came back to himself and stopped. He was panting and dripping sweat, but still nowhere near as winded as Thomas had been.

"Where the fuck did you learn to do that kid?" Coach asked Jamie. He was surprised enough that he didn't even notice his verbal slip up.

"Do what?" Jamie asked. Jamie hadn't realized how long he had been running.

"Do what? You just ran around the gym without stopping for a fucking hour!" Horse said when he came up to Coach and Jamie.

"I did? I guess I lost track of time. Am I in trouble?" Jamie said while looking back and forth between Horse and Coach.

"No, you're not in trouble. Damn, that was something else. Hit the showers, but stop by my office after class," Coach told Jamie.

Jamie nodded and walked towards the showers. Several other boys followed, Horse and Thomas included. Thomas didn't pay any attention to Horse. He didn't realize that Horse and Jamie were friends.

"Your little stunt might have impressed Coach you little faggot, but it didn't impress me," Thomas said pushing Jamie again.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Horse said grabbing Thomas by the wrist, in a vice like grip, as Thomas reared back to punch Jamie.

"Hey, what the hell? Why did you stop me?" Thomas said in surprise.

"Fuck, are you a moron Tucker? The kid beat the shit out of your brother and one of his friends the other day. If he hadn't just run a mother-fucking marathon he could probably do the same to you. You leave him the fuck alone or I will hold you while he pounds your ass. You got me fucker?" Horse said loudly enough that most of the gym class heard him.

"What? Is the pussy boy your boyfriend or something Horse?" Thomas sneered. It was the last thing he said before he screamed. Horse had punched Thomas in the nose hard enough that the sound of the bone cracking could be heard throughout the locker room. Blood splattered across Thomas's face.

"I don't want to hear you saying anything like that about me, or my friend Jamie there, ever again do you here me you stupid ignorant fuck?" Horse said to Thomas as he threw the dazed boy onto the floor.

Coach had heard the scream. He had assumed it had come from Jamie. He was afraid that Thomas had tried to go at the poor kid again. He was rather surprised to see Thomas on the floor, with his nose bleeding and broke.

"What is going on in here?" Coach said loudly.

The guys in the locker room looked at each other and then at Horse. Horse looked at Coach not trying to hide the blood on his fist and lied.

"Thomas came at Jamie again Coach. When I grabbed him to stop him, he spun around and slipped. He fell flat on his face. He must have hit his nose against the floor," Coach nodded. He didn't believe it, but wasn't inclined to argue. He personally didn't like Thomas.

"Ok, one of you all, that have showered , help me get him up. Get a rag for his nose and let's get him to the nurse," Coach said pointing at one of the older boys in the class. "The rest of you hit the showers."

Everybody watched as Coach and the two other boys helped Thomas up and tried unsuccessfully to clean his face up. Thomas screamed again as soon as the rag touched his face. Horse turned to Jamie to make sure he was all right.

"Hey, you ok little dude?" Horse said looking at Jamie. Jamie nodded and smiled. He looked at the puddle of blood on the floor and laughed.

"Yeah, I am fine. You didn't have to do that you know," Jamie said while grinning at Horse.

"Yeah, but it felt good," Horse and Jamie laughed.

Several boys came up to Jamie then and told him how impressed they were about his running. Jamie, Horse, and several other guys stripped down and got in the showers. Jamie was treated like any other guy. Many of the older boys were nicer to Jamie than they were to most freshmen. Horse tended to set the pace for many students and it wasn't uncommon for them to follow his lead in most things. After he showered and dried off Horse asked Jamie if he was still going camping Saturday and Jamie said yes.

When Jamie finished dressing, he walked over to Coach's office. Coach had already gotten back from the Nurse's station and was sitting behind his desk doing paper work. He motioned Jamie to have a seat before turning from his work to look at Jamie.

"I want to apologize about Thomas. I didn't think he was stupid enough to go after you a second time. I am not so stupid as to think he broke his nose falling, but I never told you that," Coach said smiling.

"It's ok, you couldnt have known, and I didnt hear the second part" Jamie said.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about your running. I coach the local track team and that was some damn impressive footwork. I heard about your other fight so it seems you're in good shape. What I want to know is if you want to join the track team," Coach said finally.

"Seriously?" Jamie said surprised.

"Absolutely, you're quick and have damn good endurance. You could probably win in several of the events," Coach said earnestly.

"I don't know. I am not a big sports player. I've never joined a school sports team in my life," Jamie said.

"Well, consider it. Practice starts in a week or two and I would really like you to join our team," Coach said.

"Ok, I will think about it," Jamie said.

Coach stood and stuck his hand out to Jamie. Jamie stood as well and shook Coach's hand. The bell rang as Jamie walked from the Coach's office into the gym. He gathered his stuff from the locker room and headed towards his main locker.

He met Sebastian there and the boys walked together to the lunchroom. Jamie told Sebastian about what happened in gym. Sebastian fussed over Jamie making sure he was ok. They sat at their normal table. The two couples talked about the mini pool party after school and about the gym incident.

"So Coach asked you to join the track team? That's awesome, I am on it, so is Terry," Kenneth said.

"Really? I didn't know that," Jamie replied.

Kenneth and Jamie spent several minutes discussing track before the bell rang calling lunch to an end. School passed slowly for Jamie, but it eventually came to an end. After the last bell, he walked to the bus were he met up with Jared. Jamie was still feeling a bit off. Even after the fight, he felt like something was wrong.

"Hey, heard about gym today," Jared said.

"My god the school gossip mill works quick around here," Jamie said laughing.

"Yeah, they had to take Thomas to the hospital. The nurse said his nose was broke in several places," Jared said grinning.

"Serves him right. What is it with that family? Are they all nuts?" Jamie asked.

"Pretty much. The boys have always been trouble," Jared said.

Jamie and Jared sat on the bus and chatted about the various weirdoes at their school when Jamie remembered that everyone was going swimming today.

"Hey, a bunch of guys are coming to the house to swim. Do you want to come over as well?" Jamie asked Jared.

"Who all is going to be there?" Jared asked.

"Me, Sebastian, Sebastian's sister Crystal, Crystal's boyfriend Kenneth, a guy named Donny, and another named Terry," Jamie said.

"Damn, boy that is a crowd. Count me in. I know Donny and Terry. They hang out with me and Jacob sometimes. I think Donny is going to be on our basketball team this year," Jared said.

"Cool, Crystal and Kenneth know about me and Sebastian, but they don't know about you. I don't know Terry and Donny that well, but they don't know about Sebastian and me," Jamie said.

"Ok, your not going to tell anyone about me are you?" Jared said.

"Nah, not unless you want me to," Jamie said.

"That's ok, I like my closet just fine," Jared said and they both burst out laughing.

"Well, go to your house and get some cloths and then come on over," Jamie said as the bus pulled to a stop.

"Ok, will do," Jared said.

Jamie was walking up the driveway to his house when Chris and Daniel stepped out from behind a tree. Before Jamie could react, Daniel had a hold of his arms and Chris was standing in front of him sneering.

"Hey, faggot," Chris sneered and punched Jamie in the stomach hard.

Jamie knew that Jared couldn't have gotten far from the stop yet. With his arms trapped, he couldn't do much. He used his feet to block the next few punches from Chris, but couldn`t get free from Daniel's grip. He hollered as loudly as he could, which was louder than most. "Jared! Help!"

"Shut the fuck up faggot," Chris said as his fist contacted the side of Jamie's head.

Jared heard Jamie's scream. Actually half the neighborhood heard it. Jamie was right. Jared wasn't far away and he turned back towards Jamie's house at a run. He used his momentum to knock Daniel over causing the teen to lose his grip on Jamie. With his arms free, Jamie slung his book bag to the ground and began to assault Chris with a series of kicks and punches that sent the fat boy to the ground.

Jamie was seeing red he was so angry. He was using every martial arts trick he knew on Chris. Jared was on top of Daniel pounding the other boy's face with a series of very hard punches. He didn't let up until he realized that Chris was screaming. He turned and saw that Jamie was going ballistic. Chris was on the ground curled into a ball and Jamie was kicking the prone boy repeatedly. Jared actually had to pull Jamie away and nearly got hit for his efforts.

"Hey, stop your going to kill him!" Jared shouted finally cutting through Jamie's rage fogged mind.

Jamie looked at the two bloodied boys laying in his driveway. He didn't know it, but he had blacked both of Chris's eyes, broken his wrist, and even fractured his ribs.

"Get the fuck out of my driveway before I call the cops! I said, to fuck off, you stupid assholes, now!" Jamie shouted at the two boys on the ground.

Daniel and Chris helped each other up and scurried away. Jared picked up Jamie's book bag and guided him towards the house. "Come on, you need to calm down and we need to make sure you're ok," Jared said.

Jamie punched the numbers into the security pad and Jared guided the boy up the stairs to Jamie's bathroom. Jared took off Jamie's shirt for him. Jamie winced when Jared touched his stomach. A knot was rising on the side his head as well.

"Come on, you need a shower. You have Chris's blood on your hands, you might catch something from it if we don't clean you up," Jared said provoking a weak laugh from Jamie.

"You're not exactly clean either after rolling around in the dirt, like a pig, with Daniel. Or should I say after rolling around in the dirt With a pig, " Jamie said and laughed.

It was then that Jared noticed that he was filthy. He laughed with Jamie before the two boys stripped down, got in the shower together, and cleaned up. As they were drying off, they heard the doorbell ring. Jamie's mom had gotten home while they were in the shower and had answered the door. Sebastian, Crystal, Kenneth, Donny, and Terry trooped into the house.

"Hello, Dora is Jamie home? He invited us all to go swimming," Sebastian said politely to Jamie's mother.

"Yes, he called from school and told me. I think he's up stairs. Jared's shoes and Jamie's are sitting there, so I am guessing Jared is up there to. Go on up you guys. You know the way Sebastian," Dora Waysa replied with a warm smile.

"Thanks," Sebastian said. He motioned the other teens to follow him as he sat on the bench in the foyer and took off his shoes. After the others had followed suit they trooped up there stairs en masse.

"Wow, great room," Crystal said as they walked into Jamie's room.

Jamie walked with Jared from his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and grinned at Sebastian who blushed. "Hey guys, we were just getting cleaned up. Daniel and Chris ambushed me in my own driveway. Jared here came to my rescue though. We got a bit messy teaching them a lesson," Jamie said.

"Yeah, but not half as messy as Chris. He was bleeding after Jamie finished with him," Jared said.

"This isn't your day is it?" Kenneth said looking at Jamie.

"Doesn't seem that way. I need to get dressed and then we can all go swimming," Jamie said.

"Are you sure you still want to swim?" Crystal asked in concern.

"Yeah, I am sure," Jamie said. Jared had went into the bathroom and had put on his school shorts and left the rest of his cloths in the bathroom.

"Come on guys I will show you to the changing rooms downstairs," Jared said and got a thankful smile from Jamie.

"Hey, I will wait on Jamie," Terry said surprising everyone.

"I could stay with him," Sebastian said quickly after the rest of the crew had moved out into the stair well.

"I need to ask Jamie something in private Bastian," Terry said quietly to Sebastian.

"Ok," Sebastian said, with a somewhat jealous look on his face, before turning and following Jared down to the poolroom.

After everyone had cleared out Terry turned to Jamie. "I hate to bother you after all you have been through today," Terry said while Jamie pulled out a pair of, very short, Lycra swim trunks from his dresser. He took off his towel while facing away from Terry and pulled the shorts on over his naked ass. Terry tried not to stare at the smooth skin and hot bubble butt in front of him.

"No problem. What did you want to talk about? You can change up here to if you want," Jamie said turning around to face Terry in his swimsuit.

Terry nodded and got his more modest trunks from his bag. He turned his back to Jamie and took off his clothes. "I was in the hall yesterday. I saw you and Jacob go into one of the empty class rooms," Terry said pulling his shorts down exposing his pale ass to Jamie.

"Ok, what about it?" Jamie asked not denying anything yet.

"Well, you guys were both a bit flushed when you came out. Were you two doing something in there?" Terry asked as he pulled his swimming shorts on and turned back to look Jamie in the eyes.

"Something like what?" Jamie asked innocently.

"Jamie, I am not stupid. You're not exactly the straightest looking guy on earth. I saw you go into an empty room with one of my best friends and come back out all flushed. What do you think I am talking about?" Terry said bluntly.

"I have no idea," Jamie said still trying to play dumb.

"Ok, let me put it plainly. Are you and Jacob gay or something? Were you or were you not doing something sexual in that classroom?" Terry asked bluntly.

Jamie sighed. "Jacob isn't gay," Jamie said.

"Are you? I mean it is ok, but I would really like to know," Terry said not unkindly.

"Yes, but Jacob isn't ok?" Jamie said.

"Ok, but what was going on in the classroom then?" Terry asked confused.

"Come here sit down. You can't tell anyone, Terry. Jacob would get really mad at me," Jamie said.

"I won't, except well Donny, I told him what I saw yesterday," Terry said.

"Shit, did you tell anyone else? Will Donny?" Jamie asked.

"No I didn't and neither will he. You can trust us," Terry said.

"Ok, fine. Jacob's girlfriend had gotten him worked up on the bus. I told him I would help him out," Jamie said.

"So what did you do?" Terry said having to adjust his crotch slightly.

"I gave him a blow job, that's it. He didn't do anything to me. You can't tell anyone. Jacob would be so pissed if he knew that you knew," Jamie said.

"No shit, he let you do that?" Terry asked surprised.

"Yeah," Jamie said.

"You said he wasn't gay though. I don't get it," Terry said in reply.

"Well some guys are just horny and don't mind letting a buddy get them off if no one finds out," Jamie said.

"Damn, so you like suck your straight buddies off if they want you to?" Terry asked.

"Yeah, sometimes," Jamie said.

"Cool, hey we need to go down to the pool before they start worrying about us. We're cool ok? I don't know about Donny, but well," Terry said looking a bit shy, but horny.

"Well what?" Jamie asked as he stood.

"I might be interested in some of the same help you gave Jake," Terry said.

"Ok, are you serious?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, in fact I would ask you to now if we didn't need to get downstairs. I think Donny might as well," Terry said.

Jamie laughed as Terry stood up. "Is there something in the water around here?" Jamie said aloud.

"Huh?" Terry said in confusion.

"Never mind, lets go swimming and yeah I will if you or Donny want me to. As long as you keep things secret," Jamie said and headed down stairs followed closely by Terry.

In the basement, Jamie and Terry found the other five teens standing around talking in their swimsuits.

"Took you guys long enough," Donny said while looking at Terry who nodded.

"Come on, let's get in the pool guys," Jamie said to the group. Terry and Donny followed the group at a slower pace. Their heads were close and they were whispering to each other. Terry was telling Donny about his conversation with Jamie. When Terry got to the part about Jamie being willing to suck off either one of them, Donny turned crimson.

Jamie turned back to the whispering boys and smiled. With a wink and a smile, Jamie took Sebastian's hand in his own and grinned. "By the way, Terry, Donny, Jared, Sebastian is my boyfriend," Jamie said proudly, shocking everyone including Sebastian.

Terry and Donny looked shocked. Terry smiled though and shortly there after so did Donny. They looked at each other before speaking. "Ok, just no kissing in front of us," The two boys said in unison in a joking tone after putting their heads together for some quick whispering.

Everyone laughed. Jared, Crystal, Kenneth, and even Sebastian were looking at Jamie like he was nuts.

"Any particular reason you decided to out yourself and my brother both?" Crystal said in concern looking at Sebastian then at Jared, Donny, and Terry.

"Terry and Donny guessed that I was gay. That is what Terry wanted to talk about. Since I admitted it to him, I didn't think there was any reason to hide things between me and Sebastian. Jared already knew I was gay. Bastian baby it is ok that I told them isn't it?" Jamie said seeing the hurt look on Sebastian's face.

"Yeah, but you could have asked first," Sebastian said sulking.

Jamie grinned at Sebastian and raised his head up so that they were looking into each other's eyes. Jamie leaned forward and kissed Sebastian softly, but with feeling. This act shocked everyone except Jared. Terry and Donny laughed, hooted, and whistled. Sebastian blushed deep red when he heard the noises from the two teens, but grinned and stuck his tongue out at them.

"Forgive me?" Jamie asked softly.

"Yes," Sebastian said just as softly and kissed Jamie again to more jeers.

"Ok, you two. Swimming now, making out later," Crystal said with a snicker.

Jamie and Sebastian just grinned at her. The seven teens made their way to the pool. Soon they were all splashing around having a good time. After a few hours, Jamie's mom brought out some snacks and drinks. The group got out of the pool and ate. Soon everyone was drying off and getting ready to go.

As the rest of the group were changing, Jamie pulled Terry aside. "Did you tell Donny what I said?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, he said he wouldn't mind some help either," Terry said softly.

"Cool," Jamie said.

When everyone was ready to go, Jamie kissed Sebastian bye and told them he would see them all at school. Jared stayed for a while longer after everyone had left. Jamie and Jared went to Jamie's room and played video games for an hour while Jamie's mom ran Jared's cloths through the washer and dryer. Jamie had to explain to his mom what happened. She was really concerned and made Jamie go to the doctor to have his head checked out just in case. Jared left as Jamie's mom drove him to the hospital. The doctor told Jamie that he was fine and that there was no concussion, much to his mother's relief.

After the doctor's visit and when Jamie had went to his room, his mother got on the phone. She called around to find out the number to the Tucker house. She had a long conversation with the boys' mother, who was surprisingly understanding. Chris and Thomas's mother said she would call Daniel's and that both boys were going to get stern punishment. Jamie's mother thanked Mrs. Tucker and then got off the phone. She went up to Jamie's room to check on him and to tell him about her phone conversation. Jamie was happy that they were being punished and was only slightly annoyed that his mom had called the Tuckers.

Jamie smiled and gave his mom a hug before she went back down stairs. He didn't feel like something was wrong anymore and was rather happy. He dosed off that night with images of Sebastian, Jared, Jacob, Horse, Terry, and Donny running through his head.

Sebastian drifted off to sleep with a trouble mind that night. Jamie didn't know it, but Sebastian wasn't as ok with being outted as he had appeared. Sebastian wasn't comfortable with so many people knowing. He was afraid that his parents would find out and that really scared him. Sebastian was also jealous. He wondered whether Jamie was going to go after Terry like he had Jared and Jacob. He had agreed to share, but he wasn't so sure he liked his boyfriend sleeping with so many guys.

Next: Chapter 5

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